The best 47 Mathematics books

When it comes to Mathematics, a foundational subject in countless fields, understanding its principles is key to grasping the world around us. Our list of Mathematics books offers clarity on complex concepts, making it easier to appreciate the beauty and utility of mathematical thinking.

Dive into our collection to unravel the mysteries of numbers and patterns. Let's embark on this journey of discovery together and unlock the power of mathematical knowledge.

The best 47 Mathematics books
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Mathematics Books: Fooled by Randomness by Nassim Nicholas Taleb

Fooled by Randomness

Nassim Nicholas Taleb
The Hidden Role of Chance in Life and the Markets
4.6 (590 ratings)
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What's Fooled by Randomness about?

Fooled by Randomness (2001) is a collection of essays on the impact of randomness on financial markets and life itself. Through a mixture of statistics, psychology and philosophical reflection, the author outlines how randomness dominates the world.

Who should read Fooled by Randomness?

  • Investors and financial professionals who think they understand the nature of risk and performance
  • Anyone interested in human decision-making
  • Anyone who reads the newspaper every day to gain valuable information

Mathematics Books: Big Data by Viktor Mayer-Schönberger and Kenneth Cukier

Big Data

Viktor Mayer-Schönberger and Kenneth Cukier
A Revolution That Will Transform How We Live, Work and Think
4.3 (129 ratings)
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What's Big Data about?

Big Data provides an insightful look at why a change to “big data” is a major shift in how we collect, use and think about the data around us. It provides great explanations and examples of how individuals and companies already ahead of the curve are using the tools of big data to create value and profit. Casting an eye forward, the book also outlines the future implications for a big-data society in terms of the risks, opportunities and legal implications.

Who should read Big Data?

  • Anyone who is interested in learning more about what “big data” is and what it means for society
  • Anyone who is looking to make a career using big data
  • Anyone from a company who is looking for opportunities to use the data the company collects

Mathematics Books: The Signal and the Noise by Nate Silver

The Signal and the Noise

Nate Silver
Why So Many Predictions Fail — but Some Don't
4.2 (183 ratings)
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What's The Signal and the Noise about?

The Signal and the Noise explains why so many expert predictions today fail spectacularly, and what statistical and probability tools are more up to the task of predicting real-world phenomena.

Who should read The Signal and the Noise?

  • Anyone whose job involves making predictions or forecasts
  • Anyone who wants to know why the economy is so difficult to predict

Mathematics Books: The Black Swan by Nassim Nicholas Taleb

The Black Swan

Nassim Nicholas Taleb
The Impact of the Highly Improbable
4.3 (845 ratings)
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What's The Black Swan about?

The Black Swan (2010) offers insights into perceived randomness and the limitations we face in making predictions. Our over-reliance on methods that appeal to our intuition at the expense of accuracy, our basic inability to understand and define randomness, and even our biology itself all contribute to poor decision making, and sometimes to “Black Swans” – events thought to be impossible that redefine our understanding of the world.

Who should read The Black Swan?

  • Anyone whose job involves analyzing charts and trends
  • Anyone interested in how they can minimize their exposure to risk
  • Anyone interested in epistemology

Mathematics Books: Ignorance by Stuart Firestein


Stuart Firestein
How It Drives Science
3.8 (17 ratings)
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What's Ignorance about?

Ignorance investigates the strengths and weaknesses of the scientific method and reveals the importance of asking the right questions over the discovery of simple facts. Using real-life examples from history, Ignorance shows that it is our awareness of what we don’t know that drives scientific discovery.

Who should read Ignorance?

  • Anyone considering working in a laboratory or research facility
  • Anyone who wants to know how a scientist’s mind works
  • Anyone interested in the history of knowledge

Mathematics Books: In Pursuit of the Unknown by Ian Stewart

In Pursuit of the Unknown

Ian Stewart
17 Equations That Changed the World
4.4 (98 ratings)
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What's In Pursuit of the Unknown about?

In this book, Ian Stewart focuses on 17 famous equations in mathematics and physics history, highlighting their impact on society. Stewart gives a brief history of the wonders of scientific discovery, and peppers it with vivid examples and anecdotes.

