The best 100 Emotional Intelligence books

Emotional Intelligence is a vital skill in today's world, as it influences how we navigate relationships, make decisions, and manage stress. Developing a deeper understanding of emotional intelligence can lead to personal and professional growth. Our handpicked list of books is here to guide you on this journey.

These books offer insights and techniques to help you enhance your emotional intelligence, enabling you to thrive in various aspects of life. So, don't wait any longer and start exploring these enlightening reads today!
The best 100 Emotional Intelligence books
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Emotional Intelligence Books: Emotions Revealed by Paul Ekman

Emotions Revealed

Paul Ekman
Recognizing Faces and Feelings to Improve Communication and Emotional Life
3.7 (60 ratings)
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What's Emotions Revealed about?

Emotions Revealed (2003) puts emotions under the microscope, revealing where they come from and how to recognize them, whether they’re yours or someone else’s. If you’ve ever wanted to know if someone was being dishonest or trying to deceive you with a friendly smile, these are the blinks for you!

Who should read Emotions Revealed?

  • Law enforcement officers who need to recognize the emotions of criminals and victims
  • Therapists and psychologists who want to help patients cope with their emotions
  • Empathetic people who want to connect more effectively with others

Emotional Intelligence Books: Anger Management for Dummies by Charles H. Elliott & Laura L. Smith

Anger Management for Dummies

Charles H. Elliott & Laura L. Smith
Your One-Stop Guide to Anger Management
4.0 (189 ratings)
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What's Anger Management for Dummies about?

Anger Management for Dummies (2015) is a guide to dealing with your inner irascibility. These blinks will give you the tools you need to understand and – more importantly – master your anger. You’ll learn methods for dissolving stress, dealing with provocations and even stopping temper tantrums in their tracks.

Who should read Anger Management for Dummies?

  • Anyone who feels chronically on edge
  • People who suffer from high blood pressure and wonder whether suppressed rage could be the cause
  • People searching for ways to control their anger

Emotional Intelligence Books: Unmasking the Face by Paul Ekman and Wallace V. Friesen

Unmasking the Face

Paul Ekman and Wallace V. Friesen
A Guide to Recognizing Emotions From Facial Expressions
3.4 (25 ratings)
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What's Unmasking the Face about?

Unmasking the Face (2003) is an illuminating read about the subtleties of facial expressions. From the dynamics of surprise, fear, anger and happiness, to the eight styles of facial expression, these blinks shed light onto the complexity of an everyday skill that deserves more attention: reading other people’s emotions.

Who should read Unmasking the Face?

  • Readers interested in the psychology of social interaction
  • Professionals who deal with displays of emotion on a daily basis
  • People who want to gain insight into how they’re perceived by others

Emotional Intelligence Books: The Yes Brain by Daniel J. Siegel and Tina Payne Bryson

The Yes Brain

Daniel J. Siegel and Tina Payne Bryson
How to Cultivate Courage, Curiosity and Resilience in Your Child
4.2 (211 ratings)
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What's The Yes Brain about?

The Yes Brain (2018) is a hands-on guide to teaching yourself and your kids to approach the world with openness, creativity and boundless curiosity. Packed full of useful tips, examples and ideas, this book shows parents how to model and cultivate the traits that let you say “yes” to the world: balance, resilience, insight and empathy. And that doesn’t just give children better self-control and awareness; it also puts them on the path to meaningful and successful lives.

Who should read The Yes Brain?

  • Parents worried about their child’s selfishness
  • Anyone who works with children
  • Anyone looking for a mindful solution to everyday problems

Emotional Intelligence Books: How to Fail by Elizabeth Day

How to Fail

Elizabeth Day
Everything I’ve Ever Learned From Things Going Wrong
3.8 (171 ratings)
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What's How to Fail about?

How to Fail (2019) is an honest and revealing look at the abundant rewards that come from making it through the toughest of times. Author Elizabeth Day takes us through many of the formative events in her life that some could call failures, yet she is nonetheless grateful for. Many fear failure like the plague, but it is often unavoidable – and for good reason too, because if we didn’t fail, we wouldn’t learn the many important lessons that make us smarter and better at living life.

Who should read How to Fail?

  • Anyone going through a tough time
  • People looking to rebound from a failed project
  • Women thinking about starting a family

Emotional Intelligence Books: No Hard Feelings by Liz Fosslien and Mollie West Duffy

No Hard Feelings

Liz Fosslien and Mollie West Duffy
The Secret Power of Embracing Emotions at Work
4.3 (165 ratings)
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What's No Hard Feelings about?

No Hard Feelings (2018) is a guide to understanding, expressing and managing your emotions in the context of your working life. All too often, we buy into the idea that emotions don’t belong in the workplace. But the reality is that your work life is full of emotion. From feeling frustrated with irritating colleagues to the misery of being unmotivated, these blinks are a practical guide to help you navigate how you feel about work.

Who should read No Hard Feelings?

  • People who’d like a little guidance on managing emotions in the workplace
  • Employees who are frustrated, angry, stressed or nervous at work
  • Leaders who’d like to build a safe and productive working environment for their teams

Emotional Intelligence Books: The Emotion Code by Bradley Nelson

The Emotion Code

Bradley Nelson
How to Release Your Trapped Emotions for Abundant Health, Love, and Happiness
3.9 (267 ratings)
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What's The Emotion Code about?

The Emotion Code (2007) offers a new and empowering approach to healing ourselves and others. Through scientific evidence, plenty of firsthand experience, and a great respect for the energetic and spiritual forces that transcend and unite us all, The Emotion Code lays out a revolutionary method for finding and releasing trapped emotions. By doing so, we give ourselves the opportunity to move beyond our limitations and flourish.

Who should read The Emotion Code?

  • Therapists interested in learning a new modality
  • Anyone who feels stuck in emotional patterns
  • People who trust in the body’s innate wisdom for guiding the healing process

Emotional Intelligence Books: Permission to Feel by Marc Brackett

Permission to Feel

Marc Brackett
Unlocking the Power of Emotions to Help Our Kids, Ourselves, and Our Society Thrive
4.6 (232 ratings)
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What's Permission to Feel about?

Permission to Feel (2019) reveals that our emotions play a vital role in our cognitive processes, physical health, and relationships – but most of us don’t know how to identify exactly what we’re feeling, and why. Luckily, all of us can learn to be more emotionally intelligent by practicing emotion skills. This trains us to identify what we’re feeling, understand where the emotion is coming from, and manage our triggers. By giving ourselves permission to truly experience all of our emotions, we can greatly reduce stress and increase our well-being.

Who should read Permission to Feel?

  • Burned-out teachers who want to reconnect with their students 
  • Parents who want to teach their children how to deal with their emotions
  • Anyone struggling to manage their emotions at home or at work

Emotional Intelligence Books: Parenting Outside the Lines by Meghan Leahy

Parenting Outside the Lines

Meghan Leahy
Forget the Rules, Tap into Your Wisdom, and Connect with Your Child
4.5 (199 ratings)
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What's Parenting Outside the Lines about?

Parenting Outside the Lines (2020) is an essential guide to forgetting everything you’ve ever learned about parenting – and following your intuition instead. As parents, we’re insecure and desperate to get it right. So we keep searching for the perfect book or workshop that will tell us how to raise our children. But, truthfully, there is no perfect method. The only thing we can do is learn how to tune into ourselves and our children, and respond to specific situations with flexibility and grace.

Who should read Parenting Outside the Lines?

  • Perfectionist parents wanting to learn how to forgive themselves for making mistakes
  • Parents of young children who are tired of being locked in continual power struggles
  • Parents and caregivers who want to have more fun with their children

Emotional Intelligence Books: Connect by David Bradford and Carole Robin


David Bradford and Carole Robin
Building Exceptional Relationships with Family, Friends and Colleagues
4.5 (654 ratings)
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What's Connect about?

Connect (2021) lays the groundwork for exceptional relationships. Drawing on social science research and the authors’ personal experience, it shares core behaviors and actionable advice to cultivate meaningful connections – leading to personal fulfillment and professional success.

Who should read Connect?

  • People who want to communicate better with friends, family, or romantic partners
  • Professionals looking to improve their soft skills to level up in their careers
  • Those seeking advice on how to become their best selves

Emotional Intelligence Books: The School of Life by Alain de Botton and The School of Life

The School of Life

Alain de Botton and The School of Life
An Emotional Education
4.6 (516 ratings)
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What's The School of Life about?

The School of Life (2019) provides a set of philosophical, yet practical, lessons on emotional intelligence, compiled from the real-life institution of the same name. Offering insights on relationships, work, and life itself, it gives us the wisdom we need to understand ourselves and others just a little bit better.

Who should read The School of Life?

  • Folks who’ve been struggling in life
  • People dealing with family or relationship issues
  • Anyone seeking emotional guidance

Emotional Intelligence Books: Beyond Order by Jordan B. Peterson

Beyond Order

Jordan B. Peterson
12 More Rules for Life
4.5 (671 ratings)
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What's Beyond Order about?

