The best 85 Media books

Media plays a vital role in shaping opinions and spreading information in today's digital age. Our carefully selected book list on Media offers valuable insights into the power dynamics, technology advancements, and ethical considerations within the media landscape.

Delve into our collection to gain a comprehensive understanding of media's impact on society. Ready to uncover the complexities and nuances of the media world? Start exploring our enlightening titles now!

The best 85 Media books
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Media Books: Manufacturing Consent by Edward S. Herman and Noam Chomsky

Manufacturing Consent

Edward S. Herman and Noam Chomsky
The Political Economy of the Mass Media
4.5 (235 ratings)
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What's Manufacturing Consent about?

Manufacturing Consent (1988) takes a critical view of the mass media to ask why only a narrow range of opinions are favored whilst others are suppressed or ignored. 

It formulates a propaganda model which shows how alternative and independent information is filtered out by various financial and political factors allowing the news agenda to be dominated by those working on behalf of the wealthy and powerful. Far from being a free press, the media in fact maintain our unequal and unfair society.

Who should read Manufacturing Consent?

  • Anyone who wants to know who sets the agenda of the mass media
  • Anyone who would like to know whose interests the media serve
  • Anyone who wants to understand why the mass media suppress independent voices

Media Books: Trust Me, I’m Lying by Ryan Holiday

Trust Me, I’m Lying

Ryan Holiday
Confessions of a Media Manipulator
4.1 (132 ratings)
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What's Trust Me, I’m Lying about?

Trust Me, I’m Lying (2012) is an in-depth exposé of today’s news culture, which is primarily channeled through online media sites called blogs. By detailing his experiences with multimillion-dollar public relations campaigns, the author takes us behind the scenes of today’s most popular and influential blogs to paint an unsettling picture of why we shouldn’t believe everything that is labeled as news.

Who should read Trust Me, I’m Lying?

  • Anyone interested in learning how blogs and other online news media work
  • Anyone who wants to know why we should question what we read online
  • Anyone looking to understand how blogs are affecting society

Media Books: The Long Tail by Chris Anderson

The Long Tail

Chris Anderson
Why the Future of Business is Selling Less of More
4.3 (32 ratings)
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What's The Long Tail about?

The Long Tail challenges existing notions of the market and the entertainment industry by looking at the massive influence of the internet on the economy. Due to new modes of content creation and distribution, it can be more profitable to offer a large number and wide variety of products that appeal to niche consumer groups rather than one certain “hit,” e.g., a blockbuster or bestselling book.


Who should read The Long Tail?

  • Anyone who deals with online sales
  • Anyone interested in alternative economic theories
  • Anyone working in the media or entertainment industries

Media Books: You Are Not a Gadget by Jaron Lanier

You Are Not a Gadget

Jaron Lanier
A Manifesto
3.9 (24 ratings)
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What's You Are Not a Gadget about?

You Are Not a Gadget (2010) examines why the internet tends to glorify the hive-mind and devalue the individual. Serving as both a history lesson of the web’s origins and a warning of the future consequences of its current path, this book illuminates the hidden design of the web.

Who should read You Are Not a Gadget?

  • Anyone interested in learning about how technology shapes the way we view the world
  • Anyone interested in how the internet is devaluing the idea of intellectual property

Media Books: Bad Science by Ben Goldacre

Bad Science

Ben Goldacre
4.4 (66 ratings)
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What's Bad Science about?

We often swallow scientific-sounding language used in advertisements or on the news without any further thought. But if we analyze it a little, we often find that it’s merely pseudoscience. Bad Science shows us that this bogus science can lead to serious misunderstandings, injustice and even death.

Who should read Bad Science?

  • Anyone worried about science reporting in the media
  • Anyone who thinks understanding science is beyond them
  • Anyone who buys vitamins or homeopathic remedies

Media Books: Affluenza by John de Graaf, David Wann and Thomas H. Naylor


John de Graaf, David Wann and Thomas H. Naylor
How Overconsumption is Killing Us – and How to Fight Back
4.5 (31 ratings)
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What's Affluenza about?

This book is about our serious addiction to consumption: affluenza. Since the Industrial Revolution, we’ve become addicted to shopping, believing we can buy happiness. Affluenza affects us and our society like a disease, and this book offers advice on how we can immunize ourselves against it.

Who should read Affluenza?

  • Anyone interested in sociology
  • Anyone interested in media
  • Anyone interested in curing our addiction to consumption

Media Books: Spam Nation by Brian Krebs

Spam Nation

Brian Krebs
The Inside Story of Organized Cybercrime – From Global Epidemic to Your Front Door
4.4 (31 ratings)
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What's Spam Nation about?

Spam Nation reveals how a handful of spammers and other cybercriminals have created a hugely profitable, yet largely illegal, industry. Concerns over spam, however, go deeper than the annoyance of a few email scams, as individuals, companies, governments – even societies – are put at risk.

Who should read Spam Nation?

  • Anyone who’s ever wondered about the source of spam emails
  • Victims of cybercrime
  • Anyone concerned about how to use the internet safely

Media Books: Future Crimes by Marc Goodman

Future Crimes

Marc Goodman
Everything Is Connected, Everyone Is Vulnerable and What We Can Do About It
4.1 (38 ratings)
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What's Future Crimes about?

Future Crimes (2015) lucidly explores the dangers inherent in using today’s highly interconnected web of technologies. Through carelessness or ignorance, we make huge amounts of personal information available to criminals who would love nothing more than to exploit us.

Who should read Future Crimes?

  • Anyone who uses the internet on a daily basis
  • People who use social media on their smartphones
  • Those who believe technology will solve all our problems

Media Books: So You’ve Been Publicly Shamed by Jon Ronson

So You’ve Been Publicly Shamed

Jon Ronson
3.8 (17 ratings)
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What's So You’ve Been Publicly Shamed about?

So You’ve Been Publicly Shamed (2015) looks into the terrifying nature of online public shaming. Tracing it back to its historical roots, the book details the motivations behind modern public shaming and offers tips on what to do if you find yourself at the center of a public shaming scandal.

Who should read So You’ve Been Publicly Shamed?

  • People astonished by the brutality of online public shamings
  • Psychology enthusiasts
  • Those wanting to learn about how technology affects our behavior

Media Books: Content Rules by Ann Handley & C.C. Chapman

Content Rules

Ann Handley & C.C. Chapman
How to Create Killer Blogs, Podcasts, Videos, Ebooks, Webinars (and more) that Engage Customers and Ignite Your Business
3.9 (89 ratings)
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What's Content Rules about?

Content Rules (2012) is a guide to content publishing that’ll help you implement effective and sustainable strategies. Regardless of whether you’re a social-media novice or a web-savvy pro, these blinks will guide you through the ins and outs of web-based content tools and social media sites, while offering plenty of helpful content tips along the way.

Who should read Content Rules?

  • Business owners looking to integrate content publishing into their marketing strategy
  • People hoping to harness the power of social media to reach huge groups
  • Creative professionals in any media who want to complement their skills with a flair for sales and marketing

Media Books: Righteous Indignation by Andrew Breitbart

Righteous Indignation

Andrew Breitbart
Excuse Me While I Save the World!
3.4 (28 ratings)
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What's Righteous Indignation about?