Who should read In Pursuit of the Unknown?

  • Anyone interested in how mathematical ideas affect science and society
  • Anyone who’s always been scared of complicated-looking formulas
  • Anyone fascinated by the beauty and hidden power of formulas

Mathematics Books: The Misbehavior of Markets by Benoit Mandelbrot and Richard L. Hudson

The Misbehavior of Markets

Benoit Mandelbrot and Richard L. Hudson
A Fractal View of Risk, Ruin and Reward
4.3 (80 ratings)
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What's The Misbehavior of Markets about?

The financial theories you learn about in school are coherent, neat, convenient – and wrong. In fact, they’re so wrong that they might also be dangerous: in underestimating the risk of markets, we inadvertently set ourselves up for catastrophe. The Misbehavior of Markets lays out the flaws of economic orthodoxy, and offers a novel alternative: fractal geometry.

Who should read The Misbehavior of Markets?

  • Anyone who’s involved in finance
  • People wondering whether it's wise to put their finances in someone else’s hands
  • Those who find fractal images mesmerizing

Mathematics Books: Simply Complexity by Neil F. Johnson

Simply Complexity

Neil F. Johnson
A Clear Guide to Complexity Theory
3.9 (67 ratings)
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What's Simply Complexity about?

In Simply Complexity, Neil F. Johnson presents an introduction to complexity theory, explaining what complex systems are, where we can spot them in everyday life and how we can benefit from understanding complexity. Although a young field, complexity science already offers us ways to help explain and potentially avoid complex phenomena, such as traffic jams, financial market crashes and modern warfare.

Who should read Simply Complexity?

  • Anyone interested in new explorations in science
  • Anyone intrigued by the increasing complexity of today’s world
  • Anyone who wants to better understand complex phenomena such as dating and warfare

Mathematics Books: How Not to Be Wrong by Jordan Ellenberg

How Not to Be Wrong

Jordan Ellenberg
The Hidden Maths of Everyday Life
4.1 (141 ratings)
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What's How Not to Be Wrong about?

How Not to Be Wrong gives us an intimate glimpse into how mathematicians think and how we can benefit from their way of thinking. It also explains how easily we can be mistaken when we apply mathematical tools incorrectly, and gives advice on how we can instead find correct solutions.

Who should read How Not to Be Wrong?

  • Anyone interested in math
  • Anyone interested in logic or philosophy
  • Anyone interested in seeing the equations behind everyday situations

Mathematics Books: The Structure of Scientific Revolutions by Thomas S. Kuhn

The Structure of Scientific Revolutions

Thomas S. Kuhn
4.3 (120 ratings)
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What's The Structure of Scientific Revolutions about?

The Structure of Scientific Revolutions (1962) is a groundbreaking study in the history of science and philosophy. It explains how scientists conduct research and provides an interesting (if controversial) explanation of scientific progress.

Who should read The Structure of Scientific Revolutions?

  • Students of the sciences, philosophy and history
  • Participants in Mark Zuckerberg’s Year of Books
  • Anyone who’s interested in the history of thought

Mathematics Books: A Mind for Numbers by Barbara Oakley

A Mind for Numbers

Barbara Oakley
How to Excel at Math and Science (Even if You Flunked Algebra)
4.3 (224 ratings)
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What's A Mind for Numbers about?

A Mind for Numbers offers insight into the way our brains take in and process information. It outlines strategies that can help you learn more effectively, especially when it comes to math and science. Even if mathematical or scientific concepts don’t come naturally to you, you can master them with the right kind of dedication and perseverance – and this book will teach you how.

Who should read A Mind for Numbers?

  • Anyone interested in math
  • Anyone interested in science
  • Anyone who wants to get better at studying and retaining information

Mathematics Books: Lean Analytics by Alistair Croll and Benjamin Yoskovitz

Lean Analytics

Alistair Croll and Benjamin Yoskovitz
Use Data to Build a Better Startup Faster
4.0 (102 ratings)
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What's Lean Analytics about?