Beyond Order (2021) is a prescription for how to navigate the complexities of modern life. While Peterson’s previous work warned of the danger of excessive chaos, this new guide to living details the perils of too much rigid order.

Who should read Beyond Order?

  • Disorganized thinkers looking to clean up their mental room
  • Inactive dreamers in need of some motivation
  • Anyone looking for a little direction in life

Emotional Intelligence Books: The Greatest Secret by Rhonda Byrne

The Greatest Secret

Rhonda Byrne
4.3 (362 ratings)
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What's The Greatest Secret about?

The Greatest Secret (2020) is a sequel to the worldwide best seller and self-help phenomenon The Secret, which inspired millions to better their lives by using the laws of attraction. In this installment, we learn an even greater secret: who we really are, and how we can use that knowledge to achieve everlasting happiness.

Who should read The Greatest Secret?

  • Fans of The Secret and other New Age manifestos
  • People attracted to the spiritual and mystical
  • Seekers of joy and happiness

Emotional Intelligence Books: Deeper Dating by Ken Page

Deeper Dating

Ken Page
How to Drop the Games of Seduction and Discover the Power of Intimacy
4.3 (426 ratings)
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What's Deeper Dating about?

Deeper Dating (2014) is a roadmap to intimacy and loving relationships. It breaks down how looking inward can help us identify the kinds of people we’ll connect with most deeply, and shares tools for finding these people and fostering relationships that will inspire and fulfill us.

Who should read Deeper Dating?

  • Singles frustrated by popular dating advice
  • Couples looking to strengthen their bonds
  • Those who want to understand attraction and relationships

Emotional Intelligence Books: The Art of Living by Thich Nhat Hanh

The Art of Living

Thich Nhat Hanh
Peace and Freedom in the Here and Now
4.7 (466 ratings)
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What's The Art of Living about?

The Art of Living (2017) offers wisdom on how to fully experience every moment of every day. Many of us are consumed with fears or busyness that prevent us from engaging with the wonder of life. But by expanding our understanding of existence and embracing mindfulness practices, we can overcome the obstacles that stop us from truly living.

Who should read The Art of Living?

  • Stressed-out individuals longing for peace
  • Ambitious people seeking stillness
  • Anyone interested in Buddhism

Emotional Intelligence Books: The High-Conflict Couple by Alan E. Fruzzetti

The High-Conflict Couple

Alan E. Fruzzetti
A Dialectical Behavior Therapy Guide to Finding Peace, Intimacy & Validation
4.4 (263 ratings)
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What's The High-Conflict Couple about?

The High-Conflict Couple (2007) is a guide to overcoming the common relationship pitfalls that lead to conflict and animosity. Drawing upon years of psychology research and therapy experience, Alan E. Fruzzetti explains where conflict comes from and how it can be reduced.

Who should read The High-Conflict Couple?

  • Couples tired of fighting with each other
  • People who struggle to accept the things they cannot change
  • Anyone wanting to be more present in their own life

Emotional Intelligence Books: Fear Less by Pippa Grange

Fear Less

Pippa Grange
Face Not-Good-Enough to Replace Your Doubts, Achieve Your Goals, and Unlock Your Success
4.3 (385 ratings)
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What's Fear Less about?

Fear Less (2021) highlights the countless ways that fear infiltrates our lives, negatively impacting our work, relationships, and personal satisfaction. We may not even realize that we’re afraid, but identifying our underlying anxieties and insecurities is the first step to leading a more fulfilling, fearless life.

Who should read Fear Less?

  • Perfectionists who feel they’re never quite good enough
  • Private people who struggle with honesty and intimacy
  • Nervous fliers, anxious parents, commitment-phobes, and anyone else who’s afraid

Emotional Intelligence Books: Sales EQ by Jeb Blount

Sales EQ

Jeb Blount
How Ultra High Performers Leverage Sales-Specific Emotional Intelligence to Close the Complex Deal
4.6 (397 ratings)
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What's Sales EQ about?

Sales EQ (2017) explores how sales professionals can leverage the power of human emotion to boost their performance. It outlines the feelings that potential buyers experience and explains how sellers can learn to keep their own emotions in check during the sales process. 

Who should read Sales EQ?

  • Sales professionals seeking fresh insights
  • Entrepreneurs who want to get their business off the ground
  • Business students looking for a new perspective

Emotional Intelligence Books: Shift Into a Higher Gear by Delatorro McNeal II

Shift Into a Higher Gear

Delatorro McNeal II
Better Your Best and Live Life to the Fullest
4.2 (319 ratings)
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What's Shift Into a Higher Gear about?

Shift Into a Higher Gear (2021) uses the metaphor of a motorcycle to deliver some inspiring lessons on pursuing your dreams, achieving self-growth, and living your life to the fullest. Drawing from the author’s years of motorcycling experience, its teachings are equally applicable to your personal and professional lives. 

Who should read Shift Into a Higher Gear?

  • People who want to fire on all cylinders in life 
  • Motorcycle enthusiasts and those curious about motorcycling 
  • Anyone who can relate to that ’90s song about always being “stuck in second gear”

Emotional Intelligence Books: Atlas of the Heart by Brené Brown

Atlas of the Heart

Brené Brown
Mapping Meaningful Connection and the Language of Human Experience
4.6 (1,573 ratings)
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What's Atlas of the Heart about?

Atlas of the Heart (2021) is a guide to understanding your emotions and learning how to regulate them. Everyone experiences strong emotions, but most people can’t identify what it is they’re feeling, or work out where the feelings come from. Developing your emotional vocabulary will transform your relationship to yourself, and the people around you.

Who should read Atlas of the Heart?

  • Curious adventurers interested in exploring their own emotional landscapes
  • Anyone who feels flooded by painful emotions that they can’t understand or control
  • Fans of Brené Brown’s work wanting to learn more about her latest insightful theories of emotion

Emotional Intelligence Books: Wired for Love by Stan Tatkin

Wired for Love

Stan Tatkin
How Understanding Your Partner's Brain and Attachment Style Can Help You Defuse Conflict and Build a Secure Relationship
4.5 (576 ratings)
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What's Wired for Love about?

Wired for Love (2012) is a guide to maintaining closeness and emotional security within romantic partnerships. It uses research from neurobiology and psychology to show why long-term couples come into conflict, and it offers practical tips on how to use knowledge about brain functions to promote peace and mutual security in your relationship.

Who should read Wired for Love?

  • Partners in committed relationships
  • Couples seeking to manage conflict 
  • Those interested in social psychology

Emotional Intelligence Books: How to Meet Your Self by Nicole LePera

How to Meet Your Self

Nicole LePera
The Workbook for Self-Discovery
4.2 (238 ratings)
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What's How to Meet Your Self about?

How to Meet Your Self (2022) is a practical guide to self-discovery. These simple exercises can help you to become more conscious, and more in touch with your own body and emotions, ultimately allowing you to discover your true self.

Who should read How to Meet Your Self?

  • Self seekers
  • People who feel stuck on autopilot
  • Anyone who’s unhappy and doesn’t know why

Emotional Intelligence Books: Smarter Tomorrow by Elizabeth R. Ricker

Smarter Tomorrow

Elizabeth R. Ricker
How 15 Minutes of Neurohacking a Day Can Help You Work Better, Think Faster, and Get More Done
4.1 (828 ratings)
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What's Smarter Tomorrow about?

Smarter Tomorrow (2021) shows you how to upgrade your brain using a technique called neurohacking. You’ll learn how to improve your memory, creativity, emotional regulation, and what’s known as “executive functioning” through self-testing and experimentation – all backed up with insights from neuroscience.

Who should read Smarter Tomorrow?

  • Thinkers looking to improve their cognitive skills
  • Budding neuroscientists and brain nerds
  • Anyone looking to keep up with modern science

Emotional Intelligence Books: The Power of Regret by Daniel Pink

The Power of Regret

Daniel Pink
How Looking Backward Moves us Forward
4.6 (800 ratings)
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What's The Power of Regret about?

The Power of Regret (2022) is a rebuttal of the “no regrets” worldview. Drawing from human psychology, it shares actionable steps for transforming emotion into action and using past disappointments to shape purposeful futures. 

Who should read The Power of Regret?

  • Anyone who’s ever had a regret, no matter how big or small
  • Followers of the “no regrets” lifestyle who are ready to hear a new perspective 
  • Psychology fans who want to explore the underpinnings of a popular phenomenon

Emotional Intelligence Books: Raising Good Humans by Hunter Clarke-Fields

Raising Good Humans

Hunter Clarke-Fields
A Mindful Guide to Breaking the Cycle of Reactive Parenting and Raising Kind, Confident Kids
4.5 (400 ratings)
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What's Raising Good Humans about?

Raising Good Humans (2019) is a mindful parenting guide that teaches you how to stop yelling and get grounded. It features healthy practices that can help you break generational cycles and be a better parent.

Who should read Raising Good Humans?

