The best 76 The Body books

The Body is a captivating subject that encompasses our physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Our book list delves into the intricacies of the human body, offering diverse perspectives and insights that shed light on its complexity.

Explore our collection to uncover the secrets and wonders of the body. Ready to enrich your knowledge and nurture a deeper connection with your physical self? Start exploring these illuminating titles today!

The best 76 The Body books
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The Body Books: Genome by Matt Ridley


Matt Ridley
The Autobiography of a Species in 23 Chapters
4.2 (86 ratings)
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What's Genome about?

Genome (2006, second edition) takes you on an exciting journey into your own body, exploring the genetic building blocks that make up not only who you are but also all life on earth. You’ll examine the basics of genetics and discover what genes influence, from aging to illness to even your own personality. Importantly, you’ll better understand why the future of healthcare and wellness may be found in the human genome.

Who should read Genome?

  • Students of biology or genetics
  • People curious about biological determinism vs. societal determinism
  • Anyone wondering how exactly genes work

The Body Books: Too Much of a Good Thing by Lee Goldman

Too Much of a Good Thing

Lee Goldman
How Four Key Survival Traits Are Now Killing Us
3.8 (17 ratings)
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What's Too Much of a Good Thing about?

The human body evolved to allow us to survive in a world very different from the one we inhabit today. These blinks explain why we’re not suited to the modern world, and the health complications we’re suffering as a result.

Who should read Too Much of a Good Thing?

  • People suffering from obesity, high blood pressure, depression or coronary illnesses
  • Medical professionals
  • Anyone interested in genetics or evolution

The Body Books: 30 Ways to Reboot Your Body by Ben Greenfield

30 Ways to Reboot Your Body

Ben Greenfield
A Complete User Manual for Getting the Most Out of the Human Body
3.5 (496 ratings)
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What's 30 Ways to Reboot Your Body about?

30 Ways to Reboot Your Body (2015) gives you the keys to repairing and regenerating your body so you can take your health and fitness goals to the next level. These blinks explain the importance of digestive health, light exercise and solid routines. Get ready to have your ideas about diet and exercise challenged.

Who should read 30 Ways to Reboot Your Body?

  • People tired of struggling with inflammation, weight gain and fatigue
  • Anyone interested in a fitness plan backed by real science
  • Readers suspicious about crash diets and hard exercise fads

The Body Books: It Starts With Food by Dallas Hartwig and Melissa Hartwig

It Starts With Food

Dallas Hartwig and Melissa Hartwig
Discover the WHOLE30 and Change Your Life in Unexpected Ways
3.6 (77 ratings)
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What's It Starts With Food about?

It Starts With Food (2012) gives you the inside scoop on the profound effects food can have on your body and well-being. Importantly, these blinks explain how you can alter your diet to both lose weight and feel better, body and soul.

Who should read It Starts With Food?

  • People interested in improving their overall health
  • Dieters who have tried everything
  • Busy executives seeking to eat more healthily

The Body Books: The Body Keeps the Score by Bessel van der Kolk

The Body Keeps the Score

Bessel van der Kolk
Mind, Brain and the Body in the Transformation of Trauma
4.5 (1,225 ratings)
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What's The Body Keeps the Score about?

The Body Keeps the Score (2014) explains what trauma is and how it can change our lives for the worse. These blinks investigate the wide-ranging effects experienced not only by traumatized people, but also those around them. Nevertheless, while trauma presents a number of challenges, there are ways to heal.

Who should read The Body Keeps the Score?

  • People struggling with chronic pain, anxiety or depression
  • Family and friends of PTSD sufferers
  • Students of psychology and medicine

The Body Books: Inheritance by Sharon Moalem


Sharon Moalem
How Our Genes Change Our Lives, and Our Lives Change Our Genes
4.2 (57 ratings)
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What's Inheritance about?

Inheritance (2014) is proof that you don’t need to be a scientist to understand the importance of your genetics. These blinks explain how your DNA affects your everyday life, from how you look and what you eat to how susceptible you are to things like anxiety and disease. So arm yourself with knowledge, and discover more about the genes that make you who you are.

Who should read Inheritance?

  • People interested in medicine and biology
  • Readers worried about what genes they inherited
  • Anyone in search of the perfect diet

The Body Books: Clean by Alejandro Junger and Amely Greeven


Alejandro Junger and Amely Greeven
The Revolutionary Program to Restore the Body’s Natural Ability to Heal Itself
3.7 (138 ratings)
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What's Clean about?

Clean (2009) puts our bodies and environment under the microscope. It reveals just how many toxins we’re constantly exposing ourselves to, which include dangerous toxins in our food and harmful emissions, coming from both indoors and out. Fortunately, we can detoxify. So find out what steps you need to take to rid your body of the unhealthy residue that is currently increasing your chances for all sorts of cancers and diseases.

Who should read Clean?

  • Tired and rundown people who need a boost
  • Health nuts who are always on the lookout for advice
  • People interested in alternative medicine

The Body Books: Hunger by Roxane Gay


Roxane Gay
A Memoir of (My) Body
4.2 (62 ratings)
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What's Hunger about?

Hunger (2017) is a personal, open-hearted account of what it’s like to live with a body that’s frowned upon by society.

Who should read Hunger?

  • Victims of abuse and sexual violence
  • Students of psychology and social work
  • Anyone struggling with eating disorders

The Body Books: Flow by Elissa Stein and Susan Kim


Elissa Stein and Susan Kim
The Cultural Story of Menstruation
4.4 (22 ratings)
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What's Flow about?

Flow (2009) explores the historical and cultural context of menstruation. By doing so, it seeks to debunk the myths that surround periods and address the misperceptions people have of the basic bodily process of menstruation.

Who should read Flow?

  • Those interested in the history and cultural significance of menstruation
  • Women who are afraid to ask their friends and family about periods and sexual health
  • Women experiencing puberty or menopause

The Body Books: The 4-Hour Body by Tim Ferriss

The 4-Hour Body

Tim Ferriss
An uncommon guide to rapid fat-loss, incredible sex and becoming superhuman
3.3 (1,941 ratings)
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What's The 4-Hour Body about?

The 4-Hour Body (2010) is a collection of research and findings about unconventional body-regulating methods from doctors, scientists, professional sports trainers and the world’s top athletes. These methods are personally put to the test by the author, leading him to unearth life-changing shortcuts to improving his body and overall lifestyle.

Who should read The 4-Hour Body?