Lean Analytics (2013) offers key advice on how to successfully build your own start-up. It follows a data-based approach to explain how you can use effective metrics to help your organization grow.

Who should read Lean Analytics?

  • Start-up founders and entrepreneurs
  • Anyone looking to make their organization more effective
  • People who want to understand start-ups better

Mathematics Books: The Economist: Numbers Guide by Richard Stutely & The Economist

The Economist: Numbers Guide

Richard Stutely & The Economist
The Essentials of Business Numeracy
4.0 (71 ratings)
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What's The Economist: Numbers Guide about?

The Economist: Numbers Guide (1991) explores a variety of mathematical tools that are exceptionally useful across a range of business environments. These blinks reveal just how simple it is to manage risk by quantifying it, helping improve decision making in the process. The book’s mathematical notions are explained at a basic level, so no prior math knowledge is required.

Who should read The Economist: Numbers Guide?

  • Entrepreneurs wondering how to apply mathematical ideas to their business
  • Anyone seeking reliable tools for making decisions in uncertain business situations

Mathematics Books: The Beginning of Infinity by David Deutsch

The Beginning of Infinity

David Deutsch
Explanations That Transform the World
4.1 (294 ratings)
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What's The Beginning of Infinity about?

Everyday, we benefit from huge advances in both scientific theory and practice. What triggered this progress? In The Beginning of Infinity (2011) – a journey through the fundamental fields of science and philosophy – physicist David Deutsch argues that all progress results from one single human activity: the quest for explanations. Human creativity opens up limitless opportunities for progress, making knowledge the “beginning of infinity.”

Who should read The Beginning of Infinity?

  • Fans of science and philosophy
  • Anyone fascinated by the power of knowledge and creativity
  • Readers interested in the future of our species

Mathematics Books: The Code Book by Simon Singh

The Code Book

Simon Singh
The Science of Secrecy From Ancient Egypt to Quantum Cryptography
4.1 (56 ratings)
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What's The Code Book about?

The Code Book (1999) lays out the long and intriguing history of secret communication. These blinks will take you on a journey from Ancient Greece to the modern-day NSA, detailing innumerable stories of cunning, determination and deceit along the way.

Who should read The Code Book?

  • Anyone interested in codes, secrets and world history
  • People with a taste for stories of wartime espionage
  • Any linguist and mathematician

Mathematics Books: Numbers Rule Your World by Kaiser Fung

Numbers Rule Your World

Kaiser Fung
The Hidden Influence of Probability and Statistics on Everything You Do
3.8 (103 ratings)
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What's Numbers Rule Your World about?

Numbers Rule Your World (2010) is a guide to statistical reasoning and how you can use concrete statistical information productively to understand as well as improve your world. These blinks walk the reader through the five key principles of statistics and how they can be applied to improve decision making in various contexts.

Who should read Numbers Rule Your World?

  • People interested in statistics and how they apply to everyday life
  • Anyone keen to reap the benefits of statistical thinking

Mathematics Books: Algorithms to Live By by Brian Christian & Tom Griffiths

Algorithms to Live By

Brian Christian & Tom Griffiths
The Computer Science of Human Decisions
3.9 (201 ratings)
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What's Algorithms to Live By about?

Algorithms to Live By (2016) is a practical and useful guide that shows how algorithms have much more to do with day-to-day life than you might think. And not just that; they can also lead to a better life by helping you solve problems, make decisions and get more things done.

Who should read Algorithms to Live By?

  • Busy people who want to improve their time management
  • Anyone interested in what algorithms do
  • People who want to get more organized

Mathematics Books: Soccermatics by David Sumpter


David Sumpter
Mathematical Adventures in the Beautiful Game
3.9 (48 ratings)
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What's Soccermatics about?

Soccermatics (2016) highlights the link between the world’s most popular sport and something slightly less popular – math. These blinks will show you how statistical models can help explain the beautiful game, from strategy on the field to tips for beating the spread.

Who should read Soccermatics?