  • Parents who want to stop yelling
  • Teachers and parents who need better conflict management strategies
  • Caregivers interested in personal development

Emotional Intelligence Books: Big Feelings by Mollie West Duffy and Liz Fosslien

Big Feelings

Mollie West Duffy and Liz Fosslien
How to be Okay When Things Are Not Okay
4.2 (349 ratings)
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What's Big Feelings about?

Big Feelings (2022) is a guide to coping with some of the toughest emotions we ever face, from anger to despair. By acknowledging and facing up to these emotions, it’s possible to work through them.

Who should read Big Feelings?

  • People feeling overwhelmed by big emotions
  • Anyone who struggles to open up
  • Self-help enthusiasts after advice

Emotional Intelligence Books: Humor, Seriously by Jennifer Aaker & Naomi Bagdonas

Humor, Seriously

Jennifer Aaker & Naomi Bagdonas
Why Humor Is a Superpower at Work and in Life (And How Anyone Can Harness It. Even You.)
4.1 (482 ratings)
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What's Humor, Seriously about?

Humor, Seriously (2021) explores the value of a human-centered approach to business, and of the funny that can be found and created in any environment. It relies on science, psychology, and humorous anecdotes from experts in the field to show how using humor can create a culture of levity, build trust, and unlock creativity.

Who should read Humor, Seriously?

  • Leaders looking to build trust
  • Managers who want to enhance creativity
  • Anyone seeking more joy in work and life

Emotional Intelligence Books: The 6 Phase Meditation Method by Vishen Lakhiani

The 6 Phase Meditation Method

Vishen Lakhiani
The Proven Technique to Supercharge Your Mind, Manifest Your Goals, and Make Magic in Minutes a Day
4.6 (533 ratings)
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What's The 6 Phase Meditation Method about?

The 6 Phase Meditation Method (2022) is a ground-breaking transformational guide divided into six distinct phases. In as little as 20 minutes, you can reclaim your life and reap the many practical benefits of meditation.

Who should read The 6 Phase Meditation Method?

  • Failed meditation experimenters
  • Time-poor self-improvers
  • Mental-fitness geeks

Emotional Intelligence Books: Surrounded by Narcissists by Thomas Erikson

Surrounded by Narcissists

Thomas Erikson
How to Effectively Recognize, Avoid, and Defend Yourself Against Toxic People (and Not Lose Your Mind)
4.3 (878 ratings)
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What's Surrounded by Narcissists about?

Surrounded By Narcissists (2022) is a guide to recognizing narcissists and understanding how they operate. Erikson suggests simple, effective methods for dealing with any narcissists you know, whether it’s your partner, a relative, someone you work with, or possibly all three – you may be surrounded.

Who should read Surrounded by Narcissists?

  • Victims of narcissists
  • Empaths who are worried about being manipulated
  • Anyone who’s interested in psychology or personality types

Emotional Intelligence Books: Stop Overthinking by Nick Trenton

Stop Overthinking

Nick Trenton
23 Techniques to Relieve Stress, Stop Negative Spirals, Declutter Your Mind, and Focus on the Present
4.2 (729 ratings)
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What's Stop Overthinking about?

Stop Overthinking (2021) is an indispensable guide to breaking free from the negative thought patterns holding you back. Learn how to recognize your negative spiral triggers, overcome anxiety attacks, and declutter your mind to live a stress-free life.

Who should read Stop Overthinking?

  • Nervous Nellies
  • Persistent procrastinators
  • Anybody struggling with doubt and indecision

Emotional Intelligence Books: Jerks at Work by Tessa West

Jerks at Work

Tessa West
Toxic Coworkers and What to Do About Them
4.1 (297 ratings)
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What's Jerks at Work about?

Jerks at Work (2022) provides a handbook for how to deal with difficult people at work. Identifying seven types of jerks, it informs you about what kind of behaviors to look out for and how to deal with them in a pragmatic, positive way.

Who should read Jerks at Work?

  • Anyone who is struggling with a jerk at work
  • Those who have a friend or loved one who won’t stop complaining about a jerk at work 
  • People who are interested in how social psychology applies to the workplace

Emotional Intelligence Books: Master Your Emotions by Thibaut Meurisse

Master Your Emotions

Thibaut Meurisse
A Practical Guide to Overcome Negativity and Better Manage Your Feelings
4.4 (401 ratings)
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What's Master Your Emotions about?

Master Your Emotions (2018) offers tips on understanding your emotions and controlling them. Instead of letting your negative emotions control your life, this guide encourages you to build positive instead of negative emotions and take back control of your life.

Who should read Master Your Emotions?

  • People going through upsetting life situations such as the loss of a loved one
  • Those trying to cope with difficult coworkers or family members
  • Anyone who struggles with overwhelming emotions

Emotional Intelligence Books: 101 Essays That Will Change The Way You Think by Brianna Wiest

101 Essays That Will Change The Way You Think

Brianna Wiest
4.3 (775 ratings)
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What's 101 Essays That Will Change The Way You Think about?

101 Essays That Will Change the Way You Think (2016) is an antidote to anxiety, but not in the way you think. Instead of mounting roadblocks against your darkest feelings, it encourages you to use them as agents of personal growth. Managing your thoughts will lead you toward the daily habits that will bring you fulfillment.

Who should read 101 Essays That Will Change The Way You Think?

  • People in their twenties trying to find purpose and meaning, and manage their anxiety
  • Thirtysomethings who want to understand how their past has shaped their present and how they can still salvage the future
  • Those who want to find joy and fulfillment in being themselves

Emotional Intelligence Books: The Dialectical Behavior Therapy Skills Workbook by Matthew McKay, Jeffrey C. Wood & Jeffrey Brantley

The Dialectical Behavior Therapy Skills Workbook

Matthew McKay, Jeffrey C. Wood & Jeffrey Brantley
Practical DBT Exercises for Learning Mindfulness, Interpersonal Effectiveness, Emotion Regulation, and Distress Tolerance
4.5 (116 ratings)
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What's The Dialectical Behavior Therapy Skills Workbook about?

The Dialectical Behavior Therapy Skills Workbook (2019) offers basic and advanced exercises to help people hone the four core emotional competencies. While it can be used alone, it’s also an excellent companion for anyone working with a therapist. 

Who should read The Dialectical Behavior Therapy Skills Workbook?

  • Anyone currently in therapy
  • People interested in self-improvement 
  • Individuals struggling to manage their emotions

Emotional Intelligence Books: Good Inside by Becky Kennedy

Good Inside

Becky Kennedy
A Guide to Becoming the Parent You Want to Be
4.6 (518 ratings)
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What's Good Inside about?

Good Inside (2022) offers hope to parents who feel helpless when it comes to managing conflict in their homes. More than parenting, it’s about loving yourself and extending that love to your children. Dr. Becky rejects traditional reward and punishment strategies, instead encouraging parents to seek understanding with their children while still maintaining healthy boundaries.

Who should read Good Inside?

  • New parents
  • Parents who are afraid it’s too late to change how they parent
  • People healing from emotional damage

Emotional Intelligence Books: Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents by Lindsay C. Gibson

Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents

Lindsay C. Gibson
How to Heal from Difficult, Rejecting, or Self-involved Parents
4.5 (471 ratings)
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What's Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents about?

Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents (2015) exposes the negative impacts that many adults face as the result of growing up with distant, rejecting, or self-involved parents. From demystifying the behavior of emotionally immature caregivers to providing practical tools for personal growth, it’s a step-by-step guide to healing old wounds and embracing a more positive future.

Who should read Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents?

  • Adult children of emotionally immature parents
  • Parents who want to be more emotionally mature for their children
  • Anyone interested in the dynamics of family psychology

Emotional Intelligence Books: Platonic by Marisa G. Franco


Marisa G. Franco
How the Science of Attachment Can Help You Make - and Keep - Friends
4.4 (241 ratings)
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What's Platonic about?

Platonic (2022) is an actionable guide to making and keeping friends as an adult. It combines true stories of friendship with psychological research to give you clear, actionable, and practical advice on building better friendships. 

Who should read Platonic?

  • People who want to become better friends
  • Anyone who’s struggled to make new friends as an adult
  • Friends who’d like to strengthen their relationships

Emotional Intelligence Books: A Year of Self-Care by Dr. Zoe Shaw

A Year of Self-Care

Dr. Zoe Shaw
Daily Practices and Inspiration for Caring for Yourself
4.2 (103 ratings)
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What's A Year of Self-Care about?

A Year of Self-Care (2021) encourages you to jumpstart your investment in yourself, and begin integrating daily rituals of self-love and care into your life.

Who should read A Year of Self-Care?

  • Caretakers and parents 
  • Anyone suffering from burnout 
  • People going through challenging life transitions 

Emotional Intelligence Books: The Happiness Trap by Russ Harris

The Happiness Trap

Russ Harris
How to Stop Struggling and Start Living
4.5 (477 ratings)
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What's The Happiness Trap about?

The Happiness Trap (2007) is a self-help guide to pursuing a richer and more rewarding life instead of fleeting feelings of happiness. It outlines the six core principles of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy that can help you tackle unpleasant thoughts and feelings and build a fulfilling life.

