The best 50 Routines & Habits books

Routines and habits are essential components of our daily lives, influencing our personal and professional success. By understanding and mastering these concepts, we can unlock our full potential and lead more fulfilling lives. That's why we've created this comprehensive list of books to help you dive deep into the world of Routines And Habits.

Our selection covers various aspects of establishing and maintaining effective routines and habits. So, let's transform your life one habit at a time by exploring these insightful reads!
The best 50 Routines & Habits books
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Routines & Habits Books: The Now Habit by Neil Fiore

The Now Habit

Neil Fiore
A Strategic Program for Overcoming Procrastination and Enjoying Guilt-Free Play
4.4 (444 ratings)
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What's The Now Habit about?

The Now Habit investigates a problem many people can relate to today: procrastination. Why do people put off important tasks until the last possible second? And how can they be helped? The Now Habit explains where this phenomenon comes from, and which mindset and tools can help us overcome it.

Who should read The Now Habit?

  • Anyone suffering from procrastination
  • Anyone who wants to help a chronic procrastinator
  • Anyone interested in self-management and personal development

Routines & Habits Books: The Pomodoro Technique by Francesco Cirillo

The Pomodoro Technique

Francesco Cirillo
4.6 (604 ratings)
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What's The Pomodoro Technique about?

The Pomodoro Technique (2009) presents a simple yet effective method of structuring your workday. This method helps to overcome your lack of motivation by cutting large or complex tasks into small, manageable chunks. Using these techniques, you will gain more control over your work, thus making you a more effective worker and work more rewarding.

Who should read The Pomodoro Technique?

  • Anyone interested in time management and productivity
  • Anyone struggling with procrastination
  • Anyone in search of simple tools to boost their productivity

Routines & Habits Books: The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg

The Power of Habit

Charles Duhigg
Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business
4.3 (3,177 ratings)
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What's The Power of Habit about?

The Power of Habit (2012) explains what an important role habits play in our lives, whether they’re good ones, like brushing our teeth and exercising, or bad ones, like smoking. Filled with research-based findings and engaging anecdotes, The Power of Habit not only explains exactly how habits are formed, it provides easy tips for changing habits, both on an individual and an organizational level.

Who should read The Power of Habit?

  • People striving to form good habits, like exercising regularly, or kick bad ones, like eating fast food
  • Anyone interested in how our tendency to form habits is manipulated by companies
  • Anyone who wants to implement new routines in their organizations

Routines & Habits Books: The Power of Less by Leo Babauta

The Power of Less

Leo Babauta
The Fine Art of Limiting Yourself to the Essential ... in Business and in Life
4.4 (272 ratings)
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What's The Power of Less about?

The Power of Less introduces Leo Babauta’s ideal of productive minimalism. His approach focuses mainly on the development of good habits as the key to long-term changes.

Who should read The Power of Less?

  • Anyone interested in learning how to achieve more by working less
  • Anyone who wants to learn what productive minimalism could be like
  • Anyone who feels overwhelmed by their life

Routines & Habits Books: Switch by Chip Heath & Dan Heath


Chip Heath & Dan Heath
How to Change Things When Change Is Hard
4.4 (318 ratings)
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What's Switch about?

Switch examines why it is often difficult for people to switch their behavior, and how, by understanding the mind, it is possible to find shortcuts that make change easier. Through scientific studies and anecdotes, Switch provides simple yet effective tools for implementing changes.

Who should read Switch?

  • Anyone who wants to change parts of their own behavior
  • Anyone who wants to implement a change in a group or organization
  • Anyone who wants to understand why changing behavior is often so difficult

Routines & Habits Books: The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin

The Happiness Project

Gretchen Rubin
Or, Why I Spent a Year Trying to Sing in the Morning, Clean My Closets, Fight Right, Read Aristotle, and Generally Have More Fun
4.3 (276 ratings)
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What's The Happiness Project about?

What is happiness and how can we bring more of it into our lives? Gretchen Rubin asked herself this question because although she fulfilled all the prerequisites for a happy life – an intact family, a good job and enough money for a rainy day – she found herself frequently unhappy. During her year-long Happiness Project, she read about various techniques and theories on increasing happiness and tried to become happier with their help.


Who should read The Happiness Project?