Righteous Indignation (2012) outlines the influence of the political Left in the United States and how this group’s influence has destroyed American media. The book shows exactly how this situation came to be and explains what those on the Right can do to fight back.

Who should read Righteous Indignation?

  • People who identify as conservative and support the U.S. Republican Party
  • Fans of conservative pundit Andrew Breitbart
  • Media observers and people who question media bias

Media Books: How Music Got Free by Stephen Witt

How Music Got Free

Stephen Witt
What happens when an entire generation commits the same crime?
4.7 (29 ratings)
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What's How Music Got Free about?

How Music Got Free (2015) tells the remarkable story of the mp3 file, from its inception in a German audio lab to its discovery by a man working in a North Carolina CD-pressing plant, who would eventually team up with a piracy group to bring the entire music industry to its knees.

Who should read How Music Got Free?

  • Musicians and music consumers
  • Anyone interested in copyright law
  • Anyone interested in internet freedom

Media Books: Merchants of Doubt by Naomi Oreskes & Erik M. Conway

Merchants of Doubt

Naomi Oreskes & Erik M. Conway
How a Handful of Scientists Obscured the Truth on Issues From Tobacco Smoke to Global Warming
3.8 (311 ratings)
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What's Merchants of Doubt about?

Merchants of Doubt (2011) examines some of the world’s major scientific debates on topics including the environment, smoking and nuclear weapons. These blinks will explain how a handful of extremely vocal scientists have heavily misrepresented these issues through the mainstream media, often with the goal of aiding corporate and industry interests.

Who should read Merchants of Doubt?

  • Anyone interested in politics, the media and public opinion
  • Journalists, activists and anyone with a social conscience

Media Books: Bit Literacy by Mark Hurst

Bit Literacy

Mark Hurst
Productivity in the Age of Information and E-mail Overload
3.8 (28 ratings)
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What's Bit Literacy about?

Bit Literacy (2007) is the go-to guide for people who want to make better use of their time in a world permeated by unnecessary information. By employing the book’s organizational and time-saving tricks, you’ll be well on your way to becoming bit-literate.

Who should read Bit Literacy?

  • People who feel like they should be getting more from new technology
  • Those suffering from information overload
  • Anyone who can’t keep their inbox tidy

Media Books: Newsjacking by David Meerman Scott


David Meerman Scott
How to Inject Your Ideas Into a Breaking News Story and Generate Tons of Media Coverage
4.0 (20 ratings)
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What's Newsjacking about?

Newsjacking (2012) is about the best new way to get media attention – not by planning ahead but by reacting quickly and cleverly. These blinks not only explain how this new form of generating news works, but also how you can and should react to it, and how to use it to attain the best possible media coverage.

Who should read Newsjacking?

  • Marketers seeking alternatives to planned advertising campaigns
  • Emerging organizations keen to raise awareness on a shoestring budget
  • News readers interested in today’s changing media landscape

Media Books: Curate This! by Steven Rosenbaum

Curate This!

Steven Rosenbaum
The Hands-On How-To Guide to Content Curation
3.8 (24 ratings)
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What's Curate This! about?

Curate This! (2014) reveals the different ways content curation is used today, why humans make the best curators and how you can use content to expand your audience.

Who should read Curate This!?

  • Avid online readers interested in the secrets of content creation
  • Marketers wondering about how content creation relates to artificial intelligence
  • Bloggers searching for the right recipe to attract a greater audience

Media Books: The Smarter Screen by Shlomo Benartzi

The Smarter Screen

Shlomo Benartzi
What Your Business Can Learn from the Way Consumers Think Online
4.1 (17 ratings)
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What's The Smarter Screen about?

The Smarter Screen (2015) is a guide both for the start-up and established business to boosting your company’s digital presence in a media-saturated world. These blinks apply insights from behavioral economics to explain exactly how people think and respond to digital information on a screen.

Who should read The Smarter Screen?

  • Anyone that produces or manages digital content
  • Website designers and marketing managers
  • People curious about what drives consumer choice

Media Books: The Big Disconnect by Catherine Steiner-Adair

The Big Disconnect

Catherine Steiner-Adair
Protecting Childhood and Family Relationships in the Digital Age
4.0 (51 ratings)
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What's The Big Disconnect about?

The Big Disconnect (2013) is about the current generation of babies, toddlers and children growing up in the digital world. Digital media, from online games to social networking sites, have a profound impact on a child’s development, both intellectually and socially. These blinks outline the reasons why, and what parents can do to try to keep their children safe from these developmental hindrances.

Who should read The Big Disconnect?

  • Parents and parents-to-be
  • Teachers
  • Anyone interested in sociology, technology or education

Media Books: This is Why We Can’t Have Nice Things by Whitney Phillips

This is Why We Can’t Have Nice Things

Whitney Phillips
Mapping the Relationship Between Online Trolling and Mainstream Culture
3.5 (14 ratings)
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What's This is Why We Can’t Have Nice Things about?

This is Why We Can’t Have Nice Things (2015) explores the subculture of trolling: where it came from, who does it, why they do it and what exactly it is they do. The book examines the blurred line between a malicious online attack and revealing social commentary, and shows how trolling and mainstream culture have come to form a close bond.

Who should read This is Why We Can’t Have Nice Things?

  • Victims of internet trolling
  • Critics of traditional media
  • Anyone interested in internet subcultures

Media Books: Flat Earth News  by Nick Davies

Flat Earth News

Nick Davies
An Award-Winning Reporter Exposes Falsehood, Distortion, and Propaganda in the Global Media
4.4 (71 ratings)
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What's Flat Earth News about?

If you’ve ever entertained romantic fantasies about becoming a globe-trotting journalist, let Flat Earth News (2008) serve as a wake-up call. Truth is, modern journalists are under extreme pressure from the media outlets they serve, which are mostly controlled by profit-minded corporations. These blinks reveal why news desks simply regurgitate stories and why it’s so easy these days for spin doctors to manipulate the news.

Who should read Flat Earth News ?

  • News junkies looking for a behind-the-scenes peek at media outlets
  • Journalists and reporters wondering if they’re alone in their struggles
  • Anyone who thinks that wire services are a reliable news source

Media Books: The News by Alain De Botton

The News

Alain De Botton
A User’s Manual
3.8 (35 ratings)
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What's The News about?

The News (2014) reads between the lines of the constant stream of today’s news – news to which many readers are becoming increasingly indifferent. This indifference isn’t so much the reader’s fault as the media’s. Constant competition in a crowded market results in news outlets failing to package stories in a way that’s appealing, engaging and, most of all, informative.

Who should read The News?

  • News readers who want to make better choices about what to read
  • Skeptics who think mainstream news is worthless
  • Journalists who want to write better articles

Media Books: The World According to Star Wars by Cass R. Sunstein

The World According to Star Wars

Cass R. Sunstein
3.9 (148 ratings)
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What's The World According to Star Wars about?