  • Every soccer fan
  • People who want to predict scores
  • Anyone interested in applied mathematics or collective behavior

Mathematics Books: Innumeracy by John Allen Paulos


John Allen Paulos
Mathematical Illiteracy and Its Consequences
3.9 (59 ratings)
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What's Innumeracy about?

Innumeracy (1988) explains how an aversion to math and numbers pervades both our private and public lives. By examining various real-life examples of innumeracy and its consequences, the book offers helpful solutions to combat this irrational and misguided fear of math.

Who should read Innumeracy?

  • Anyone convinced that they’re not a numbers person
  • People interested in everyday applications of math

Mathematics Books: The Master Algorithm by Pedro Domingos

The Master Algorithm

Pedro Domingos
How The Quest For The Ultimate Learning Machine Will Remake Our World
4.4 (164 ratings)
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What's The Master Algorithm about?

Though you might not be aware of it, machine learning algorithms are already seeping into every aspect of human life, becoming more and more powerful as they continue to learn from an ever-increasing amount of data. The Master Algorithm (2016) provides a broad overview of what kind of algorithms are already out there, the problems they face, the solutions they can provide and how they’re going to revolutionize the future.

Who should read The Master Algorithm?

  • Entrepreneurs who want to connect producers and customers
  • Tech junkies interested in the next big technological evolution
  • Anyone concerned about how their personal data is being used

Mathematics Books: Genius by James Gleick


James Gleick
The Life and Science of Richard Feynman
4.5 (190 ratings)
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What's Genius about?

Genius (2011) charts the life and career of brilliant physicist Richard Feynman, from his formative upbringing to his remarkable and lasting contributions to science. Though he’s not as renowned as Albert Einstein, and has no groundbreaking theories to his name, Feynman did change the way scientists look at the world.

Who should read Genius?

  • Students and lovers of science
  • Curious problem solvers
  • History buffs

Mathematics Books: The Bestseller Code by Jodie Archer & Matthew L. Jockers

The Bestseller Code

Jodie Archer & Matthew L. Jockers
Anatomy of the Blockbuster Novel
4.4 (49 ratings)
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What's The Bestseller Code about?

The Bestseller Code (2016) reveals the remarkable story behind a newly developed computer algorithm with the power to unlock the secrets behind the most popular best-selling books. By analyzing over a thousand bestsellers, patterns have emerged that show us which themes, plots, styles and characters contribute to earning a book a spot at the top of the charts.

Who should read The Bestseller Code?

  • Readers wondering what makes a book popular
  • Writers and authors looking for widespread success
  • Computer geeks who love a good algorithm

Mathematics Books: The Grand Design by Stephen Hawking and Leonard Mlodinow

The Grand Design

Stephen Hawking and Leonard Mlodinow
4.4 (313 ratings)
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What's The Grand Design about?

The Grand Design (2010) tells the fascinating story of how humans came into being and how we began to use the scientific method to explain both our remarkable growth as a species and the world around us. From the foundational laws of Newton and Einstein to the mind-bending science of quantum physics, find out how far we’ve come and how close we are to answering life’s big questions.

Who should read The Grand Design?

  • Armchair philosophers
  • Science geeks who are into astronomy and physics
  • Anyone who’s ever wondered about the mysteries of life

Mathematics Books: Scale by Geoffrey West


Geoffrey West
The Universal Laws of Growth, Innovation, Sustainability and the Pace of Life in Organisms, Cities, Economies and Companies
3.9 (76 ratings)
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What's Scale about?

Scale (2017) is a glimpse into the hidden and fascinating world of the mathematical relationships that tie the world together. The blinks describe how such laws connect everything from microscopic organisms to international metropolises, and what they can tell us about the behavior of complex systems.

Who should read Scale?

  • Physicists, biologists, mathematicians and economists
  • City planners, company owners and innovators
  • Environmentalists and anyone interested in sustainable development

Mathematics Books: The Knowledge Illusion by Steven Sloman & Philip Fernbach

The Knowledge Illusion

Steven Sloman & Philip Fernbach
Why We Never Think Alone
4.6 (103 ratings)
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What's The Knowledge Illusion about?