  • Anyone who wants to boost the little bits of happiness in their everyday lives
  • Anyone looking for ideas and theories about happiness
  • Anyone in need of concrete suggestions about how to establish a balance between work, social life, family and self-fulfillment



Routines & Habits Books: Carrots and Sticks by Ian Ayres

Carrots and Sticks

Ian Ayres
Unlock the Power of Incentives to Get Things Done
4.0 (40 ratings)
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What's Carrots and Sticks about?

Carrots and Sticks (2010) is the bible of behavior, incentives and self-control. These blinks will explain how you can swap out bad habits with rewards, punishments and formal commitments to yourself. You’ll gain the skills necessary to tackle challenges such as losing weight, quitting smoking and saving for retirement.

Who should read Carrots and Sticks?

  • People trying to quit smoking, lose weight or make exercise a habit
  • Psychologists, behavioral therapists, coaches and personal trainers
  • Managers or business owners looking to motivate employees

Routines & Habits Books: Bounce by Matthew Syed


Matthew Syed
The Myth of Talent and the Power of Practice
4.5 (127 ratings)
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What's Bounce about?

In Bounce (2011), Matthew Syed explores the origins of outstanding achievements in fields like sports, mathematics and music. He argues that it is intensive training, not natural ability that determines our success, and people who attribute great performances to natural gifts will probably miss their own chance to succeed due to lack of practice.

Who should read Bounce?

  • Anyone who has big plans but is not sure that they have what it takes to succeed
  • Anyone who’s interested in the secret of brilliant performances
  • Anyone who wants to raise children who achieve their goals
  • Anyone who wants to understand the underlying mechanisms of “choking” under pressure 

Routines & Habits Books: The ONE Thing by Gary Keller and Jay Papasan

The ONE Thing

Gary Keller and Jay Papasan
The surprisingly simple truth behind extraordinary results
4.6 (872 ratings)
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What's The ONE Thing about?

The ONE Thing (2013) helps you to discover your most important goal, and gives you tools to ensure you can use your time productively to get there. The book reveals that many of the maxims we accept as good practice are actually myths that only hinder our progress. It also provides advice on how to live your life with priority, purpose and productivity without sending other aspects of life out of balance, because this is the way to perform the kind of focused work that leads to great success.

Who should read The ONE Thing?

  • Anyone looking to improve their productivity
  • Anyone who has trouble finding time to commit to their goal
  • Anyone looking for greater clarity and purpose in their daily life

Routines & Habits Books: Hooked by Nir Eyal


Nir Eyal
How to Build Habit-Forming Products
4.6 (582 ratings)
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What's Hooked about?

Hooked (2014) explains, through anecdotes and scientific studies, how and why we integrate certain products into our daily routines, and why such products are the Holy Grail for any consumer-oriented company. Hooked gives concrete advice on how companies can make their products habit-forming, while simultaneously exploring the moral issues that entails.

Who should read Hooked?

  • Anyone who wants to understand how habits are formed
  • Anyone who wants to design a hugely successful product or enhance an existing one
  • Anyone who wants to understand how some products take advantage of our tendency to form habits

Routines & Habits Books: First Things First by Stephen R. Covey, A. Roger Merrill and Rebecca R. Merrill

First Things First

Stephen R. Covey, A. Roger Merrill and Rebecca R. Merrill
To Live, to Love, to Learn, to Leave a Legacy
4.6 (817 ratings)
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What's First Things First about?

This title provides you with valuable insights and guidelines that will help you focus your life on the things that are truly the most meaningful. You’ll learn how to set your priorities, make the best decisions, and develop a keen vision for the future. If you’re looking to create positive change in your life, this book is a great place to start!

Who should read First Things First?

  • Anyone who feels a lack of inner peace, balance or meaning in life
  • Anyone who wants to use his or her time more effectively
  • Anyone who has a hard time making big decisions
  • Anyone who wants to improve the quality of his or her life

Routines & Habits Books: Essentialism by Greg McKeown


Greg McKeown
4.5 (1,175 ratings)
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What's Essentialism about?

Essentialism (2014) teaches you how to do better by doing less. By offering practical solutions for how to get your priorities straight, Essentialism helps you to eliminate all of the junk in your routine that’s keeping you from being truly productive and fulfilled.

Who should read Essentialism?

