The best 75 Social Psychology books

Social Psychology is an ever-evolving field that explores how our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors are influenced by the presence of others. Gaining a deeper understanding of the complex dynamics of human interaction is crucial in today's interconnected world. That's where our comprehensive book list comes in.

Our selection offers valuable insights into the nuances of social psychology, helping you better comprehend the intricacies of interpersonal relationships. So, let's unravel the mysteries of human interaction and embark on this enlightening journey together!
The best 75 Social Psychology books
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Social Psychology Books: The Happiness Hypothesis by Jonathan Haidt

The Happiness Hypothesis

Jonathan Haidt
Putting Ancient Wisdom and Philosophy to the Test of Modern Science
4.5 (265 ratings)
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What's The Happiness Hypothesis about?

In The Happiness Hypothesis, Jonathan Haidt examines the ideas of famous ancient thinkers in light of modern knowledge and uses scientific findings to answer the question, “What makes a person happy?” The book will provide you with a better understanding of human social behavior and enable you to increase your own happiness.

Who should read The Happiness Hypothesis?

  • Anyone looking for more happiness and meaning in his or her life
  • Anyone interested in psychology and research on happiness

Social Psychology Books: Sex, Murder and the Meaning of Life by Douglas T. Kenrick

Sex, Murder and the Meaning of Life

Douglas T. Kenrick
A Psychologist Investigates How Evolution, Cognition, and Complexity Are Revolutionizing Our View of Human Nature
3.9 (87 ratings)
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What's Sex, Murder and the Meaning of Life about?

Sex, Murder and the Meaning of Life (2011) looks at the many ways in which our evolutionary survival and reproductive instincts influence our behavior in the modern world. From conspicuous consumption to cold-blooded murder, it often seems that humans will do just about anything to survive and reproduce, and these blinks takes a closer look at what drives these profound desires.

Who should read Sex, Murder and the Meaning of Life?

  • People interested in a deeper understanding of human behavior
  • Students of social psychology
  • Men frightened by their own dark thoughts

Social Psychology Books: Reading the Comments by Joseph M. Reagle Jr.

Reading the Comments

Joseph M. Reagle Jr.
Likers, Haters and Manipulators at the Bottom of the Web
3.3 (25 ratings)
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What's Reading the Comments about?

Reading the Comments (2015) delves into the social phenomenon of online commentary. These blinks explore how online commenting became the force it is and examine commenting’s positive and negative influence on communication at large. Importantly, these blinks encourage you to think about the implications of online comments for the modern internet user.

Who should read Reading the Comments?

  • Readers fascinated by online commentary
  • People keen to learn about new modes of communication
  • Students majoring in communication studies

Social Psychology Books: Willful Blindness by Margaret Heffernan

Willful Blindness

Margaret Heffernan
Why We Ignore the Obvious at Our Peril
4.5 (30 ratings)
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What's Willful Blindness about?

Willful Blindness (2011) is about a common phenomenon through which humans block out the uncomfortable realities of the world. These blinks explain how and why people so often fail to see what’s right in front of their noses and outlines the steps we can all take to open our eyes to the truth.

Who should read Willful Blindness?

  • Readers who have a hard time thinking for themselves
  • People pleasers
  • Anyone who thinks they might be growing out of touch with reality

Social Psychology Books: Discipline & Punish by Michel Foucault

Discipline & Punish

Michel Foucault
The Birth of the Prison
4.3 (131 ratings)
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What's Discipline & Punish about?

Discipline & Punish (1975) is a celebrated work of renowned French philosopher and sociologist Michel Foucault. Foucault studies the history of forms of power, punishment, discipline and surveillance from the French Ancien Régime through to more modern times, seeing it as a reflection of a changing society.

Who should read Discipline & Punish?

  • Concerned citizens worried about the overreach of mass surveillance
  • Philosophers, historians, cultural scientists and sociologists
  • Anyone interested in modern prisons

Social Psychology Books: When by Daniel H. Pink


Daniel H. Pink
The Scientific Secrets of Perfect Timing
4.5 (288 ratings)
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What's When about?

When (2018) combs through around 700 scientific studies to get a better understanding of how big a role timing plays in our lives. Daniel H. Pink sifts through data from the fields of economics, anthropology, social psychology and others, giving the reader a thorough look at why we make the decisions we do, and why we make them when we do.

Who should read When?

  • Readers who want to improve their efficiency
  • Managers looking for tips on effective leadership
  • Recent college graduates

Social Psychology Books: The Asshole Survival Guide by Robert I. Sutton

The Asshole Survival Guide

Robert I. Sutton
How to Deal With People Who Treat You Like Dirt
4.1 (80 ratings)
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What's The Asshole Survival Guide about?

The Asshole Survival Guide (2017) is a guide to how you can identify and deal with the assholes of the world. People who treat others badly come in all shapes, sizes and levels of awfulness, and the author provides the tools we need to recognize them, fight back and avoid becoming assholes ourselves.

Who should read The Asshole Survival Guide?

  • Workers with a hostile boss or colleague
  • Readers interested in social or cognitive psychology
  • Managers who want to create a happier work environment

Social Psychology Books: Why Does He Do That? by Lundy Bancroft

Why Does He Do That?

Lundy Bancroft
Inside the Minds of Angry and Controlling Men
4.5 (240 ratings)
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What's Why Does He Do That? about?

Why Does He Do That? (2003) reveals the psychology behind abusive men. Drawing on his experience as a counselor to male abusers, author Lundy Bancroft explains the nature of abusive thinking, the early warning signs of abuse, and the steps women can take to free themselves from an abusive relationship.

Who should read Why Does He Do That??

  • Anyone who feels trapped in an abusive relationship
  • Mothers considering leaving their abusive partner
  • People who suspect a friend or family member is being abused

Social Psychology Books: Man and His Symbols by Carl Jung

Man and His Symbols

Carl Jung
4.5 (350 ratings)
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What's Man and His Symbols about?

Man and His Symbols (1964) was the final work of the influential psychologist Carl Jung, and the only one written for a general audience. It breaks down some of Jung’s most complex ideas, such as his theories about archetypes and the unconscious, and it explores the vast expanse of symbols and stories that dwell within our minds.

Who should read Man and His Symbols?