The Knowledge Illusion (2017) is an in-depth exploration of the human mind. It argues against the view that intelligence is solely an individual attribute, offering compelling arguments for how our success as a species would have been impossible without a community of knowledge.

Who should read The Knowledge Illusion?

  • Students of cognitive science
  • Know-it-alls
  • Aspiring intellectuals worried that they know too little

Mathematics Books: The Book of Why by Judea Pearl and Dana MacKenzie

The Book of Why

Judea Pearl and Dana MacKenzie
The New Science of Cause and Effect
4.4 (94 ratings)
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What's The Book of Why about?

The Book of Why (2018) introduces basic concepts of statistical methods of argumentation and makes the case for a mathematical model of causation. For decades, the mantra “correlation does not imply causation” has been hammered home by statisticians. The result has been stagnation in many forms of research, and this book aims to push back against this trend.

Who should read The Book of Why?

  • Followers of national news and government reports
  • Social scientists reliant on big data
  • Humanities students looking to break with dominant paradigms

Mathematics Books: The Man Who Solved the Market by Gregory Zuckerman

The Man Who Solved the Market

Gregory Zuckerman
How Jim Simons Launched the Quant Revolution
4.3 (235 ratings)
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What's The Man Who Solved the Market about?

The Man Who Solved the Market (2019) traces the life of enigmatic hedge fund manager and mathematician Jim Simons. It chronicles his early life as a brilliant geometer who won awards for his math, to his work breaking Soviet codes, all the way through to his success with his hedge fund management firm Renaissance Technologies. Far more than just another investor, Simons changed the world with his math and methods.

Who should read The Man Who Solved the Market?

  • Anyone working in the world of finance
  • Business journalists
  • Mathematicians and geometers

Mathematics Books: Range by David Epstein


David Epstein
Why Generalists Triumph in a Specialized World
4.3 (619 ratings)
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What's Range about?

At a time when many see specialization as the route to success, Range (2019) shows that having broad interests and taking your time to find your focus in life lead to excellence and innovation. Drawing on examples from business, sports, science and human psychology, Range urges us all to stay open-minded and curious.

Who should read Range?

  • Individuals searching for a purpose in life
  • The intellectually curious
  • Those seeking an unconventional path to success

Mathematics Books: The Art of Statistics by David Spiegelhalter

The Art of Statistics

David Spiegelhalter
Learning from Data
4.4 (281 ratings)
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What's The Art of Statistics about?

The Art of Statistics (2019) is a non-technical introduction to the basic concepts of statistical science. Sidelining abstract mathematical analyses in favor of a more human-oriented approach, it explains how statistical science is helping us to answer questions and tell more informative stories. Stepping beyond the numbers, it also considers the role that the media and psychological bias play in the distortion of statistical claims. In these blinks you’ll find the tools and knowledge needed to understand and evaluate these claims.

Who should read The Art of Statistics?

  • Statistics students looking for a non-technical overview of basic issues
  • Journalists who want to report statistics more accurately
  • Anyone who wants to better evaluate the statistical claims they encounter day-to-day

Mathematics Books: When Einstein Walked with Gödel by Jim Holt

When Einstein Walked with Gödel

Jim Holt
Excursions to the Edge of Thought
4.3 (256 ratings)
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What's When Einstein Walked with Gödel about?

When Einstein Walked with Gödel (2018) is an excursion through both the fabric of our reality and the limits of scientific imagination. Combining math and physics with history and philosophy, it sheds light on some of the most important scientific theories of the last three centuries – and examines the turbulent lives of the geniuses who conceived them. 

Who should read When Einstein Walked with Gödel?

  • Laypeople who’d like to understand more about math and physics
  • Critical thinkers interested in the history and philosophy of science
  • Anyone who’d like to leave a big impression at their next cocktail party

Mathematics Books: The Data Detective by Tim Harford

The Data Detective

Tim Harford
Ten Easy Rules to Make Sense of Statistics
4.4 (264 ratings)
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What's The Data Detective about?