  • Anyone who thinks that they are far too busy without being productive
  • Anyone who feels like there is never enough time
  • Anyone having a hard time identifying his or her priorities in life

Routines & Habits Books: Rewire by Richard O'Connor


Richard O'Connor
Change Your Brain to Break Bad Habits, Overcome Addictions, Conquer Self-Destructive Behavior
4.1 (325 ratings)
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What's Rewire about?

Rewire is about why we sometimes fall into self-destructive behavior, and how to move past it.

It delves into the brain activity behind addictions, and outlines strategies for rewiring yourself for improved self-control over your bad habits.

Who should read Rewire?

  • Anyone struggling to overcome a bad habit or addictions
  • Anyone looking to help a loved one with an addiction
  • Anyone who wants to gain more peace of mind and self-control

Routines & Habits Books: The Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod

The Miracle Morning

Hal Elrod
The Not-So-Obvious Secret Guaranteed to Transform Your Life (Before 8 A.M.)
4.5 (1,625 ratings)
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What's The Miracle Morning about?

In The Miracle Morning (2012), Hal Elrod explains the techniques that got him through the aftermath of a near-fatal car accident. Elrod realized that the key to a successful and fulfilling life was dedicating some time to improving ourselves every day. He details six crucial steps we can take every morning to help us jump-start our days and get us well on our way to a fulfilled life.

Who should read The Miracle Morning?

  • Anyone who no longer wants to settle for a mediocre life
  • Anyone who has trouble waking up in the mornings
  • Anyone who wants to be more focused and dedicated throughout their day

Routines & Habits Books: The Happiness Advantage by Shawn Achor

The Happiness Advantage

Shawn Achor
The Seven Principles that Fuel Success and Performance at Work
4.5 (341 ratings)
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What's The Happiness Advantage about?

The Happiness Advantage looks into the origins of happiness and the positive effects that happiness has on our productivity. Based on extensive research in positive psychology, the book offers concrete tips on how to increase your own happiness and thus your chances for success.

Who should read The Happiness Advantage?

  • Anyone who thinks happiness is the reward for hard work
  • Anyone who feels too stressed to cope
  • Anyone who could use just a little more happiness in his or her life

Routines & Habits Books: The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up by Marie Kondo

The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up

Marie Kondo
The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing
4.2 (1,150 ratings)
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What's The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up about?

The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up isn’t just a guide to decluttering, it’s a best seller that’s changed lives in Japan, Europe and the United States. The Wall Street Journal even called Marie Kondo’s Shinto-inspired “KonMari” technique “the cult of tidying up.” Kondo explains in detail the many ways in which your living space affects all aspects of your life, and how you can ensure that each item in it has powerful personal significance. By following her simple yet resonant advice, you can move closer to achieving your dreams.

Who should read The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up?

  • Anyone who dreads cleaning their house
  • Anyone interested in how their surroundings affect their lives
  • Anyone looking for tips on how to be a more effective organizer

Routines & Habits Books: The 5 Choices by Kory Kogon, Adam Merrill and Leena Rinne

The 5 Choices

Kory Kogon, Adam Merrill and Leena Rinne
The Path to Extraordinary Productivity
4.0 (88 ratings)
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What's The 5 Choices about?

The 5 Choices (2016) shows us that extraordinary productivity isn’t actually about working harder; it’s about working better. By learning how to streamline your decision-making process, focus on important work and manage your energy, you’ll see an enormous difference in your level of productivity and work quality.

Who should read The 5 Choices?

  • Anyone who wants to be extraordinarily productive
  • Anyone who feels burnt out, stressed or overwhelmed
  • Anyone who wants to use new technologies to be more productive

Routines & Habits Books: The Compound Effect by Darren Hardy

The Compound Effect

Darren Hardy
Jumpstart Your Income, Your Life, Your Success
4.3 (534 ratings)
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What's The Compound Effect about?

The Compound Effect shows us how to make lasting changes by paying attention to the smallest decisions we make – and their cumulative effect on us. It’s about the slow burn, not the big gesture. Author Darren Hardy teaches us that by accepting responsibility for our own lives, we can change our habits and carve out a life that is more successful, fulfilling and happy.

Who should read The Compound Effect?

  • Anyone who wants to improve their lives and transform their daily habits
  • Anyone who wants big, sustainable results
  • Anyone who’s tried quick fixes and gotten nowhere

Routines & Habits Books: Living the 80/20 Way by Richard Koch

Living the 80/20 Way

Richard Koch
Work Less, Worry Less, Succeed More, Enjoy More
3.8 (578 ratings)
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What's Living the 80/20 Way about?