  • Students of psychology and philosophy
  • People who want to understand their dreams better
  • Lovers of myths, legends, folk tales, and parables

Social Psychology Books: Human Hacking by Christopher Hadnagy with Seth Schulman

Human Hacking

Christopher Hadnagy with Seth Schulman
Win Friends, Influence People, and Leave Them Better Off for Having Met You
4.5 (322 ratings)
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What's Human Hacking about?

Human Hacking (2021) is a guide to the art of ethical social engineering. Using the same tools of psychology and influence deployed by security hackers, it demonstrates how to boost social interactions in daily life. It covers a range of tips on how to adjust your natural communication tendencies to steer encounters to your advantage, with practical tools on how to influence others using empathy and compassion.

Who should read Human Hacking?

  • Those interested in becoming more persuasive
  • People interested in making new friends
  • Anyone interested in social engineering

Social Psychology Books: Not Born Yesterday by Hugo Mercier

Not Born Yesterday

Hugo Mercier
The Science of Who We Trust and What We Believe
4.0 (71 ratings)
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What's Not Born Yesterday about?

What’s it about?

Not Born Yesterday (2020) investigates common claims that humans are inherently gullible creatures. With the help of studies, evolutionary biology, and historical anecdotes, the author chips away at these claims one by one. He shows that humans have actually developed sophisticated cognitive mechanisms designed to aid the decisions of who to trust, what to believe, when to change our minds, and how to reject implausible information.

Who should read Not Born Yesterday?

Who’s it for?

  • History buffs
  • Anyone interested in evolutionary psychology
  • People wondering how to trust what others say and do

Social Psychology Books: Beyond Order by Jordan B. Peterson

Beyond Order

Jordan B. Peterson
12 More Rules for Life
4.5 (638 ratings)
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What's Beyond Order about?

Beyond Order (2021) is a prescription for how to navigate the complexities of modern life. While Peterson’s previous work warned of the danger of excessive chaos, this new guide to living details the perils of too much rigid order.

Who should read Beyond Order?

  • Disorganized thinkers looking to clean up their mental room
  • Inactive dreamers in need of some motivation
  • Anyone looking for a little direction in life

Social Psychology Books: You're Invited by Jon Levy

You're Invited

Jon Levy
The Art and Science of Cultivating Influence
4.5 (287 ratings)
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What's You're Invited about?

You’re Invited (2021) is your guide to creating connections and building communities around what personally matters most. It reveals the key things you need to know about behavioral psychology in order to design events that best fit your business and values – and shows how you can make a real difference in the world.

Who should read You're Invited?

  • Business leaders looking to create a more supportive company culture
  • Introverts craving connection without the social pressure
  • Social justice activists looking to increase engagement

Social Psychology Books: Power Hour by Adrienne Herbert

Power Hour

Adrienne Herbert
How to Focus on Your Goals and Create a Life You Love
4.3 (288 ratings)
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What's Power Hour about?

Power Hour (2020) introduces a way to take charge of your life by devoting the first hour of each day to a goal or passion. In today’s busy world, it’s easy to procrastinate. Instead of waiting for the perfect time to pursue a goal, you have to make time to do it. One hour each day can change your attitude, habits, health, and social connections – and these changes can lead to a more fulfilling and productive life. 

Who should read Power Hour?

  • All those feeling overwhelmed and exhausted
  • Productivity hackers
  • People looking for motivation

Social Psychology Books: Mine! by Michael A. Heller and James Salzman


Michael A. Heller and James Salzman
How the Hidden Rules of Ownership Control Our Lives
3.9 (46 ratings)
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What's Mine! about?

Mine! (2021) explores the hidden rules of ownership that govern our world and influence our behavior. From who rides first at Disney World to who owns the space behind your seat on an airplane, it reveals the secrets of who gets what and why.

Who should read Mine!?

  • Fans of Freakonomics or Nudge
  • Law students
  • Pop culture enthusiasts

Social Psychology Books: Wanting by Luke Burgis


Luke Burgis
The Power of Mimetic Desire in Everyday Life
4.5 (137 ratings)
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What's Wanting about?

Wanting (2021) provides a riveting, philosophical answer to the question Why do we want the things we want? Drawing on theories originally developed by the celebrated polymath René Girard, it reveals an uncomfortable truth: that our desires are all ultimately a product of other people’s desires. The point isn’t to eliminate them,⁠ but rather to choose, carefully and consciously, which ones we should actually strive for. 

Who should read Wanting?

  • Lovers of philosophy, psychology, and literature
  • Dedicated self-improvers
  • Young entrepreneurs and business leaders

Social Psychology Books: The Sweet Spot  by Paul Bloom

The Sweet Spot

Paul Bloom
The Pleasures of Suffering and the Search For Meaning
4.5 (753 ratings)
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What's The Sweet Spot about?

The Sweet Spot (2021) is a refreshing antidote to all the books we read about being positive at all costs. It argues that negative experiences like pain, suffering, and discomfort are not something to be shied away from. In fact, they can add value to our lives. Instead of trying to avoid discomfort, we need to find the right discomfort. That is, the kind of challenge that makes our lives meaningful. 

Who should read The Sweet Spot ?

  • Self-help fans who are tired of all the toxic positivity
  • Psychology lovers looking for an original perspective on how pain and suffering affect our lives
  • Reflective seekers looking to understand what will give their lives a sense of purpose

Social Psychology Books: The Hidden Psychology of Social Networks by Joe Federer

The Hidden Psychology of Social Networks

Joe Federer
How Brands Create Authentic Engagement by Understanding What Motivates Us
4.2 (100 ratings)
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What's The Hidden Psychology of Social Networks about?

The Hidden Psychology of Social Networks (2020) describes how brands can create effective and authentic content by understanding the basics of human psychology. Drawing on Freudian psychoanalysis, it gets to the bottom of our online habits and shows brands how to connect with people on a deeper level.

Who should read The Hidden Psychology of Social Networks?

  • Brand strategists at companies big or small
  • Content creators of any type
  • Those curious about how brands are trying to get their attention

Social Psychology Books: Everyday Vitality by Samantha Boardman

Everyday Vitality

Samantha Boardman
How to Thrive, Survive, and Feel Alive
4.5 (423 ratings)
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What's Everyday Vitality about?

Everyday Vitality (2021) explores how we can cultivate resilience while juggling the small, nonstop stresses of everyday life. Those who thrive do so because they build vitality, a force of power and flexibility that allows them to handle difficulties. The people who cope best are the ones who find ways to turn their stress into strength through intentionality, purpose, and connection.