Who should read The Happiness Trap?

  • Anyone seeking happiness and failing
  • People dealing with mental health problems
  • People who want to start living meaningfully

Emotional Intelligence Books: Be the Love by Sarah Prout

Be the Love

Sarah Prout
Seven Ways to Unlock Your Heart and Manifest Happiness
4.5 (349 ratings)
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What's Be the Love about?

Be the Love (2022) offers valuable insights on how to overcome the hardships of everyday life. It provides helpful tools and a mindset to thrive and become more resilient in the face of daily challenges. 

Who should read Be the Love?

  • Overwhelmed people seeking guidance
  • Anyone looking for a new practical philosophy
  • Fans of inspirational stories

Emotional Intelligence Books: Mindreader by David J. Lieberman


David J. Lieberman
Find Out What People Really Think, What They Really Want, and Who They Really Are
4.5 (958 ratings)
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What's Mindreader about?

Mindreader (2022) explains how to read and understand people. Written by an FBI instructor and lie-detection expert, it delves deep into how to understand situational subtext, interpret language, and determine whether a person is being honest.

Who should read Mindreader?

  • Mixed signal receivers – at work or while dating
  • Those who have trouble reading others
  • Negotiators who want to up their game

Emotional Intelligence Books: Do Hard Things by Steve Magness

Do Hard Things

Steve Magness
Why We Get Resilience Wrong and the Surprising Science of Real Toughness
4.4 (636 ratings)
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What's Do Hard Things about?

Do Hard Things (2022) explodes mythologies around the popular conception of toughness. It shows how traditional markers of toughness, like putting on a brave face and pushing past pain, can actually hinder physical and mental performance outcomes in the long term. Instead, real resilience comes from listening to your body and embracing your emotions.

Who should read Do Hard Things?

  • Employees who need resilience to succeed in challenging, high-stress roles;
  • Athletes and fitness fans wanting to build physical and mental fortitude;
  • Anyone who wants to face challenges with authentic toughness.

Emotional Intelligence Books: Reinventing Your Life by Jeffrey E. Young and Janet S. Klosko

Reinventing Your Life

Jeffrey E. Young and Janet S. Klosko
The Breakthrough Program to End Negative Behaviour...and Feel Great Again
4.4 (368 ratings)
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What's Reinventing Your Life about?

Reinventing Your Life (1994) is a manual on how to pull yourself out of negative habits and improve your life. By identifying key stumbling blocks to growth – or “lifetraps” – and presenting ways to overcome them, it guides you toward sustainable personal growth and happiness.

Who should read Reinventing Your Life?

  • Anyone who feels stuck in the same old negative loop
  • People looking to understand themselves better
  • Psychology buffs

Emotional Intelligence Books: 8 Secrets to Powerful Manifesting by Mandy Morris

8 Secrets to Powerful Manifesting

Mandy Morris
How to Create the Reality of Your Dreams
4.4 (452 ratings)
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What's 8 Secrets to Powerful Manifesting about?

8 Secrets to Powerful Manifesting (2022) offers an eight-step approach to increasing your self-awareness, raising your energetic vibration, and bringing about your heart’s truest desires. 

Who should read 8 Secrets to Powerful Manifesting?

  • Anyone who wants to live more abundantly
  • People frustrated about unfulfilled dreams
  • Manifestors who aren’t seeing results as quickly as they’d like

Emotional Intelligence Books: How We Heal by Alexandra Elle

How We Heal

Alexandra Elle
Uncover Your Power and Set Yourself Free
4.4 (349 ratings)
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What's How We Heal about?

How We Heal (2022) provides a detailed look at the complex and life-changing process of self-healing. Techniques are separated into a 4-step framework which provides encouragement, practical strategies, and journaling exercises to help you rediscover your inner power and cultivate a sense of inner peace.

Who should read How We Heal?

  • Fans of self-help books
  • Anyone who wants to learn about self-healing
  • People interested in mental health and wellness

Emotional Intelligence Books: The Power of the Pussy by Kara King

The Power of the Pussy

Kara King
How to Get What You Want from Men: Love, Respect, Commitment and More!
3.6 (190 ratings)
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What's The Power of the Pussy about?

The Power of the Pussy (2014) shares the twelve secret “powers” that women can use to transform their lives by changing the ways they perceive men and dating. Through straight-forward advice and positive encouragement, author Kara King gives readers tools to break the cycle of bad relationships and create the life they want with the man of their dreams.

Who should read The Power of the Pussy?

  • Fans of self-help books
  • People interested in love and romance
  • Single women who want to have better dating experiences with men

Emotional Intelligence Books: The Emotional Lives of Teenagers by Lisa Damour

The Emotional Lives of Teenagers

Lisa Damour
Raising Connected, Capable, and Compassionate Adolescents
4.6 (107 ratings)
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What's The Emotional Lives of Teenagers about?

The Emotional Lives of Teenagers (2023) is a best-selling guide to navigating the highs and lows of parenting your child through adolescence. It dispenses honest, practical, research-informed advice aimed at helping parents understand, support, and connect with their teens in a way that honors the huge transition they’re experiencing.

Who should read The Emotional Lives of Teenagers?

  • Parents looking for effective strategies to support their teen’s mental health
  • Educators and youth workers seeking clinically informed advice about the adolescent years
  • Anyone who wants to help the teenagers in their lives feel loved, supported, and heard as they transition into adulthood

Emotional Intelligence Books: The Procrastination Cure by Jeffery Combs

The Procrastination Cure

Jeffery Combs
7 Steps to Stop Putting Life Off
4.5 (752 ratings)
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What's The Procrastination Cure about?

The Procrastination Cure is a practical and motivational guide to overcoming procrastination. It offers strategies and personal insights to diagnose and address the root causes of this behavior, enabling readers to balance productivity and relaxation without guilt.

Who should read The Procrastination Cure?

  • Anyone who struggles with procrastination
  • People suffering from perfectionism or resistance
  • Anyone willing to introspect and develop self-awareness

Emotional Intelligence Books: Coaching for Performance by Sir John Whitmore

Coaching for Performance

Sir John Whitmore
The Principles and Practice of Coaching and Leadership
4.5 (164 ratings)
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What's Coaching for Performance about?

Coaching for Performance (2009) is the foundational text which launched the multimillion-dollar business coaching industry. The 25th anniversary edition brings new life to the hallmark GROW model, and revisits the methods after a quarter-century of learning in performance coaching. It’s essential for leaders and coaches globally.

Who should read Coaching for Performance?

  • Leaders looking for inspiration
  • Coaches who want to understand the performance coaching method
  • Anyone looking to improve the performance of their team

Emotional Intelligence Books: You Are the One You've Been Waiting For by Richard C. Schwartz

You Are the One You've Been Waiting For

Richard C. Schwartz
Applying Internal Family Systems to Intimate Relationships
4.6 (71 ratings)
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What's You Are the One You've Been Waiting For about?

You Are the One You’ve Been Waiting For (2008) lays out the secret for finding happiness and intimacy in modern romantic relationships. Using the established Internal Family Systems (IFS) model, it shows that true contentment and compassion come from understanding and trusting the Self – your compassionate center of peace and clarity. By adjusting your perspective and completing some practical exercises, your relationship can start to flourish like it never has before.

Who should read You Are the One You've Been Waiting For?

  • Couples who feel unable to connect despite their best efforts
  • Therapists, psychoanalysts and armchair psychologists looking for a unique perspective on relationships 
  • Those who feel unresolved inner turmoil holds them back from maintaining loving relationships

Emotional Intelligence Books: The Law of Attraction by Esther and Jerry Hicks

The Law of Attraction

Esther and Jerry Hicks
The Basics of the Teachings of Abraham
4.2 (447 ratings)
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What's The Law of Attraction about?

The Law of Attraction (2006) shows how you can use a fundamental law of the universe – the law of attraction – to manifest the life you always wanted. It explains what laws govern the world around us and how, once we understand them, we can use them to our own advantage.

Who should read The Law of Attraction?

  • People who want to bring their ideal life to reality
  • Lovers of alternative theories about the universe
  • Positive thinkers in need of a little boost

Emotional Intelligence Books: Primal Leadership by Daniel Goleman, Richard Boyatzis, Annie McKee

Primal Leadership

Daniel Goleman, Richard Boyatzis, Annie McKee
Unleashing the Power of Emotional Intelligence
4.1 (330 ratings)
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What's Primal Leadership about?

Primal Leadership (2013) argues that the fundamental task of any great leader is to engage the emotions of their followers and guide them in a positive direction. Offering up an emotionally intelligent, resonant style of leadership, it delves into the skills and qualities needed to become a better leader and bring out the best in your team.

Who should read Primal Leadership?

  • Managers looking to improve their skills
  • Workers seeking ways to convince their peers
  • Anyone who wants to become a better leader

Emotional Intelligence Books: DBT Made Simple by Sheri Van Dijk

DBT Made Simple

Sheri Van Dijk
A Step-by-Step Guide to Dialectical Behavior Therapy
4.2 (79 ratings)
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What's DBT Made Simple about?