The Data Detective (2021) is a smart, practical guide to understanding the ways in which statistics –⁠ and our reactions to them –⁠ distort and obscure reality. Using psychological research and illuminating examples, it reveals some of the ways our brains influence how we see data and statistics and how we draw incorrect conclusions as a result. By picking apart our cognitive biases and misconceptions, we gain the ability to see data, and in turn, the world, for what it really is.

Who should read The Data Detective?

  • News and social media addicts
  • Avid consumers of scientific articles and research
  • Anyone who regularly comes into contact with data or statistics

Mathematics Books: The God Equation by Michio Kaku

The God Equation

Michio Kaku
The Quest for a Theory of Everything
4.6 (400 ratings)
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What's The God Equation about?

The God Equation (2021) is an approachable look at the history and present of theoretical physics. This primer untangles the science behind relativity, string theory, and the search for the elusive “theory of everything.”

Who should read The God Equation?

  • Science enthusiasts interested in the tiniest scales of physics
  • Freethinkers asking the big question about the universe
  • Anyone curious about the structure of reality

Mathematics Books: The Model Thinker by Scott E. Page

The Model Thinker

Scott E. Page
What You Need to Know to Make Data Work for You
3.9 (162 ratings)
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What's The Model Thinker about?

The Model Thinker (2018) is a guide to using models to make data talk. In a world inundated with information, it sheds some much-needed light on the patterns underlying the noise – and points us toward the ways we can reveal those patterns for ourselves.

Who should read The Model Thinker?

  • Modeling novices interested in making sense of data
  • Future-focused leaders interested in predicting the next big thing
  • Anyone who wants to sound a little smarter at dinner parties

Mathematics Books: The Emperor's New Mind by Roger Penrose

The Emperor's New Mind

Roger Penrose
Concerning Computers, Minds, and the Laws of Physics
4.6 (247 ratings)
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What's The Emperor's New Mind about?

The Emperor’s New Mind (1989) is a timeless argument against the computability of the human mind. Taking you on a fascinating journey through math, computer science, philosophy, and physics, famous mathematician Roger Penrose explains what makes the human mind so special – and what quantum mechanics has to do with consciousness.

Who should read The Emperor's New Mind?

  • Math freaks and science geeks 
  • Hobby psychologists and armchair philosophers
  • Anyone concerned about a robot uprising

Mathematics Books: Chaos by James Gleick


James Gleick
Making a New Science
4.6 (280 ratings)
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What's Chaos about?

Chaos (1987) delves into the most recent theoretical revolution in physics: chaos theory. In the 1970s, scientists began discovering that the world doesn’t behave as neatly as classical physics suggests. From the weather to animal populations to our heartbeats – irregularities, disorder, and chaos pervade our universe. And yet, there seems to be a strange order to the chaos of life. Chaos explores the history of this new science, revealing its startling findings, and pondering its implications.

Who should read Chaos?

  • Curious minds interested in unraveling the mysteries of the universe
  • People interested in the history of modern science
  • Anyone looking to understand and appreciate the chaos of life

Mathematics Books: Zero by Charles Seife


Charles Seife
The Biography of a Dangerous Idea
4.4 (341 ratings)
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What's Zero about?

Zero (2000) is the fascinating story of a number banned by the ancient Greeks and worshipped by ancient Indians. Zero – as well as its twin, infinity – is a number that’s been at the heart of both mathematics and philosophy over the centuries.

Who should read Zero?

  • Popular science enthusiasts
  • History buffs curious about how concepts have evolved over time
  • Philosophers interested in everything . . . and nothing

Mathematics Books: The Great Mental Models Volume 3 by Rhiannon Beaubien and Rosie Leizrowice

The Great Mental Models Volume 3

Rhiannon Beaubien and Rosie Leizrowice
Systems and Mathematics
4.3 (320 ratings)
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What's The Great Mental Models Volume 3 about?

The Great Mental Models Volume 3 (2021) is the third book in a series that shows how mental models from various disciplines can be applied to make positive changes to your life. This volume focuses on mental models from systems and mathematics. It demonstrates how you can use cognitive tools to improve everything from decision-making and relationships to healthy eating and personal productivity.