Who should read Everyday Vitality?

  • Anyone looking to alleviate stress in their daily lives
  • People interested in improving their quality of life
  • Those who are interested in achieving peace amid busyness

Social Psychology Books: The Daily Laws by Robert Greene

The Daily Laws

Robert Greene
366 Meditations on Power, Seduction, Mastery, Strategy, and Human Nature
4.5 (752 ratings)
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What's The Daily Laws about?

The Daily Laws (2021) is a compendium of 366 rules for life, covering everything from seduction and power to the discovery of your life’s great task. It distills the insights author Robert Greene has uncovered in a series of best-selling books spanning 22 years of word.

Who should read The Daily Laws?

  • Fans of Robert Greene’s best-selling work
  • People who’ve lost touch with their sense of purpose and drive
  • Anyone in need of a strong dose of wisdom

Social Psychology Books: The Power of Strangers by Joe Keohane

The Power of Strangers

Joe Keohane
The Benefits of Connecting in a Suspicious World
4.2 (175 ratings)
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What's The Power of Strangers about?

The Power of Strangers (2021) explores why we don’t talk to strangers – and why we definitely should. It looks at how humans evolved to communicate and collaborate with strangers and reveals why our modern alienation from one another is such a problem.

Who should read The Power of Strangers?

  • Anyone feeling lonely in the modern world
  • Those suffering from pandemic isolation
  • People interested in the psychology of communication

Social Psychology Books: Drunk by Edward Slingerland


Edward Slingerland
How We Sipped, Danced, and Stumbled Our Way to Civilization
4.5 (575 ratings)
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What's Drunk about?

Drunk (2021) is a scientific and historical inquiry into the evolutionary reasons why humans started getting drunk. Drunk examines how inebriation helped our ancestors evolve into creative, communal, cultural beings, and considers whether or not alcohol is an appropriate tool for the modern age.

In the audio version of these blinks, you'll hear "Also Sprach Zarathustra," composed by Richard Strauss, made available under a Creative Commons Attribution license by Kevin MacLeod. Thanks, Kevin! 

Who should read Drunk?

  • Anyone who drinks
  • People curious about human behavior
  • Anyone interested in evolution

Social Psychology Books: You Are Your Best Thing by Edited by Tarana Burke and Brené Brown

You Are Your Best Thing

Edited by Tarana Burke and Brené Brown
Vulnerability, Shame Resilience, and the Black Experience
4.1 (103 ratings)
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What's You Are Your Best Thing about?

You Are Your Best Thing (2021) is an anthology of original essays that explore Black experiences of living, loving, and parenting in America today. It examines concepts like vulnerability and shame, and shows that the key to personal healing lies in confronting white supremacy and the racist systems that make Black people feel unsafe in their communities. 

Who should read You Are Your Best Thing?

  • Black people looking for tools to heal from trauma
  • Psychology-lovers seeking new perspectives on how the personal and political intersect
  • Those who want to deepen their understanding of the impact of racism in America

Social Psychology Books: Wired for Love by Stan Tatkin

Wired for Love

Stan Tatkin
How Understanding Your Partner's Brain and Attachment Style Can Help You Defuse Conflict and Build a Secure Relationship
4.5 (567 ratings)
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What's Wired for Love about?

Wired for Love (2012) is a guide to maintaining closeness and emotional security within romantic partnerships. It uses research from neurobiology and psychology to show why long-term couples come into conflict, and it offers practical tips on how to use knowledge about brain functions to promote peace and mutual security in your relationship.

Who should read Wired for Love?

  • Partners in committed relationships
  • Couples seeking to manage conflict 
  • Those interested in social psychology

Social Psychology Books: Toward a Psychology of Being by Abraham H. Maslow

Toward a Psychology of Being

Abraham H. Maslow
4.5 (367 ratings)
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What's Toward a Psychology of Being about?

Toward a Psychology of Being (1962) expands on famed psychologist Abraham Maslow's pivotal theories of motivation and self-actualization, which were first introduced in Maslow's 1954 book, Motivation and Personality. It presents a series of hypotheses about the human condition, dealing with important questions about people’s innate desires, the nature of well-being, and the process of psychological growth.

Who should read Toward a Psychology of Being?

  • Psychology fanatics 
  • Aspiring self-actualizers who want to get more out of their lives
  • Parents, teachers, counselors, and all those who work with young people

Social Psychology Books: The Quick Fix by Jesse Singal

The Quick Fix

Jesse Singal
Why Fad Psychology Can't Cure Our Social Ills
4.2 (83 ratings)
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What's The Quick Fix about?

The Quick Fix (2021) is a skeptical study of recent trends in behavioral psychology. Academic studies and TED talks may appear to make a convincing case for the power of positive thinking or the impact of implicit bias, but sometimes the evidence just isn’t there. In a complex world, the explanations for human behavior are often more nuanced than some modern psychologists would have you believe.

Who should read The Quick Fix?

  • Psychology skeptics
  • Those interested in societal problems and human behavior
  • Anyone who has ever viewed a TED talk

Social Psychology Books: Big Feelings by Mollie West Duffy and Liz Fosslien

Big Feelings

Mollie West Duffy and Liz Fosslien
How to be Okay When Things Are Not Okay
4.2 (346 ratings)
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What's Big Feelings about?

Big Feelings (2022) is a guide to coping with some of the toughest emotions we ever face, from anger to despair. By acknowledging and facing up to these emotions, it’s possible to work through them.

Who should read Big Feelings?

  • People feeling overwhelmed by big emotions
  • Anyone who struggles to open up
  • Self-help enthusiasts after advice

Social Psychology Books: Dopamine Nation by Anna Lembke

Dopamine Nation

Anna Lembke
Finding Balance in the Age of Indulgence
4.5 (683 ratings)
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What's Dopamine Nation about?

Dopamine Nation (2021) explores the connection between pleasure and pain. Our modern world is filled with more dopamine-inducing stimuli than ever – including everything from drugs and sex to smartphones and shopping. Citing years of clinical experience and patients’ stories, this book helps to understand addiction and explains how to achieve a healthy balance in our lives. 

Who should read Dopamine Nation?

