The best 100 Change & Evolution books

Change & Evolution are fundamental aspects of life, shaping our world and individual paths. Our book list delves into the complexities of change, offering unique perspectives and insights that shed light on the transformative nature of evolution.

Discover fresh viewpoints and practical wisdom through our collection. Ready to embrace change, ignite growth, and navigate evolution with confidence? Start exploring our selection today!

The best 100 Change & Evolution books
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Change & Evolution Books: The Selfish Gene by Richard Dawkins

The Selfish Gene

Richard Dawkins
4.4 (434 ratings)
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What's The Selfish Gene about?

The Selfish Gene is a landmark 1976 work in the field of biology: It puts the gene at the center of the process of evolution and explains how, when this is taken into account, genes must be seen as “selfish.” Author Richard Dawkins then uses this theory of gene selfishness to explain the massive variety of animal behavior observable on Earth.

Who should read The Selfish Gene?

  • ‘Everyone interested in the universe and their place in it.’
  • Any student of biology or anyone with an interest in biology

Change & Evolution Books: The Black Jacobins by C.L.R. James

The Black Jacobins

C.L.R. James
Toussaint L’Ouverture and the San Domingo Revolution
4.6 (94 ratings)
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What's The Black Jacobins about?

The Black Jacobins (1938) traces the remarkable history of the revolution in the French colony of San Domingo (modern day Haiti). It describes the events that helped the revolution become the first successful slave rebellion in history.

In particular, The Black Jacobins views the events through the prism of the revolution’s greatest figure, Toussaint L’Ouverture. It shows how he, a former slave who was inspired by the ideals of the French Revolution, successfully defeated the European empires and helped to destroy the brutal practice of slavery in San Domingo.

Who should read The Black Jacobins?

  • Students of history and postcolonial studies
  • Anyone who wants to understand why people revolt
  • Anyone interested in how political ideas can change the world

Change & Evolution Books: The Better Angels of Our Nature by Steven Pinker

The Better Angels of Our Nature

Steven Pinker
Why Violence Has Declined
4.5 (104 ratings)
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What's The Better Angels of Our Nature about?

The Better Angels of Our Nature (2012) takes a close look at the history of violence in human society, explaining both our motivations to use violence on certain occasions and the factors that increasingly restrain us from using it – and how these factors have resulted in massive reductions in violence.

Who should read The Better Angels of Our Nature?

  • Anyone who thinks the world is becoming an increasingly violent place
  • Anyone who’s interested in the forces and reasons that drive us to and keep us from violence
  • Anyone interested in the history of violence in human societies

Change & Evolution Books: Genome by Matt Ridley


Matt Ridley
The Autobiography of a Species in 23 Chapters
4.2 (87 ratings)
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What's Genome about?

Genome (2006, second edition) takes you on an exciting journey into your own body, exploring the genetic building blocks that make up not only who you are but also all life on earth. You’ll examine the basics of genetics and discover what genes influence, from aging to illness to even your own personality. Importantly, you’ll better understand why the future of healthcare and wellness may be found in the human genome.

Who should read Genome?

  • Students of biology or genetics
  • People curious about biological determinism vs. societal determinism
  • Anyone wondering how exactly genes work

Change & Evolution Books: Oxygen by Nick Lane


Nick Lane
The Molecule That Made the World
4.1 (38 ratings)
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What's Oxygen about?

Oxygen (2002) is a guide to the element that is so essential to our very existence that we sometimes forget it even exists. These blinks explain how oxygen enables and boosts life on earth while simultaneously threatening it.

Who should read Oxygen?

  • Anybody fascinated by the evolution of life on Earth
  • Anyone interested in biology, chemistry or physics

Change & Evolution Books: The Evolution of Everything by Matt Ridley

The Evolution of Everything

Matt Ridley
How New Ideas Emerge
4.2 (86 ratings)
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What's The Evolution of Everything about?

The Evolution of Everything (2015) argues that the phenomenon of evolution – gradual change without goal or end – reaches far beyond genetics. Evolution happens all around us in economic markets, our language, technology and customs, and is what’s behind nearly all changes that occur in these fields.

Who should read The Evolution of Everything?

  • Liberal thinkers
  • Anyone curious about the power and beauty of evolution outside biology

Change & Evolution Books: Emotions Revealed by Paul Ekman

Emotions Revealed

Paul Ekman
Recognizing Faces and Feelings to Improve Communication and Emotional Life
3.7 (60 ratings)
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What's Emotions Revealed about?

Emotions Revealed (2003) puts emotions under the microscope, revealing where they come from and how to recognize them, whether they’re yours or someone else’s. If you’ve ever wanted to know if someone was being dishonest or trying to deceive you with a friendly smile, these are the blinks for you!

Who should read Emotions Revealed?

  • Law enforcement officers who need to recognize the emotions of criminals and victims
  • Therapists and psychologists who want to help patients cope with their emotions
  • Empathetic people who want to connect more effectively with others

Change & Evolution Books: The Rift by Alex Perry

The Rift

Alex Perry
A New Africa Breaks Free
4.2 (76 ratings)
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What's The Rift about?

The Rift (2015) is a revealing look at Africa’s emergence as a continent no longer defined by poverty, war, corruption and dependence on the West. Find out how modern farming methods, solar and mobile technologies and new leadership are creating a brighter future for Africa.

Who should read The Rift?

  • Investors looking for new opportunities in Africa
  • Those dubious of the idea that Africa is only about war and famine

Change & Evolution Books: A Crack in Creation by Jennifer A. Doudna and Samuel H. Sternberg

A Crack in Creation

Jennifer A. Doudna and Samuel H. Sternberg
Gene Editing and the Unthinkable Power to Control Evolution
4.6 (86 ratings)
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What's A Crack in Creation about?

A Crack in Creation (2017) describes everything you need to know about CRISPR, a new technique to alter the genes of living organisms. These blinks explain the scientific details of gene editing, while also discussing its medical and ethical implications.

Who should read A Crack in Creation?

  • Biologists, chemists and natural scientists
  • Philosophers and ethicists who wonder about the implications of gene editing
  • Anyone interested in the future of medical science

Change & Evolution Books: On the Origin of Species by Charles Darwin

On the Origin of Species

Charles Darwin
By Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life
4.6 (266 ratings)
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What's On the Origin of Species about?

The Origin Of Species (1859) is Charles Darwin’s magnum opus. These blinks outline a theory of how traits are selected by nature, where the tremendous diversity of life on earth came from and how animals and plants came to be distributed across the planet.

Who should read On the Origin of Species?

  • Anyone interested in science or natural history
  • Nature lovers

Change & Evolution Books: Falling Upwards by Richard Holmes

Falling Upwards

Richard Holmes
How We Took to The Air
4.1 (15 ratings)
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What's Falling Upwards about?

Falling Upwards (2014) details the surprisingly rich history of hot-air balloons. It begins with the first successful human attempts to take to the air using balloons and goes on to chronicle their clandestine role in escape attempts and military ventures. From daring balloonists from the golden age of ballooning to the literature they inspired, it’s all covered here.

Who should read Falling Upwards?

  • Anyone with a taste for exploration and invention
  • Science enthusiasts
  • Historians of science

Change & Evolution Books: The Fourth Industrial Revolution by Klaus Schwab

The Fourth Industrial Revolution

Klaus Schwab
3.8 (92 ratings)
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What's The Fourth Industrial Revolution about?

The Fourth Industrial Revolution (2016) tells the story of a new transformation in technology and industry. These blinks explain the major industrial revolutions of the past and go on to tell how a current industrial revolution is spawning new technologies that fuse previously separate fields – with incredible results.

Who should read The Fourth Industrial Revolution?

  • Students of political science, technology and economics
  • Leaders and educators
  • Workers worried about their job security

Change & Evolution Books: The Blank Slate by Steven Pinker

The Blank Slate

Steven Pinker
The Modern Denial of Human Nature
4.5 (174 ratings)
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What's The Blank Slate about?

The Blank Slate (2002) is about the huge role that evolution and genetics play in making us who we are. Steven Pinker makes a strong case against the belief that everyone is born a blank slate and influenced only by their upbringing, arguing instead that biology is a far more important factor in shaping our behaviors and personalities.