  • People who want to lose weight but not give up their favorite foods
  • Those who experience insomnia
  • People looking to improve their sex life

The Body Books: The Story of the Human Body by Daniel Lieberman

The Story of the Human Body

Daniel Lieberman
Evolution, Health, and Disease
4.6 (166 ratings)
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What's The Story of the Human Body about?

The Story of the Human Body (2013) is a fascinating exploration of a story over a million years in the making: the evolution of the human body. Departing from the moment our ancestors first distinguished themselves from their hominid brethren, Daniel Lieberman traces the biological history of humans right down to our office-bound present.

Who should read The Story of the Human Body?

  • Anyone who’s ever wondered how we got from cave- to city-dwelling
  • Fans of big-picture science
  • Anyone interested in nutrition and fitness

The Body Books: The Extended Phenotype by Richard Dawkins

The Extended Phenotype

Richard Dawkins
The Long Reach of the Gene
4.6 (68 ratings)
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What's The Extended Phenotype about?

The Extended Phenotype (1982) offers an alternative view on biology and the process of evolution. Breaking with the Darwinian paradigm that puts the individual organism center stage, author Richard Dawkins shifts the focus toward genes as the active agents in natural selection. From this perspective, a world of fascinating insights emerges.

Who should read The Extended Phenotype?

  • Students of biology and genetics
  • Anyone interested in how life on earth evolved
  • Science geeks

The Body Books: The Vagina Bible by Jennifer Gunter

The Vagina Bible

Jennifer Gunter
The Vulva and the Vagina: Separating the Myth from the Medicine
4.3 (68 ratings)
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What's The Vagina Bible about?

The Vagina Bible (2019is your comprehensive guide to everything to do with vaginas, vulvas and women’s health. Navigating the sea of online myths, advertising promises and sexist misinformation, gynecologist Jen Gunter is here to help you separate fact from fiction. From basic anatomy to proper maintenance, pregnancy, menstruation, STIs and more, The Vagina Bible will teach you not only what your vagina can do for you, but also what you can do for your vagina.

Who should read The Vagina Bible?

  • People with a vagina
  • People who spend time with people with vaginas

The Body Books: Body Kindness by Rebecca Scritchfield

Body Kindness

Rebecca Scritchfield
Transform Your Health From the Inside Out – and Never Say Diet Again
4.3 (242 ratings)
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What's Body Kindness about?

Body Kindness (2016) offers a refreshing approach to your overall physical and emotional health – one that allows you to tune into your own unique body and discover what is best for your well-being. This approach does away with one-size-fits-all dietary and exercise rules that often introduce a lot of added stress and anxiety into our daily lives. With small, easy-to-implement steps, you can learn how to boost their health and happiness, without the rules and rigidity.

Who should read Body Kindness?

  • Anyone tired of the latest fad diets
  • People looking for tips on living a healthier lifestyle
  • Nutritionists, coaches and psychologists

The Body Books: Period Power by Maisie Hill

Period Power

Maisie Hill
Harness Your Hormones and Get Your Cycle Working For You
4.5 (98 ratings)
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What's Period Power about?

Period Power (2019) is your ultimate guide to periods, hormones, and reproductive health. Menstrual health practitioner Maisie Hill explains how your menstrual cycle influences your mood, sleep, and energy and shows how you can harness the power of your hormones to get the most out of each stage of your cycle. Drawing on science and personal experience, Hill equips you with the tools and knowledge to turn your “women’s problems” into period power.

Who should read Period Power?

  • People with periods who are ready to take charge of their menstrual health
  • Girls and women going through puberty, pregnancy, menopause, or other big hormonal changes
  • Non-menstruating people who want to understand their menstruating partners better

The Body Books: The Body by Bill Bryson

The Body

Bill Bryson
A Guide for Occupants
4.4 (573 ratings)
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What's The Body about?

The Body: A Guide for Occupants (2019) is an entertaining and fact-filled account of how we all work. With his trademark wit, Bill Bryson explains the astonishing ways in which our bodies are put together, and what goes on inside them.

Who should read The Body?

  • Popular science fans
  • Biology and medicine enthusiasts
  • Anyone keen to learn more about their own body

The Body Books: Wheat Belly by William Davis

Wheat Belly

William Davis
Lose the Wheat, Lose the Weight, and Find Your Path Back to Health
4.4 (145 ratings)
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What's Wheat Belly about?

Wheat Belly (2011) explores the havoc that modern wheat products are wreaking upon our mental and physical health. It shines a light on how wheat usage has changed over the years, as well as how dramatically our diets have changed. The author, Dr. William Davis, draws upon the latest scientific research to advance the argument for excluding wheat from your diet once and for all. 

Who should read Wheat Belly?

  • Health-conscious people looking for a fresh perspective
  • Anyone hoping to lose weight
  • People looking to overhaul their lifestyle

The Body Books: The Emotion Code by Bradley Nelson

The Emotion Code

Bradley Nelson
How to Release Your Trapped Emotions for Abundant Health, Love, and Happiness
3.9 (262 ratings)
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What's The Emotion Code about?

The Emotion Code (2007) offers a new and empowering approach to healing ourselves and others. Through scientific evidence, plenty of firsthand experience, and a great respect for the energetic and spiritual forces that transcend and unite us all, The Emotion Code lays out a revolutionary method for finding and releasing trapped emotions. By doing so, we give ourselves the opportunity to move beyond our limitations and flourish.

Who should read The Emotion Code?

  • Therapists interested in learning a new modality
  • Anyone who feels stuck in emotional patterns
  • People who trust in the body’s innate wisdom for guiding the healing process

The Body Books: In the FLO by Alisa Vitti

In the FLO

Alisa Vitti
Unlock Your Hormonal Advantage and Revolutionize Your Life
4.4 (79 ratings)
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What's In the FLO about?

In the FLO (2020) outlines a way for women to eat, live, and work in sync with their monthly cycles. Author Alisa Vitti demonstrates how taking charge of your hormonal health can help you unleash your creativity, manage stress, and even improve your sex life.

Who should read In the FLO?

  • People with periods seeking to optimize their health
  • Females of all ages who feel drained or overwhelmed
  • Women who want to reclaim sovereignty over their bodies, relationships, and careers

The Body Books: Chasing the Sun by Linda Geddes

Chasing the Sun

Linda Geddes
The New Science of Sunlight and How it Shapes Our Bodies and Minds
4.3 (106 ratings)
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What's Chasing the Sun about?

Chasing the Sun (2019) delivers a fascinating account of the sun’s influence on our day-to-day lives. Throughout history, humans have worshipped the sun and touted its restorative, healing properties. As author Linda Geddes explains, science clearly shows that the sun is one of the most important elements of our health and well-being.