Who should read The Great Mental Models Volume 3?

  • Decision-makers
  • Problem-solvers
  • The intellectually curious

Mathematics Books: Don’t Trust Your Gut by Seth Stephens-Davidowitz

Don’t Trust Your Gut

Seth Stephens-Davidowitz
Using Data to Get What You Really Want in Life
3.9 (247 ratings)
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What's Don’t Trust Your Gut about?

Don’t Trust Your Gut (2022) turns that tried-and-true wisdom about trusting your gut on its head. Not only does trusting your gut instinct often lead you to make the wrong decision, there’s a pretty foolproof method to ensure you make the right decision – analyzing the available data and acting on it.

Who should read Don’t Trust Your Gut?

  • Regretful impulsive decision-makers
  • Those so overwhelmed by decision-making that they rarely make any decisions
  • Anyone who’s ever resorted to a coin flip to make a particularly tricky decision

Mathematics Books: How to Measure Anything by Douglas W. Hubbard

How to Measure Anything

Douglas W. Hubbard
Finding the Value of "Intangibles" in Business
4.1 (51 ratings)
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What's How to Measure Anything about?

How to Measure Anything (2007) challenges the notion that certain things can’t be measured, arguing instead that with the right tools and perspectives, everything is quantifiable. It provides insightful methodologies and real-world examples to guide readers on how to turn seemingly immeasurable concepts into tangible data, ultimately helping to make more informed decisions.

Who should read How to Measure Anything?

  • Business executives and entrepreneurs looking to better quantify their company’s intangibles
  • Students studying business or economics
  • Anyone searching for insights on how to enhance their risk assessment techniques

Mathematics Books: How to Read a Financial Report by John A. Tracy and Tage C. Tracy

How to Read a Financial Report

John A. Tracy and Tage C. Tracy
Essential Information for Entrepreneurs, Lenders, Investors, Analysts, and Management
4.2 (112 ratings)
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What's How to Read a Financial Report about?

How to Read a Financial Report (1980) serves as a comprehensive guide that demystifies the complexities of evaluating a company's fiscal health. It explores balance sheets and income reports, clarifies the fundamentals of financial ratios, and explains any accompanying notes, offering tools for a clear and confident assessment of a business's economic status.

Who should read How to Read a Financial Report?

  • Investors
  • Managers
  • Non-financial professionals 

Mathematics Books: Bank Investing by Suhail Chandy, Weison Ding

Bank Investing

Suhail Chandy, Weison Ding
A Practitioner's Field Guide
4.3 (66 ratings)
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What's Bank Investing about?

Bank Investing (2021) helps you navigate the intricate maze of bank financial statements with ease. Dive deep into credit analysis, master the dance of regulations and interest rates, and get a front-row seat to the dynamic world of banking mergers and acquisitions. You'll not only be able to decipher bank metrics with flair but harness them to guide your investment choices like a seasoned pro.

Who should read Bank Investing?

  • Aspiring finance students seeking practical insights
  • New investors exploring bank stocks
  • Financial professionals upskilling on banking

Mathematics Books: Relativity by Albert Einstein


Albert Einstein
The Special and the General Theory
4.7 (163 ratings)
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What's Relativity about?

Relativity (1916) plunges you into the revolutionary world of physics, challenging your perceptions of space, time, and the cosmos. Dive deep into the groundbreaking ideas that reshaped our understanding of the universe. It's not just a scientific journey – it's a transformative experience that will redefine the reality you live in.

Who should read Relativity?

  • Science enthusiasts curious about the universe's fundamentals
  • Physics students seeking foundational knowledge
  • Thinkers intrigued by groundbreaking ideas

Mathematics Books: Continuous-Time Finance by Robert C. Merton

Continuous-Time Finance

Robert C. Merton
Mastering Financial Strategies with Math, Models, and Insights
5.0 (1 ratings)
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What's Continuous-Time Finance about?