Who should read The Blank Slate?

  • Students of psychology, biology, and philosophy
  • Teachers and parents
  • Readers eager to understand human nature

Change & Evolution Books: The Silk Roads by Peter Frankopan

The Silk Roads

Peter Frankopan
A New History of the World
4.5 (243 ratings)
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What's The Silk Roads about?

The Silk Roads (2015) is a comprehensive history of the world, written with an eye to the networks of trade that shaped it. The networks of trade first established in ancient Persia and later linked with Chinese trade routes created a great network between the East and the West. But these Silk Roads are not relics of the past. They have morphed and changed, and their impact can be felt today, right down to America’s fateful engagement in the region where it all began.

Who should read The Silk Roads?

  • Economists looking for historical parallels
  • Intrigued followers of world events who want to learn about trade
  • Historians of all stripes

Change & Evolution Books: A Brief History of Everyone Who Ever Lived by Adam Rutherford

A Brief History of Everyone Who Ever Lived

Adam Rutherford
The Human Story Retold Through Our Genes
4.5 (238 ratings)
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What's A Brief History of Everyone Who Ever Lived about?

A Brief History of Everyone Who Ever Lived (2016) tells the story of humanity through genetics. These blinks explain how humans evolved, the role that genes played – and continue to play – in our development, and the ways in which our genetic past can shine a light on the present.

Who should read A Brief History of Everyone Who Ever Lived?

  • Historians, archaeologists, geneticists and biologists
  • Anyone interested in the history and biology of human life
  • Students fascinated by evolution, genes and DNA

Change & Evolution Books: The Story of the Human Body by Daniel Lieberman

The Story of the Human Body

Daniel Lieberman
Evolution, Health, and Disease
4.6 (167 ratings)
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What's The Story of the Human Body about?

The Story of the Human Body (2013) is a fascinating exploration of a story over a million years in the making: the evolution of the human body. Departing from the moment our ancestors first distinguished themselves from their hominid brethren, Daniel Lieberman traces the biological history of humans right down to our office-bound present.

Who should read The Story of the Human Body?

  • Anyone who’s ever wondered how we got from cave- to city-dwelling
  • Fans of big-picture science
  • Anyone interested in nutrition and fitness

Change & Evolution Books: The Moral Animal by Robert Wright

The Moral Animal

Robert Wright
Why We Are the Way We Are: The New Science of Evolutionary Psychology
4.3 (187 ratings)
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What's The Moral Animal about?

The Moral Animal (1994) delves into the fascinating – and occasionally controversial – field of evolutionary psychology to ask what really motivates human behavior. Drawing on the work of Darwin as well as a wealth of anthropological sources, Robert Wright sheds new light on a range of familiar everyday situations in the animal kingdom and our own societies.

Who should read The Moral Animal?

  • Psychologists and keen observers of human behavior
  • Biologists and other natural scientists
  • Anyone fascinated by the evolution of our species

Change & Evolution Books: The Robots Are Coming! by Andrés Oppenheimer

The Robots Are Coming!

Andrés Oppenheimer
The Future of Jobs in the Age of Automation
4.5 (136 ratings)
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What's The Robots Are Coming! about?

The Robots Are Coming! (2019) provides a wide-ranging survey of the rapidly approaching – and, in many cases, already emerging – future of automation. In the coming decades, sophisticated robots, computer programs and other forms of automated technology will eliminate many jobs in many fields, and will radically transform the jobs that remain. Andrés Oppenheimer takes us on an insightful and eye-opening tour of some of the key industries to be affected and the major transformations that lie ahead.

Who should read The Robots Are Coming!?

  • Skeptics who wonder if the robots really are coming
  • Pessimists who fear the future they will bring
  • Optimists who hope they will unlock new possibilities for humanity

Change & Evolution Books: The Body by Bill Bryson

The Body

Bill Bryson
A Guide for Occupants
4.4 (582 ratings)
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What's The Body about?

The Body: A Guide for Occupants (2019) is an entertaining and fact-filled account of how we all work. With his trademark wit, Bill Bryson explains the astonishing ways in which our bodies are put together, and what goes on inside them.

Who should read The Body?

  • Popular science fans
  • Biology and medicine enthusiasts
  • Anyone keen to learn more about their own body

Change & Evolution Books: Novacene by James Lovelock


James Lovelock
The Coming Age of Hyperintelligence
4.3 (127 ratings)
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What's Novacene about?

Novacene (2019) presents a startling vision of a near-future Earth in which climate change is threatening our existence and artificial intelligence technology has acquired life. The emergence of this new life-form, which will vastly surpass humanity in its intelligence, will mark the beginning of a new age in the history of Earth – an epoch the author calls the Novacene. Extremely ambitious in scope, Novacene shines a spotlight on our particular moment in history and articulates an extraordinary theory about the purpose of the Cosmos and our place in it.

Who should read Novacene?

  • Environmentalists who fear for the future of the planet
  • Luddites who want to put the brakes on technological innovation
  • Curious minds ready for a theory about humanity’s purpose in the cosmos

Change & Evolution Books: The Romanovs by Simon Sebag Montefiore

The Romanovs

Simon Sebag Montefiore
4.5 (129 ratings)
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What's The Romanovs about?

The Romanovs (2016) charts the stunning rise and dramatic fall of one of the world’s great dynasties. The Romanov family helmed the Russian empire for three centuries filled with family dramas, power struggles, political upheaval, and opulent spending.

Who should read The Romanovs?

  • Russophiles and Romanov fans
  • Fans of history with a taste for juicy drama
  • Revolutionaries brushing up on old-school socialist revolts

Change & Evolution Books: Stonewall by Martin Duberman


Martin Duberman
The Definitive Story of the LGBTQ Rights Uprising that Changed America
3.5 (133 ratings)
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What's Stonewall about?

Stonewall (1994) is the definitive history of the 1969 uprising that catalyzed the gay rights movement in the United States. By examining the lives of six gay and lesbian people involved in the movement, author Martin Duberman sheds light on the systems of oppression – as well as the incredible dedication and bravery – that led to mainstream society’s greater acceptance of the gay and lesbian community. 

Who should read Stonewall?

  • Activists
  • Those inspired by grassroots movements
  • Anyone interested in how communal action can lead to change

Change & Evolution Books: 2030 by Mauro F. Guillén


Mauro F. Guillén
How Today's Biggest Trends Will Collide and Reshape the Future of Everything
4.2 (992 ratings)
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What's 2030 about?

2030 (2020) isn’t a crystal ball – but it might be the next best thing. Drawing on current sociological trends, demographic trajectories, and technological advancements, it paints a convincing picture of the global changes we can expect to see and experience in the coming decade.

Who should read 2030?

  • Tech workers and marketing professionals keen to stay ahead of the curve
  • Eco-warriors looking for solutions to the climate crisis
  • Anyone curious to see what the future might hold

Change & Evolution Books: The Book of Humans by Adam Rutherford

The Book of Humans

Adam Rutherford
A Brief History of Culture, Sex, War and the Evolution of Us
4.3 (230 ratings)
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What's The Book of Humans about?

The Book of Humans (2018) is an accessible tour of evolutionary history. It illuminates both the many qualities we share with animals and the many others that set us apart. Incorporating the latest scientific discoveries from genetics and archaeology, it provides a thrilling compendium of the rich variety of life on Earth.

Who should read The Book of Humans?

  • People seeking a primer on evolutionary biology
  • Darwin enthusiasts
  • Animal lovers

Change & Evolution Books: Black-and-White Thinking by Kevin Dutton

Black-and-White Thinking

Kevin Dutton
The Burden of a Binary Brain in a Complex World
4.4 (330 ratings)
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What's Black-and-White Thinking about?

Black and White Thinking (2020) examines the human brain’s irresistible impulse to sort things into binary categories: black and white, good and evil, right and wrong. The instinct to categorize is strong –⁠ and we have evolution to thank for it. But while categorization helped us survive in ancient times – when every trip into the forest was life or death – it’s become an obstacle in the modern world. Today, life’s rarely black-and-white, but often shades of gray.

Who should read Black-and-White Thinking?