Living the 80/20 Way shows you how to apply the 80/20 principle, an economic concept which states that the vast majority of results come from a small proportion of effort, to your personal life. With pragmatic, easily applicable advice about how to create more with less, the author encourages the reader to focus on what’s important and to think outside the box.

Who should read Living the 80/20 Way?

  • Life coaches or other motivational coaches
  • Anyone who feels unsatisfied with how they spend their time
  • Anyone who feels overwhelmed and exhausted by a busy schedule

Routines & Habits Books: Simple Rules by Donald Sull and Kathleen Eisenhardt

Simple Rules

Donald Sull and Kathleen Eisenhardt
How to Thrive in a Complex World
4.2 (41 ratings)
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What's Simple Rules about?

Simple Rules (2015) contains the ultimate rules of thumb that’ll guide you to your goals in your professional life, and your personal life too. The tips provided in these blinks will help you rediscover simplicity in an increasingly complex modern world, without committing you to a crazy checklist that takes over your life.

Who should read Simple Rules?

  • Managers struggling to keep employees engaged in their programs
  • Readers who want to overcome insomnia, lose weight or learn from Tina Fey
  • Anyone who wants to tame today’s overwhelming complexity

Routines & Habits Books: Better Than Before by Gretchen Rubin

Better Than Before

Gretchen Rubin
Mastering the Habits of Our Everyday Lives
4.1 (318 ratings)
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What's Better Than Before about?

Better Than Before (2015) gives you the strategies to both create and maintain good, healthy habits, and break the habits that don’t serve you.

Who should read Better Than Before?

  • Anyone who wants to pick up and maintain good habits
  • Anyone wishing to kick a bad habit

Routines & Habits Books: What Got You Here, Won’t Get You There by Marshall Goldsmith

What Got You Here, Won’t Get You There

Marshall Goldsmith
How Successful People Become Even More Successful!
4.2 (269 ratings)
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What's What Got You Here, Won’t Get You There about?

Your people skills become increasingly important the further you climb up the ladder of success. What Got You Here, Won’t Get You There (2007) describes some of the bad habits that commonly hold back successful people and explains how to change them.

Who should read What Got You Here, Won’t Get You There?

  • Managers wanting to become more successful
  • Anyone who wants to gain respect in the office and improve relationships with coworkers
  • Leaders and executives who are proud of their personality flaws

Routines & Habits Books: Mini Habits by Stephen Guise

Mini Habits

Stephen Guise
Smaller Habits, Bigger Results
4.6 (627 ratings)
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What's Mini Habits about?

Mini Habits (2013) explains the logic behind an innovative approach to achieving your goals. Motivation and ambition aren’t necessarily what will drive you to success; rather, it’s your small day-to-day habits that will really get you on the right track. Learn how to harness their power with these blinks.

Who should read Mini Habits?

  • People finding it difficult to keep up with their health or weight loss goals
  • Anyone looking for ways to build new skills with minimal effort
  • People hoping to make changes in their lives, but with no idea where to start

Routines & Habits Books: Making Habits, Breaking Habits by Jeremy Dean

Making Habits, Breaking Habits

Jeremy Dean
Why We Do Things, Why We Don’t, and How to Make Any Change Stick
4.1 (638 ratings)
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What's Making Habits, Breaking Habits about?

Making Habits, Breaking Habits (2013) provides an overview of exactly what habits are and how we form them. Using this knowledge, it reveals how to create healthy habits and tackle the bad ones so that we can experience lasting, positive change in our everyday lives.

Who should read Making Habits, Breaking Habits?

  • People interested in human behavior and psychology
  • Anyone willing to improve their life and make lasting changes

Routines & Habits Books: The 8th Habit by Stephen R. Covey

The 8th Habit

Stephen R. Covey
From Effectiveness to Greatness
4.0 (550 ratings)
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What's The 8th Habit about?

The 8th Habit (2004) helps you find your inner voice and thereby lead a more fulfilled life. Covey explains why we struggle to feel motivated and passionate (particularly in our working life) and how we can go about changing that.

Who should read The 8th Habit?