  • People struggling to break bad habits
  • Family members of loved ones struggling with addiction
  • Anyone who can’t seem to put down their phone

Social Psychology Books: Collective Illusions by Todd Rose

Collective Illusions

Todd Rose
Conformity, Complicity, and the Science of Why We Make Bad Decisions
4.5 (82 ratings)
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What's Collective Illusions about?

Collective Illusions (2022) explores the idea of conformity bias: how it shapes our decisions for better or worse, and how we can overcome this behavior and even use it for good.

Who should read Collective Illusions?

  • Amateur brain scientists
  • People who want to be the change
  • Dissenters and activists

Social Psychology Books: Scattered Minds by Gabor Maté

Scattered Minds

Gabor Maté
The Origins and Healing of Attention Deficit Disorder
4.4 (551 ratings)
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What's Scattered Minds about?

Scattered Minds (1999) takes aim at a well-established myth: that attention deficit disorder, or ADD for short, is an inherited illness. It doesn’t deny the biological foundations of the disorder – genes also play a role. But it urges us to widen our perspective and pay closer attention to psychological and social factors that may be contributing to the symptoms. ADD often develops within specific familial and societal contexts. Recognizing this isn’t just about correcting the scientific record – it offers a key to effective treatment.

Who should read Scattered Minds?

  • Science aficionados
  • People who have attention deficit disorder
  • Anyone interested in the connection between society and psychology

Social Psychology Books: Handbook of Strategic 360 Feedback by Allan H. Church, David W. Bracken, John W. Fleenor, Dale S. Rose

Handbook of Strategic 360 Feedback

Allan H. Church, David W. Bracken, John W. Fleenor, Dale S. Rose
3.7 (136 ratings)
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What's Handbook of Strategic 360 Feedback about?

The Handbook of Strategic 360 Feedback is a guide to the pros and cons of 360 Feedback, including detailed guidance on how to implement the process as well as how to avoid pitfalls such as unconscious bias or people who try to game the system. 

Who should read Handbook of Strategic 360 Feedback?

  • Company leaders
  • HR managers
  • Team leaders

Social Psychology Books: The Rational Male by Rollo Tomassi

The Rational Male

Rollo Tomassi
3.1 (170 ratings)
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What's The Rational Male about?

The Rational Male (2013) implores men to adopt a pragmatic view of intersexual relationships founded on evolutionary and behavioral concepts. Waking up to the evidence, it argues, will set men on a course to prioritizing their needs over the survival instincts of women who currently (covertly) rule the roost.

Who should read The Rational Male?

  • Members of the Manospehere and Red Pill movement
  • Anyone trying to understand the key concepts of the Manosphere 
  • People looking to understand today’s gender conflicts

Social Psychology Books: The Evolution of Desire by David M. Buss

The Evolution of Desire

David M. Buss
Strategies of Human Mating
3.7 (75 ratings)
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What's The Evolution of Desire about?

The Evolution of Desire (1994) drew on the largest study of human mating at the time to analyze the evolutionary foundations that lie behind our everyday desires and mating preferences. It was updated with new material in 2016.

Who should read The Evolution of Desire?

  • Psychology nerds
  • Individuals looking to attract a mate
  • Anyone curious about how our deepest desires work

Social Psychology Books: Awe by Dacher Keltner


Dacher Keltner
The New Science of Everyday Wonder and How It Can Transform Your Life
4.3 (110 ratings)
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What's Awe about?

Awe (2023) is a deep dive into this elusive emotion. Drawing on new research, it shows how awe can improve your mood, well-being, cognitive abilities, and relationships with others. 

Who should read Awe?

  • Stressed individuals in need of a mood boost
  • Those curious about the power of emotions
  • Urban dwellers craving more meaning in life

Social Psychology Books: Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dostoyevsky

Crime and Punishment

Fyodor Dostoyevsky
4.6 (466 ratings)
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What's Crime and Punishment about?

Crime and Punishment (1866) is considered one of the greatest masterpieces of Russian literature. It follows a young man called Rodion Raskolnikov – first as he plots to kill an elderly pawnbroker, then as he commits the deed, and finally as he confronts the many consequences of his actions. Emotionally poignant as well as philosophically and psychologically complex, the novel has left a visible mark on generations of writers, thinkers, and artists ever since its publication.

Who should read Crime and Punishment?

  • Fans of Russian literature
  • Lovers of melodrama, mental anguish, and moral quandaries
  • Philosophy buffs

Social Psychology Books: How Big Things Get Done by Bent Flyvbjerg and Dan Gardner

How Big Things Get Done

Bent Flyvbjerg and Dan Gardner
The Surprising Factors Behind Every Successful Project, from Home Renovations to Space Exploration
4.0 (278 ratings)
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What's How Big Things Get Done about?

How Big Things Get Done (2023) explores what it takes to make large-scale projects work. It tackles tough questions like why so many big projects fail, and what makes the ones that succeed stand out from the rest. With real-life success stories as well as cautionary tales, its lessons can be applied to projects of any size, shape, or form. 

Who should read How Big Things Get Done?

  • Project managers looking to hone in their skills
  • Anyone about to embark on a new project or start a new business
  • Fans of Elon Musk wanting to learn how he works his magic

Social Psychology Books: What’s Our Problem? by Tim Urban

What’s Our Problem?

Tim Urban
A Self-Help Book for Societies
4.4 (443 ratings)
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What's What’s Our Problem? about?

What’s Our Problem (2023) offers a fun and unique perspective on the strange state of the modern world in which we live. Using the author’s iconic comedic style, it draws on observations from political theory, psychology, history, and modern-day events to explain what is going on in our society, and what we can potentially do to fix it.

Who should read What’s Our Problem??

  • Followers of Tim Urban and his blog, Wait But Why
  • The socially-minded looking for clear and clever explanations of complex problems
  • Anyone confused and overwhelmed by the crazy state of the world

Social Psychology Books: Mixed Signals by Uri Gneezy

Mixed Signals

Uri Gneezy
How Incentives Really Work
4.4 (256 ratings)
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What's Mixed Signals about?

Mixed Signals (2023) sheds light on the power of incentives, drawing on behavioral economics research to explore how various factors like money, social status, and external nudges can influence our choices. It explores how incentives often have complex and counterintuitive effects, offering an understanding of these dynamics to improve decision-making and outcomes.

Who should read Mixed Signals?