The World According to Star Wars (2016) reveals the many life lessons to be learned from George Lucas’s Star Wars films. Discover what popular science fiction can tell us about ourselves, what Star Wars has to say about the politics of popularity and how we interpret movies and inject our favorite stories with our own ideas.

Who should read The World According to Star Wars?

  • Star Wars fans
  • Creative people interested in popular trends
  • Political scholars

Media Books: A Very English Scandal by John Preston

A Very English Scandal

John Preston
Sex, Lies and a Murder Plot at the Heart of the Establishment
3.9 (49 ratings)
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What's A Very English Scandal about?

A Very English Scandal (2016) tells the story of former British politician Jeremy Thorpe’s affair with Norman Scott. From a botched assassination to a biased murder trial, the story of this scandal shines a harsh light on the petty yet powerful relationships within the British Establishment and how those ties work to silence justice and protect reputations.

Who should read A Very English Scandal?

  • Readers fascinated by political scandals
  • Students curious about British insider politics
  • Those fascinated by major media events

Media Books: The Dark Net by Jamie Bartlett

The Dark Net

Jamie Bartlett
Inside the Digital Underworld
3.2 (69 ratings)
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What's The Dark Net about?

The Dark Net (2014) is a window into the internet’s nefarious underbelly. These blinks detail a trove of hidden online activity, from drug deals to illegal pornography to troubling discussions among suicidal teenagers.

Who should read The Dark Net?

  • Adventurous people who want to uncover everything the internet has to offer
  • Anyone concerned about all the terrible things happening online
  • Aspiring porn stars and anyone who wants to buy marijuana from their couch

Media Books: The Filter Bubble by Eli Pariser

The Filter Bubble

Eli Pariser
What the Internet is Hiding from You
4.0 (23 ratings)
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What's The Filter Bubble about?

The Filter Bubble (2011) offers an insightful and critical look at the internet. Specifically, it puts under the microscope the dangerous consequences of data collection and the way it is used to personalize the internet. Discover just how many things are being hidden from you every time you click the search button, and why you shouldn’t always take internet search results at face value.

Who should read The Filter Bubble?

  • Entrepreneurs in the field of media and communication
  • Tech bloggers and analysts
  • Readers interested in the psychology of the internet

Media Books: You Can’t Read This Book by Nick Cohen

You Can’t Read This Book

Nick Cohen
Censorship in an Age of Freedom
3.9 (26 ratings)
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What's You Can’t Read This Book about?

You Can’t Read This Book (2012) asks a pointed question: Does free speech exist or not? Today society has unlimited access to information online, but people still struggle to freely express opinions, fearing a backlash from governments, religious leaders or other powerful organizations.

Who should read You Can’t Read This Book?

  • Writers and journalists interested in problem of censorship
  • People curious about the evolution of free speech
  • Anyone interested in political science or social studies

Media Books: Weaponized Lies by Daniel J. Levitin

Weaponized Lies

Daniel J. Levitin
Critical Thinking in the Information Age
3.7 (225 ratings)
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What's Weaponized Lies about?

Weaponized Lies (2016) is a user’s manual for today’s news media. It teaches you various skills that will help you to analyze the vast amount of information you encounter when skimming the internet or watching the news. Take time to learn what’s real and what’s fake, so you won’t get duped.

Who should read Weaponized Lies?

  • Any consumer of news media
  • Media studies and journalism students
  • Conspiracy theory aficionados

Media Books: Age of Propaganda by Anthony Pratkanis and Elliot Aronson

Age of Propaganda

Anthony Pratkanis and Elliot Aronson
The Everyday Use and Abuse of Persuasion
3.9 (96 ratings)
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What's Age of Propaganda about?

Age of Propaganda (2001) is an in-depth look into the world of deception that is propaganda. These blinks will walk you through the different techniques propagandists rely on to successfully change people’s opinions and show how these tactics have become part of your everyday life.

Who should read Age of Propaganda?

  • Students of psychology and marketing
  • Consumers of all walks of life
  • Advertising professionals

Media Books: The War on Journalism by Andrew Fowler

The War on Journalism

Andrew Fowler
Media Moguls, Whistleblowers and the Price of Freedom
4.0 (32 ratings)
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What's The War on Journalism about?

The War on Journalism (2015) explores the challenges journalists face while seeking the truth amid increasing state control and private sector criticism. Even though the internet has allowed those in the media unprecedented access to people and information, equally technology and new rules of the game have made fact-seeking a far more problematic pursuit.

Who should read The War on Journalism?

  • Aspiring journalists and media professionals
  • Students of politics or sociology
  • Anyone who follows the news

Media Books: The New Front Page by Tim Dunlop

The New Front Page

Tim Dunlop
New Media and the Rise of the Audience
4.1 (10 ratings)
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What's The New Front Page about?

The New Front Page (2013) explains how the advent of the internet radically changed the media landscape. Today, audiences are no longer a mere target for advertisers; they’re empowered customers and, more often than not, even a part of the editorial process itself.

Who should read The New Front Page?

  • Content marketers and bloggers
  • Journalists and freelance writers
  • News junkies

Media Books: The Death of Expertise by Tom Nichols

The Death of Expertise

Tom Nichols
The Campaign Against Established Knowledge and Why it Matters
4.2 (71 ratings)
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What's The Death of Expertise about?

The Death of Expertise (2017) examines the current attacks on science and knowledge that seem to be on the rise in our current technological and political environment. What has happened to objective truths being the truth and facts being indisputable? Why is science now a matter of political partisanship? Find out what’s really going on and why this is one of the most important issues of our day.

Who should read The Death of Expertise?

  • Citizens looking for facts rather than political rhetoric
  • Readers concerned about fake news and misinformation
  • Students of political science and communications

Media Books: Better Living Through Criticism by A.O. Scott

Better Living Through Criticism

A.O. Scott
How to Think About Art, Pleasure, Beauty and Truth
3.5 (20 ratings)
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What's Better Living Through Criticism about?

Better Living Through Criticism (2016) explores the role of the critic. From the historical significance of criticism to the future of the digital critic, these blinks are an engaging introduction into an indispensable aspect of art and culture.

Who should read Better Living Through Criticism?

  • Students of visual art, literature or cultural studies
  • Readers curious about the influence of criticism on creative culture
  • Budding art writers seeking a big picture perspective on their discipline

Media Books: Streaming, Sharing, Stealing by Michael D. Smith and Rahul Telang

Streaming, Sharing, Stealing

Michael D. Smith and Rahul Telang
Big Data and the Future of Entertainment
3.5 (37 ratings)
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What's Streaming, Sharing, Stealing about?

Streaming, Sharing, Stealing (2016) is about the ever-changing entertainment industry. Recent years have seen the emergence of new players who continue to utilize technology to transform the landscape. This book assesses how companies like Apple, Netflix and Amazon use data to understand their consumers’ needs.

Who should read Streaming, Sharing, Stealing?

  • Publishers and policy makers
  • Technology enthusiasts interested in big data and analytics
  • Media, film and music students

Media Books: Amusing Ourselves to Death by Neil Postman

Amusing Ourselves to Death

Neil Postman
Public Discourse in the Age of Show Business
4.4 (73 ratings)
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What's Amusing Ourselves to Death about?