  • Business leaders
  • Anyone feeling lost or unfulfilled
  • People striving to work efficiently and with joy

Routines & Habits Books: Daily Rituals by Mason Currey

Daily Rituals

Mason Currey
How Artists Work
3.6 (122 ratings)
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What's Daily Rituals about?

Daily Rituals (2013) is an entertaining and illuminating collection of the daily routines of great minds and artists. Including the work habits of people such as Jane Austen, Ludwig van Beethoven and Pablo Picasso, it offers insights into the best ways to maximize efficiency and prevent writer’s block, as well as tips on how to get by in the creative world.

Who should read Daily Rituals?

  • Those interested in quirky facts about inspiring people
  • Artists, academics and freelancers
  • Anyone who wants to enrich their life with new rituals

Routines & Habits Books: How to Be Alone by Sara Maitland

How to Be Alone

Sara Maitland
The School of Life
4.2 (360 ratings)
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What's How to Be Alone about?

Today’s socially focused culture leaves us very little time to ourselves and unprepared for times when we may actually need to be alone. How to Be Alone (2014) shows us that we don’t need to be scared of solitude, and that there are many benefits and joys to be found in being alone. So don’t be afraid, go solo!

Who should read How to Be Alone?

  • People interested in sociology and human behavior
  • Anyone afraid of being alone

Routines & Habits Books: Happier at Home by Gretchen Rubin

Happier at Home

Gretchen Rubin
Kiss More, Jump More, Abandon Self-Control, and My Other Experiments in Everyday Life
4.0 (116 ratings)
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What's Happier at Home about?

Happier at Home (2012) is a guide to transforming your home into a sanctuary that reflects your family’s personality. By helping you identify both your and your family’s needs, this book gives you everything you need to start changing your home and family life for the better.

Who should read Happier at Home?

  • Anyone who wants to build the best environment for their family
  • People striving to be happier

Routines & Habits Books: A Million Years In A Day by Greg Jenner

A Million Years In A Day

Greg Jenner
A Curious History of Everyday Life From the Stone Age to the Phone Age
3.8 (32 ratings)
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What's A Million Years In A Day about?

It’s easy to assume that our daily rituals are merely recent traditions that have taken shape in recent generations. In reality, a surprising amount of basic habits can be traced all the way back to the Stone Age. Greg Jenner’s A Million Years In A Day (2015) depicts a typical modern Sunday, from brushing one’s teeth to reading the newspaper, and reveals the long and hefty history behind our everyday lives.

Who should read A Million Years In A Day?

  • People interested in cultural history
  • Scholars of the Stone Age

Routines & Habits Books: Eat, Move, Sleep by Tom Rath

Eat, Move, Sleep

Tom Rath
How Small Choices Lead to Big Changes
4.0 (335 ratings)
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What's Eat, Move, Sleep about?

Eat, Move, Sleep (2013) offers simple tips for improving your health and well-being in some very important ways. You don’t have to revolutionize your lifestyle to get in shape and increase your energy levels – little changes can make a big difference, and these blinks will show you how.

Who should read Eat, Move, Sleep?

  • Anyone hoping to lead a healthier lifestyle
  • Workaholics struggling to improve their work-life balance
  • People with stressful jobs and packed daily routines

Routines & Habits Books: Organize Tomorrow Today by Jason Selk, Tom Bartow and Matthew Rudy

Organize Tomorrow Today

Jason Selk, Tom Bartow and Matthew Rudy
Eight Ways to Retrain Your Mind to Optimize Performance at Work and in Life
4.5 (339 ratings)
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What's Organize Tomorrow Today about?

Organize Tomorrow Today (2015) is the definitive guide to achieving a successful career and fulfilling life. These blinks offer you valuable information, giving you the tools to unlock the power of your mind, increase your self-confidence and become your most productive self.

Who should read Organize Tomorrow Today?

  • Artists and creatives looking to be more productive
  • Athletes who want to create positive new habits
  • Students and professionals who want to become better public speakers

Routines & Habits Books: The Sleep Revolution by Arianna Huffington

The Sleep Revolution

Arianna Huffington
Transforming Your Life One Night At A Time
3.9 (356 ratings)
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What's The Sleep Revolution about?

These blinks are about the importance of a basic human necessity that we often brush aside: sleep. Getting enough sleep isn’t just about feeling better in the morning – it improves your work performance, health and even your personal relationships. Similarly, sleep deprivation isn’t a by-product of hard work; rather, it prevents you from reaching your full potential. The Sleep Revolution (2016) explains why sleep is so critical, and what you can do to get more of it.