  • People interested in improving their decision-making
  • Business leaders who want to manage people more effectively
  • Anyone looking to better persuade people to take action

Social Psychology Books: Fool Proof by Tess Wilkinson-Ryan

Fool Proof

Tess Wilkinson-Ryan
How Fear of Playing the Sucker Shapes Our Selves and the Social Order — And What We Can Do About It
4.3 (28 ratings)
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What's Fool Proof about?

Fool Proof (2023) explores how the universal human fear of being a sucker contributes to the social order and drives our actions and behaviors. By explaining how the “sucker’s game” permeates so many aspects of our lives, it shows us how we can recognize our fears and keep them from influencing our values and beliefs.

Who should read Fool Proof?

  • Anyone interested in the psychology behind the fear of being a sucker
  • People who want to learn more about how scams affect our lives
  • Fans of psychology and sociology books

Social Psychology Books: Reset by Debra Fileta


Debra Fileta
Powerful Habits to Own Your Thoughts, Understand Your Feelings, and Change Your Life
3.8 (68 ratings)
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What's Reset about?

Reset (2023) is a guide to change for anyone who feels stuck. Drawing on Scripture and her experience as a counselor, Debra Fileta unpacks the psychology behind behavioral patterns and presents simple yet effective daily habits to kickstart change and healing. 

Who should read Reset?

  • Christians and believers
  • Anyone interested in spiritual approaches to self-healing
  • Counselors and therapists

Social Psychology Books: Psych by Paul Bloom


Paul Bloom
The Story of the Human Mind
3.9 (46 ratings)
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What's Psych about?

Psych (2023) offers an informed, insightful, and approachable overview of psychology, starting with its origins and earliest thought leaders to the most recent findings in modern practice. Based on the author’s popular Introduction to Psychology course developed for Yale University, it uses lively storytelling and studies to easily relate the complex science of the human mind.

Who should read Psych?

  • Anyone interested in the principles of psychology
  • People seeking scientific explanations for what drives thought and behavior
  • Those eager to learn how people’s minds differ

Social Psychology Books: Read People Like a Book by Patrick King

Read People Like a Book

Patrick King
How to Analyze, Understand, and Predict People’s Emotions, Thoughts, Intentions, and Behaviors
3.9 (810 ratings)
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What's Read People Like a Book about?

Read People Like a Book (2020) unravels the complex tapestry of human behavior, guiding readers to decipher verbal and non-verbal signals broadcast by people 24/7. Marrying scholarly wisdom to sly real-world tales, the book presents the art and science of people-reading with both flair and finesse. Dive in, and soon you'll be navigating human interactions like a seasoned anthropologist.

Who should read Read People Like a Book?

  • Story seekers eyeing deeper connections
  • Negotiators seeking an edge
  • HR specialists scouting the right talent

Social Psychology Books: We Have Always Lived in the Castle by Shirley Jackson

We Have Always Lived in the Castle

Shirley Jackson
4.7 (14 ratings)
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What's We Have Always Lived in the Castle about?

We Have Always Lived in the Castle (1962) tells the mysterious tale of the eccentric Blackwood sisters, Mary Katherine and Constance, who live isolated in their family estate after a tragic incident. As the sisters navigate their peculiar world, dark secrets unravel, making this a gothic and suspenseful exploration of family, mystery, and the haunting power of the past.

Who should read We Have Always Lived in the Castle?

  • Fans of gothic fiction
  • Readers who enjoy a strong female protagonist
  • Anyone interested in classic literature

Social Psychology Books: The Trial by Franz Kafka

The Trial

Franz Kafka
4.1 (28 ratings)
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What's The Trial about?

The Trial ( 1925 ) tells the distressing story of Josef K. who wakes up one morning to find he’s under arrest for an unnamed offense. As cryptic legal proceedings unfold around him, K. struggles to make sense of his predicament or convince others of his innocence. It’s a  disturbing parable that raises philosophical questions about personal dignity and free will when pitted against entrenched bureaucracies.

Who should read The Trial?

  • People who appreciate surreal, disorienting stories
  • Readers and listeners grappling with existential questions
  • Anyone who feels alienated from bureaucracy

Social Psychology Books: Seven and a Half Lessons about the Brain by Lisa Feldman Barrett

Seven and a Half Lessons about the Brain

Lisa Feldman Barrett
4.2 (117 ratings)
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What's Seven and a Half Lessons about the Brain about?

Seven and a Half Lessons About the Brain (2020) is an engaging exploration of the human brain that debunks numerous misconceptions along the way. It explains what brains are actually for, how they develop, what makes them unique, and why they’re often one step ahead of everything you do.

Who should read Seven and a Half Lessons about the Brain?

  • Neuroscience enthusiasts
  • People interested in the field of psychology
  • Anyone curious about human evolution

Social Psychology Books: Laws of UX by Jon Yablonski

Laws of UX

Jon Yablonski
Design Principles for Persuasive and Ethical Products
4.6 (55 ratings)
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What's Laws of UX about?

Laws of UX (2020) is a handy guidebook for anyone interested in user experience, or UX – especially as it applies to web or app design. It lays out some of the fundamental rules that inform superior product design and shows how these rules are tied to human psychology. 

Who should read Laws of UX?

  • Web designers and developers
  • People curious about technology and human behavior
  • Anyone who’d like to create a better website

Social Psychology Books: Don't Overthink It by Anne Bogel

Don't Overthink It

Anne Bogel
Make Easier Decisions, Stop Second-Guessing, and Bring More Joy to Your Life
4.5 (944 ratings)
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What's Don't Overthink It about?

Don't Overthink It (2020) unveils the mental entanglements that come with constant rumination, highlighting how overthinking can rob us of time and precious moments. Drawing on her own experience as an overthinker, Anne Bogel provides readers with tangible solutions to break free from the chains of repetitive, negative thought patterns. 

Who should read Don't Overthink It?

  • Individuals seeking personal growth
  • Avid readers of self-help and personal development
  • Admirers of Anne Bogel's work

Social Psychology Books: Wired for Intimacy by William M. Struthers

Wired for Intimacy

William M. Struthers
How Pornography Hijacks the Male Brain
2.8 (102 ratings)
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What's Wired for Intimacy about?

Wired for Intimacy (2010) is a practical and hopeful guide for Christian men looking to find freedom from pornography. Combining science and spirituality, it reveals how pornography affects the male brain and provides hands-on solutions to redeem modern masculinity.