Amusing Ourselves to Death (1985) explores the detrimental effects the medium of television is having on the content of public discourse. Over the course of two centuries, the United States has moved from being a culture defined by the printed word to one where television and triviality dominate.

Who should read Amusing Ourselves to Death?

  • Anyone interested in public debates
  • Newspaper journalists, newspaper readers and TV viewers
  • Media scholars, communication theorists and philosophers

Media Books: The Death of Truth by Michiko Kakutani

The Death of Truth

Michiko Kakutani
Notes on Falsehood in the Age of Trump
3.5 (56 ratings)
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What's The Death of Truth about?

The Death of Truth (2018) offers an informative look at the current political climate in the United States, and the many developments in the past that have brought us to this divisive time. With over 30 years’ experience as a respected literary critic, Michiko Kakutani uses her expertise in modern literature to show how authors of the past worried about many of the same concerns we’re facing today.

Who should read The Death of Truth?

  • Supporters of democracy
  • News and political junkies
  • Book lovers concerned about current affairs

Media Books: Factfulness by Hans Rosling, Ola Rosling and Anna Rosling Rönnlund


Hans Rosling, Ola Rosling and Anna Rosling Rönnlund
Ten Reasons We’re Wrong About the World – and Why Things Are Better Than You Think
4.2 (575 ratings)
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What's Factfulness about?

Factfulness (2018) offers readers a wealth of statistics and cold, hard facts that reveal the world to be a far better place than it was just a couple generations ago. But, more than that, author Hans Rosling also offers readers a way to revise their thinking and fight against our instinct to focus on the bad and lose sight of the good.

Who should read Factfulness?

  • Readers concerned about the planet
  • Activists and environmentalists
  • People involved in public health

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What's Ten Arguments for Deleting your Social Media Accounts Right Now about?

Ten Arguments for Deleting your Social Media Accounts Right Now (2018) is a modern-day cri de coeur. It offers, with ten distinct arguments, an all but irrefutable case for deleting your social media accounts. From their ethically dubious data-selling practices to the way they manipulate users, current social media companies are doing society a major disservice. Your best option right now is to delete your accounts until better options emerge.

Who should read Ten Arguments for Deleting your Social Media Accounts Right Now?

  • Social media users
  • Smartphone owners
  • Sociologists

Media Books: Liars, Leakers, and Liberals by Judge Jeanine Pirro

Liars, Leakers, and Liberals

Judge Jeanine Pirro
The Case Against the Anti-Trump Conspiracy
2.8 (98 ratings)
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What's Liars, Leakers, and Liberals about?

Liars, Leakers, and Liberals (2018) examines the dark forces that have not accepted Donald Trump’s victory. From the dishonest media to Hollywood hypocrites, weak-willed republicans to the “deep state” of the intelligence community, these forces are now attempting to destroy America’s president – a patriotic, family-oriented winner whose no-nonsense approach is exactly what the United States needs.

Who should read Liars, Leakers, and Liberals?

  • Anyone fed up with the lies of the mainstream media
  • People who want a fresh perspective on the Trump presidency
  • Readers who sense that the liberal consensus on Donald Trump doesn’t give the full story

Media Books: Conspiracy by Ryan Holiday


Ryan Holiday
Peter Thiel, Hulk Hogan, Gawker, and the Anatomy of Intrigue
4.2 (69 ratings)
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What's Conspiracy about?

Conspiracy (2017) reveals the incredible true story behind the downfall of one of America’s most controversial media outlets. The author explores the motivations and machinations of billionaire Peter Thiel, who conspired against Gawker Media, and details the dramatic courtroom trial that saw wrestler Hulk Hogan win millions in damages against the world’s most notorious gossip website.

Who should read Conspiracy?

  • Anyone interested in current affairs
  • Media buffs interested in journalism
  • Business students wanting strategy tips

Media Books: Them by Ben Sasse


Ben Sasse
Why We Hate Each Other – and How to Heal
4.4 (50 ratings)
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What's Them about?

Them (2018) explores the social, political and economic challenges facing the United States of America. Drawing on insights from psychology, politics and contemporary media, the blinks investigate the current climate of hostility in public life and explains how Americans can get back to a more harmonious way of life.

Who should read Them?

  • Political animals looking for a fresh perspective
  • Democrats open to listening to the other side
  • Current-affairs junkies wanting new insights

Media Books: Yes We (Still) Can by Dan Pfeiffer

Yes We (Still) Can

Dan Pfeiffer
Politics in the Age of Obama, Twitter, and Trump
4.1 (21 ratings)
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What's Yes We (Still) Can about?

Yes We (Still) Can (2018) offers a revealing look at the dizzyingly high-pressure life of a White House communications director. In addition to his personal experiences in the Obama administration, author Dan Pfeiffer is eager to share the knowledge he gained along the way, from how to deal with the press to how to handle political opposition.

Who should read Yes We (Still) Can?

  • Political junkies
  • Concerned Democrats
  • Students of political science and public relations

Media Books: The Four by Scott Galloway

The Four

Scott Galloway
The Hidden DNA of Amazon, Apple, Facebook and Google
4.0 (172 ratings)
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What's The Four about?

The Four (2017) examines the great superpowers of our digital age – Apple, Amazon, Facebook and Google – and attempts to answer a few tough questions: How have these companies changed the world we live in and what is their formula for success? How can other companies rise to similar echelons of power? And what does it take to thrive in a world shaped by the Four?

Who should read The Four?

  • Facebook and iPhone users
  • Anyone who regularly performs searches on Google, shops on Amazon, uses an Apple device or spends time on Facebook
  • Business enthusiasts and business analysts

Media Books: She Said by Jodi Kantor and Megan Twohey

She Said

Jodi Kantor and Megan Twohey
Breaking the Sexual Harassment Story that Helped Ignite a Movement
4.8 (43 ratings)
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What's She Said about?

On October 5, 2017, the New York Times ran an exposé detailing years of sexual misconduct by famed film producer Harvey Weinstein. She Said (2019) tells the story behind the story, tracing how two investigative journalists, Jodi Kantor and Megan Twohey, uncovered one of the biggest news events of the decade and helped galvanize the #MeToo moment. Told by the journalists themselves, this book recounts how tenacious reporting can transform decades of abuse into a worldwide movement.   

Who should read She Said?

  • Anyone interested in the story behind the #MeToo movement
  • People intrigued by the world of investigative journalism
  • Those seeking inspiration on how to fight abuses of power and other injustices

Media Books: Catch and Kill by Ronan Farrow

Catch and Kill

Ronan Farrow
Lies, Spies and a Conspiracy to Protect Predators
4.3 (38 ratings)
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What's Catch and Kill about?

Catch and Kill (2019) is the gripping inside account of how the abuses of Hollywood’s most notorious predator, Harvey Weinstein, were brought to light. Along the way, veteran investigative reporter Ronan Farrow unpicks the conspiracy of silence that attempted to prevent his findings from ever being published and help Weinstein evade accountability for his history of sexual harassment, assault, and rape. 