Who should read The Sleep Revolution?

  • Anyone who gets sleepy at work or school
  • Parents and teachers who aren’t getting enough rest
  • Athletes wanting to reach their peak performance

Routines & Habits Books: Bringing Up Bébé by Pamela Druckerman

Bringing Up Bébé

Pamela Druckerman
One American Mother Discovers the Wisdom of French Parenting
4.2 (152 ratings)
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What's Bringing Up Bébé about?

It might sound too good to be true, but in France, babies and children sleep through the night, eat their vegetables and do what their parents tell them. In Bringing Up Bébé (2011), Pamela Druckerman, an American mother living in Paris, reveals the French parenting secrets she uncovered in her time abroad.

Who should read Bringing Up Bébé?

  • Parents and parents-to-be
  • Francophiles
  • Anyone who works with preschool age children

Routines & Habits Books: 18 Minutes by Peter Bregman

18 Minutes

Peter Bregman
Find Your Focus, Master Distraction, and Get the Right Things Done
3.7 (387 ratings)
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What's 18 Minutes about?

18 Minutes (2011) is a helpful guide to getting things done by focusing on meaningful work, reaching goals and preventing distractions. These blinks will show how to identify the kind of work that is right for you and how to stay on track and hit your targets.

Who should read 18 Minutes?

  • People who want to get things done
  • Anyone feeling overwhelmed with work
  • Anyone searching for happiness and meaning in their lives

Routines & Habits Books: Unsubscribe by Jocelyn K. Glei


Jocelyn K. Glei
How to Kill Email Anxiety, Avoid Distractions, and Get Real Work Done
4.0 (93 ratings)
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What's Unsubscribe about?

Unsubscribe (2016) puts our unhealthy relationship with email under the magnifying glass. Our lives are busy enough as it is, so it’s high time to stop wasting precious hours catching up on emails and responding to unimportant messages. With the help of this practical guide, you can organize your inbox and your life.

Who should read Unsubscribe?

  • Readers who feel overwhelmed by work
  • Business executives
  • Freelancers who need help with time management

Routines & Habits Books: Night School by Richard Wiseman

Night School

Richard Wiseman
The Life-Changing Science of Sleep
3.9 (94 ratings)
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What's Night School about?

Night School (2014) is about an often neglected yet essential ingredient for happiness and success in life: a good night’s sleep. People have been struggling with sleep for centuries, and while we’ve come up with some methods for alleviating insomnia, we’ve also gained a lot of insight into why sleep is so crucial.

Who should read Night School?

  • Insomniacs desperate for a good night’s sleep
  • Workaholics who think sleep is overrated
  • Readers wondering why they have nightmares

Routines & Habits Books: Beyond Willpower by Alexander Loyd

Beyond Willpower

Alexander Loyd
From Stress to Success in 40 Days
3.7 (74 ratings)
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What's Beyond Willpower about?

Beyond Willpower (2015) is a guide to achieving your deepest, most coveted goals. These blinks explain how to realize the dreams that’ll bring you true joy, happiness and love, while warning you about the obstacles people commonly encounter when doing so, and also pointing out a few shortcuts.

Who should read Beyond Willpower?

  • Anyone who struggles with depression
  • People interested in alternative medicine
  • Students of medicine

Routines & Habits Books: Tools of Titans by Tim Ferriss

Tools of Titans

Tim Ferriss
The Tactics, Routines and Habits of Billionaires, Icons and World-Class Performers
3.8 (998 ratings)
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What's Tools of Titans about?

Tools of Titans (2016) details the stories, strategies and successes of some of the most inspirational achievers, thinkers and doers of modern times. These blinks will teach you how to strengthen your body and your mind, all while building your creative business.

“There’s a reason why Tim Ferriss has become such an influential voice when it comes to achieving top performance. He always manages to get the best advice out of such fascinating, impressive people. Even Seth Rogan is in here!” – Ben S. Head of Salad at Blinkist

Who should read Tools of Titans?

  • Fitness buffs who are in search of workout tips
  • Budding entrepreneurs in need of inspiration
  • Creative minds looking for words of wisdom

Routines & Habits Books: Irresistible by Adam Alter


Adam Alter
The Rise of Addictive Technology and the Business of Keeping Us Hooked
4.2 (177 ratings)
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What's Irresistible about?