Continuous-Time Finance (1990) looks at the mathematical foundations of financial markets, focusing on the use of continuous-time models to analyze pricing, risk management, and investment strategies. Combining theory with practical applications, it has become a cornerstone in quantitative finance.

Who should read Continuous-Time Finance?

  • Aspiring financial analysts looking to deepen quantitative modeling skills
  • Seasoned investment professionals aiming to enhance risk management strategies
  • Ambitious graduate students studying advanced finance and economics concepts

Mathematics Books: God Created the Integers by Stephen Hawking

God Created the Integers

Stephen Hawking

What's God Created the Integers about?

God Created the Integers is a collection of writings by renowned physicist Stephen Hawking that delves into the history and development of mathematics. Through the exploration of key mathematical concepts and the work of influential mathematicians, Hawking provides a fascinating glimpse into the beauty and complexity of numbers and their role in shaping our understanding of the universe.

Who should read God Created the Integers?

  • Math enthusiasts who want to explore the history and development of mathematical concepts

  • Readers interested in the intersection of science, philosophy, and mathematics

  • Those seeking a deeper understanding of the fundamental principles that govern the universe


How to Memorize Formulas in Mathematics by Rajesh Sarswat provides practical techniques and tips to help students remember complex mathematical formulas. The book offers mnemonic devices, visualization strategies, and other memory aids to make the process of memorization easier and more effective. Whether you're a student struggling with math or someone looking to improve your memory, this book is a valuable resource.


  • Students struggling to memorize math formulas

  • Parents looking to help their children excel in mathematics

  • Teachers seeking effective techniques to teach formula memorization

Mathematics Books: Thinking with Data by Max Shron

What's Thinking with Data about?

Thinking with Data by Max Shron is a comprehensive guide that teaches readers how to approach data analysis effectively. It focuses on the importance of asking the right questions and understanding the context before diving into data. Shron provides practical strategies and real-world examples to help readers develop a thoughtful and strategic mindset when working with data.

Who should read Thinking with Data?

  • Individuals who work with data and want to improve their analytical thinking

  • Professionals in fields such as data science, business intelligence, or market research

  • Students or academics looking to enhance their critical thinking and problem-solving skills

What's Set Theory and the Continuum Hypothesis about?

Set Theory and the Continuum Hypothesis by Paul J. Cohen delves into one of the most intriguing unsolved problems in mathematics. Cohen introduces the reader to the fascinating world of set theory and presents his groundbreaking method to prove the independence of the continuum hypothesis from the standard axioms of set theory. This book is a must-read for anyone interested in the foundations of mathematics and the philosophy of mathematical reasoning.

Who should read Set Theory and the Continuum Hypothesis?

  • Mathematics enthusiasts seeking a deep understanding of set theory and its implications

  • Graduate students or researchers in the field of mathematical logic

  • Individuals interested in the history and philosophy of mathematics

Related Topics

Mathematics Books

What's the best Mathematics book to read?

While choosing just one book about a topic is always tough, many people regard Fooled by Randomness as the ultimate read on Mathematics.

What are the Top 10 Mathematics books?

Blinkist curators have picked the following:
  • Fooled by Randomness by Nassim Nicholas Taleb
  • Big Data by Viktor Mayer-Schönberger and Kenneth Cukier
  • The Signal and the Noise by Nate Silver
  • The Black Swan by Nassim Nicholas Taleb
  • Ignorance by Stuart Firestein
  • In Pursuit of the Unknown by Ian Stewart
  • The Misbehavior of Markets by Benoit Mandelbrot and Richard L. Hudson
  • Simply Complexity by Neil F. Johnson
  • How Not to Be Wrong by Jordan Ellenberg
  • The Structure of Scientific Revolutions by Thomas S. Kuhn

Who are the top Mathematics book authors?

When it comes to Mathematics, these are the authors who stand out as some of the most influential:
  • Nassim Nicholas Taleb
  • Viktor Mayer-Schönberger and Kenneth Cukier
  • Nate Silver
  • Nassim Nicholas Taleb
  • Stuart Firestein