Who should read Wired for Intimacy?

  • Christian men struggling with porn addiction
  • Pastors, youth pastors, and church leaders who want to help their male constituents
  • Anyone concerned about porn's societal effects

Social Psychology Books: Infinite Jest by David Foster Wallace

Infinite Jest

David Foster Wallace
4.0 (170 ratings)
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What's Infinite Jest about?

Infinite Jest (1996) is considered a classic of postmodern literature. It weaves together a dizzying story of dozens of characters who are struggling to get by in a lonely, technologically oversaturated world. It also deals with the subjects of substance abuse and recovery in a deep and meaningful way.

Who should read Infinite Jest?

  • Fans of modern literature
  • Anyone interested in dystopian futures
  • People who feel isolated by technology

Social Psychology Books: How to Know a Person by David Brooks

How to Know a Person

David Brooks
The Art of Seeing Others Deeply and Being Deeply Seen
4.4 (689 ratings)
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What's How to Know a Person about?

How to Know a Person (2023) challenges us to set aside our egos and look beyond people’s superficial traits to really get to know them: their stories, their passions, their motivations, and more. It acknowledges that being able to see someone and make them feel seen is hard –⁠ and yet it’s essential for cultivating healthy relationships. Fortunately, with some dedication, we can all learn how to have healthier, deeper conversations; give people quality attention; and see people in all their delightful complexity.

Who should read How to Know a Person?

  • Personal growth-seekers
  • Those starving for human connection and companionship
  • Coaches, counselors, social workers, psychologists, and HR professionals

Social Psychology Books: Tiny Humans, Big Emotions by Alyssa Gloria Campbell & Lauren Stauble

Tiny Humans, Big Emotions

Alyssa Gloria Campbell & Lauren Stauble
How to Navigate Tantrums, Meltdowns, and Defiance to Raise Emotionally Intelligent Children
4.2 (51 ratings)
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What's Tiny Humans, Big Emotions about?

Tiny Humans, Big Emotions (2023) helps caregivers navigate and manage children's emotional outbursts, such as tantrums and meltdowns. It offers strategies to raise emotionally intelligent children by teaching them how to handle complex feelings like anger, sadness, and anxiety, emphasizing the importance of fostering emotional resilience and well-being in children through a research-based approach that strengthens the parent-child relationship.

Who should read Tiny Humans, Big Emotions?

  • Parents or carers of young children
  • Early childhood educators
  • Parenting coaches and counselors

Social Psychology Books: Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn

Gone Girl

Gillian Flynn
A Novel
4.6 (13 ratings)
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What's Gone Girl about?

Gone Girl (2012) is the story of Amy Dunne, who one day vanishes from her cozy midwestern home. Her sudden disappearance becomes a sensational nation-wide headline – and the biggest suspect is her husband, Nick. But what follows is a head-spinning plot that takes on the subjects of relationship dynamics, private and public identities, the influence of media, and the institution of marriage.

Who should read Gone Girl?

  • People who enjoy mysteries with surprising plot twists
  • Anyone who likes a good crime thriller
  • Fans of iconic female characters in fiction

Social Psychology Books: Escape from Freedom by Erich Fromm

Escape from Freedom

Erich Fromm
3.7 (30 ratings)
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What's Escape from Freedom about?

Escape from Freedom (1941) examines the paradox of human freedom: though it is cherished, increased freedom also brings anxiety, responsibility, and a quest for surrendering individuality, which human history and individual development vividly illustrate.

Who should read Escape from Freedom?

  • Psychology enthusiasts
  • History buffs
  • Social science students

Social Psychology Books: The Corrections by Jonathan Franzen

The Corrections

Jonathan Franzen
3.7 (86 ratings)
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What's The Corrections about?

The Corrections (2001) invites you into an exploration of family dynamics, as it delves into the turbulent lives of the Lambert family. You’ll find yourself engrossed in their struggles with personal demons, societal pressures, and the relentless march of time.

Who should read The Corrections?

  • Fans of contemporary family dramas
  • Anyone interested in explorations of societal norms and aging
  • Enthusiasts of literary fiction with psychological depth

Social Psychology Books: Strangers by Taichi Yamada


Taichi Yamada
Uncover a Haunting World Amid Tokyo’s Mysterious Shadows
4.6 (39 ratings)
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What's Strangers about?

Strangers (1987) is the story of a lonely Japanese script writer who returns to his childhood home and, by chance, meets a couple who are uncannily like his parents, who died in a car crash when he was 12. As he becomes increasingly involved with them, the narrative explores the boundaries between the living and the dead, past and present, and the deep longing for familial bonds.

Who should read Strangers?

  • Lovers of literature in translation 
  • Japanophiles eager to learn more about one of the country’s most beloved novels
  • Movie buffs interested in the book that inspired 2023’s All of Us Strangers

Social Psychology Books: The End of Bias by Jessica Nordell

The End of Bias

Jessica Nordell
How We Change Our Minds
3.1 (59 ratings)
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What's The End of Bias about?

The End of Bias: How We Change Our Minds (2021) delves into the science of unconscious bias, its effects on society, and the ways we can address and overcome these ingrained prejudices. It explores how habitual biases, even those not consciously endorsed, influence behavior and perceptions, and presents strategies for changing these automatic patterns of thought.

Who should read The End of Bias?

  • Individuals interested in psychology
  • Diversity and inclusion advocates
  • Human resources professionals

Social Psychology Books: Cultish by Amanda Montell


Amanda Montell
The Language of Fanaticism
4.0 (142 ratings)
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What's Cultish about?

Forget mind control. In Cultish (2021), Amanda Montell exposes the verbal tricks that bind groups, from Heaven’s Gate to your Peloton Group. A fascinating look at how words shape beliefs and persuade us. Decode the language of domination and reclaim your power.

Who should read Cultish?

  • Word wizards
  • Cult detectives 
  • True crime fans

Social Psychology Books: The Best Minds by Jonathan Rosen

The Best Minds

Jonathan Rosen
A Story of Friendship, Madness, and the Tragedy of Good Intentions
3.9 (9 ratings)
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What's The Best Minds about?

The Best Minds (2023) tells the gripping true story of childhood friends Jonathan Rosen and Michael Laudor, who both end up attending Yale University in the 1980s. Their paths diverge after the brilliant Michael is diagnosed with schizophrenia, his illness later culminating in violent tragedy. Recounting their shared past, Jonathan is left to reckon with the genius, mystery, and maltreatment of his old friend.