  • Anyone fascinated by the human brain
  • People who love to pick apart the intricacies of language
  • Those who want to think more clearly in their daily lives

Change & Evolution Books: COVID-19: The Great Reset by Klaus Schwab and Thierry Malleret

COVID-19: The Great Reset

Klaus Schwab and Thierry Malleret
3.5 (258 ratings)
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What's COVID-19: The Great Reset about?

What’s it about?

COVID-19: The Great Reset (2020) is a compendium of predictions and prognoses. It offers forecasts for how the global economy may change in the wake of the coronavirus crisis – as well as suggestions for how it should change.

Who should read COVID-19: The Great Reset?

Who’s it for?

  • Economics enthusiasts wondering what’s going to happen next
  • Students of international relations grappling with the big questions of today
  • Anyone attempting to come to terms with the pandemic

Change & Evolution Books: Nine Nasty Words by John McWhorter

Nine Nasty Words

John McWhorter
English in the Gutter: Then, Now, and Forever
4.0 (138 ratings)
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What's Nine Nasty Words about?

Nine Nasty Words (2021) is a foul-mouthed exploration of our linguistic taboos. This title picks apart exactly why some words come to be profane.

Who should read Nine Nasty Words?

  • Language-lovers aiming to deepen their appreciation of words
  • Salty talkers looking to pick up new profanity
  • Anyone curious about the origin of taboos

Change & Evolution Books: Grand Transitions by Vaclav Smil

Grand Transitions

Vaclav Smil
How the Modern World Was Made
4.2 (270 ratings)
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What's Grand Transitions about?

Grand Transitions (2020) offers a sweeping overview of global transitions, from population growth to environmental changes. It examines the ways that we’ve shaped the world, for better or worse, and looks at the challenges facing humanity in the decades to come.

Who should read Grand Transitions?

  • People who want to understand world history, and how we got where we are today
  • Environmentalists, and anyone interested in the state of the planet
  • Realists looking for a future forecast based on facts

Change & Evolution Books: Some Assembly Required by Neil Shubin

Some Assembly Required

Neil Shubin
Decoding Four Billion Years of Life, from Ancient Fossils to DNA
4.2 (48 ratings)
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What's Some Assembly Required about?

Some Assembly Required (2020) is an approachable account of the great transformations in the history of life. Paleontologist Neil Shubin started his career looking to fossils for the answers to life’s greatest questions – but with recent scientific advancements, he argues that studying DNA reveals more about the journey we took to become human.

Who should read Some Assembly Required?

  • People interested in the history of evolution
  • Science enthusiasts
  • Anyone who loves an amazing factoid

Change & Evolution Books: Exercised by Daniel E. Lieberman


Daniel E. Lieberman
Why Something We Never Evolved to Do Is Healthy and Rewarding
4.2 (306 ratings)
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What's Exercised about?

Exercised (2020) is a cutting-edge account of physical activity, rest, and human health. Drawing on groundbreaking research in the fields of exercise science, evolutionary theory, and anthropology, it presents a unique account of the human body’s needs and abilities.

Who should read Exercised?

  • Fitness fanatics interested in a broader view of health and exercise
  • Exercise-avoiders seeking to change their ways for good
  • Amateur anthropologists and armchair doctors

Change & Evolution Books: Transcendence by Gaia Vince


Gaia Vince
How Humans Evolved Through Fire, Language, Beauty, and Time
4.2 (278 ratings)
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What's Transcendence about?

Transcendence (2020) is a wide-ranging overview of humanity’s history, from its beginnings on the savannas of Africa to the globe-spanning civilization of today. This multifaceted exploration shows how fire, language, beauty, and time came to define our species.

Who should read Transcendence?

  • History buffs seeking a deep look at the past
  • Armchair anthropologists curious about the origins of human society
  • Anyone interested in what makes humans human

Change & Evolution Books: Israel by Daniel Gordis


Daniel Gordis
A Concise History of a Nation Reborn
3.5 (275 ratings)
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What's Israel about?

Israel (2016) offers a big-picture historical overview of the small but mighty country. From its improbable beginnings to its controversial wars with neighboring Arab states, Israel’s evolution is a story of change, tragedy, and victory. 

Who should read Israel?

  • History buffs interested in Europe and the Middle East
  • News junkies eager to be more informed about a controversial subject
  • Anyone curious about the modern political landscape

Change & Evolution Books: On the Fringe by Michael D. Gordin

On the Fringe

Michael D. Gordin
Where Science Meets Pseudoscience
4.0 (124 ratings)
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What's On the Fringe about?

On the Fringe (2021) delves into what defines a pseudoscience along historical and philosophical lines. With the rise of climate-change deniers and anti-vaxxers, understanding the demarcation between science and pseudoscience has a newfound urgency. By exploring pseudosciences such as astrology, the flat-Earth model, and ESP, we can learn about the nature of science in both the past and the present.

Who should read On the Fringe?

  • Historians, scientists, and philosophers
  • Astrology enthusiasts
  • Climate-change activists

Change & Evolution Books: Arabs by Tim Mackintosh-Smith


Tim Mackintosh-Smith
A 3,000 Year History of Peoples, Tribes and Empires
4.2 (214 ratings)
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What's Arabs about?

Arabs (2021) is a deep dive into the 3,000-year history of the people we know as Arabs. It’s an exploration of the forces that gave birth to the idea of Arabs as a group – and the forces that have kept them apart ever since. 

Who should read Arabs?

  • Lovers of a good yarn
  • Those fascinated by transnational histories
  • News junkies looking to go deeper

Change & Evolution Books: Zero by Charles Seife


Charles Seife
The Biography of a Dangerous Idea
4.4 (341 ratings)
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What's Zero about?

Zero (2000) is the fascinating story of a number banned by the ancient Greeks and worshipped by ancient Indians. Zero – as well as its twin, infinity – is a number that’s been at the heart of both mathematics and philosophy over the centuries.

Who should read Zero?

  • Popular science enthusiasts
  • History buffs curious about how concepts have evolved over time
  • Philosophers interested in everything . . . and nothing

Change & Evolution Books: The Epigenetics Revolution by Nessa Carey

The Epigenetics Revolution

Nessa Carey
How Modern Biology is Rewriting Our Understanding of Genetics, Disease, and Inheritance
4.6 (344 ratings)
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What's The Epigenetics Revolution about?

The Epigenetics Revolution (2011) is an overview of the cutting-edge field of epigenetics – looking at the various factors that interact with your genes and modify the way they behave in order to make you, you. From mental health to obesity, it examines the fascinating and often unexpected ways that epigenetics can influence our lives and health.

Who should read The Epigenetics Revolution?

  • Science enthusiasts interested in biology’s new frontiers
  • Dinner-party sages looking to wow friends with fascinating scientific wisdom
  • Amateur psychologists open to an epigenetic interpretation of trauma

Change & Evolution Books: The Emerald Planet by David Beerling

The Emerald Planet

David Beerling
How Plants Changed Earth's History
4.5 (46 ratings)
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What's The Emerald Planet about?

The Emerald Planet (2007) looks at the central role plants have played in shaping the planet and its environment. New research makes use of plants, both fossilized and living, to explain how the planet got where it is, and where it might go in the future. The Emerald Planet inspired a three-part BBC series called How to Grow a Planet.

Who should read The Emerald Planet?

  • Anyone interested in plant biology and paleobotany
  • People who want to learn more about ancient mass extinctions
  • Evolutionary science enthusiasts

Change & Evolution Books: Hooked by Michael Moss


Michael Moss
Food, Free Will, and How the Food Giants Exploit Our Addictions
4.2 (295 ratings)
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What's Hooked about?

Hooked (2021) explores our complex relationship with processed food. It explains why certain foods leave us wanting more, and reveals how our brain chemistry and our evolutionary biology are exploited by the fast-food industry.

Who should read Hooked?

  • Parents wanting to give their children a healthy start
  • Anyone struggling to lose weight
  • Psychology buffs looking for fresh insights

Change & Evolution Books: What is Life? by Erwin Schrödinger

What is Life?

Erwin Schrödinger
With Mind and Matter and Autobiographical Sketches
4.4 (300 ratings)
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What's What is Life? about?