Irresistible (2017) shows how dangerously dependent we’ve become on the smartphones, tablets, video games and social platforms that we’ve surrounded ourselves with. Is our attachment to these devices strictly related to the convenience they provide? Or have we actually grown addicted to the psychological rewards they offer?

Who should read Irresistible?

  • Psychology students
  • Technology addicts
  • Anyone looking to be more productive

Routines & Habits Books: The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz & Janet Mills

The Four Agreements

Don Miguel Ruiz & Janet Mills
A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom. A Toltec Wisdom Book
4.4 (1,062 ratings)
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What's The Four Agreements about?

The Four Agreements (1997) is your guide to breaking free from negative patterns and fully realizing your true self. It was a New York Times best seller for over eight years. These blinks explain how society raises people to conform to a strict set of rules and how, with a little effort and commitment, you can set your own guidelines for life.

Who should read The Four Agreements?

  • People who feel trapped in their own lives
  • Parents who want to raise their children to feel free
  • Anybody who feels like they’re living a lie

Routines & Habits Books: Make Your Bed by William H. McRaven

Make Your Bed

William H. McRaven
Little Things That Can Change Your Life… And Maybe The World
4.0 (1,103 ratings)
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What's Make Your Bed about?

Make Your Bed (2017) is a collection of the author’s ten most valuable personal experiences during his many years of service with the US Navy SEALs. Each is a simple yet priceless piece of advice that will have a positive influence on your life.

Who should read Make Your Bed?

  • Team leaders looking for inspiration
  • Anyone struggling to cope with life
  • Motivational speakers

Routines & Habits Books: The Productivity Project by Chris Bailey

The Productivity Project

Chris Bailey
Proven Ways to Become More Awesome
4.4 (296 ratings)
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What's The Productivity Project about?

The Productivity Project (2016) is a practical guide to how to live a life that’s both productive and meaningful. With easy-to-understand techniques and reliable advice, you’ll find out how to work smarter and accomplish the work that really matters. Stop wasting time and procrastinating, and pick up some new tools to take control of your life!

Who should read The Productivity Project?

  • Students looking for new ways to be productive
  • Overworked employees
  • Busy or stressed-out entrepreneurs and business owners

Routines & Habits Books: High Performance Habits by Brendon Burchard

High Performance Habits

Brendon Burchard
How Extraordinary People Become That Way
4.6 (1,116 ratings)
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What's High Performance Habits about?

High Performance Habits (2017) explores the six habits that can turn an ordinary person into an extraordinarily productive one. Performance coach Brendon Burchard draws on the data and statistics from one of the largest studies of the world’s most productive people ever conducted to explore their habits and find out what makes them tick.

Who should read High Performance Habits?

  • Workers who wish to improve job performance
  • Students interested in the habits of extraordinary people
  • Readers who want to be healthier and happier

Routines & Habits Books: The 5 Second Rule by Mel Robbins

The 5 Second Rule

Mel Robbins
Transform Your Life, Work, and Confidence with Everyday Courage
4.3 (1,480 ratings)
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What's The 5 Second Rule about?

The 5 Second Rule (2017) is a transformative guidebook to taking action, changing your behavior and living life with less fear and more courage. The tips contained within are memorable, easy to implement and instantly effective. Anyone can start using them today to take control of their life and move confidently toward a brighter tomorrow.

Who should read The 5 Second Rule?

  • Worriers who feel stuck
  • Students and professionals struggling with procrastination
  • Anyone who needs a kick in the butt

Routines & Habits Books: Digital Minimalism by Cal Newport

Digital Minimalism

Cal Newport
Choosing a Focused Life in a Noisy World
4.5 (964 ratings)
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What's Digital Minimalism about?

Digital Minimalism (2018) is a practical guide to navigating today’s media landscape, where multiple billion-dollar companies are out to keep your eyes as glued to their platforms as possible. Fortunately, there is growing skepticism surrounding new technology and digital media. People are eager to regain their autonomy and, while they’re at it, live more satisfying and healthy lives. With these tools and methods, you too can regain the focus and productivity that comes from stepping back from new technology.

Who should read Digital Minimalism?