Who should read Chasing the Sun?

  • Science geeks
  • Winter blues sufferers
  • Healthy lifestyle seekers

The Body Books: Adventures in Human Being by Gavin Francis

Adventures in Human Being

Gavin Francis
A Grand Tour from the Cranium to the Calcaneum
4.3 (80 ratings)
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What's Adventures in Human Being about?

Adventures in Human Being (2015) is a sort of anatomical travel guide. A series of philosophical reflections on each of the body’s major organs, the book combines a clinical perspective on the body with select stories from our cultural history. The result is a series of striking ruminations on the human condition from the unusual angle of human anatomy.

Who should read Adventures in Human Being?

  • Students of medicine open to a more philosophical approach to the body 
  • Philosophers curious to hear a doctor’s perspective on the human condition
  • Anyone who wants to learn about the inner workings of their body

The Body Books: Breath by James Nestor


James Nestor
The New Science of a Lost Art
4.6 (901 ratings)
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What's Breath about?

Breath (2020) is the fascinating and unexpected story of the power of breathing. Western science has overlooked the amazing effects that different methods of breathing can have on our health.

Who should read Breath?

  • Fans of popular science
  • People looking for simple ways to improve their health
  • Anyone keen to learn more about something we do unconsciously.

The Body Books: When the Body Says No by Gabor Maté

When the Body Says No

Gabor Maté
The Cost of Hidden Stress
4.6 (676 ratings)
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What's When the Body Says No about?

When the Body Says No (2003) probes the hidden connections between mental health and physical illness. Modern medical science often tries to reassure us that our minds and bodies are totally separate – when, in reality, they’re deeply interconnected. Mental stresses often play out in the body as physiological diseases, disorders, and chronic conditions that endanger our health and well-being.

Who should read When the Body Says No?

  • People who have chronic health conditions or who know others who have them
  • The eternally stressed
  • Those interested in the connections between mind and body

The Body Books: The Gynae Geek by Anita Mitra

The Gynae Geek

Anita Mitra
Your No-nonsense Guide to ‘Down There’ Healthcare
3.9 (31 ratings)
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What's The Gynae Geek about?

The Gynae Geek (2019) is a straight-talking guide to women’s health, led by gynecologist Dr. Anita Mitra. You’ll learn the answers to all the questions you never asked about anatomy, periods, sexual health, and fertility.

Who should read The Gynae Geek?

  • People with uteruses looking to understand their bodies better
  • Men who want to educate themselves on female anatomy
  • Shy people looking for answers to questions about the vagina and its functions

The Body Books: The End of Food Allergy by Kari Nadeau and Sloan Barnett

The End of Food Allergy

Kari Nadeau and Sloan Barnett
The First Program to Prevent and Reverse a 21st Century Epidemic
4.1 (61 ratings)
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What's The End of Food Allergy about?

The End of Food Allergy (2020) shows how recent developments in science and medicine are beginning to solve a problem that has plagued humanity for thousands of years. Combining data-driven research with inspirational storytelling, it provides a window into one of the biggest scientific and medical revolutions of our time.

Who should read The End of Food Allergy?

  • Food allergy sufferers
  • Parents, teachers, and doctors of children with food allergies
  • Anyone interested in food research and scientific stories

The Body Books: SuperLife by Darin Olien


Darin Olien
The 5 Simple Fixes That Will Make You Healthy, Fit, and Eternally Awesome
4.2 (338 ratings)
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What's SuperLife about?

SuperLife (2015) is the missing manual for your body. By outlining the five life forces fundamental to human well-being, it explains how you can harness these forces to optimize your health, feel amazing, and live long into the future.

Who should read SuperLife?

  • Future-minded people concerned about their long-term health and longevity
  • Young and middle-aged people who are suffering from premature aches and pains
  • People who want to feel their best every day

The Body Books: Burn by Herman Pontzer


Herman Pontzer
The Misunderstood Science of Metabolism
4.3 (137 ratings)
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What's Burn about?

Burn (2021) shines a light on the science behind metabolism – the way our bodies burn energy. Packed with memorable insights and facts, it draws on the latest metabolic research and delves into the evolutionary history of the human body. 

Who should read Burn?

  • Gym members wondering why they aren’t shifting more weight
  • Would-be dieters unsure of which nutritional plan to follow
  • Natural history buffs

The Body Books: How to Do the Work by Nicole LePera

How to Do the Work

Nicole LePera
Recognize Your Patterns, Heal from Your Past, and Create Your Self
4.5 (594 ratings)
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What's How to Do the Work about?

How to Do the Work (2021) is a hands-on guide to healing our bodies and minds. The physical, psychological, and spiritual aspects of our health are all interconnected. By changing how we eat and exercise, engaging in mindfulness and tackling past trauma, we can heal ourselves and transform our relationships.

Who should read How to Do the Work?

  • Spiritual seekers looking for new ways to connect with the world
  • Children of emotionally unavailable parents looking to heal past trauma
  • Anyone who’s tired of feeling sluggish and burnt out

The Body Books: Stealing Fire by Steven Kotler and Jamie Wheal

Stealing Fire

Steven Kotler and Jamie Wheal
How Silicon Valley, the Navy SEALs, and Maverick Scientists Are Revolutionizing the Way We Live and Work
4.0 (187 ratings)
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What's Stealing Fire about?

Stealing Fire (2017) explores the controversial and exciting pursuit of altered states of consciousness. From tech entrepreneurs to BASE jumpers, meditators to festival-goers, it takes readers on a whirlwind tour of the revolutionary nonconformists trying to change the way they experience the world.

Who should read Stealing Fire?

  • Burning Man enthusiasts
  • Entrepreneurs curious about performance hacks
  • Psychology buffs interested in alternative therapies

The Body Books: The Science and Technology of Growing Young by Sergey Young

The Science and Technology of Growing Young

Sergey Young
An Insider's Guide to the Breakthroughs That Will Dramatically Extend Our Lifespan . . . and What You Can Do Right Now
4.4 (397 ratings)
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What's The Science and Technology of Growing Young about?

The Science and Technology of Growing Young (2021) reveals that the Longevity Revolution is just around the corner. Thanks to developments in AI, quantum computing, and genome sequencing, we’re able to engage in genetic engineering, manufacture new body parts, and treat diseases before they’ve even begun to affect us. These developments will soon allow us to live longer and healthier lives than we ever thought possible.

Who should read The Science and Technology of Growing Young?