What is Life? (1944) is a classic scientific text based on a series of lectures given at Trinity College, Dublin, by famous physicist Erwin Schrödinger. Though Schrödinger was a physicist, these lectures addressed issues in biology and genetics –⁠ primarily the fundamental question of how physics and chemistry can account for the processes that occur within living organisms. The concepts he explored went on to spark a revolution in genetics, inspiring, among others, the biologists James D. Watson and Francis Crick, who together proposed the double helix structure of DNA.

Who should read What is Life??

  • Science geeks
  • Big-picture thinkers, ponderers, and questioners
  • Anyone who loves getting to the bottom of how the universe works

Change & Evolution Books: Drunk by Edward Slingerland


Edward Slingerland
How We Sipped, Danced, and Stumbled Our Way to Civilization
4.4 (580 ratings)
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What's Drunk about?

Drunk (2021) is a scientific and historical inquiry into the evolutionary reasons why humans started getting drunk. Drunk examines how inebriation helped our ancestors evolve into creative, communal, cultural beings, and considers whether or not alcohol is an appropriate tool for the modern age.

In the audio version of these blinks, you'll hear "Also Sprach Zarathustra," composed by Richard Strauss, made available under a Creative Commons Attribution license by Kevin MacLeod. Thanks, Kevin! 

Who should read Drunk?

  • Anyone who drinks
  • People curious about human behavior
  • Anyone interested in evolution

Change & Evolution Books: A Hunter-Gatherer's Guide to the 21st Century by Heather Heying and Bret Weinstein

A Hunter-Gatherer's Guide to the 21st Century

Heather Heying and Bret Weinstein
Evolution and the Challenges of Modern Life
3.9 (438 ratings)
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What's A Hunter-Gatherer's Guide to the 21st Century about?

Hunter Gatherers (2021) explores the mismatch between our evolutionary tendencies and our modern environments. It outlines how seemingly innocuous aspects of contemporary living are harming us, and stifling our true nature and potential.

Who should read A Hunter-Gatherer's Guide to the 21st Century?

  • Psychology buffs looking for fresh insights
  • Anyone interested in evolutionary biology
  • Fans of natural history

Change & Evolution Books: The Narrow Corridor by Daron Acemoglu and James A. Robinson

The Narrow Corridor

Daron Acemoglu and James A. Robinson
States, Societies, and the Fate of Liberty
4.3 (166 ratings)
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What's The Narrow Corridor about?

The Narrow Corridor (2019) weaves together a rich tapestry from disparate parts of history to answer the question: Why do some countries achieve liberty while others do not? From the ancient city of Uruk to Revolutionary America, from 1950s China to modern-day Argentina, it examines the conditions that enable governments and citizens to thrive as one –⁠ and the consequences when this fails to occur.

Who should read The Narrow Corridor?

  • Fans of world history, philosophy, economics, and political science
  • Citizens concerned about the fate of liberty in their countries
  • Anyone fascinated by a gripping historical tale

Change & Evolution Books: 1491 by Charles C. Mann


Charles C. Mann
New Revelations of the Americas Before Columbus
4.5 (224 ratings)
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What's 1491 about?

1491 (2005) is a study of the Western Hemisphere before 1492, the year in which an Italian sailor employed by the Spanish empire first set foot in the Americas. Within a century of Columbus’s “discovery” of the New World, some of humanity’s most sophisticated cultures had all but disappeared. In 1491, Charles Mann sets out to recover their ways of life and remarkable achievements.

Who should read 1491?

  • History buffs
  • Myth-busters 
  • Americaphiles

Change & Evolution Books: Why We Eat (Too Much) by Andrew Jenkinson

Why We Eat (Too Much)

Andrew Jenkinson
The New Science of Appetite
4.1 (205 ratings)
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What's Why We Eat (Too Much) about?

Why We Eat (Too Much) (2021) illuminates the new science of metabolism. An exploration of how our bodies process the calories we eat into the fuel that keeps our cells running, it demolishes old myths about the value of dieting. When we really understand appetite, it argues, we can finally begin eating healthfully rather than attempting to starve our bodies into submission. 

Who should read Why We Eat (Too Much)?

  • Frustrated dieters 
  • Science lovers 
  • Sugar addicts

Change & Evolution Books: Why the Universe Is the Way It Is by Hugh Ross

Why the Universe Is the Way It Is

Hugh Ross
3.7 (121 ratings)
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What's Why the Universe Is the Way It Is about?

Why The Universe Is the Way It Is (2008) takes you on a cosmic journey from the Big Bang to the mysteries of time, all while exploring the universe's beauty and complexity. With a perfect balance of science and theology, it's a must-read for the curious and contemplative.

Who should read Why the Universe Is the Way It Is?

  • Curious cosmic explorers
  • Theological scientists
  • “Big picture” modern philosophers

Change & Evolution Books: Thunderstruck by Erik Larson


Erik Larson
4.4 (39 ratings)
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What's Thunderstruck about?

Thunderstruck (2006) is the true story of two seemingly unrelated people, an inventor and a murderer. Set in Edwardian England, the lives of the men intersect in one of the most suspenseful criminal cases in history.

Who should read Thunderstruck?

  • History buffs
  • Narrative nonfiction lovers
  • Erik Larson fans

Change & Evolution Books: Longpath by Ari Wallach


Ari Wallach
Becoming the Great Ancestors Our Future Needs - an Antidote for Short-Termism
4.3 (268 ratings)
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What's Longpath about?

Longpath (2022) is written to change the way you think about humankind. By teaching the lessons of the Longpath mentality, it shows how to break the bad habit of short-term thinking and embrace a mentality that helps connect humanity’s past, present, and future in order to make a better world. 

Who should read Longpath?

  • Individuals interested in improving their connection to others
  • Anyone held back by short-term thinking
  • Policymakers at the local, state, or federal level

Change & Evolution Books: If Nietzsche Were a Narwhal by Justin Gregg

If Nietzsche Were a Narwhal

Justin Gregg
What Animal Intelligence Reveals about Human Stupidity
4.3 (204 ratings)
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What's If Nietzsche Were a Narwhal about?

If Nietzsche Were a Narwhal (2022) takes a playful yet profoundly meaningful look at what makes humans so different from the other animals on the planet. In doing so, it makes a strong case for why the human mind may be dangerously unsuccessful from an evolutionary standpoint.

Who should read If Nietzsche Were a Narwhal?

  • Animal lovers and pet owners
  • Science geeks
  • People worried about the fate of humanity

Change & Evolution Books: How the World Really Works by Vaclav Smil

How the World Really Works

Vaclav Smil
The Science of Our Past, Present and Future
4.4 (693 ratings)
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What's How the World Really Works about?

How the World Really Works (2022) tackles a paradox at the heart of the modern world: we’ve never had so much information at our fingertips and never known so little about how things actually work. Of course, we can’t be experts in everything. But, Vaclav Smil argues, it’s our duty as citizens to be informed about the basics – the big questions that shape our societies and their futures.

Who should read How the World Really Works?

  • History and science enthusiasts
  • Anyone interested in how their food gets made
  • Those wondering what energy actually is

Change & Evolution Books: Future Stories by David Christian

Future Stories

David Christian
What's Next?
4.1 (428 ratings)
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What's Future Stories about?

Future Stories: What’s Next? (2022) explains the roots of how we make decisions about the future and illuminates the urgent responsibility on humanity’s shoulders today, with a multidisciplinary approach to time informed by biology, philosophy, and cosmology.

Who should read Future Stories?

  • Historians – both amateur and professional
  • Anyone concerned about climate change
  • Those interested in being a better human

Change & Evolution Books: The Evolution of Desire by David M. Buss

The Evolution of Desire

David M. Buss
Strategies of Human Mating
3.6 (80 ratings)
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What's The Evolution of Desire about?

The Evolution of Desire (1994) drew on the largest study of human mating at the time to analyze the evolutionary foundations that lie behind our everyday desires and mating preferences. It was updated with new material in 2016.

Who should read The Evolution of Desire?

  • Psychology nerds
  • Individuals looking to attract a mate
  • Anyone curious about how our deepest desires work

Change & Evolution Books: What’s Our Problem? by Tim Urban

What’s Our Problem?

Tim Urban
A Self-Help Book for Societies
4.4 (448 ratings)
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What's What’s Our Problem? about?