Who should read The Best Minds?

  • True crime readers interested in the story of a brilliant man’s descent into mental illness
  • Fans of memoirs and stories of complex friendships
  • Anyone seeking a thought-provoking examination of identity, mental health, and psychiatric care in America

Social Psychology Books: Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen

Pride and Prejudice

Jane Austen
4.0 (116 ratings)
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What's Pride and Prejudice about?

Pride and Prejudice (1813) is the classic story of Elizabeth Bennet and Fitzwilliam Darcy, a couple who must overcome all manner of social and financial obstacles – including their own initial dislike of each other – to find lasting love.

Who should read Pride and Prejudice?

  • True romantics seeking an all-time classic love story
  • History buffs curious about class life in Regency-era England
  • Lovers of classic literature and period dramas

Social Psychology Books: Infectious Generosity by Chris Anderson

Infectious Generosity

Chris Anderson
The Ultimate Idea Worth Spreading
4.0 (24 ratings)
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What's Infectious Generosity about?

Infectious Generosity (2024) spotlights how acts of giving can spark a ripple effect in cultivating positive societal change. It makes the case that strategic corporate philanthropy focused on accountability can uplift talent, earn customer loyalty, and drive policies advancing health and equity for all. 

Who should read Infectious Generosity?

  • Business owners and executives looking to enhance employee culture and retention
  • Corporate social responsibility leaders seeking strategies to align profit with purpose
  • Thought leaders and consultants focused on scalable models for doing good

Social Psychology Books: The Theory of Moral Sentiments by Adam Smith

The Theory of Moral Sentiments

Adam Smith
3.9 (35 ratings)
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What's The Theory of Moral Sentiments about?

First released in 1759, The Theory of Moral Sentiments examines empathy as the primary driving force behind moral judgment, influencing everything from personal relationships to societal norms.

Who should read The Theory of Moral Sentiments?

  • Philosophy enthusiasts
  • Social science students
  • Readers interested in human behavior

Social Psychology Books: It's Not You by Ramani Durvasula

It's Not You

Ramani Durvasula
Identifying and Healing from Narcissistic People
4.5 (214 ratings)
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What's It's Not You about?

It’s Not You (2024) delves into the complexities of narcissistic personality traits and their devastating effects on personal and professional relationships. With a compassionate and pragmatic approach, it offers strategies and insights to help navigate these challenging dynamics.

Who should read It's Not You?

  • Those who have experienced, or are currently in, relationships with narcissistic partners, family members, friends, or colleagues
  • Human resource professionals and managers who want to understand narcissistic behavior in the workplace better
  • Anyone who is navigating complex relationships with narcissistic personalities they can’t walk away from

Social Psychology Books: Possible by William Ury


William Ury
How We Survive (and Thrive) in an Age of Conflict
4.1 (132 ratings)
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What's Possible about?

Possible (2024) introduces a groundbreaking strategy for confronting the increase in conflicts that threaten aspects of daily life, from personal relationships to global dynamics. It posits that by engaging with conflict constructively, you can unlock the potential for creative problem-solving and strengthen relationships. This approach will equip you with the tools to transform adversarial interactions into cooperative successes, paving the way for progress in every aspect of your life.

Who should read Possible?

  • Conflict resolution mediators and professionals
  • Leaders and managers
  • Individuals navigating personal or workplace conflicts

Social Psychology Books: You, Happier by Daniel G. Amen, MD

You, Happier

Daniel G. Amen, MD
The 7 Neuroscience Secrets of Feeling Good Based on Your Brain Type
4.5 (306 ratings)
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What's You, Happier about?

You, Happier (2024) is a guide to achieving lasting happiness and well-being by understanding and adapting to your own specific brain type. Packed with practical strategies and science-backed insights, it offers a roadmap to improving brain health and unlocking the keys to feeling good, both mentally and physically.

Who should read You, Happier?

  • People struggling with anxiety, depression, or other mental health challenges
  • Health-conscious individuals looking to improve their overall well-being
  • Anyone seeking practical strategies to boost happiness, resilience, and life satisfaction

Social Psychology Books: The Genius of Empathy by Judith Orloff

The Genius of Empathy

Judith Orloff
Practical Skills to Heal Your Sensitive Self, Your Relationships, and the World
3.7 (16 ratings)
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What's The Genius of Empathy about?

The Genius of Empathy (2024) explores the transformative power of empathy in various aspects of life, including personal relationships and professional environments. It delves into practical techniques to cultivate empathy, aiming to enhance emotional intelligence and foster deeper connections with others.

Who should read The Genius of Empathy?

  • Individuals seeking to enhance their emotional intelligence.
  • Professionals wanting to improve workplace relationships.
  • People interested in developing deeper personal connections.

Social Psychology Books: The Third Perspective by Africa Brooke

The Third Perspective

Africa Brooke
Brave Expression in the Age of Intolerance
4.2 (73 ratings)
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What's The Third Perspective about?

The Third Perspective (2024) offers an insightful journey into the challenges of self-expression in a world shaped by societal expectations and personal fears. Here, you'll uncover how to navigate the complexities of speaking your mind in a landscape often dominated by social media scrutiny and cultural conformity. This exploration equips you to cultivate a maverick mindset that transforms everyday courage into authentic life experiences, enhancing both personal integrity and communal dialogue.

Who should read The Third Perspective?

  • Personal development enthusiasts
  • Social media influencers navigating the complexities of public expression
  • Mental health professionals interested in the effects of self-censorship

Social Psychology Books: New Happy by Stephanie Harrison

New Happy

Stephanie Harrison
Getting Happiness Right in a World That's Got It Wrong
3.5 (12 ratings)
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What's New Happy about?

New Happy (2024) challenges the conventional notion that personal success leads to happiness, revealing that true joy comes from helping others and living a life of purpose. Through a blend of art and science, it guides you to dismantle society’s false definition of happiness, uncover your unique gifts, and use them to improve both your life and the world around you.

Who should read New Happy?

  • Individuals experiencing dissatisfaction with success
  • People interested in the science of happiness
  • All those who seek lasting happiness

Social Psychology Books: May Contain Lies by Alex Edmans

May Contain Lies

Alex Edmans
How Stories, Stats, and Studies Exploit Our Biases
4.0 (90 ratings)
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What's May Contain Lies about?