  • Tech geeks curious about how AI has impacted health care
  • Middle-aged people wanting to reverse the effects of aging
  • People who want to find out how to optimize their health to live longer, fuller lives

The Body Books: I'm So Effing Tired by Amy Shah

I'm So Effing Tired

Amy Shah
A Proven Plan to Beat Burnout, Boost Your Energy and Reclaim Your Life
3.9 (196 ratings)
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What's I'm So Effing Tired about?

I’m So Effing Tired (2021) shows how you can overcome chronic exhaustion by tapping into the interconnected relationship between your gut, your immune system, and your hormones – also known as “the energy trifecta.” It demonstrates how you can boost energy levels by making changes to your lifestyle, your diet, and how you manage stress. 

Who should read I'm So Effing Tired?

  • Women seeking to beat chronic fatigue
  • Anyone who wants to boost energy levels
  • People struggling to overcome burnout

The Body Books: Move! by Caroline Williams


Caroline Williams
The New Science of Body Movement and How it Can Set Your Mind Free
4.6 (490 ratings)
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What's Move! about?

Move! (2021) is a step-by-step guide to setting your body – and mind – in motion. Drawing on recent exercise science research, it shares actionable tips for boosting creativity, improving mental health, and future-proofing your brain against the many effects of aging.

Who should read Move!?

  • Aspiring exercisers who need some motivation to get moving
  • Workout junkies looking to make the most of their fitness routines
  • Anyone guilty of saying, “I’ll hit the gym . . . tomorrow

The Body Books: The Extended Mind by Annie Murphy Paul

The Extended Mind

Annie Murphy Paul
The Power of Thinking Outside the Brain
4.8 (1,017 ratings)
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What's The Extended Mind about?

The Extended Mind (2021) is an exploration of the power of thinking outside the confines of your brain. It shows that the path to greater intelligence is not locked within your skull. Rather, it's a path through your body, your environment and your relationships with others. 

Who should read The Extended Mind?

  • People interested in the interaction of the body, brain and environment
  • Anyone interested in designing better spaces for creativity and teamwork
  • Anyone who’d like to optimize their working and learning relationships

The Body Books: Fast Burn! by Ian K. Smith

Fast Burn!

Ian K. Smith
The Power of Negative Energy Balance
3.9 (182 ratings)
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What's Fast Burn! about?

Fast Burn (2021) is a dieting guide that aims for actual results. This handbook lays out a revolutionary approach to intermittent fasting that puts your body in gear to lose weight fast.

Who should read Fast Burn!?

  • Fitness enthusiasts aiming to train their bodies
  • Despondent dieters ready for actual results
  • Anyone curious about intermittent fasting

The Body Books: This Is Your Mind on Plants by Michael Pollan

This Is Your Mind on Plants

Michael Pollan
4.3 (313 ratings)
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What's This Is Your Mind on Plants about?

This Is Your Mind on Plants (2021) is a vivid, intricate probe into the history, chemistry, and effects of three plant-derived drugs: opium, caffeine, and mescaline. These substances – a sedative, a stimulant, and a hallucinogen – represent a large part of the human experience with drugs. It’s time to shed new light on how they’ve shaped our histories, cultures, and minds.

Who should read This Is Your Mind on Plants?

  • Psychonauts and introspective thinkers
  • Botanists, plant lovers, and science geeks
  • Anyone interested in the history of the US war on drugs and its effects

The Body Books: Hooked by Michael Moss


Michael Moss
Food, Free Will, and How the Food Giants Exploit Our Addictions
4.2 (295 ratings)
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What's Hooked about?

Hooked (2021) explores our complex relationship with processed food. It explains why certain foods leave us wanting more, and reveals how our brain chemistry and our evolutionary biology are exploited by the fast-food industry.

Who should read Hooked?

  • Parents wanting to give their children a healthy start
  • Anyone struggling to lose weight
  • Psychology buffs looking for fresh insights

The Body Books: The Plant-Based Athlete by Matt Frazier and Robert Cheeke

The Plant-Based Athlete

Matt Frazier and Robert Cheeke
A Game-Changing Approach to Peak Performance
4.5 (294 ratings)
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What's The Plant-Based Athlete about?

The Plant-Based Athlete (2021) debunks the myth that our bodies need meat, eggs, and dairy to achieve peak athletic success. Drawing on extensive research and interviews with professional athletes, it shows that a plant-based diet actually results in better performance, recovery time, and overall health.

Who should read The Plant-Based Athlete?

  • Athletes looking to increase energy levels, speed, and recovery times
  • People who want to improve their digestion or lose weight
  • Anyone seeking long-term health for themselves and the planet

The Body Books: Brain Food by Lisa Mosconi

Brain Food

Lisa Mosconi
How to Eat Smart and Sharpen Your Mind
4.6 (693 ratings)
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What's Brain Food about?

Brain Food (2018) highlights the role nutrition plays in your brain’s health. It explores the incredible brain-gut connection and reveals exactly what to eat and drink to maximize your cognitive power and prevent stress, dementia, and memory loss.

Who should read Brain Food?

  • People who want to transform sluggish minds into sharpshooters
  • Health nuts seeking simple hacks to achieve long-term well-being
  • Those who feel their brains could use a little TLC

The Body Books: Clean(ish) by Gin Stephens


Gin Stephens
Eat (Mostly) Clean, Live (Mainly) Clean, and Unlock Your Body's Natural Ability to Self-Clean
4.4 (358 ratings)
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What's Clean(ish) about?

Clean(ish) (2022) is a guide to living a life that’s free from the pesticides and other toxins in our food and environment. Through anecdotes, tips, and exercises, it gently and compassionately lays out a road map to a cleaner lifestyle.

Who should read Clean(ish)?

  • Health-conscious individuals interested in living a cleaner lifestyle
  • People looking to get stronger or lose weight
  • Anyone who wants to reduce toxicity in their life

The Body Books: The Power of the Downstate by Sara C. Mednick

The Power of the Downstate

Sara C. Mednick
The New Science to Ignite Energy, Enhance Sharpness, and Reclaim Balance
4.7 (580 ratings)
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What's The Power of the Downstate about?

The Power of the Downstate (2022) provides a new way of looking at how you sleep, eat, exercise, and relax. Drawing on the author’s groundbreaking research from her sleep and cognition lab, it provides evidence-based tips on how to feel more energized, less stressed, and perform at your best.

Who should read The Power of the Downstate?