What’s Our Problem (2023) offers a fun and unique perspective on the strange state of the modern world in which we live. Using the author’s iconic comedic style, it draws on observations from political theory, psychology, history, and modern-day events to explain what is going on in our society, and what we can potentially do to fix it.

Who should read What’s Our Problem??

  • Followers of Tim Urban and his blog, Wait But Why
  • The socially-minded looking for clear and clever explanations of complex problems
  • Anyone confused and overwhelmed by the crazy state of the world

Change & Evolution Books: On the Origin of Time by Thomas Hertog

On the Origin of Time

Thomas Hertog
Stephen Hawking's Final Theory
4.6 (532 ratings)
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What's On the Origin of Time about?

On the Origin of Time (2023) guides you through the humbling, stranger-than-fiction theories that the late physicist Stephen Hawking developed in the last two decades of his life. With quantum physics, holograms, and inspiration from Charles Darwin’s evolutionary theory, it reveals what the great scientist came to believe about the origins of the universe.

Who should read On the Origin of Time?

  • Those curious about the origins of space and time
  • People fascinated by the multiverse

Anyone familiar with A Brief History of Time

Change & Evolution Books: Guns, Germs and Steel by Jared Diamond

Guns, Germs and Steel

Jared Diamond
The Fates Of Human Societies
4.0 (601 ratings)
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What's Guns, Germs and Steel about?

Guns, Germs, and Steel (1997) is a short history of humanity over the last 13,000 years. The question it poses is as simple to state as it is hard to answer: Why did some parts of the world develop advanced technologies while others didn’t? It rejects explanations that rely on assumptions about the relative intelligence of different peoples. Instead, it argues that the divergence of human societies is best explained by natural factors such as climate, biology, and geology. 

Who should read Guns, Germs and Steel?

  • History buffs
  • Scientists
  • Anyone interested in the big picture of humanity’s development

Change & Evolution Books: Quantum Supremacy by Michio Kaku

Quantum Supremacy

Michio Kaku
How the Quantum Computer Revolution Will Change Everything
4.2 (550 ratings)
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What's Quantum Supremacy about?

Quantum Supremacy (2023) makes understanding the facts and theory behind quantum computers accessible and easy to understand for everyone. It traces the history of the modern computer and posits a future in which quantum computing takes on the challenges of humanity that are unsolvable with even the most powerful of modern supercomputers.

Who should read Quantum Supremacy?

  • People interested in quantum computers
  • The physics-curious
  • Future-forward thinkers

Change & Evolution Books: Saving Time by Jenny Odell

Saving Time

Jenny Odell
Discovering a Life Beyond the Clock
4.0 (405 ratings)
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What's Saving Time about?

Saving Time (2023) takes a deep dive into the complicated concepts surrounding time and the multitude of ways it can be experienced. Combining historical research, philosophical ideas, and social commentary, it offers new approaches to perceiving time that can help us learn to truly live in the present while looking toward a more hopeful future.

Who should read Saving Time?

  • Anyone curious about the concept of time
  • People suffering from a lack of time or burnout
  • Fans of history, science, and philosophy

Change & Evolution Books: The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka

The Metamorphosis

Franz Kafka
4.6 (112 ratings)
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What's The Metamorphosis about?

The Metamorphosis (1915) is an allegorical novella about what happens when the main character, Gregor Samsa, is transformed into a bug. It grapples with the themes of alienation, the absurdity of life, and the power of change.

Who should read The Metamorphosis?

  • Anyone interested in a compelling short story classic
  • People struggling with the absurdity of life or the feeling of alienation
  • Students of twentieth-century literature

Change & Evolution Books: Disruptive Thinking by T. D. Jakes

Disruptive Thinking

T. D. Jakes
A Daring Strategy to Change How We Live, Lead, and Love
3.5 (347 ratings)
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What's Disruptive Thinking about?

Disruptive Thinking (2023) is a guide to unlocking your potential and turning adversity into opportunity. By learning to understand and leverage disruption, you can kickstart your most profound personal and professional metamorphosis yet.

Who should read Disruptive Thinking?

  • Leaders seeking to pave the way with care
  • Community champions doing God’s work
  • Trailblazers looking to grow their career

Change & Evolution Books: When You're Ready, This Is How You Heal by Brianna Wiest

When You're Ready, This Is How You Heal

Brianna Wiest
4.6 (543 ratings)
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What's When You're Ready, This Is How You Heal about?

When You're Ready, This Is How You Heal (2022) invites you on a profound journey of personal transformation. Explore poignant reflections and empowering insights that inspire you to embrace aspirations, navigate change, overcome limitations, and reclaim your true essence.

Who should read When You're Ready, This Is How You Heal?

  • Seekers of self-discovery and personal growth
  • Individuals navigating life transitions and seeking guidance
  • Anyone looking for empowering insights and transformative wisdom

Change & Evolution Books: Parable of the Sower by Octavia E. Butler

Parable of the Sower

Octavia E. Butler
A Novel
4.0 (161 ratings)
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What's Parable of the Sower about?

Parable of the Sower (1993) is the story of Lauren Olamina, a young woman who lives in a near-future dystopian California. When her home community succumbs to the destructive forces of the world around it, Lauren is forced onto the road in search of a new life. Throughout her journey, she gradually builds a new belief system, as well as kinship with a new community. 

Who should read Parable of the Sower?

  • Near-future science fiction fans
  • Lovers of Black and feminist literature
  • Fans of Octavia E. Butler

Change & Evolution Books: The Anthropocene Reviewed by John Green

The Anthropocene Reviewed

John Green
Essays on a Human-Centered Planet
4.0 (22 ratings)
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What's The Anthropocene Reviewed about?

The Anthropocene Reviewed (2021) offers a unique collection of essays exploring the human experience in the current geological age known as the Anthropocene. It delves into various aspects of human life and the world, reviewing them on a somewhat satirical five-star scale, blending humor with deep reflection on the complexities and paradoxes of modern human existence.

Who should read The Anthropocene Reviewed?

  • Environmental enthusiasts exploring the impact of humans on Earth
  • Young adults interested in introspective, reflective writings
  • Admirers of John Green's narrative style and humor

Change & Evolution Books: The Road by Cormac McCarthy

The Road

Cormac McCarthy
4.4 (46 ratings)
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What's The Road about?

The Road (2006) is a dystopian thriller following a father-and-son duo fighting to survive in a bleak, post-apocalyptic landscape. Forced to scavenge for food and supplies, threatened by gangs of outlaw survivors, and faced with death and illness, the duo struggle to maintain morality and hope in a world that seems to have lost all humanity.

Who should read The Road?

  • Fans of post-apocalyptic fiction
  • Admirers of Cormac McCarthy’s unique literary style.
  • Anyone who enjoys thought-provoking allegorical tales.

Change & Evolution Books: The Cherry Orchard by Anton Chekhov

The Cherry Orchard

Anton Chekhov
4.2 (10 ratings)
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What's The Cherry Orchard about?

The Cherry Orchard (1904) is a poignant reflection on the fading influence of Russia’s nobility at the dawn of a new age of industry and materialism. The play centers on an aristocratic family returning to its ancestral estate, shortly before the property’s sale. Despite proposals to rescue the estate, the family’s impractical and nostalgic romanticism leads to disaster; the family home is sold to a plebeian millionaire intent on cutting down its titular cherry orchard. 

Who should read The Cherry Orchard?

  • Fans of classic Russian literature and drama
  • History buffs
  • Theater lovers unfamiliar with – but curious about – Chekov’s work

Change & Evolution Books: Seven and a Half Lessons about the Brain by Lisa Feldman Barrett

Seven and a Half Lessons about the Brain

Lisa Feldman Barrett
4.2 (120 ratings)
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What's Seven and a Half Lessons about the Brain about?

Seven and a Half Lessons About the Brain (2020) is an engaging exploration of the human brain that debunks numerous misconceptions along the way. It explains what brains are actually for, how they develop, what makes them unique, and why they’re often one step ahead of everything you do.

Who should read Seven and a Half Lessons about the Brain?

  • Neuroscience enthusiasts
  • People interested in the field of psychology
  • Anyone curious about human evolution

Change & Evolution Books: Immunity to Change by Robert Kegan & Lisa Laskow Lahey

Immunity to Change

Robert Kegan & Lisa Laskow Lahey
How to Overcome it and Unlock the Potential in Yourself and Your Organization
3.3 (264 ratings)
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What's Immunity to Change about?