May Contain Lies (2024) explores the intricate world of misinformation and its pervasive impact on society, media, and personal decision-making. It delves into the psychological underpinnings that make us susceptible to deception, and examines how falsehoods spread and the long-term consequences for public trust and individual behavior, then offers several strategies readers can adopt to improve critical thinking and discernment. 

Who should read May Contain Lies?

  • Anyone consuming news and social media 
  • Individuals wanting to make evidence-based decisions 
  • Policymakers and government officials

Social Psychology Books: How to Hug a Porcupine by Sean K. Smith

How to Hug a Porcupine

Sean K. Smith
Easy Ways to Love the Difficult People in Your Life
4.4 (114 ratings)
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What's How to Hug a Porcupine about?

How to Hug a Porcupine (2009) provides practical advice on how to navigate relationships with difficult and challenging people. It explores strategies for fostering empathy, improving communication, and developing patience to create more harmonious interactions. By understanding the behavior of “porcupines,” you can learn to build healthier and more effective relationships.

Who should read How to Hug a Porcupine?

  • Individuals seeking to improve difficult relationships
  • Professionals in high-stress or challenging work environments
  • Families navigating interpersonal conflicts and tensions

Social Psychology Books: Red Flags, Green Flags by Ali Fenwick

Red Flags, Green Flags

Ali Fenwick
Modern Psychology for Everyday Drama
4.2 (10 ratings)
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What's Red Flags, Green Flags about?

Red Flags, Green Flags (2024) is a guide for tackling tough relationship situations while keeping your sanity intact. Full of encouraging wisdom and actionable advice, it dives deep into the signs of good and bad behavior in interpersonal relationships, and how to handle both. 

Who should read Red Flags, Green Flags?

  • Anyone looking for healthier relationships at home, work, and play
  • Those on a journey of self discovery, ready to clarify their values and needs
  • Employees looking to create healthier office dynamics, and navigate tricky situations at work

Social Psychology Books: Of Boys and Men by Richard Reeves

Of Boys and Men

Richard Reeves
Why Modern Men Struggle, Why It Matters, and How to Fix It
4.0 (3 ratings)
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What's Of Boys and Men about?

Of Boys and Men (2022) explores the complex challenges that boys and men encounter in today’s society. Tackling these problems, Richard Reeves argues, requires a shift in our perspective on gender issues. Supporting males to overcome challenges doesn’t detract from the pursuit of gender equality – it complements it and helps foster a more equitable and inclusive world.

Who should read Of Boys and Men?

  • Educators seeking strategies to support male students
  • Parents of boys navigating modern challenges
  • Policy makers focused on gender equality initiatives

What's An Essay Concerning Human Understanding about?

In this influential work, John Locke explores the nature of human knowledge and understanding. He argues that our minds are initially blank slates, and that all knowledge comes from experience. Locke delves into topics such as perception, language, and the limits of human understanding, laying the groundwork for empiricism and shaping the course of modern philosophy.

Who should read An Essay Concerning Human Understanding?

  • Philosophy enthusiasts curious about the nature of human understanding
  • Students and scholars studying epistemology and cognitive science
  • Individuals seeking a deeper understanding of the human mind and its capabilities

Social Psychology Books: Hard Times by Studs Terkel

Hard Times

Studs Terkel
An Oral History of the Great Depression

What's Hard Times about?

Hard Times is a collection of oral histories by Studs Terkel, capturing the experiences of Americans during the Great Depression. Through interviews with people from all walks of life, the book provides a firsthand account of the hardships and resilience of individuals and communities during this challenging period in history. It offers a unique perspective on the human spirit and the power of storytelling.

Who should read Hard Times?

  • Readers who are curious about the human experience in challenging times
  • People interested in personal narratives and real-life stories
  • Individuals who want to gain a deeper understanding of social and economic issues

Social Psychology Books: Getting Gamers by Jamie Madigan

Getting Gamers

Jamie Madigan

What's Getting Gamers about?

Getting Gamers by Jamie Madigan explores the psychology behind video games and why people are so drawn to them. Madigan delves into the science of game design, player motivation, and the impact of gaming on our brains. Whether you're a gamer or simply curious about the appeal of video games, this book offers fascinating insights into a popular form of entertainment.

Who should read Getting Gamers?

  • Individuals who are interested in understanding the psychology behind gaming

  • Game developers and designers who want to create more engaging and rewarding gaming experiences

  • Parents and educators who want to gain insights into the effects of gaming on behavior and learning

Social Psychology Books: The Culture of Narcissism by Christopher Lasch

The Culture of Narcissism

Christopher Lasch

What's The Culture of Narcissism about?

The Culture of Narcissism by Christopher Lasch offers a thought-provoking critique of modern Western society. Lasch argues that our culture has become increasingly self-absorbed and obsessed with instant gratification, leading to a lack of meaningful connections and a decline in social and political engagement. This book challenges us to reevaluate our values and consider the impact of narcissism on our lives and the world around us.

Who should read The Culture of Narcissism?

  • Individuals seeking to understand the prevalence of narcissism in modern society

  • Psychology enthusiasts interested in exploring the roots and impact of narcissistic behavior

  • Those looking to gain insights into their own tendencies and potential narcissistic traits

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Social Psychology Books

What's the best Social Psychology book to read?

While choosing just one book about a topic is always tough, many people regard The Happiness Hypothesis as the ultimate read on Social Psychology.

What are the Top 10 Social Psychology books?

Blinkist curators have picked the following:
  • The Happiness Hypothesis by Jonathan Haidt
  • Sex, Murder and the Meaning of Life by Douglas T. Kenrick
  • Reading the Comments by Joseph M. Reagle Jr.
  • Willful Blindness by Margaret Heffernan
  • Discipline & Punish by Michel Foucault
  • When by Daniel H. Pink
  • The Asshole Survival Guide by Robert I. Sutton
  • Why Does He Do That? by Lundy Bancroft
  • Man and His Symbols by Carl Jung
  • Human Hacking by Christopher Hadnagy with Seth Schulman

Who are the top Social Psychology book authors?

When it comes to Social Psychology, these are the authors who stand out as some of the most influential:
  • Jonathan Haidt
  • Douglas T. Kenrick
  • Joseph M. Reagle Jr.
  • Margaret Heffernan
  • Michel Foucault