  • Those who feel chronically exhausted or stressed
  • People interested in sleep science
  • Anyone interested in deepening their understanding of health and wellness

The Body Books: Being You by Anil Seth

Being You

Anil Seth
A New Science of Consciousness
4.2 (526 ratings)
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What's Being You about?

Being You (2021) offers a new theory of consciousness. What does it mean to be you? Why do your experiences of the world, your selfhood, and your body feel the way they do? Combining neuroscience, philosophy, and a pinch of speculation, these blinks argue that consciousness is not as mysterious as it seems – it is deeply entwined with our living, breathing bodies.

Who should read Being You?

  • Science enthusiasts interested in the mystery of consciousness
  • The philosophically inclined
  • Fans and critics of Artificial Intelligence

The Body Books: Stem Cells by Jonathan Slack

Stem Cells

Jonathan Slack
A Very Short Introduction
4.4 (228 ratings)
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What's Stem Cells about?

Stem Cells (2021) provides an introduction to stem cells – how they’re used by scientists, the therapies that exist today, and what the near future holds. It focuses on the medical and scientific consideration of stem cells and only briefly considers ethical, political, and legal aspects. This “very short introduction” is part of a series of over 650 short introductions covering myriad subjects in every discipline.

Who should read Stem Cells?

  • Biology buffs
  • Stem cell therapy skeptics and miracle-cure seekers
  • Politicians and businesspeople interested in the future of stem cell applications

The Body Books: Master Your Core by Bohdanna Zazulak

Master Your Core

Bohdanna Zazulak
A Science-Based Guide to Achieve Peak Performance and Resilience to Injury
4.3 (439 ratings)
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What's Master Your Core about?

Master Your Core (2021) provides a holistic overview of how strengthening your core can directly boost your athletic performance and mood while reducing injuries. It offers a scientific explanation of “core stability” and includes breathing, stretching, and dynamic exercises to train your core muscles and improve your overall health.

Who should read Master Your Core?

  • Desk workers who want to improve their posture and mood
  • Injury-adverse athletes looking to boost strength and power
  • Anyone craving sculpted abs with a side of mental well-being

The Body Books: Dr. Patrick Walsh's Guide to Surviving Prostate Cancer by Patrick C. Walsh, MD and Janet Farrar Worthington

Dr. Patrick Walsh's Guide to Surviving Prostate Cancer

Patrick C. Walsh, MD and Janet Farrar Worthington
4.6 (120 ratings)
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What's Dr. Patrick Walsh's Guide to Surviving Prostate Cancer about?

Dr. Patrick Walsh's Guide to Surviving Prostate Cancer (2001) is a comprehensive and straightforward guide to one of the most common cancers facing men today. Drawing on decades of scientific research and medical expertise, the authors outline every aspect of prostate cancer, including potential causes, testing and diagnosis, current treatment options, and what to expect as a survivor.

Who should read Dr. Patrick Walsh's Guide to Surviving Prostate Cancer?

  • Men or the loved ones of men who have been diagnosed with prostate cancer and want to know what to expect.
  • Healthy men who would like to stay that way.
  • The medically minded who would like an overview of one of the most common forms of cancer.

The Body Books: Peak Mind by Amishi Jha

Peak Mind

Amishi Jha
Find Your Focus, Own Your Attention, 12 Minutes a Day
4.6 (749 ratings)
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What's Peak Mind about?

Peak Mind (2021) provides a cutting-edge overview of the science of attention – looking at the various ways your mind focuses and pays attention, as well as the factors that cause our mental vigilance to lapse and weaken over time. What’s more, it lays out a simple, easy-to-follow regimen to keep your mind in tip-top shape – even as you deal with the ups and downs of life.

Who should read Peak Mind?

  • Science enthusiasts interested in the frontiers of neuroscience
  • Distractible procrastinators trying to find their focus
  • Mindfulness skeptics interested in the science underpinning the practice

The Body Books: Passionista by Ian Kerner


Ian Kerner
The Empowered Woman's Guide to Pleasuring a Man
3.9 (88 ratings)
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What's Passionista about?

Passionista (2008) is a guide to understanding male sexuality and satisfaction. It offers answers to the questions partners may have – and shows that giving pleasure can be just as fun as receiving it. 

Who should read Passionista?

  • Women looking to better pleasure their man
  • Couples who want to deepen their sex life
  • Those who want to enjoy sex to the fullest

The Body Books: Spiritual Activator by Oliver Niño

Spiritual Activator

Oliver Niño
5 Steps to Clearing, Unblocking, and Protecting Your Energy to Attract More Love, Joy, and Purpose
3.9 (80 ratings)
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What's Spiritual Activator about?

Spiritual Activator (2023) provides a five-step program to detox your energetic body so that you can overcome the blocks that prevent you from being your highest self. By following the program over 15 days, you can cleanse yourself of negative influences and encourage abundance, love, and peace into your life.

Who should read Spiritual Activator?

  • People trapped in negative thought patterns
  • Those who feel disempowered, lost, or unfulfilled
  • Seekers of peace and abundance

The Body Books: The Menopause Manifesto by Jen Gunter

The Menopause Manifesto

Jen Gunter
Own Your Health with Facts and Feminism
4.2 (59 ratings)
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What's The Menopause Manifesto about?

The Menopause Manifesto (2021) is your roadmap to health and happiness before, during, and after menopause. Despite being the most important transition for uterus-owners after puberty, menopause is shrouded in mystery and prejudice. This guide combats ignorance with scientific facts, expert advice, and a healthy dose of feminism. 

Who should read The Menopause Manifesto?

  • Menstruators and ex-menstruators
  • Science communicators and health educators
  • Anyone invested in women’s health

The Body Books: “You Just Need to Lose Weight” by Aubrey Gordon

“You Just Need to Lose Weight”

Aubrey Gordon
And 19 Other Myths About Fat People
2.6 (37 ratings)
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What's “You Just Need to Lose Weight” about?

“You Just Need to Lose Weight” (2023) takes a deep dive into some of society’s most harmful myths about fat people. By revealing the facts behind these common misconceptions, Aubrey Gordon gives readers the tools to analyze their own internal biases, combat anti-fat discrimination, and support the goal of social acceptance for people of all sizes.

Who should read “You Just Need to Lose Weight”?

  • Anyone who wants to learn about the myths surrounding fatness
  • People interested in confronting anti-fat bias and discrimination
  • Supporters of fat activism

The Body Books: The Body Code by Dr. Bradley Nelson

The Body Code

Dr. Bradley Nelson
Unlocking Your Body's Ability to Heal Itself
3.3 (103 ratings)
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What's The Body Code about?