Who should read Catch and Kill?

  • Journalists and reporters
  • Media industry insiders 
  • Women’s rights advocates

Media Books: The Art of Statistics by David Spiegelhalter

The Art of Statistics

David Spiegelhalter
Learning from Data
4.5 (278 ratings)
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What's The Art of Statistics about?

The Art of Statistics (2019) is a non-technical introduction to the basic concepts of statistical science. Sidelining abstract mathematical analyses in favor of a more human-oriented approach, it explains how statistical science is helping us to answer questions and tell more informative stories. Stepping beyond the numbers, it also considers the role that the media and psychological bias play in the distortion of statistical claims. In these blinks you’ll find the tools and knowledge needed to understand and evaluate these claims.

Who should read The Art of Statistics?

  • Statistics students looking for a non-technical overview of basic issues
  • Journalists who want to report statistics more accurately
  • Anyone who wants to better evaluate the statistical claims they encounter day-to-day

Media Books: The Rules of Contagion by Adam Kucharski

The Rules of Contagion

Adam Kucharski
Why Things Spread – and Why They Stop
4.2 (91 ratings)
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What's The Rules of Contagion about?

The Rules of Contagion (2020) takes a scientific and mathematical look at how viruses spread, and how ideas, behavior and popular online content all follow similar patterns. By following the rules of contagion, we can gain insight into the spread of ideas, what causes financial disasters, and how harmful acts like gun violence can also infect a community.

Who should read The Rules of Contagion?

  • People who want to better understand the coronavirus
  • Mathematically minded individuals
  • Anyone interested in how ideas spread

Media Books: Truth by Hector MacDonald


Hector MacDonald
How the Many Sides to Every Story Shape Our Reality
4.3 (151 ratings)
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What's Truth about?

Truth (2018) shows us how we live in a world of competing truths, where politicians, activists, corporations and countries tell the stories they’d like us to hear. Identifying the different ways that truth can be used to mislead or inspire, Hector MacDonald draws from history and current affairs to demonstrate how we should wait to see the whole picture before deciding what is “true.”

Who should read Truth?

  • Citizens wanting to navigate a world full of misinformation
  • Strategic communicators in business and politics
  • Journalists and bloggers looking to write the most truthful stories

Media Books: Trick Mirror by Jia Tolentino

Trick Mirror

Jia Tolentino
Reflections on Self-Delusion
3.9 (67 ratings)
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What's Trick Mirror about?

Trick Mirror (2019) is the long-awaited first collection of writer and essayist Jia Tolentino. In nine intertwined stories, she tells of the trends and ideas – as well as the personal and collective delusions – that have shaped her life, our country, and the culture. Examining everything from the internet to workout crazes to modern marriage, Tolentino interweaves the personal and political, calling to mind great feminist writers like Susan Sontag and Joan Didion.

Who should read Trick Mirror?

  • Critical thinkers with an affinity for dissecting cultural trends
  • Lefties and liberals – and those who want to understand them better
  • Anyone who claims the label “feminist”

Media Books: Deepfakes and the Infocalypse by Nina Schick

Deepfakes and the Infocalypse

Nina Schick
What You Urgently Need To Know
3.9 (121 ratings)
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What's Deepfakes and the Infocalypse about?

Deepfakes and the Infocalypse (2020) is an urgent warning about the dangers posed by fake – but extremely realistic – audiovisual material called deepfakes. They are powered by artificial intelligence, and scammers and hackers are already using them to defraud businesses and harass individuals. Governments are joining in, as well; the use of deepfakes for propaganda is growing. We need to actively prepare for a time when deepfakes become commonplace. If we don’t, we’ll barrel headfirst into an information apocalypse.

Who should read Deepfakes and the Infocalypse?

  • Anyone who hasn’t heard of deepfakes
  • Citizens concerned about political polarization and the breakdown of trust in society
  • Tech-savvy individuals who feel they can’t be fooled by fake content

Media Books: The Reality Game by Samuel Woolley

The Reality Game

Samuel Woolley
How the Next Wave of Technology Will Break the Truth
3.9 (111 ratings)
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What's The Reality Game about?

The Reality Game (2020) sheds light on the murky world of “computational propaganda” – political manipulation using digital tools. Samuel Woolley argues that fake news, viral conspiracy theories, and Twitter bot armies don’t just sow confusion and discord; in his view, they also subvert the democratic process. That means it’s high time we fought back and reclaimed our digital space from today’s unaccountable mega-platforms. 

Who should read The Reality Game?

  • Citizens worried about the future of democracy
  • Digital natives and social media addicts 
  • Skeptics wondering how to tell the difference between real and fake news

Media Books: Speaking for Myself by Sarah Huckabee Sanders

Speaking for Myself

Sarah Huckabee Sanders
Faith, Freedom, and the Fight of Our Lives Inside the Trump White House
3.3 (71 ratings)
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What's Speaking for Myself about?

Speaking for Myself (2020) is an insider’s account of Donald Trump’s first two years in office by the woman whose job it was to present the president’s thinking to the world – press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders. Alongside fascinating snapshots of Trump’s decision-making process, values, and sense of humor, Sanders offers readers a glimpse of the inner workings of the White House and the role of the press in American political life.

Who should read Speaking for Myself?

  • Trump haters interested in the other side of the story
  • Journalists, reporters, and broadcasters
  • History and politics buffs

Media Books: Google Leaks by Zach Vorhies and Kent Hecklively

Google Leaks

Zach Vorhies and Kent Hecklively
A Whistleblower's Exposé of Big Tech Censorship
3.5 (348 ratings)
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What's Google Leaks about?

Google Leaks (2021) is the no-holds-barred story of one former Google employee, who claims that the search giant has been corrupted by political bias and is pursuing a course of deliberate online censorship. It details the author’s journey after Donald Trump’s election from satisfied employee to unflinching corporate whistleblower .

Who should read Google Leaks?

  • Tech lovers concerned by the the growth of online megacorporations 
  • Political aficionados interested in the years of Trump’s presidency
  • Free-speech advocates concerned by the erosion of civil liberties

Media Books: Disability Visibility by Alice Wong

Disability Visibility

Alice Wong
First-Person Stories from the Twenty-First Century
4.2 (89 ratings)
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What's Disability Visibility about?

Disability Visibility (2020) is a compilation of original essays by people with disabilities. There are too few stories about what it’s like to be a disabled person navigating environments designed for the nondisabled. This collection brings visibility to some of these diverse experiences, and shows how limiting our ideas about disability really are.

Who should read Disability Visibility?

  • Disabled people looking for stories that represent diverse experiences of living with disabilities
  • Nondisabled people interested in confronting their prejudices about what it means to be disabled
  • Activists wanting to strengthen their movements by making them more intersectional

Media Books: Perversion of Justice by Julie K. Brown

Perversion of Justice

Julie K. Brown
The Jeffrey Epstein Story
4.5 (40 ratings)
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What's Perversion of Justice about?

Perversion of Justice (2021) reveals how a reporter for the Miami Herald broke the story behind Jeffrey Epstein’s sex crimes and the scandalous deal he got from the US justice system in 2008. It explains the history of the case, how the mysterious financier was able to escape justice for so long, and the important questions that remain unanswered.