DBT Made Simple (2023) is your passport to navigating the complex terrain of emotional well-being. Unraveling the practical strategies of dialectical behavior therapy, it empowers you to turn life’s challenges into catalysts for personal growth and resilience.

Who should read DBT Made Simple?

  • Individuals seeking emotional regulation and personal growth strategies
  • Mental-health professionals exploring comprehensive therapy approaches
  • Parents and teachers looking for resilience-building tools

Emotional Intelligence Books: Peace Is Every Step by Thich Nhat Hanh

Peace Is Every Step

Thich Nhat Hanh
The Path of Mindfulness in Everyday Life
4.4 (104 ratings)
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What's Peace Is Every Step about?

Peace Is Every Step (1990) offers profound and practical teachings on mindfulness in everyday life. It emphasizes the importance of being present in each moment, transforming negative emotions, cultivating awareness, and fostering compassion and understanding.

Who should read Peace Is Every Step?

  • Those interested in mindfulness 
  • Meditators who wish to deepen their practice
  • Anyone looking for greater happiness and fulfillment

Emotional Intelligence Books: That Little Voice in Your Head by Mo Gawdat

That Little Voice in Your Head

Mo Gawdat
Adjust the Code That Runs Your Brain
4.5 (485 ratings)
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What's That Little Voice in Your Head about?

That Little Voice in Your Head (2022) is a guide to understanding and optimizing your brain so you can live a happier life, using concepts from computer science and neuroscience to map the mind as an operating system. It includes many simple exercises to help you take control of your brain, thoughts, and emotions to reshape your own experience and positively affect the lives of others.

Who should read That Little Voice in Your Head?

  • Anyone interested in achieving happiness
  • People who want to increase their emotional intelligence
  • Those interested in an expert computer science perspective on the human brain as AI evolves 

Emotional Intelligence Books: The Worry Trick by David A. Carbonell

The Worry Trick

David A. Carbonell
How Your Brain Tricks You Into Expecting the Worst and What You Can Do about It
4.3 (384 ratings)
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What's The Worry Trick about?

The Worry Trick (2016) is a no-nonsense guide to dealing with worry and anxiety. Drawing from acceptance and commitment therapy and cognitive behavioral therapy, it breaks down where worry comes from and offers concrete steps on how to face and ultimately overcome it.  

Who should read The Worry Trick?

  • Anyone who deals with chronic worry
  • Psychologists looking to deepen their knowledge of anxiety
  • Students of the human condition

Emotional Intelligence Books: Read People Like a Book by Patrick King

Read People Like a Book

Patrick King
How to Analyze, Understand, and Predict People’s Emotions, Thoughts, Intentions, and Behaviors
3.9 (875 ratings)
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What's Read People Like a Book about?

Read People Like a Book (2020) unravels the complex tapestry of human behavior, guiding readers to decipher verbal and non-verbal signals broadcast by people 24/7. Marrying scholarly wisdom to sly real-world tales, the book presents the art and science of people-reading with both flair and finesse. Dive in, and soon you'll be navigating human interactions like a seasoned anthropologist.

Who should read Read People Like a Book?

  • Story seekers eyeing deeper connections
  • Negotiators seeking an edge
  • HR specialists scouting the right talent

Emotional Intelligence Books: Feeling Is The Secret by Neville Goddard

Feeling Is The Secret

Neville Goddard
Ideas that Shape the World
4.5 (132 ratings)
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What's Feeling Is The Secret about?

Feeling is the Secret (1944) uncovers the profound connection between consciousness and reality. It offers a method to harness your thoughts and emotions, helping you redefine your understanding of your own existence – and reshape your life.

Who should read Feeling Is The Secret?

  • Spiritual seekers on a journey of self-discovery and enlightenment
  • Personal development enthusiasts curious about how the mind shapes reality
  • Philosophers and theologians interested in the intersection of spirituality and science

Emotional Intelligence Books: The Mental Toughness Handbook by Damon Zahariades

The Mental Toughness Handbook

Damon Zahariades
A Step-By-Step Guide to Facing Life's Challenges, Managing Negative Emotions, and Overcoming Adversity with Courage and Poise
4.5 (346 ratings)
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What's The Mental Toughness Handbook about?

The Mental Toughness Handbook (2020) offers a step-by-step guide with proven strategies and time-tested wisdom for overcoming adversity and obstacles in life by developing mental discipline and resilience.

Who should read The Mental Toughness Handbook?

  • Athletes looking to enhance their performance in high-pressure situations
  • Business leaders and entrepreneurs looking for more mental stamina for decision-making
  • Anyone seeking a better way to handle stress, anxiety, or adversity, no matter what

Emotional Intelligence Books: The Highly Sensitive Person's Guide to Dealing with Toxic People by Shahida Arabi

The Highly Sensitive Person's Guide to Dealing with Toxic People

Shahida Arabi
How to Reclaim Your Power from Narcissists and Other Manipulators
4.4 (188 ratings)
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What's The Highly Sensitive Person's Guide to Dealing with Toxic People about?

The Highly Sensitive Person’s Guide to Dealing with Toxic People (2020) sheds light on why empathetic individuals tend to attract those with toxic personalities and harmful behaviors. It provides a practical guide to recognizing, mitigating, and recovering from the manipulative tactics of toxic people.  

Who should read The Highly Sensitive Person's Guide to Dealing with Toxic People?

  • Sensitive types who are prone to manipulation
  • Targets for narcissists and other toxic people
  • Those seeking emancipation from controlling partners or family members

Emotional Intelligence Books: Emotional Intelligence Habits by Travis Bradberry

Emotional Intelligence Habits

Travis Bradberry
Change Your Habits, Change Your Life
4.2 (429 ratings)
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What's Emotional Intelligence Habits about?

Emotional Intelligence Habits (2023) is a comprehensive guide to cultivating the emotional intelligence (EQ) skills essential to both personal and professional success. It covers 35 habits that underpin the highest EQ scores and offers practical exercises to get you on your way today. 

Who should read Emotional Intelligence Habits?

  • Professionals seeking a competitive edge
  • Anyone wanting to improve their interpersonal relationships
  • Individuals interested in becoming better people and leaders

Emotional Intelligence Books: Getting Past Your Past by Francine Shapiro

Getting Past Your Past

Francine Shapiro
Take Control of Your Life with Self-Help Techniques from EMDR Therapy
4.4 (275 ratings)
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What's Getting Past Your Past about?

Getting Past Your Past (2012) offers practical eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) techniques that can help you understand how personalities develop and overcome barriers. It explains why you can become trapped in unhelpful thoughts, feelings, and behaviors and provides exercises to help you take charge of your life, improve your relationships, and effect real change.

Who should read Getting Past Your Past?

  • Patients with unresolved chronic pain or unexplained medical symptoms
  • Self-improvement and personal growth seekers
  • Therapists and counselors looking for new techniques to help their clients

Emotional Intelligence Books: The Conquest of Happiness by Bertrand Russell

The Conquest of Happiness

Bertrand Russell
4.5 (113 ratings)
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What's The Conquest of Happiness about?

The Conquest of Happiness (1930) explores the pursuit of human happiness. It dissects common obstacles to happiness, such as competition and fatigue, as well as the various factors that contribute to it. Equal parts philosophical and practical, you’ll come away with a deepened understanding of, and preparedness for, a fulfilling life. 

Who should read The Conquest of Happiness?

  • Anyone wanting to increase their sense of fulfillment
  • Individuals interested in the development of the personal happiness movement
  • Philosophy enthusiasts seeking an understanding of Russell’s perspective

Emotional Intelligence Books: The Status Game by Will Storr

The Status Game

Will Storr
On Human Life and How to Play It
4.4 (366 ratings)
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What's The Status Game about?

The Status Game (2019) explores the unspoken social hierarchies and competitions for status that drive much of human behavior. Examining the hidden rules of the status game provides insight into the psychological dynamics behind people’s everyday choices and interactions, clearing a path for the ethical player to maintain their locus while thriving in a chaotic world.

Who should read The Status Game?

  • People fascinated by psychology and human behavior
  • Those seeking self-knowledge and personal growth
  • All interested in social dynamics and influence

Emotional Intelligence Books: The Polyvagal Theory by Stephen W. Porges

The Polyvagal Theory

Stephen W. Porges
Neurophysiological Foundations of Emotions, Attachment, Communication, and Self-regulation
3.3 (409 ratings)
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What's The Polyvagal Theory about?

The Polyvagal Theory (2011) introduces a groundbreaking understanding of the autonomic nervous system, emphasizing its role in social behavior, emotional regulation, and mental health. The theory posits the existence of three neural circuits within the autonomic nervous system, each of which plays a crucial role in shaping our psychological and physiological responses. Through this lens, it explores the neurobiological foundations of emotions, social connections, and health – offering new insights and implications for therapy, research, and interpersonal relationships.

Who should read The Polyvagal Theory?