The Body Code (2023) is a companion book to The Emotion Code and presents the author’s comprehensive system for finding and clearing energy blockages and trapped emotions that cause discomfort and disease. Only by releasing these blockages and imbalances can the body’s natural ability to heal itself be fully realized.

Who should read The Body Code?

  • Those looking for mind-body healing techniques that anyone can learn
  • People looking for an easy way to release emotional baggage or address chronic symptoms
  • Self-help lovers looking for healing methods based on intuition and the subconscious mind

The Body Books: The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding by La Leche League International

The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding

La Leche League International
3.8 (21 ratings)
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What's The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding about?

The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding (2010) is an updated version of the classic, definitive guide on breastfeeding. Based on the premise that breastfeeding should be the baseline standard of baby feeding, the book offers answers and techniques to both common and obscure breastfeeding challenges.

Who should read The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding?

  • First-time breastfeeders
  • Anyone pregnant and considering breastfeeding
  • Partner of a breastfeeding (or soon-to-be) mother

The Body Books: Love Yourself Well by Lo Bosworth

Love Yourself Well

Lo Bosworth
An Empowering Wellness Guide to Supporting Your Gut, Brain, and Vagina
3.5 (21 ratings)
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What's Love Yourself Well about?

As a guide to optimizing female wellness, Love Yourself Well (2022) empowers women to take their health into their own hands. The book presents honest insights into the connection between the gut, brain, and vagina and promotes natural remedies for intimate problems.

Who should read Love Yourself Well?

  • Female health advocates
  • Women experiencing health problems they find difficult to talk about
  • Anyone curious about the connection between the gut, brain, and vagina

The Body Books: Juicing for Beginners by Rockridge Press

Juicing for Beginners

Rockridge Press
The Essential Guide to Juicing Recipes and Juicing for Weight Loss
3.9 (10 ratings)
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What's Juicing for Beginners about?

Juicing for Beginners (2013) is a comprehensive guidebook that tells you everything you need to know to get started on juicing. It covers the basics of juicing, from its health benefits and machine types, to different beginner-friendly recipes to try. 

Who should read Juicing for Beginners?

  • Those new to juicing
  • People seeking to lose weight
  • Anyone looking to live a healthier lifestyle

The Body Books: The Fourth Trimester by Kimberly Ann Johnson

The Fourth Trimester

Kimberly Ann Johnson
A Postpartum Guide to Healing Your Body, Balancing Your Emotions, and Restoring Your Vitality
4.3 (22 ratings)
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What's The Fourth Trimester about?

The Fourth Trimester: A Postpartum Guide to Healing Your Body, Balancing Your Emotions, and Restoring Your Vitality (2017) is the ultimate resource for postpartum women who are navigating life with a newborn and want to discover how to reclaim their health, their bodies, and their spirits.

Who should read The Fourth Trimester?

  • New and expectant mothers
  • Women seeking to reclaim their bodies following a traumatic birth
  • Women suffering from postpartum depression

The Body Books: You Can Fix Your Brain by Tom O’Bryan

You Can Fix Your Brain

Tom O’Bryan
Just 1 Hour a Week to the Best Memory, Productivity, and Sleep You've Ever Had
4.1 (729 ratings)
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What's You Can Fix Your Brain about?

You Can Fix Your Brain (2018) is a step-by-step guide to improving cognitive function and overall brain health. Through dietary choices, environmental adjustments, and other health practices, you can reduce brain fog, enhance your memory, and increase your mental clarity.

Who should read You Can Fix Your Brain?

  • People who are experiencing brain fog or are having trouble concentrating
  • Those who wish to reduce their risk of Alzheimer’s and dementia
  • Anyone who wants to feel sharper and improve their mental function

The Body Books: The Mind-Gut Connection by Emeran Mayer

The Mind-Gut Connection

Emeran Mayer
How the Hidden Conversation Within Our Bodies Impacts Our Mood, Our Choices, and Our Overall Health
4.5 (605 ratings)
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What's The Mind-Gut Connection about?

The Mind-Gut Connection (2016) explores the complex relationship between the gut and brain, highlighting the crucial role this connection plays in both physical and mental health. The book delves into key insights, such as the brain-gut axis, the impact of stress on gut health, and the connection between food and mental well-being, emphasizing the need for holistic care to improve overall health.

Who should read The Mind-Gut Connection?

  • Anyone interested in dietary lifestyles
  • People struggling with emotional and mental health issues
  • Those curious about how the body works

The Body Books: Eat to Beat Your Diet by William W. Li

Eat to Beat Your Diet

William W. Li
Burn Fat, Heal Your Metabolism, and Live Longer
4.1 (81 ratings)
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What's Eat to Beat Your Diet about?

Eat to Beat Your Diet (2023) is a science-backed guide to healthy weight loss and disease-free living. It reveals surprising links between fat, metabolism, and certain nutrients, showing that eating more of the most beneficial foods is actually the path to increased health and happiness.

Who should read Eat to Beat Your Diet?

  • Those who want to lose weight
  • People looking to stave off chronic disease naturally 
  • Health-conscious foodies

The Body Books: Becoming Supernatural by Joe Dispenza

Becoming Supernatural

Joe Dispenza
How Common People are Doing the Uncommon
4.2 (741 ratings)
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What's Becoming Supernatural about?

Becoming Supernatural (2017) explores how everyday people can become supernatural. It references breakthrough studies, ongoing research, and incredible stories from regular people that show how anyone can create incredible mental and physical changes within themselves and others by connecting to the unseen energies of the world.

Who should read Becoming Supernatural?

  • Anyone interested in intentionally improving their life
  • People searching for greater connection with the world
  • Those curious about how humans can directly access the quantum realm

The Body Books: Built to Move by Kelly Starrett & Juliet Starrett

Built to Move

Kelly Starrett & Juliet Starrett
The Ten Essential Habits to Help You Move Freely and Live Fully
4.6 (345 ratings)
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What's Built to Move about?

Built to Move (2023) is your ultimate guide to building a better, healthier, more functional body. The concept is simple – it provides a handful of simple tests to assess your movement, and a handful of easy-to-follow routines to improve it. Utilizing the latest insights of mobility, sleep, and nutrition science, you’ll learn to keep your body and mind as fit as possible with minimal effort – no matter if you’re a couch potato or a world class athlete. 

Who should read Built to Move?