Who should read Perversion of Justice?

  • Anyone curious how a serial sex offender can elude punishment
  • Fans of true crime investigations
  • People interested in the ongoing mystery behind Epstein and his accomplices

Media Books: The Quick Fix by Jesse Singal

The Quick Fix

Jesse Singal
Why Fad Psychology Can't Cure Our Social Ills
4.2 (84 ratings)
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What's The Quick Fix about?

The Quick Fix (2021) is a skeptical study of recent trends in behavioral psychology. Academic studies and TED talks may appear to make a convincing case for the power of positive thinking or the impact of implicit bias, but sometimes the evidence just isn’t there. In a complex world, the explanations for human behavior are often more nuanced than some modern psychologists would have you believe.

Who should read The Quick Fix?

  • Psychology skeptics
  • Those interested in societal problems and human behavior
  • Anyone who has ever viewed a TED talk

Media Books: Free Speech by Jacob Mchangama

Free Speech

Jacob Mchangama
A History from Socrates to Social Media
4.4 (188 ratings)
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What's Free Speech about?

Free Speech (2022) traces the history of this world-defining idea. It provides a soapbox for some of free speech’s greatest proponents and highlights key events that pushed the idea forward from ancient times to the present. Offering an evenhanded treatment of the costs and benefits of free speech throughout history, it’s a powerful retort to all those forces that threaten to erode free speech today.

Who should read Free Speech?

  • Passionate defenders of free speech who could use more argumentative ammunition 
  • Students preparing for campus debates on whether free speech should be limited
  • Anyone on the left or right seeking insight into modern-day debates on free speech

Media Books: Dear America by Graham Allen

Dear America

Graham Allen
Live Like It's 9/12
3.4 (196 ratings)
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What's Dear America about?

Dear America (2021) is a call to action for Americans. It implores them to unite despite differences – and preserve their nation before it’s too late.

Who should read Dear America?

  • Americans of all political stripes
  • Anyone interested in US history
  • People intent on preserving free speech and diversity of thought

Media Books: Pegasus by Laurent Richard and Sandrine Rigaud


Laurent Richard and Sandrine Rigaud
How a Spy in Our Pocket Threatens the End of Privacy, Dignity, and Democracy
4.3 (295 ratings)
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What's Pegasus about?

Pegasus (2023) follows the thrilling, worldwide investigation into one of the most powerful and insidious pieces of cyber surveillance software known to date. Beginning with a massive data leak to a small, independent news outlet, it tells the story of how Pegasus came to be, the hundreds of innocent individuals who have had their privacy taken away by it, and the global team of reporters and editors who risked everything to bring the story to light.

Who should read Pegasus?

  • Followers of the Pegasus Project and other cyber security international bombshells like the Panama Papers, or Wikileaks.
  • Fans of investigative journalism who want to know the stories behind the reports that shake the world.
  • Anyone who owns a phone and wants to know just how fragile their privacy really is.

Media Books: The Office BFFs by Jenna Fischer & Angela Kinsey

The Office BFFs

Jenna Fischer & Angela Kinsey
Tales of the Office from Two Best Friends Who Were There
4.0 (6 ratings)
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What's The Office BFFs about?

The Office BFFs (2022) peels back the curtain on the close-knit friendship of Angela Kinsey and Jenna Fischer from the American hit TV series The Office. It comes complete, not only with their candid time together on and off camera but also with never-before-seen photos featuring the cast and crew of the show.

Who should read The Office BFFs?

  • The Office fans
  • People curious about the behind-the-scenes friendship of Angela and Jenna
  • Celebrity enthusiasts

Media Books: Tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow by Gabrielle Zevin

Tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow

Gabrielle Zevin
A Novel
3.5 (55 ratings)
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What's Tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow about?

Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow (2022) by Gabrielle Zevin tells the story of Sadie and Sam, childhood friends turned creative collaborators and video game designers. The novel charts the tumultuous highs and lows of Sam and Sadie’s friendship against the vividly realized backdrop of the gaming industry at the turn of the 21st century. 

Who should read Tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow?

  • Anyone intrigued by the idea of creative partnerships
  • Anyone with even a passing interest in video games
  • Anyone who’s ever had, or lost, a friend

Media Books: Unscripted by James B Stewart and Rachel Abrams


James B Stewart and Rachel Abrams
The Epic Battle for a Media Empire and the Redstone Family Legacy
3.8 (29 ratings)
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What's Unscripted about?

Unscripted (2023) is the outrageous true story of Sumner Redstone, the former chairman and controlling shareholder of ViacomCBS (now Paramount Global). It focuses on the eventful final years of Redstone’s life, as well as the downfall of his successor at CBS, Les Moonves.

Who should read Unscripted?

  • Fans of TV dramas like Succession
  • People who enjoy juicy nonfiction and true crime
  • Anyone who wants a behind-the-scenes glimpse of corporate America

Media Books: The Climate Book by Greta Thunberg

The Climate Book

Greta Thunberg
The Facts and the Solutions
3.8 (92 ratings)
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What's The Climate Book about?

The Climate Book (2023) unites dozens of voices in a compelling and eye-opening exploration of the complex relationships between climate change, politics, and media. Offering insights into the interconnectedness of various global issues and the urgent need for systemic change, it contains practical, actionable steps towards a sustainable and equitable future.

Who should read The Climate Book?

  • Everyone concerned about our planet Earth
  • Climate activists looking to bolster their tactics arsenal 
  • Politicians and journalists who want to be part of the solution, not the problem 

Media Books: Essentially Less by Dirk von Gehlen

Essentially Less

Dirk von Gehlen
Minifesto for a Conscious Approach to Attention
4.6 (349 ratings)
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What's Essentially Less about?

Essentially Less (2023) isn’t a Blink based on a book, it is the book. In a time when our attention is becoming a crucial and contested resource, it makes a case for the importance of focusing on what’s essential. It’s a joint production by journalist Dirk von Gehlen and Blinkist’s editors.

Who should read Essentially Less?

  • Anyone who believes that less is more
  • Fans of short culture
  • Those interested in the future of reading and writing

Media Books: Breaking the Cycle by George N. Collins with Andrew Adleman

Breaking the Cycle

George N. Collins with Andrew Adleman
Free Yourself from Sex Addiction, Porn Obsession, and Shame
4.2 (21 ratings)
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What's Breaking the Cycle about?

Breaking the Cycle (2011) outlines a series of tried and tested exercises that widen the gap between sex addicts and their compulsive sexual behaviors. Sticking to these techniques builds confidence in sex addicts to move on from their obsession toward a richer life that prioritizes their wellbeing and relationships.

Who should read Breaking the Cycle?

  • People trying to overcome sex and porn addiction
  • People trying to understand the nature of sex addiction
  • Counselors or anyone trying to help a sex addict

Media Books: Pornland by Gail Dines


Gail Dines
How Porn Has Hijacked Our Sexuality
3.5 (253 ratings)
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What's Pornland about?