Immunity to Change (2009) delves into the intricacies of human cognitive development – emphasizing that mental growth doesn't end in childhood, but instead continues throughout adulthood. It shows how understanding these adulthood developmental stages can be pivotal for effective leadership, and presents tools to confront and overcome the inherent resistances to change.

Who should read Immunity to Change?

  • Professionals aiming to enhance their leadership capabilities
  • Educators striving to foster advanced developmental thinking in students
  • Individuals dedicated to continuous personal growth

Change & Evolution Books: The Coming Wave by Mustafa Suleyman

The Coming Wave

Mustafa Suleyman
Technology, Power, and the Twenty-first Century's Greatest Dilemma
4.4 (450 ratings)
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What's The Coming Wave about?

The Coming Wave (2023) is a wake-up call. Artificial intelligence and genetic engineering aren’t just technologies of the future; they’re already here, and remaking the world we live in. More than any transformative technology of the past, they have the ability to make the next decades the best in human history – or the worst. Which path our societies go down is up to us and our ability to think clearly about the risks and rewards ahead of us. 

Who should read The Coming Wave?

  • Those interested in AI ethics and impacts
  • Technologists and entrepreneurs
  • Policymakers and regulators

Change & Evolution Books: Capital and Ideology by Thomas Piketty

Capital and Ideology

Thomas Piketty
3.0 (141 ratings)
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What's Capital and Ideology about?

Capital and Ideology (2019) delves into the historical evolution and justification of economic inequality across various societies and ideological systems. It scrutinizes the roles of property relations and educational structures in consolidating wealth and power, concluding with proposals for progressive policies to mitigate prevailing inequalities.

Who should read Capital and Ideology?

  • Economic students exploring comprehensive analyses of wealth disparity and its historical context
  • Historians interested in the evolution of economic structures and ideologies across civilizations
  • Policy-makers seeking to understand and address economic inequalities

Change & Evolution Books: Foundation by Isaac Asimov


Isaac Asimov
4.6 (81 ratings)
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What's Foundation about?

Foundation (1951) looks at the crumbling of a galactic empire from the perspective of the planet Terminus, located on the Empire’s outer edge. Terminus is home to the Foundation, a community formed by a mathematician who could predict the future and the Empire’s inevitable demise. As the Empire crumbles, the Foundation gains increasing influence through a mixture of atomic power, religion, and economic savvy.

Who should read Foundation?

  • Sci-fi fans
  • Those who’ve watched the new Foundation television series and are curious about the books
  • Anyone who likes a good space opera

Change & Evolution Books: Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury

Fahrenheit 451

Ray Bradbury
4.7 (65 ratings)
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What's Fahrenheit 451 about?

Fahrenheit 451 (1953) tells the tale of a near future with fireproof homes, where firemen are now tasked with the job of burning books. It’s a dystopian future, where pleasure is catered to and intellectualism has been all but extinguished. But after a chance encounter with a free spirit, one fireman starts to question the true purpose of his job.

Who should read Fahrenheit 451?

  • Fans of classic literature
  • Sci-fi lovers
  • Anyone who enjoys a good dystopian novel

Change & Evolution Books: Hyperspace by Michio Kaku


Michio Kaku
Journey Through Parallel Universes and the 10th Dimension
3.8 (42 ratings)
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What's Hyperspace about?

Hyperspace (1994) offers an accessible introduction to string theory, one of the most exciting ideas in modern physics. It also explores some of the implications of the theory, such as the possible existence of wormholes.

Who should read Hyperspace?

  • Physics enthusiasts
  • Science fiction fans
  • Anyone who wants to understand string theory

Change & Evolution Books: The Motorcycle Diaries by Ernesto Che Guevara

The Motorcycle Diaries

Ernesto Che Guevara
4.1 (43 ratings)
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What's The Motorcycle Diaries about?

The Motorcycle Diaries (1952) invites you on a pivotal journey across South America that transforms a youthful traveler into a revolutionary icon. As you delve into these vivid narratives, you'll experience an intimate glimpse of a continent’s rich cultures and the awakening of a profound social consciousness. This captivating odyssey is not just a travel tale, but also a profound coming-of-age story that challenges you to explore the depths of your own beliefs and ideals.

Who should read The Motorcycle Diaries?

  • Adventure enthusiasts seeking inspiration from epic journeys
  • History buffs interested in revolutionary figures and ideologies
  • Travel literature fans exploring diverse cultural narratives

Change & Evolution Books: The Freedom Writers Diary by The Freedom Writers & Erin Gruwell

The Freedom Writers Diary

The Freedom Writers & Erin Gruwell
How a Teacher and 150 Teens Used Writing to Change Themselves and the World Around Them
4.5 (151 ratings)
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What's The Freedom Writers Diary about?

The Freedom Writers Diary (1999) chronicles the journey of students at Wilson High School in California and their English teacher. From their freshman year in the fall of 1994 to graduation in the spring of 1998, the teens learned about and stood up to countless social issues, transforming from so-called “unteachable, at-risk students” into the self-dubbed “Freedom Writers.” Their book recounts their collective experiences, struggles, and triumphs.

Who should read The Freedom Writers Diary?

  • Anyone interested in social change and activism
  • Those curious about the original Freedom Writers
  • People looking for inspiration in overcoming social and economic obstacles

Change & Evolution Books: Midnight's Children by Salman Rushdie

Midnight's Children

Salman Rushdie
3.8 (111 ratings)
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What's Midnight's Children about?

Midnight’s Children (1981) is the tale of Saleem Sinai, a child born at the stroke of midnight on August 15, 1947 – the exact moment of India’s independence. This biographical and historical coincidence shapes his destiny, connecting him to a thousand other midnight’s children endowed with miraculous powers and intertwining his own fate with that of his nation. 

Who should read Midnight's Children?

  • Readers who enjoy historical fiction with a touch of magical realism
  • Individuals interested in exploring the themes of identity, nationalism, and postcolonialism
  • Those looking to delve into a complex and imaginative narrative that challenges conventional storytelling

Change & Evolution Books: Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Defoe

Robinson Crusoe

Daniel Defoe
3.9 (50 ratings)
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What's Robinson Crusoe about?

Robinson Crusoe (1719) is a tale of a man who spends 28 years on a remote tropical island near Trinidad. He faces solitude, crafting his survival from his shipwreck’s remains, and encounters cannibals, captives, and mutineers before he is finally rescued.

Who should read Robinson Crusoe?

  • Adventure literature lovers
  • Students of English literature
  • Fans of survival stories

Change & Evolution Books: The Modern Learning Ecosystem by JD Dillon

The Modern Learning Ecosystem

JD Dillon
A New L&D Mindset for the Ever-Changing Workplace
4.2 (24 ratings)
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What's The Modern Learning Ecosystem about?

The Modern Learning Ecosystem (2022) offers a practical and transformative approach to help you adapt to the rapid pace of change in modern workplaces. It provides a comprehensive framework for Learning and Development (L&D) professionals to integrate learning seamlessly into daily workflows, helping employees navigate current challenges and future opportunities.

Who should read The Modern Learning Ecosystem?

  • New starters in the world of learning and development
  • L&D teams having difficulty with the pace of change
  • Professionals looking to understand how they can adapt their organizations’  approach to L&D

Change & Evolution Books: Eve by Cat Bohannon


Cat Bohannon
How the Female Body Drove 200 Million Years of Human Evolution
4.5 (121 ratings)
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What's Eve about?

Eve (2023) is a witty corrective to human evolution, spanning 200 million years of biology. Asking why science overlooked key questions about female bodies, it upends male-centric assumptions about how our species evolved. Ranging from wet nurses to C-sections, these musings will change what you think you know about evolution.

Who should read Eve?

  • Readers interested in evolutionary biology and the history of the female body
  • Feminists seeking greater scientific understanding of human evolution
  • Students and academics studying gender, reproduction, and human development

Change & Evolution Books: A City on Mars by Kelly Weinersmith & Zach Weinersmith

A City on Mars

Kelly Weinersmith & Zach Weinersmith
Can we settle space, should we settle space, and have we really thought this through?
3.5 (52 ratings)
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What's A City on Mars about?