  • Couch potatoes looking for a minimal movement practice to stay healthy
  • Professional athletes looking to keep their body as fit as possible 
  • Anyone who wants to move better and without pain 

The Body Books: Smarter Not Harder by Dave Asprey

Smarter Not Harder

Dave Asprey
The Biohacker's Guide to Getting the Body and Mind You Want
3.8 (971 ratings)
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What's Smarter Not Harder about?

Smarter Not Harder (2023) is a guide to biohacking your metabolic, neurological, and epigenetic systems. It will show you how to maximize your well-being by making your Meat Operating System, or MeatOS, do what you want it to do by doing less – by doing things smarter, not harder.

Who should read Smarter Not Harder?

  • Lazy people who want to make their laziness work for them
  • Anyone looking to improve their well-being
  • Tired people looking for more energy

The Body Books: Gut Feelings by Dr. Will Cole

Gut Feelings

Dr. Will Cole
Healing the Shame-Fueled Relationship Between What You Eat and How You Feel
4.5 (95 ratings)
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What's Gut Feelings about?

Gut Feelings (2023) illuminates the vital connections among emotions, the gut microbiome, and health. Taking a holistic approach to body, mind, and mood, the author offers a three-week plan to address the underlying causes of chronic illness, including stress, shame, suboptimal nutrition, and sleep.

Who should read Gut Feelings?

  • Self-help fans looking for mind-body approaches
  • Those looking for more clarity on their relationship with food
  • Wellness gurus looking for the latest on reducing inflammation and enjoying better health

The Body Books: Life in Five Senses by Gretchen Rubin

Life in Five Senses

Gretchen Rubin
How Exploring the Senses Got Me Out of My Head and Into the World
4.3 (63 ratings)
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What's Life in Five Senses about?

Life in Five Senses (2023) is a meditation on how activating and exploring the five senses can lead to a richer, more meaningful engagement with life.

Who should read Life in Five Senses?

  • Burned-out workers feeling disconnected from the world around them
  • Sensualists who want to sink deeper into exploring sensory pleasures
  • Anyone who’d like to look closer, hear better, smell sharper, taste more, and touch with intention

The Body Books: Pageboy by Elliot Page


Elliot Page
A Memoir
3.4 (38 ratings)
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What's Pageboy about?

Pageboy (2023) plunges you into the candid and compelling world of Elliot Page's life. Navigate through stories of self-discovery, transformation, and fortitude that shaped his remarkable journey.

Who should read Pageboy?

  • Members of the LGBTQ+ community
  • Allies, advocates, and identity explorers
  • Fims buffs and cinemagoers

The Body Books: The Sleep Prescription by Aric Prather

The Sleep Prescription

Aric Prather
Seven Days to Unlocking Your Best Rest
4.3 (217 ratings)
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What's The Sleep Prescription about?

The Sleep Prescription (2022) is a practical guide to getting out of your own way and changing your behaviors to set yourself up for a better night’s sleep. It features seven days of clinical psychologist and sleep expert Dr. Aric Prather’s best tools and practices for finally achieving the healthy, restorative sleep we all need to feel our best.

Who should read The Sleep Prescription?

  • Anyone who wants to improve their sleep
  • Those suffering from insomnia
  • People who want to learn about the science behind sleep

The Body Books: The Circadian Code by Satchin Panda

The Circadian Code

Satchin Panda
Lose Weight, Supercharge Your Energy, and Sleep Well Every Night
4.4 (164 ratings)
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What's The Circadian Code about?

The Circadian Code (2018) presents a fascinating look at the science of circadian rhythms – how human biology is timed in daily cycles. It reveals how small tweaks in things like the timing of meals, exercise, or light exposure can have an outsized impact on health and well-being.

Who should read The Circadian Code?

  • Frustrated dieters looking for a breakthrough
  • Anyone looking for better sleep or more energy when they’re awake
  • Health optimizers looking for simple daily habits than can maximize well-being

The Body Books: Waking the Tiger by Peter A. Levine with Ann Frederick

Waking the Tiger

Peter A. Levine with Ann Frederick
Healing Trauma
4.1 (431 ratings)
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What's Waking the Tiger about?

Waking the Tiger (1997) offers an enlightening perspective on trauma by exploring the dynamics that make wild animals virtually immune to traumatic symptoms. Using this knowledge, it then provides a pathway to healing through exercises that focus on bodily sensations.

Who should read Waking the Tiger?

  • Trauma survivors looking to understand and heal their symptoms
  • Readers fascinated by animal behavior and human nature
  • Anyone drawn to explore how awareness, instinct, and resilience can transform suffering

The Body Books: Eat More, Live Well by Megan Rossi

Eat More, Live Well

Megan Rossi
Enjoy Your Favourite Food and Boost Your Gut Health with The Diversity Diet
4.4 (249 ratings)
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What's Eat More, Live Well about?

Eat More, Live Well (2021) offers a fresh take on the diet and health connection, building on the importance of a diverse and thriving gut microbiome for health, well-being, and longevity.

Who should read Eat More, Live Well?

  • Frustrated calorie counters looking for a tastier way to health
  • Scientific minds curious about the relationship between gut microbes and well-being
  • Anyone looking for a more sustainable way to lose weight, increase energy, and live with more abundant health

The Body Books: Yoga Nidra Made Easy by Uma Dinsmore-Tuli & Nirlipta Tuli

Yoga Nidra Made Easy

Uma Dinsmore-Tuli & Nirlipta Tuli
Deep Relaxation Practices to Improve Sleep, Relieve Stress and Boost Energy and Creativity
4.0 (36 ratings)
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What's Yoga Nidra Made Easy about?

Yoga Nidra Made Easy (2022) explores the roots and techniques of the practice of Yoga Nidra, or yogic sleep. This practice of meditation exploring the hypnagogic state between wakefulness and sleep boasts an impressive list of verified benefits, from stress relief and better sleep to boosting critical thinking, self-reflection, and creativity.

Who should read Yoga Nidra Made Easy?

  • Anyone who is looking for an easy meditation practice – no guru required
  • Those looking for better sleep, stress relief, or personal insight
  • Yoga or fitness fans looking for more mind-body connection  

The Body Books: Built from Broken by Scott H. Hogan

Built from Broken

Scott H. Hogan
A Science-Based Guide to Healing Painful Joints, Preventing Injuries, and Rebuilding Your Body
4.1 (60 ratings)
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What's Built from Broken about?

Built from Broken (2021) is your guide to injury prevention and natural pain relief. Whether you’re a couch potato, fitness enthusiast, or full-on athlete – this new approach to understanding joint health will lead you out of the pain/injury cycle toward a stronger, more functional body.