  • Therapists seeking to understand the autonomic nervous system's role in mental health
  • Parents looking to comprehend and support their children's emotional development
  • Anyone interested in the brain-body connection and enhancing their overall well-being

Emotional Intelligence Books: Complex Borderline Personality Disorder by Daniel J. Fox

Complex Borderline Personality Disorder

Daniel J. Fox
How Coexisting Conditions Affect Your BPD and How You Can Gain Emotional Balance
3.6 (111 ratings)
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What's Complex Borderline Personality Disorder about?

Complex Borderline Personality Disorder (2022) unravels the layers of a multifaceted mental health condition. It guides you through understanding the intertwining of intense emotions, behavioral challenges, and co-occurring mental health issues, offering insights for those directly affected or supporting loved ones. This exploration empowers you with strategies for effective management, fostering resilience, healthier relationships, and personal growth.

Who should read Complex Borderline Personality Disorder?

  • Mental health professionals seeking specialized knowledge
  • Individuals diagnosed with Complex Borderline Personality Disorder
  • Family members supporting loved ones with CBPD

Emotional Intelligence Books: Tiny Humans, Big Emotions by Alyssa Gloria Campbell & Lauren Stauble

Tiny Humans, Big Emotions

Alyssa Gloria Campbell & Lauren Stauble
How to Navigate Tantrums, Meltdowns, and Defiance to Raise Emotionally Intelligent Children
4.1 (64 ratings)
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What's Tiny Humans, Big Emotions about?

Tiny Humans, Big Emotions (2023) helps caregivers navigate and manage children's emotional outbursts, such as tantrums and meltdowns. It offers strategies to raise emotionally intelligent children by teaching them how to handle complex feelings like anger, sadness, and anxiety, emphasizing the importance of fostering emotional resilience and well-being in children through a research-based approach that strengthens the parent-child relationship.

Who should read Tiny Humans, Big Emotions?

  • Parents or carers of young children
  • Early childhood educators
  • Parenting coaches and counselors

Emotional Intelligence Books: The Art of Positive Thinking by Elizabeth R. Brown

The Art of Positive Thinking

Elizabeth R. Brown
Eliminate Negative Thinking I Emotional Intelligence I Stop Overthinking
4.3 (325 ratings)
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What's The Art of Positive Thinking about?

The Art of Positive Thinking (2023) is a guide to positivity as a practice. Through regular, simple exercises, we can all learn to change our mindsets, and improve the quality of our lives.

Who should read The Art of Positive Thinking?

  • Pessimists
  • People who struggle with anxiety or negative thought patterns
  • Anyone who wants to experience a greater sense of well-being

Emotional Intelligence Books: Feeling Good by David D. Burns

Feeling Good

David D. Burns
The New Mood Therapy
4.1 (31 ratings)
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What's Feeling Good about?

Feeling Good (1999) offers an uplifting perspective on managing conditions like anxiety, guilt, pessimism, and depression, emphasizing that they can be effectively addressed through scientifically proven techniques. Filled with practical strategies, it provides tools to enhance mood, build self-esteem, and better navigate the challenges of negative emotions.

Who should read Feeling Good?

  • Individuals struggling with depression and anxiety
  • Anyone seeking self-improvement and positivity
  • Mental health professionals interested in cognitive therapy techniques

Emotional Intelligence Books: The Language of Emotions by Karla McLaren

The Language of Emotions

Karla McLaren
What Your Feelings Are Trying to Tell You
4.3 (35 ratings)
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What's The Language of Emotions about?

The Language of Emotions (2010) presents a transformative approach to emotional intelligence that reframes difficult feelings as vital messengers rather than problems to be solved. Through practical tools for emotional awareness and concrete strategies for decoding emotional messages, this influential work shows how developing a deeper relationship with our full emotional spectrum can lead to more authentic relationships, clearer boundaries, and a more fulfilling life. 

Who should read The Language of Emotions?

  • Those recovering from environments where their emotions were dismissed or devalued
  • People working through emotional challenges, seeking to understand their feelings
  • Anyone interested in the mind-body connection and how physical awareness can support emotional wellbeing

Emotional Intelligence Books: Sensitive by Jenn Granneman & Andre Sólo


Jenn Granneman & Andre Sólo
The Hidden Power of the Highly Sensitive Person in a Loud, Fast, Too-Much World
4.3 (100 ratings)
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What's Sensitive about?

Sensitive (2023) explores the meaningful lives and gifts of highly sensitive people, whose emotional depth and perceptual sensitivity shed invaluable light into human consciousness. Interweaving scientific research with compelling personal stories, it guides highly sensitive people toward validation and compassionate self-care. With poetic reflection and empowering advice, it frames high sensitivity as a vital form of beauty both challenging and critical to embrace.

Who should read Sensitive?

  • Highly sensitive people, or those who suspect they might be
  • Parents of sensitive children
  • Anyone curious about psychology and neurodiversity

Emotional Intelligence Books: Securely Attached by Eli Harwood

Securely Attached

Eli Harwood
Transform Your Attachment Patterns into Loving, Lasting Romantic Relationships
3.9 (72 ratings)
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What's Securely Attached about?

Securely Attached (2023) is an insightful exploration into the world of attachment theory and its practical implications in everyday life. It delves into how different attachment strategies, formed during early childhood, influence the way individuals interact and bond with others throughout their lives. Offering a multitude of reflection exercises, questions, and tips, its goal is to help people recognize the attachment strategies they’re currently using and help them transition to earned secure attachment over time.

Who should read Securely Attached?

  • People in romantic relationships seeking insight into their attachment strategies
  • Parents looking for guidance on building secure attachments with their children
  • Anyone who knows or suspects they’re using insecure attachment strategies

Emotional Intelligence Books: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy by Olivia Telford

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Olivia Telford
Simple Techniques to Instantly Be Happier, Find Inner Peace, and Improve Your Life
4.5 (298 ratings)
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What's Cognitive Behavioral Therapy about?

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (2020) explores a range of mental health topics, including managing anxiety, overcoming guilt, handling addiction, and integrating mindfulness into your daily life. Filled with practical tips, exercises, and real-world examples, it offers a user-friendly approach to enhancing mental well-being.

Who should read Cognitive Behavioral Therapy?

  • Anyone who has experienced depression or anxiety
  • People interested in mental health disorders and solutions
  • Psychology students exploring therapeutic techniques

Emotional Intelligence Books: ADHD for Smart Ass Women by Tracy Otsuka

ADHD for Smart Ass Women

Tracy Otsuka
3.9 (264 ratings)
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What's ADHD for Smart Ass Women about?

ADHD for Smart Ass Women (2023) aims to help neurodivergent women understand themselves. By learning about the condition and using specific strategies, women with ADHD – or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder – can improve their lives.

Who should read ADHD for Smart Ass Women?

  • Women with ADHD who struggle with some aspects of daily life
  • People who suspect they might have ADHD
  • Those who want to understand and support a loved one with ADHD

Emotional Intelligence Books: The Art of Letting Go by Nick Trenton

The Art of Letting Go

Nick Trenton
Stop Overthinking, Stop Negative Spirals, and Find Emotional Freedom
4.3 (169 ratings)
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What's The Art of Letting Go about?

The Art of Letting Go (2023) invites you on a transformative journey toward emotional freedom. It’s a guide to shedding the burdens of the past, embracing self-compassion, and cultivating a growth mindset for a purposeful and liberated existence. Dive into this exploration and emerge more resilient, insightful, and equipped to navigate life’s challenges with grace.

Who should read The Art of Letting Go?

  • Self-help enthusiasts seeking emotional freedom
  • Individuals interested in personal growth and resilience
  • Readers looking for guidance on self-compassion

Emotional Intelligence Books: Positive Communication for Leaders by Julien C. Mirivel & Alexander Lyon

Positive Communication for Leaders

Julien C. Mirivel & Alexander Lyon
Proven Strategies for Inspiring Unity and Effecting Change
4.3 (43 ratings)
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What's Positive Communication for Leaders about?

Positive Communication for Leaders (2023) explores the transformative power of positive communication strategies in leadership roles. It offers practical guidance on employing positive language, active listening, and constructive feedback to enhance organizational effectiveness and interpersonal relationships. Through theoretical insights and real-world applications, it aims to equip leaders with the tools to foster a more supportive and productive workplace environment.

Who should read Positive Communication for Leaders?

  • Corporate leaders seeking to improve team dynamics
  • HR professionals interested in organizational development strategies
  • Managers aiming to enhance employee engagement

Emotional Intelligence Books: Untangle Your Emotions by Jennie Allen

Untangle Your Emotions

Jennie Allen
Naming What You Feel and Knowing What to Do About It
3.5 (221 ratings)
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What's Untangle Your Emotions about?

Untangle Your Emotions (2024) is a spiritual guide to understanding and managing your feelings. Rather than something to be fixed, it views emotions as an avenue for deeper connection with God and the people around you. Drawing on scientific research and biblical wisdom, it guides you on your path to emotional maturity as a divinely created being.

Who should read Untangle Your Emotions?