A City on Mars (2023) explores what would really happen if humans were to settle in space. Would we live up to the great promise of starting life anew on another planet? Or would we mess it all up, as usual? This engaging and funny guide answers every question imaginable about the prospects of space life – from making babies to interplanetary legal systems.

Who should read A City on Mars?

  • Aspiring astronauts and space explorers 
  • Science fiction fans fascinated by speculative futures
  • Armchair philosophers and ethicists intrigued by thought experiments

Change & Evolution Books: The End of Bias by Jessica Nordell

The End of Bias

Jessica Nordell
How We Change Our Minds
3.1 (65 ratings)
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What's The End of Bias about?

The End of Bias: How We Change Our Minds (2021) delves into the science of unconscious bias, its effects on society, and the ways we can address and overcome these ingrained prejudices. It explores how habitual biases, even those not consciously endorsed, influence behavior and perceptions, and presents strategies for changing these automatic patterns of thought.

Who should read The End of Bias?

  • Individuals interested in psychology
  • Diversity and inclusion advocates
  • Human resources professionals

Change & Evolution Books: Prequel by Rachel Maddow


Rachel Maddow
An American Fight Against Fascism
4.0 (146 ratings)
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What's Prequel about?

Prequel (2023) explores a forgotten chapter in modern American history – the attempt by a powerful, Nazi-funded movement to roll back democracy in the United States in the 1930s. The reason we rarely remember this “plot against America” is simple: it failed. But there’s also a good reason to return to this troubling chapter – the citizens who foiled this fascist conspiracy can help us understand how to defeat threats against democracy in our own time. 

Who should read Prequel?

  • History buffs
  • Politicos 
  • Activists fighting to protect democracy 

Change & Evolution Books: The War of the Worlds by H.G. Wells

The War of the Worlds

H.G. Wells
4.6 (106 ratings)
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What's The War of the Worlds about?

The War of the Worlds (1898) tells the classic story of what happened when a series of mysterious cylinders landed in rural English villages at the end of the nineteenth century. What starts as a curious anomaly becomes a horrific tale of intergalactic invasion that has thrilled readers for over a hundred years.

Who should read The War of the Worlds?

  • Fans of classic sci-fi
  • Anyone interested in literary history
  • Visitors from Mars

Change & Evolution Books: Metropolis by Ben Wilson


Ben Wilson
A History of the City, Humankind's Greatest Invention
4.0 (104 ratings)
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What's Metropolis about?

Metropolis (2020) charts how cities have profoundly shaped humanity. From Athenian democracy to Baghdad’s bazaars and London finance, it reveals cities as the driving force of civilization for over 200,000 years.

Who should read Metropolis?

  • History buffs interested in the evolution of cities
  • Readers curious about how people lived in past eras
  • Anyone wanting to understand the origins of human civilization

Change & Evolution Books: New Cold Wars by David E. Sanger

New Cold Wars

David E. Sanger
China's Rise, Russia's Invasion, and America's Struggle to Defend the West
3.4 (79 ratings)
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What's New Cold Wars about?

New Cold Wars (2024) chronicles the United States’ confrontations with Russia and China as they vie for global supremacy. It details the turbulent struggle for military, economic, political, and technological dominance, exploring the pivotal questions of our era – from Ukraine’s battlefield to Taiwan’s tech hubs to the White House Situation Room.

Who should read New Cold Wars?

  • Political science enthusiasts
  • History buffs
  • Professionals in national security and defense

Change & Evolution Books: Mind Magic by James R. Doty

Mind Magic

James R. Doty
The Neuroscience of Manifestation and How It Changes Everything
4.4 (326 ratings)
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What's Mind Magic about?

Mind Magic (2024) reframes manifestation as a daily practice, in which directing attention, cultivating an empowering inner dialogue, and using tools like guided meditations and journaling exercises can manifest positive transformations.

Who should read Mind Magic?

  • Anyone feeling directionless and frustrated in life
  • Anyone who chases after goals without seeming to accomplish them
  • Anyone ready to open up to the mind’s power to manifest

Change & Evolution Books: Trippy by Ernesto Londoño


Ernesto Londoño
The Peril and Promise of Medicinal Psychedelics
3.5 (21 ratings)
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What's Trippy about?

Trippy (2024) explores therapeutic uses of the psychedelic drug ayahuasca, and the rise of retreats that promise life-changing experiences. Weaving together personal anecdotes and science-based research, it begs the question: Is ayahuasca worth the cost, and the risk?

Who should read Trippy?

  • Anyone interested in ayahuasca
  • People who have struggled with their mental health
  • Open-minded skeptics

Change & Evolution Books: Purpose by Samuel T. Wilkinson


Samuel T. Wilkinson
What Evolution and Human Nature Imply about the Meaning of Our Existence
3.3 (43 ratings)
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What's Purpose about?

Purpose (2024) presents a provocative exploration of human evolution, challenging the notion that life is devoid of inherent meaning. By integrating insights from various scientific disciplines, it argues that there is a universal purpose rooted in the dualities of being human and our ability to exercise free will, suggesting a profound connection between our biological nature and the existence of a higher purpose.

Who should read Purpose?

  • Individuals interested in the intersection of science and spirituality
  • Readers seeking a deeper understanding of human evolution and its implications
  • Professionals and students in psychology, psychiatry, and evolutionary biology

Change & Evolution Books: Alien Earths by Lisa Kaltenegger

Alien Earths

Lisa Kaltenegger
The New Science of Planet Hunting in the Cosmos
4.3 (20 ratings)
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What's Alien Earths about?

Alien Earths (2024) dives into the groundbreaking research transforming our understanding of the cosmos and the quest to find life beyond Earth. It explores the innovative techniques used to identify life on distant exoplanets, with insights from the latest discoveries. It highlights the most promising alien worlds and the potential for discovering extraterrestrial life.

Who should read Alien Earths?

  • Astronomy enthusiasts and space exploration aficionados
  • Science fiction fans interested in exoplanets
  • Anyone interested in knowing if we’re alone in the universe

Change & Evolution Books: The Horse by Timothy C. Winegard

The Horse

Timothy C. Winegard
A Galloping History of Humanity
4.5 (42 ratings)
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What's The Horse about?

The Horse (2024) offers a sweeping exploration of how horses have shaped human civilization across millennia. From their evolutionary origins to their roles in warfare, agriculture, and culture, the book explores the profound and often overlooked impact of these majestic animals on the course of human history. 

Who should read The Horse?

  • History buffs interested in social and cultural history
  • Animal lovers and equestrians curious about the history of human-horse collaboration
  • Anyone curious about the unexpected forces behind cultural evolution

Change & Evolution Books: Unstoppable Brain by Kyra Bobinet

Unstoppable Brain

Kyra Bobinet
Neuroscience for Overcoming Failure, Stress, and Creating Change
4.3 (103 ratings)
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What's Unstoppable Brain about?

Unstoppable Brain (2024) explores the latest neuroscience to help readers understand how their brains respond to failure and stress, and offers practical strategies to reprogram these responses for lasting behavior change. It focuses primarily on the habenula, a brain region that can inhibit motivation after perceived failure, and provides actionable steps to overcome this built-in internal barrier and achieve personal goals​.

Who should read Unstoppable Brain?

  • Healthcare professionals seeking neuroscience-based strategies for patient engagement
  • Educators interested in understanding and fostering motivation
  • Anyone struggling with procrastination or self-doubt

Change & Evolution Books: Principles For Dealing With the Changing World Order by Ray Dalio

Principles For Dealing With the Changing World Order

Ray Dalio
Why Nations Succeed and Fail
4.1 (89 ratings)
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What's Principles For Dealing With the Changing World Order about?

Principles for Dealing with the Changing World Order (2021) examines the patterns underpinning the rise and fall of past empires – and demonstrates that they can be equally applied to empires today. It explores how our current global dynamics mirror those of past centuries, with the US and China at the forefront, and argues that understanding these dynamics will prepare us for what’s ahead.

Who should read Principles For Dealing With the Changing World Order?