Who should read Built from Broken?

  • Fitness enthusiasts looking to overcome joint pain and injuries
  • Athletes seeking to prevent common sports injuries and improve their recovery
  • Anyone who feels their body breaking down and wants to rebuild strength

The Body Books: In an Unspoken Voice by Peter A. Levine

In an Unspoken Voice

Peter A. Levine
How the Body Releases Trauma and Restores Goodness
4.4 (229 ratings)
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What's In an Unspoken Voice about?

In an Unspoken Voice (2010) examines how you can release trauma’s grip and restore well-being and vitality to your body, through gentle awareness of sensation and movement. The Somatic Experiencing approach provides proven techniques to process unresolved experiences and return to flow.

Who should read In an Unspoken Voice?

  • Anyone struggling with anxiety, depression, or unexplained somatic issues that may have roots in past trauma
  • Those fascinated by the mind-body connection and the wisdom inherent in our organic processes
  • Individuals looking to enhance their resilience and capacity for self-regulation in stressful times

The Body Books: This Is So Awkward by Cara Natterson & Vanessa Kroll Bennett

This Is So Awkward

Cara Natterson & Vanessa Kroll Bennett
Modern Puberty Explained
4.1 (19 ratings)
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What's This Is So Awkward about?

This Is So Awkward (2023) is the ultimate guide to navigating the cringeworthy, bewildering realm of adolescence. Blending scientific insight with compassion and frankness, this indispensable toolkit helps adults support teens through the tumultuous journey growing up.

Who should read This Is So Awkward?

  • Parents of tweens and teens looking for guidance on puberty-related issues
  • Teachers looking for advice on leading puberty education and supporting students
  • Coaches and mentors interested in understanding teen experience 

The Body Books: Quantum Body by Deepak Chopra, MD., Jack Tuszynski, PhD & Brian Fertig, MD

Quantum Body

Deepak Chopra, MD., Jack Tuszynski, PhD & Brian Fertig, MD
The New Science of Living a Longer, Healthier, More Vital Life
3.1 (74 ratings)
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What's Quantum Body about?

Quantum Body (2023) presents a groundbreaking exploration of health and well-being, delving into the intricate relationship between quantum science and our physical existence. It introduces the concept of the quantum body, an infinite, subatomic entity that profoundly influences your physical and mental state and health, yet frequently goes unrecognized.

Who should read Quantum Body?

  • Health enthusiasts interested in quantum science
  • Anyone exploring nontraditional health approaches
  • Fans of Deepak Chopra's work

The Body Books: The Mindful Body by Ellen J. Langer

The Mindful Body

Ellen J. Langer
Thinking Our Way to Chronic Health
4.5 (154 ratings)
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What's The Mindful Body about?

The Mindful Body (2023) delves into the intricate connection between the mind and the body, presenting the idea that they aren’t separate entities but rather one unified system. Backed by cutting-edge research, it explores how changing our thoughts and perceptions can profoundly impact our physical well-being.

Who should read The Mindful Body?

  • Psychology enthusiasts exploring mind-body connection theories
  • Individuals seeking holistic approaches to health and wellness
  • Anyone interested in mindfulness insights

The Body Books: The Anatomy of Anxiety by Ellen Vora

The Anatomy of Anxiety

Ellen Vora
Understanding and Overcoming the Body's Fear Response
4.0 (170 ratings)
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What's The Anatomy of Anxiety about?

The Anatomy of Anxiety (2022) challenges the conventional view that anxiety is solely a mental disorder. It proposes that many forms of anxiety originate from bodily imbalances rather than troubled thoughts. It offers actionable strategies for managing anxiety through lifestyle and diet adjustments, while also suggesting that some forms of anxiety can serve as helpful signals for achieving a more balanced life.

Who should read The Anatomy of Anxiety?

  • Individuals struggling with chronic anxiety
  • Highly sensitive people seeking to understand and embrace their nature
  • Anyone looking to deepen their self-awareness and personal growth journey

The Body Books: Heal Your Gut, Save Your Brain by Partha Nandi

Heal Your Gut, Save Your Brain

Partha Nandi
Five Pillars for Gut Health and Cognitive Optimization
4.6 (23 ratings)
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What's Heal Your Gut, Save Your Brain about?

Heal Your Gut, Save Your Brain (2024) delves into the vital connection between gut health and cognitive function, illustrating how a balanced gut microbiome can help prevent mental decline and neurodegenerative diseases. It offers a holistic wellness approach rooted in nutrition, physical activity, and fostering a sense of community.

Who should read Heal Your Gut, Save Your Brain?

  • Health-conscious individuals seeking to improve gut and brain connection
  • Those concerned about preventing mental decline or neurodegenerative diseases
  • Readers exploring holistic approaches to nutrition and overall wellness

The Body Books: The Thinking Body by Mabel Elsworth Todd

The Thinking Body

Mabel Elsworth Todd

What's The Thinking Body about?

The Thinking Body by Mabel Elsworth Todd is a groundbreaking book that explores the relationship between the mind and body in movement. Through detailed analysis and practical exercises, Todd challenges traditional ideas about posture and movement, offering new insights into how our thoughts and emotions can influence the way we move. This book is a must-read for anyone interested in the mind-body connection and its implications for physical well-being.

Who should read The Thinking Body?

  • Individuals interested in the mind-body connection and its impact on movement

  • Dancers, athletes, and performers looking to improve their physical abilities through mental awareness

  • People seeking a deeper understanding of how their thoughts and emotions influence their posture and overall well-being

Related Topics

The Body Books

What's the best The Body book to read?

While choosing just one book about a topic is always tough, many people regard Genome as the ultimate read on The Body.

What are the Top 10 The Body books?

Blinkist curators have picked the following:
  • Genome by Matt Ridley
  • Too Much of a Good Thing by Lee Goldman
  • 30 Ways to Reboot Your Body by Ben Greenfield
  • It Starts With Food by Dallas Hartwig and Melissa Hartwig
  • The Body Keeps the Score by Bessel van der Kolk
  • Inheritance by Sharon Moalem
  • Clean by Alejandro Junger and Amely Greeven
  • Hunger by Roxane Gay
  • Flow by Elissa Stein and Susan Kim
  • The 4-Hour Body by Tim Ferriss

Who are the top The Body book authors?

When it comes to The Body, these are the authors who stand out as some of the most influential:
  • Matt Ridley
  • Lee Goldman
  • Ben Greenfield
  • Dallas Hartwig and Melissa Hartwig
  • Bessel van der Kolk