Pornland (2010) invites you to dive deep into the world of modern pornography and its implications. Discover how the industry's evolution has led to the commodification of women, reshaping societal norms and expectations. Embark on a thought-provoking journey that challenges perceptions of intimacy in our digital age.

Who should read Pornland?

  • Students of gender studies
  • Those worried about the media's portrayal of sexuality
  • Advocates for healthier intimacy standards

Media Books: Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury

Fahrenheit 451

Ray Bradbury
4.7 (65 ratings)
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What's Fahrenheit 451 about?

Fahrenheit 451 (1953) tells the tale of a near future with fireproof homes, where firemen are now tasked with the job of burning books. It’s a dystopian future, where pleasure is catered to and intellectualism has been all but extinguished. But after a chance encounter with a free spirit, one fireman starts to question the true purpose of his job.

Who should read Fahrenheit 451?

  • Fans of classic literature
  • Sci-fi lovers
  • Anyone who enjoys a good dystopian novel

Media Books: Tired of Winning by Jonathan Karl

Tired of Winning

Jonathan Karl
Donald Trump and the End of the Grand Old Party
2.7 (185 ratings)
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What's Tired of Winning about?

Tired of Winning (2023) invites you into a gripping narrative of political intrigue and legal drama, centering on Donald Trump's unprecedented challenges and actions that reshaped American politics. Experience a compelling journey through political chess games, legal battles, and the ongoing saga of a figure who continues to dominate the American political landscape.

Who should read Tired of Winning?

  • Political history enthusiasts
  • Followers of US presidency studies
  • Anyone interested in contemporary American politics

Media Books: My Name Is Barbra by Barbra Streisand

My Name Is Barbra

Barbra Streisand
3.5 (20 ratings)
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What's My Name Is Barbra about?

My Name Is Barbra (2023) is an intimate and inspiring memoir from one of the entertainment industry’s most enduring icons. Candid and exhaustive, it traces Streisand’s journey from her challenging childhood in working-class Brooklyn to her status as the groundbreaking cultural legend she is today. 

Who should read My Name Is Barbra?

  • Die-hard Streisand fans
  • Aspiring entertainers and performers
  • Those keen to get a peek into the entertainment industry

Media Books: A History of Fake Things on the Internet by Walter Scheirer

A History of Fake Things on the Internet

Walter Scheirer
2.7 (36 ratings)
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What's A History of Fake Things on the Internet about?

A History of Fake Things on the Internet (2023) explores the origins and evolution of digitally fabricated content, from early photo manipulation to today’s AI-generated deep fakes, analyzing key technological advances that made new forms of deception possible, and tracing their real-world impact back to fundamental aspects of human behavior. It argues that problems stemming from fake online content relate more to creativity and destruction inherent in human nature, rather than the nature of the faked content itself.

Who should read A History of Fake Things on the Internet?

  • Technology historians
  • Media literacy advocates
  • Anyone interested in information security

Media Books: Filterworld by Kyle Chayka


Kyle Chayka
How Algorithms Flattened Culture
4.2 (217 ratings)
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What's Filterworld about?

Filterworld (2024) dives into the digital age's landscape, where algorithms are the unseen puppeteers of culture, taste, and social interaction. Peel back the digital curtain to uncover how your preferences are being shaped in echo chambers of sameness and how to be authentic in a world curated by code.

Who should read Filterworld?

  • Digital nomads and social media enthusiasts
  • Cultural critics investigating the intersection of technology and culture
  • Reclaimers of individuality

Media Books: The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction by Walter Benjamin
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What's The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction about?

The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction (1935) is a pioneering examination of how mechanical reproduction – particularly via photography and film – transformed the nature, value, and perception of art. It explores the concept of the "aura" of a work of art and how this aura diminishes in a reproduced work.

Who should read The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction?

  • Art history students
  • Modern artists and critics
  • Scholars interested in media theory

Media Books: Attack from Within by Barbara McQuade

Attack from Within

Barbara McQuade
How Disinformation Is Sabotaging America
3.0 (37 ratings)
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What's Attack from Within about?

Attack from Within (2024) delves into the critical examination of how disinformation has been weaponized to challenge the fabric of democracy, distort public discourse, and erode fundamental trust in public institutions. This exploration serves as a call to action, urging you to recognize, confront, and disarm the insidious threats posed by disinformation, thereby fortifying the resilience of democratic values.

Who should read Attack from Within?

  • Students or practitioners of law interested in national security and disinformation
  • History and political science students
  • Advocates for democracy and free speech

Media Books: Simulacra and Simulation by Jean Baudrillard

Simulacra and Simulation

Jean Baudrillard
4.2 (172 ratings)
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What's Simulacra and Simulation about?

Simulacra and Simulation (1981) explores the concepts of hyperreality and the blurring of boundaries between reality and representation in contemporary culture. Through a series of essays, it argues that in a world saturated with media and technology, reality itself has been replaced by simulations and copies without originals.

Who should read Simulacra and Simulation?

  • Artists, filmmakers, and writers inspired by the concepts of simulacra and hyperreality in their creative work
  • Cyberpunk and science fiction fans interested in the philosophical and cultural implications of simulated realities
  • Anyone curious about the nature of reality, the influence of media, and the philosophical underpinnings of our contemporary world

Media Books: Get It Together by Jesse Watters

Get It Together

Jesse Watters
Troubling Tales from the Liberal Fringe
2.8 (18 ratings)
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What's Get It Together about?

Get It Together (2024) is based on a series of interviews with radical activists in the US, including a vocal supporter of Black Lives Matter. While these people’s beliefs vary, there are some common factors in their backgrounds.

Who should read Get It Together?

  • People intrigued by the beliefs of radical activists
  • Conservatives who want to understand the other side
  • Anyone interested in the current state of US society

Media Books: Understanding Media by Marshall McLuhan

Understanding Media

Marshall McLuhan
The Extensions of Man
4.2 (47 ratings)
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What's Understanding Media about?

Understanding Media (1964) is a prescient analysis of the profound impact media would have on society, envisioned decades before the digital age actually unfolded. Introducing groundbreaking concepts like the “global village” and “the medium is the message,” it offers a fascinating lens through which to view our interconnected modern existence. 

Who should read Understanding Media?

  • Students of media theory, communications, or related fields 
  • Technology professionals interested in the history of digital communication
  • Cultural theorists curious about how media shapes social norms and structures

Media Books: Bits and Pieces by Whoopi Goldberg

Bits and Pieces

Whoopi Goldberg
My Mother, My Brother, and Me
4.3 (8 ratings)
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What's Bits and Pieces about?

Bits and Pieces (2024) takes you through the candid moments that shaped Whoopi Goldberg's life, from childhood adventures in New York to navigating the highs and lows of stardom. Experience her heartfelt reflections on family, friendship, and resilience. Dive into a deeply personal journey of love, loss, and the strength found in the connections that bind us.

Who should read Bits and Pieces?

  • Fans of Whoopi Goldberg's diverse career and humor
  • Anyone interested in personal stories of resilience and family bonds
  • Enthusiasts of behind-the-scenes Hollywood and celebrity life

Media Books: Public Opinion by Walter Lippmann

Public Opinion

Walter Lippmann
Uncover the Hidden Forces Shaping Public Perception
4.3 (57 ratings)
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What's Public Opinion about?