  • Christians seeking a faith-based approach to improving their emotional health
  • People who want to strengthen their connections with God and others through developing emotional awareness
  • Anyone who feels they tend to suppress or ignore their emotions rather than dealing with them

Emotional Intelligence Books: Conversational Intelligence by Judith E. Glaser

Conversational Intelligence

Judith E. Glaser
How Great Leaders Build Trust and Get Extraordinary Results
4.5 (4 ratings)
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What's Conversational Intelligence about?

Conversational Intelligence (2014) explores how brain chemistry influences the way we communicate, explaining why some conversations build trust while others create barriers. By combining insights from neuroscience with practical strategies, it offers tools to turn daily interactions into powerful opportunities for connection, innovation, and meaningful change.

Who should read Conversational Intelligence?

  • Leaders and managers looking to build more collaborative, innovative teams
  • Negotiators and mediators handling complex conversations
  • Anyone experiencing communication challenges in personal or professional relationships

Emotional Intelligence Books: The Genius of Empathy by Judith Orloff

The Genius of Empathy

Judith Orloff
Practical Skills to Heal Your Sensitive Self, Your Relationships, and the World
3.9 (53 ratings)
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What's The Genius of Empathy about?

The Genius of Empathy (2024) explores the transformative power of empathy in various aspects of life, including personal relationships and professional environments. It delves into practical techniques to cultivate empathy, aiming to enhance emotional intelligence and foster deeper connections with others.

Who should read The Genius of Empathy?

  • Individuals seeking to enhance their emotional intelligence.
  • Professionals wanting to improve workplace relationships.
  • People interested in developing deeper personal connections.

Emotional Intelligence Books: When Panic Attacks by David D. Burns

When Panic Attacks

David D. Burns
The New, Drug-Free Anxiety Therapy That Can Change Your Life
4.1 (15 ratings)
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What's When Panic Attacks about?

When Panic Attacks (2006) provides insights and techniques for managing anxiety and panic attacks using cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). It offers a drug-free approach to treating anxiety disorders by identifying and challenging distorted thoughts, conducting behavioral experiments, and utilizing mindfulness and relaxation techniques.

Who should read When Panic Attacks?

  • Mental health professionals and therapists
  • Caregivers supporting someone with anxiety disorders
  • Individuals experiencing anxiety and panic attacks

Emotional Intelligence Books: The Art of Reading Minds by Henrik Fexeus

The Art of Reading Minds

Henrik Fexeus
Understand Others to Get What You Want
3.8 (187 ratings)
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What's The Art of Reading Minds about?

The Art of Reading Minds (2019) explains how we unconsciously reveal our thoughts and emotions through nonverbal cues, and provides practical tips rooted in cognitive psychology to decipher those cues and influence others’ thoughts and beliefs. By mastering the techniques outlined, we can heighten self-awareness, improve persuasion skills, and gain insights into what others are truly thinking and feeling.

Who should read The Art of Reading Minds?

  • Connection-seekers wishing to gain a deeper insight into other people’s thoughts and emotions
  • Communicators who want to use psychology and mentalism to improve their persuasive skills
  • Anyone who’s always wondered how mentalists “read minds”

Emotional Intelligence Books: Modern Friendship by Anna Goldfarb

Modern Friendship

Anna Goldfarb
How to Nurture Our Most Valued Connections
4.2 (32 ratings)
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What's Modern Friendship about?

Modern Friendship (2024) tackles the often confusing world of today’s friendships, offering a roadmap to deeper, more authentic connections. Introducing the concept of “Wholehearted Friendship,” it offers a fresh approach to building and maintaining bonds in our fast-paced, digital age. Packed with insights and practical tips, this guide promises to transform how we understand and nurture our most important relationships.

Who should read Modern Friendship?

  • Anyone feeling disconnected or struggling to maintain meaningful friendships
  • Individuals looking to improve their social skills and deepen existing relationships
  • Young adults navigating complex social landscapes in the digital age

Emotional Intelligence Books: How to Hug a Porcupine by Sean K. Smith

How to Hug a Porcupine

Sean K. Smith
Easy Ways to Love the Difficult People in Your Life
4.4 (121 ratings)
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What's How to Hug a Porcupine about?

How to Hug a Porcupine (2009) provides practical advice on how to navigate relationships with difficult and challenging people. It explores strategies for fostering empathy, improving communication, and developing patience to create more harmonious interactions. By understanding the behavior of “porcupines,” you can learn to build healthier and more effective relationships.

Who should read How to Hug a Porcupine?

  • Individuals seeking to improve difficult relationships
  • Professionals in high-stress or challenging work environments
  • Families navigating interpersonal conflicts and tensions

Emotional Intelligence Books: Red Flags, Green Flags by Ali Fenwick

Red Flags, Green Flags

Ali Fenwick
Modern Psychology for Everyday Drama
4.2 (58 ratings)
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What's Red Flags, Green Flags about?

Red Flags, Green Flags (2024) is a guide for tackling tough relationship situations while keeping your sanity intact. Full of encouraging wisdom and actionable advice, it dives deep into the signs of good and bad behavior in interpersonal relationships, and how to handle both. 

Who should read Red Flags, Green Flags?

  • Anyone looking for healthier relationships at home, work, and play
  • Those on a journey of self discovery, ready to clarify their values and needs
  • Employees looking to create healthier office dynamics, and navigate tricky situations at work

Emotional Intelligence Books: More, Please by Emma Specter

More, Please

Emma Specter
On Food, Fat, Bingeing, Longing, and the Lust for Enough
3.9 (12 ratings)
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What's More, Please about?

More, Please (2024) invites you to explore the impact of maternal influences and societal pressures on body image and self-worth. Through a blend of personal narrative, journalism, and expert insights, it delves into the complexities of binge-eating disorder and the challenges of navigating diet culture – and encourages a compassionate approach to understanding and improving your relationship with food and body image.

Who should read More, Please?

  • Individuals with eating disorders
  • Anyone interested in body positivity 
  • Parents, guardians, and teachers

Emotional Intelligence Books: No Ego by Cy Wakeman

No Ego

Cy Wakeman
Stop Drama, Eliminate Entitlement, Maximize Results
4.2 (214 ratings)
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What's No Ego about?

No Ego (2017) is a fresh take on leadership and a challenge to conventional wisdom. Focusing on eliminating workplace drama and emotional waste, it provides practical strategies for fostering accountability, resilience, and innovation. Wakeman's approach empowers managers and workers alike to embrace a culture of personal responsibility – a culture that, ultimately, will reduce stress, increase engagement, and engender a productive and positive work environment.

Who should read No Ego?

  • Leaders looking for new management techniques
  • Employees interested in self-motivation
  • Frustrated managers and executives

Emotional Intelligence Books: Fear Dynamics by Stephen J Dietrich

Fear Dynamics

Stephen J Dietrich
Turning Fear and Anxiety Into Lasting Happiness and Achievement
3.8 (35 ratings)
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What's Fear Dynamics about?

Fear Dynamics (2024) explores the transformative journey of overcoming deep-seated fears and struggles through self-help techniques developed from personal experiences. Delving into the ways we can confront and manage our fears, it supports those seeking a more authentic and satisfying existence.

Who should read Fear Dynamics?

  • Individuals seeking personal growth and self-improvement
  • Those overcoming trauma and seeking healing strategies
  • Fans of transformative, real-life success stories

Emotional Intelligence Books: Four Ways of Thinking by David Sumpter

Four Ways of Thinking

David Sumpter
A Journey Into Human Complexity
3.8 (67 ratings)
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What's Four Ways of Thinking about?

Four Ways of Thinking (2023) explores how mathematical concepts shape the way we approach problems and make decisions in everyday life. It delves into four distinct modes of thinking – statistical, interactive, chaotic, and complex – revealing how each perspective offers uniquely valuable insights. Through practical examples, it demonstrates how combining these methods can deepen our understanding of the world.

Who should read Four Ways of Thinking?

  • Mathematicians interested in practical applications of math 
  • Analysts and scientists seeking diverse problem-solving approaches 
  • Anyone looking to enhance their critical thinking and decision-making skills

Emotional Intelligence Books: The Joy of Connections by Dr. Ruth K. Westheimer, Allison Gilbert, Pierre Lehu

The Joy of Connections

Dr. Ruth K. Westheimer, Allison Gilbert, Pierre Lehu
100 Ways to Conquer Loneliness and Live a Happier Life
3.9 (27 ratings)
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What's The Joy of Connections about?

The Joy of Connections (2024) is a practical guide designed to help people overcome loneliness and build meaningful relationships. It offers 100 actionable strategies based on a unique framework called the “Menu for Connection,” which emphasizes nurturing relationships with yourself, family, friends, and community, and the mindful use of technology. It highlights the importance of human connection in fostering companionship and intimacy.

Who should read The Joy of Connections?

  • People struggling with loneliness and seeking meaningful connections
  • Introverts aiming to improve their social interactions and engagement
  • Anyone who wants to expand their social circles and friendships

Emotional Intelligence Books: Hope for Cynics by Jamil Zaki

Hope for Cynics

Jamil Zaki
The Surprising Science of Human Goodness
4.3 (148 ratings)
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What's Hope for Cynics about?