  • Anyone feeling overwhelmed with social media
  • People looking for tips to boost productivity
  • News junkies in need of a detox

Routines & Habits Books: Own the Day, Own Your Life by Aubrey Marcus

Own the Day, Own Your Life

Aubrey Marcus
Optimized Practices for Waking, Working, Learning, Eating, Training, Playing, Sleeping and Sex
3.9 (495 ratings)
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What's Own the Day, Own Your Life about?

Own the Day, Own your Life (2018) provides handy hacks that will allow you to succeed in all areas of your life. Whether it’s your diet, sex life or exercise routine, this book provides advice that can be easily incorporated into your lifestyle so you can get the most out of every day.

Who should read Own the Day, Own Your Life?

  • Those who want to improve their sex lives
  • Gym junkies
  • Dieters

Routines & Habits Books: Off the Clock by Laura Vanderkam

Off the Clock

Laura Vanderkam
Feel Less Busy While Getting More Done
4.4 (143 ratings)
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What's Off the Clock about?

Off the Clock (2018) gives practical advice on how to get more out of your time, from freeing up your busy schedule to achieving more work in shorter intervals. Using personal anecdotes as well as scientific insights, Vanderkam explores why some of us feel like we have all the time in the world, while others feel as though time is slipping through their fingers.

In an exclusive blink, Laura Vanderkam explains what you can do today to feel less busy and get more done.

Who should read Off the Clock?

  • Anyone struggling with time management
  • Workaholics looking for productivity tips
  • Psychology enthusiasts looking for new insights

Routines & Habits Books: Atomic Habits by James Clear

Atomic Habits

James Clear
An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones
4.6 (21,554 ratings)
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What's Atomic Habits about?

Atomic Habits (2018) provides a practical and proven framework for creating good habits and shedding bad ones. Drawing on scientific research and real-life examples, it shows how tiny changes in behavior can result in the formation of new habits and help you achieve big things.

Who should read Atomic Habits?

  • Those who want to form better habits, or shake off bad ones
  • People who love understanding why they behave in a certain way
  • Achievers hoping to achieve even more

Routines & Habits Books: Overworked and Overwhelmed by Scott Eblin

Overworked and Overwhelmed

Scott Eblin
The Mindfulness Alternative
4.2 (193 ratings)
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What's Overworked and Overwhelmed about?

Overworked and Overwhelmed (2014) shines a light on work-related stress and outlines what you can do to fight it. Packed full of simple yet effective stress-relieving strategies that you can start putting into practice today, this is a survival guide tailor-made to today’s fast-paced corporate world.

Who should read Overworked and Overwhelmed?

  • Executives and managers
  • Anyone feeling stressed and overworked
  • Coaches and work psychologists

Routines & Habits Books: How Women Rise by Sally Helgesen and Marshall Goldsmith

How Women Rise

Sally Helgesen and Marshall Goldsmith
Break the 12 Habits Holding You Back from Your Next Raise, Promotion, or Job
4.4 (163 ratings)
Listen to the Intro

What's How Women Rise about?

How Women Rise (2018) explores the surprising things that women say, do and think in the workplace that hold them back from progressing. Using real-world examples and practical advice, the blinks explain how professional women can meet their full potential and rise to the top of their chosen career ladder.

Who should read How Women Rise?

  • Women wanting to climb the career ladder
  • Employers who seek to make their workplace more female-friendly
  • Social psychology enthusiasts looking for fresh insights

Related Topics

Routines & Habits Books

What's the best Routines & Habits book to read?

While choosing just one book about a topic is always tough, many people regard The Now Habit as the ultimate read on Routines & Habits.

What are the Top 10 Routines & Habits books?

Blinkist curators have picked the following:
  • The Now Habit by Neil Fiore
  • The Pomodoro Technique by Francesco Cirillo
  • The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg
  • The Power of Less by Leo Babauta
  • Switch by Chip Heath & Dan Heath
  • The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin
  • Carrots and Sticks by Ian Ayres
  • Bounce by Matthew Syed
  • The ONE Thing by Gary Keller and Jay Papasan
  • Hooked by Nir Eyal

Who are the top Routines & Habits book authors?

When it comes to Routines & Habits, these are the authors who stand out as some of the most influential:
  • Neil Fiore
  • Francesco Cirillo
  • Charles Duhigg
  • Leo Babauta
  • Chip Heath & Dan Heath