Public Opinion (1922) offers valuable insights into how media and psychological factors shape our perceptions of the world and influence public opinion. It provides a thought-provoking analysis of how “reality” can be distorted and how our understanding and decision-making, as well as public opinion, can be influenced.

Who should read Public Opinion?

  • Political science buffs
  • People worried about democracy
  • Anyone interested in media literacy

Media Books: May Contain Lies by Alex Edmans

May Contain Lies

Alex Edmans
How Stories, Stats, and Studies Exploit Our Biases
4.0 (99 ratings)
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What's May Contain Lies about?

May Contain Lies (2024) explores the intricate world of misinformation and its pervasive impact on society, media, and personal decision-making. It delves into the psychological underpinnings that make us susceptible to deception, and examines how falsehoods spread and the long-term consequences for public trust and individual behavior, then offers several strategies readers can adopt to improve critical thinking and discernment. 

Who should read May Contain Lies?

  • Anyone consuming news and social media 
  • Individuals wanting to make evidence-based decisions 
  • Policymakers and government officials

Media Books: When the Clock Broke by John Ganz

When the Clock Broke

John Ganz
Con Men, Conspiracists, and How America Cracked Up in the Early 1990s
4.0 (77 ratings)
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What's When the Clock Broke about?

When the Clock Broke (2024) delivers a fascinating look into the years leading up to the 1992 Presidential Election, between Bill Clinton, Ross Perot, and the incumbent George H.W. Bush. It reveals how a relatively small movement took root and began to transform the Republican Party into a more populist and authoritarian version of conservatism. It also shows why this approach appeals to the disaffected groups in America.

Who should read When the Clock Broke?

  • History buffs
  • Political junkies
  • Cultural critics

Media Books: Liars by Cass R. Sunstein


Cass R. Sunstein
Falsehoods and Free Speech in an Age of Deception
4.0 (88 ratings)
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What's Liars about?

Liars (2021) explores the alarming spread of falsehoods in the digital age and its impact on society. It examines how social media amplifies the reach of lies, threatening public health and democratic foundations, while proposing potential solutions to combat misinformation without compromising free speech.

Who should read Liars?

  • Citizens concerned about the spread of misinformation
  • Journalists and media professionals navigating the evolving landscape of truth
  • Social media users seeking to become more discerning consumers of online content

Media Books: Hit Men by Fredric Dannen

Hit Men

Fredric Dannen
Power Brokers and Fast Money Inside the Music Business
4.0 (4 ratings)
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What's Hit Men about?

Hit Men (1991) takes you inside the gritty and glamorous world of the music industry during the 1970s and 1980s, where power struggles, billion-dollar deals, and shady backroom negotiations shaped the sounds of the time. You’ll meet legendary record execs, witness fierce rivalries between labels, and get an unrivaled view of the high-stakes games behind your favorite hits.

Who should read Hit Men?

  • Music nerds interested in the history and impact of record labels
  • True crime fans fascinated by corporate intrigue and manipulation
  • Anyone who loves investigative journalism uncovering corporate corruption and greed

Media Books: Crystallizing Public Opinion by Edward L. Bernays

Crystallizing Public Opinion

Edward L. Bernays
Uncover the Dynamics of Public Opinion and Mass Influence
4.3 (3 ratings)
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What's Crystallizing Public Opinion about?

Crystallizing Public Opinion (1923) unveils the art and science behind shaping public perception, blending psychology with strategic communication. It revolutionized the field of public relations by providing insights that empower organizations to engage diverse audiences and influence societal beliefs. It’s considered essential for anyone seeking to understand the powerful interplay between media, public sentiment, and the evolution of modern communication.

Who should read Crystallizing Public Opinion?

  • Public relations professionals
  • Marketing strategists
  • Journalists and media professionals

Media Books: Revenge of the Tipping Point by Malcolm Gladwell

Revenge of the Tipping Point

Malcolm Gladwell
Overstories, Superspreaders, and the Rise of Social Engineering
3.9 (173 ratings)
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What's Revenge of the Tipping Point about?

Revenge of the Tipping Point (2024) is the long-anticipated follow-up to Malcolm Gladwell’s debut, The Tipping Point. A study of virality and contagion, it interweaves startling case studies and perplexing puzzles to illuminate our age of social upheaval. 

Who should read Revenge of the Tipping Point?

  • Enthusiasts of social psychology and behavioral economics
  • Readers interested in societal trends and transformations
  • Fans of Malcolm Gladwell’s narrative style and insights

Media Books: Where the Girls Are by Susan J. Douglas

Where the Girls Are

Susan J. Douglas
Growing Up Female with the Mass Media

What's Where the Girls Are about?

This book explores the portrayal of women in popular culture and the impact it has on society. From television shows to advertising, Susan J. Douglas examines how the media shapes our perceptions of gender and influences the way women are represented and treated. She also offers insights into how women can challenge and change these stereotypes.

Who should read Where the Girls Are?

  • Readers who want to explore the history and impact of women in the media
  • Individuals interested in feminist perspectives on popular culture and advertising
  • Those who seek to understand the portrayal and representation of women in society

Media Books: iMovie '11 & iDVD by David Pogue

iMovie '11 & iDVD

David Pogue

What's iMovie '11 & iDVD about?

iMovie '11 & iDVD by David Pogue is a comprehensive guide that walks you through the process of creating and editing videos using iMovie '11. With step-by-step instructions and helpful tips, this book covers everything from importing footage to adding special effects and sharing your finished masterpiece. It also delves into the features of iDVD, allowing you to turn your videos into professional-looking DVDs. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced user, this book is a valuable resource for unleashing the full potential of these Apple applications.

Who should read iMovie '11 & iDVD?

  • Anyone who wants to learn how to edit and create videos using iMovie '11

  • People who are new to video editing and want a comprehensive guide to using iMovie

  • Individuals who want to enhance their skills and knowledge in video production and editing

Related Topics

Media Books

What's the best Media book to read?

While choosing just one book about a topic is always tough, many people regard Manufacturing Consent as the ultimate read on Media.

What are the Top 10 Media books?

Blinkist curators have picked the following:
  • Manufacturing Consent by Edward S. Herman and Noam Chomsky
  • Trust Me, I’m Lying by Ryan Holiday
  • The Long Tail by Chris Anderson
  • You Are Not a Gadget by Jaron Lanier
  • Bad Science by Ben Goldacre
  • Affluenza by John de Graaf, David Wann and Thomas H. Naylor
  • Spam Nation by Brian Krebs
  • Future Crimes by Marc Goodman
  • So You’ve Been Publicly Shamed by Jon Ronson
  • Content Rules by Ann Handley & C.C. Chapman

Who are the top Media book authors?

When it comes to Media, these are the authors who stand out as some of the most influential:
  • Edward S. Herman and Noam Chomsky
  • Ryan Holiday
  • Chris Anderson
  • Jaron Lanier
  • Ben Goldacre