Hope For Cynics (2024) explores the widespread cynicism in modern society and its detrimental effects. It argues that this pessimistic worldview is often misplaced, as people tend to underestimate the kindness and generosity of others. It proposes “hopeful skepticism” as an antidote to cynicism, encouraging you to think critically while recognizing human strengths.

Who should read Hope for Cynics?

  • Those feeling disillusioned and hopeless about society
  • Concerned citizens seeking ways to bridge ideological divides
  • Anyone interested in human nature and the possibilities of cooperation

Emotional Intelligence Books: Raising Securely Attached Kids by Eli Harwood

Raising Securely Attached Kids

Eli Harwood
Use Connection-Focused Parenting to Build Confidence and Empathy
4.6 (101 ratings)
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What's Raising Securely Attached Kids about?

Raising Securely Attached Kids (2024) is a parenting guide that teaches strategies to foster secure, trusting relationships with children through connection-focused methods. It provides actionable advice to help parents overcome their own past traumas, build emotional resilience in their kids, and create lasting bonds based on empathy and trust.

Who should read Raising Securely Attached Kids?

  • Parents seeking to strengthen emotional bonds with their children
  • Caregivers addressing childhood attachment issues or trauma
  • Adults healing from their own insecure childhood attachments

Emotional Intelligence Books: The Anatomy of Anxiety by Ellen Vora

The Anatomy of Anxiety

Ellen Vora
Understanding and Overcoming the Body's Fear Response
4.0 (187 ratings)
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What's The Anatomy of Anxiety about?

The Anatomy of Anxiety (2022) challenges the conventional view that anxiety is solely a mental disorder. It proposes that many forms of anxiety originate from bodily imbalances rather than troubled thoughts. It offers actionable strategies for managing anxiety through lifestyle and diet adjustments, while also suggesting that some forms of anxiety can serve as helpful signals for achieving a more balanced life.

Who should read The Anatomy of Anxiety?

  • Individuals struggling with chronic anxiety
  • Highly sensitive people seeking to understand and embrace their nature
  • Anyone looking to deepen their self-awareness and personal growth journey

Emotional Intelligence Books: I Know What to Do So Why Don't I Do It? by Nick Hall

I Know What to Do So Why Don't I Do It?

Nick Hall
The New Science of Self-Discipline
4.2 (265 ratings)
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What's I Know What to Do So Why Don't I Do It? about?

I Know What to Do, So Why Don't I Do It? (2022) explores the complex relationship between emotions and motivation, revealing why traditional concepts of willpower and discipline often fail us. It explains why we sometimes feel paralyzed to take action, offering practical strategies to overcome inaction.

Who should read I Know What to Do So Why Don't I Do It??

  • Chronic procrastinators who struggle to get started on important tasks
  • Leaders who want to better support team members dealing with motivation 
  • Anyone who battles with fear of failure

Emotional Intelligence Books: Why We Do What We Do by Edward L. Deci, Richard Flaste

Why We Do What We Do

Edward L. Deci, Richard Flaste
Understanding Self-Motivation
4.3 (145 ratings)
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What's Why We Do What We Do about?

Why We Do What We Do (1995) explores the science of human motivation, focusing on what drives people to act and how external influences shape their behavior. Whether you’re a parent, teacher, manager, or simply curious about human behavior, it offers transformative insights into fostering growth, collaboration, and authentic success in every area of life. 

Who should read Why We Do What We Do?

  • Parents, teachers and managers
  • Self-development enthusiasts
  • Psychology buffs

Emotional Intelligence Books: A Liberated Mind by Steven C. Hayes

A Liberated Mind

Steven C. Hayes
How to Pivot Toward What Matters
4.5 (76 ratings)
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What's A Liberated Mind about?

A Liberated Mind (2019) presents a practical framework for developing psychological flexibility through six key mental shifts, based on Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT). It demonstrates how to move from struggling with thoughts and feelings to accepting them as natural experiences while taking meaningful action guided by personal values.

Who should read A Liberated Mind?

  • Those going through major life transitions or facing difficult decisions
  • People experiencing anxiety, stress, or recurring unwanted thoughts
  • Anyone who wants to develop a healthier relationship with difficult thoughts and emotions

Emotional Intelligence Books: Tell Yourself a Better Lie by Marisa Peer

Tell Yourself a Better Lie

Marisa Peer
Use the Power of Rapid Transformational Therapy to Edit Your Story and Rewrite Your Life.
3.4 (59 ratings)
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What's Tell Yourself a Better Lie about?

Tell Yourself a Better Lie (2021) explores how the stories we tell ourselves shape our reality, and offers strategies to reframe negative beliefs into empowering ones. Through practical tools and case studies, you’ll learn to identify and transform self-limiting thoughts – and take steps toward personal growth and emotional well-being. 

Who should read Tell Yourself a Better Lie?

  • Self-improvement enthusiasts seeking to overcome self-limiting beliefs
  • Ambitious professionals looking to boost confidence and resilience
  • Anyone struggling with persistent negative self-talk or doubt

Emotional Intelligence Books: Parenting from the Inside Out by Daniel J. Siegel, Mary Hartzell

Parenting from the Inside Out

Daniel J. Siegel, Mary Hartzell
How a Deeper Self-Understanding Can Help You Raise Children Who Thrive: 10th Anniversary Edition
4.3 (4 ratings)
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What's Parenting from the Inside Out about?

Parenting from the Inside Out (2013) explores how a parent’s childhood experiences shape their parenting style, offering insights into the connection between early relationships and brain development. It empowers parents to build secure, compassionate connections with their children, creating a foundation for lifelong emotional health and well-being.

Who should read Parenting from the Inside Out?

  • New parents who want to build a secure bond with their child
  • Seasoned parents ready to break free from unhealthy patterns
  • Carers and educators keen to create authentic bonds with the children in their care

Emotional Intelligence Books: Breakup Bootcamp by Amy Chan

Breakup Bootcamp

Amy Chan
The Science of Rewiring Your Heart
4.0 (5 ratings)
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What's Breakup Bootcamp about?

Breakup Bootcamp (2020) is a guide to recovery from heartbreak that’s both empathetic and practical. By working on your own thinking patterns, you can rewire your brain and your heart, living well no matter what.

Who should read Breakup Bootcamp?

  • The broken-hearted
  • People struggling with their thoughts and feelings
  • Anyone who wants to move forward after a breakup

Emotional Intelligence Books: Think Like a Psychologist by Patrick King

Think Like a Psychologist

Patrick King
How to Analyze Emotions, Read Body Language and Behavior, Understand Motivations, and Decipher Intentions
4.1 (32 ratings)
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What's Think Like a Psychologist about?

Think Like a Psychologist (2021) delves into the intricate dynamics of human behavior, emotions, and decision-making. By unpacking key psychological principles and uncovering the motivations driving actions, it offers practical tools and techniques to foster self-awareness, cultivate empathy, and strengthen your understanding of others.

Who should read Think Like a Psychologist?

  • Individuals working on their emotional intelligence and interpersonal skills 
  • Professionals in sales, marketing, or negotiation roles 
  • Anyone interested in human behavior and psychology 

Emotional Intelligence Books: How to Speed Read People by Patrick King

How to Speed Read People

Patrick King
Think Like a Psychologist, Analyze Human Behavior, and Decode Emotions
3.7 (14 ratings)
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What's How to Speed Read People about?

How to Speed Read People (2020) teaches you how to interpret the body language and emotions of others quickly, enabling you to understand unspoken cues and enhance your interactions. By mastering these skills, you can build stronger relationships, improve communication, and influence others effectively.

Who should read How to Speed Read People?

  • Professionals seeking stronger communication and interpersonal skills
  • Leaders aiming to better understand and motivate their teams
  • Learners exploring personality, behavior, and emotional intelligence

Related Topics

Emotional Intelligence Books

What's the best Emotional Intelligence book to read?

While choosing just one book about a topic is always tough, many people regard Emotions Revealed as the ultimate read on Emotional Intelligence.

What are the Top 10 Emotional Intelligence books?

Blinkist curators have picked the following:
  • Emotions Revealed by Paul Ekman
  • Anger Management for Dummies by Charles H. Elliott & Laura L. Smith
  • Unmasking the Face by Paul Ekman and Wallace V. Friesen
  • The Yes Brain by Daniel J. Siegel and Tina Payne Bryson
  • How to Fail by Elizabeth Day
  • No Hard Feelings by Liz Fosslien and Mollie West Duffy
  • The Emotion Code by Bradley Nelson
  • Permission to Feel by Marc Brackett
  • Parenting Outside the Lines by Meghan Leahy
  • Connect by David Bradford and Carole Robin

Who are the top Emotional Intelligence book authors?

When it comes to Emotional Intelligence, these are the authors who stand out as some of the most influential:
  • Paul Ekman
  • Charles H. Elliott & Laura L. Smith
  • Paul Ekman and Wallace V. Friesen
  • Daniel J. Siegel and Tina Payne Bryson
  • Elizabeth Day