  • History buffs intrigued with the rise and fall of empires.
  • Investors seeking to navigate global economic trends
  • Students of political science and international relations

Change & Evolution Books: The Human Condition by Hannah Arendt

The Human Condition

Hannah Arendt
Uncover the Dangers of Humanity’s Increasing Capabilities
3.8 (154 ratings)
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What's The Human Condition about?

The Human Condition (1958) invites you to explore how action, labor, and work shape your life and the world you live in. Through these core activities, you’ll gain a deeper understanding of what freedom truly means, see how your daily choices impact society, and reflect on your role in the ongoing story of human experience.

Who should read The Human Condition?

  • Philosophy enthusiasts interested in the nature of human existence
  • Politics junkies wanting to explore the role of action in society
  • Anyone curious about the interplay between public and private life

Change & Evolution Books: The Wide Wide Sea by Hampton Sides

The Wide Wide Sea

Hampton Sides
The Fateful Final Voyage of Captain James Cook
4.4 (93 ratings)
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What's The Wide Wide Sea about?

The Wide Wide Sea (2024) recounts the final expedition of Captain James Cook, the legendary European “first navigator.” His exploration of a vast uncharted sea led to amazing discovery as well as tragedy. It encapsulates the thrills of scientific advancement while also revealing the perils of colonization.

Who should read The Wide Wide Sea?

  • History enthusiasts
  • Adventure seekers
  • People interested in cross-cultural encounters

Change & Evolution Books: How Economics Explains the World by Andrew Leigh

How Economics Explains the World

Andrew Leigh
A Short History of Humanity
4.0 (182 ratings)
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What's How Economics Explains the World about?

How Economics Explains the World (2024) offers a sweeping narrative of human history through the lens of economic forces – from the agricultural revolution to the age of artificial intelligence. This concise yet comprehensive work illuminates how ingenuity, market dynamics, and the pursuit of progress have profoundly shaped our past and present, while also examining the economic challenges that will define our future.

Who should read How Economics Explains the World?

  • History enthusiasts seeking to understand global events through an economic lens
  • Students of economics looking for a concise overview of the discipline's impact on society
  • Policy makers interested in the historical context of economic decisions

Change & Evolution Books: The Demon of Unrest by Erik Larson

The Demon of Unrest

Erik Larson
A Saga of Hubris, Heartbreak, and Heroism at the Dawn of the Civil War
4.2 (54 ratings)
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What's The Demon of Unrest about?

The Demon of Unrest (2024) captures the dramatic chaos and pivotal moments of the American Civil War's early days. It vividly recounts the fall of Fort Sumter and delves into the intense emotions and strategic maneuvers that precipitated the event. Painting an eerily relevant portrait of a world on the brink of war, it displays how every decision and action at this critical time had the potential to alter the course of history.

Who should read The Demon of Unrest?

  • History buffs fascinated by the lead-up to the Civil War
  • Fans of political drama and pivotal historical events
  • Fans of narrative non-fiction

Change & Evolution Books: Nexus by Yuval Noah Harari


Yuval Noah Harari
A Brief History of Information Networks from the Stone Age to AI
4.3 (328 ratings)
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What's Nexus about?

Nexus (2024) explores how information networks, from storytelling and books to the internet and AI, have shaped human history. It lays bare the risks technology currently poses to these networks and defines the critical decisions humanity must make to safeguard information, power, order, and truth.

Who should read Nexus?

  • History lovers who want to uncover the fascinating history of information
  • Futurists wondering what’s next for information technology
  • Ethicists invested in the moral implications of the digital revolution

Change & Evolution Books: Freedom by Angela Merkel with Beate Baumann


Angela Merkel with Beate Baumann
Memories 1954 – 2021
4.4 (116 ratings)
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What's Freedom about?

Freiheit (2024) is the autobiography of former German Chancellor Angela Merkel, which she wrote three years after leaving office. In it, Merkel looks back on her life and offers a glimpse into a slice of contemporary events and political history.

Who should read Freedom?

  • Anyone interested in contemporary history
  • Fans and critics of Angela Merkel
  • People who want to learn more about democracies and dictatorships

Change & Evolution Books: A Passion for Leadership by Robert M. Gates

A Passion for Leadership

Robert M. Gates
Lessons on Change and Reform from Fifty Years of Public Service
4.0 (2 ratings)
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What's A Passion for Leadership about?

A Passion for Leadership (2016) offers leadership strategies based on the challenges of driving change within large organizations. It draws from a range of experiences in managing complex bureaucracies, emphasizing approaches for making them more agile and accountable and providing practical insights for anyone looking to lead and reform an institutional structure.

Who should read A Passion for Leadership?

  • Aspiring leaders seeking change management skills
  • Government officials interested in bureaucratic reform
  • Business executives aiming for organizational efficiency

Change & Evolution Books: Change Anything by Kerry Patterson

Change Anything

Kerry Patterson
The New Science of Personal Success
4.0 (6 ratings)
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What's Change Anything about?

Change Anything (2011) presents a comprehensive approach to improving your life both at work and beyond, emphasizing the power of subtle influences over traditional willpower. It explores why common efforts often fail and demonstrates how you can harness influential forces to achieve meaningful and lasting change. It encourages you to rethink your behavior and adopt strategies that will lead to consistent success.

Who should read Change Anything?

  • Personal growth and development seekers
  • Professionals looking to improve their productivity and performance
  • Those stuck in a rut looking to break free from old habits

Change & Evolution Books: This Time Is Different by Carmen M. Reinhart, Kenneth S. Rogoff

This Time Is Different

Carmen M. Reinhart, Kenneth S. Rogoff
Eight Centuries of Financial Folly
4.7 (3 ratings)
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What's This Time Is Different about?

This Time is Different (2011) analyzes eight centuries of financial crises, demonstrating that despite claims of uniqueness, these crises follow remarkably similar patterns. While countries eventually recover from financial storms, human nature's tendency to believe "this time is different" leads to repeated cycles of crisis, as each generation forgets or ignores the lessons of the past.

Who should read This Time Is Different?

  • Policy makers looking to avoid future economic missteps 
  • Finance workers who want to spot signs of impending crises
  • History lovers ready for a deep dive into economic history

Change & Evolution Books: Supremacy by Parmy Olson


Parmy Olson
AI, ChatGPT, and the Race that Will Change the World
4.0 (5 ratings)
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What's Supremacy about?

Supremacy (2024) takes you inside the high-stakes race to build Artificial General Intelligence. From groundbreaking innovations to the hidden dangers of AI monopolies, you can see how the quest for smarter machines can reshape the world – for better or worse. It raises the important question, are we on the verge of a technological utopia, or heading toward a future full of unforeseen risks?

Who should read Supremacy?

  • Tech enthusiasts
  • Business leaders and investors
  • Anyone curious about the future

Change & Evolution Books: Growth by Daniel Susskind


Daniel Susskind
A History and a Reckoning
4.5 (2 ratings)
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What's Growth about?

Growth (2024) challenges the long-held belief that economic growth is the ultimate goal for society. It also puts forth a new philosophy that prioritizes environmental sustainability, social equity, and future generations over relentless growth – inviting us to rethink the very foundations of our economy.

Who should read Growth?

  • Anyone concerned about the future
  • Economists and policymakers
  • Environmentalists and social justice advocates

Related Topics

Change & Evolution Books

What's the best Change & Evolution book to read?

While choosing just one book about a topic is always tough, many people regard The Selfish Gene as the ultimate read on Change & Evolution.

What are the Top 10 Change & Evolution books?

Blinkist curators have picked the following:
  • The Selfish Gene by Richard Dawkins
  • The Black Jacobins by C.L.R. James
  • The Better Angels of Our Nature by Steven Pinker
  • Genome by Matt Ridley
  • Oxygen by Nick Lane
  • The Evolution of Everything by Matt Ridley
  • Emotions Revealed by Paul Ekman
  • The Rift by Alex Perry
  • A Crack in Creation by Jennifer A. Doudna and Samuel H. Sternberg
  • On the Origin of Species by Charles Darwin

Who are the top Change & Evolution book authors?

When it comes to Change & Evolution, these are the authors who stand out as some of the most influential:
  • Richard Dawkins
  • C.L.R. James
  • Steven Pinker
  • Matt Ridley
  • Nick Lane