The best 100 Strategy books

Strategy is a crucial element in various aspects of life, from business and politics to personal growth and decision-making. Developing a strong strategic mindset can significantly enhance your ability to navigate complex situations and achieve desired outcomes. That's where our carefully curated book list comes in.

This list offers a comprehensive exploration of strategy-related topics, equipping you with the knowledge and tools to think and act strategically. So, why not embark on this enlightening journey and unlock the power of strategic thinking?
The best 100 Strategy books
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Strategy Books: Crossing the Chasm by Geoffrey A. Moore

Crossing the Chasm

Geoffrey A. Moore
Marketing and Selling Disruptive Products to Mainstream Customers
4.5 (290 ratings)
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What's Crossing the Chasm about?

Crossing the Chasm (1991) examines the market dynamics faced by innovative new products, particularly the daunting chasm that lies between early to mainstream markets.

The book provides tangible advice on how to make this difficult transition and offers real-world examples of companies that have struggled in the chasm.

Who should read Crossing the Chasm?

  • Anyone working within the high tech industry
  • Anyone trying to enter a market with an innovative product
  • Anyone interested in how high tech products are adopted

Strategy Books: Built to Last by Jim Collins

Built to Last

Jim Collins
Successful Habits of Visionary Companies
4.4 (322 ratings)
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What's Built to Last about?

Built to Last (1994) examines 18 extraordinary and venerable companies to discover what has made them prosper for decades, in some cases for nearly two centuries. This groundbreaking study reveals the simple but inspiring differences that set these visionary companies apart from their less successful competitors.

Built to Last is meant for every level of every organization, from CEOs to regular employees, and from Fortune 500 companies to start-ups and charitable foundations. The timeless advice uncovered in this book will help readers discover the importance of adhering to a core ideology while relentlessly stimulating progress.

Who should read Built to Last?

  • Anyone interested in how visionary companies have stayed successful for over a century
  • Anyone who wants to make their company, organization, department or team more purposeful
  • Anyone who wants to find tangible tools to drive progress, foster innovation or communicate values with their organization

Strategy Books: Start-up of You by Reid Hoffman and Ben Casnocha

Start-up of You

Reid Hoffman and Ben Casnocha
Adapt to the Future, Invest in Yourself, and Transform Your Career
4.4 (189 ratings)
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What's Start-up of You about?

The Start-Up of You (2012) is a guide to how you can leverage strategies used by start-ups in your own career: being adaptable, building relationships and pursuing breakout opportunities.

In a world where entire industries are being ravaged by global competition and traditional career paths are fast becoming dead-ends, everyone needs to hustle like an entrepreneur.

Who should read Start-up of You?

  • Anyone who wants to understand what the right career is for them and how to achieve it
  • Professionals who are considering a career or industry change
  • Professionals who want to leverage their network more effectively

Strategy Books: Great by Choice by Jim Collins and Morten T. Hansen

Great by Choice

Jim Collins and Morten T. Hansen
Uncertainty, Chaos, and Luck – Why Some Thrive Despite Them All
4.4 (169 ratings)
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What's Great by Choice about?

The world is an uncertain place, constantly changing and often chaotic. While many companies are unable to survive in this chaos, some companies are not only able to survive in these shifting conditions but even thrive in them. Great by Choice analyses why these companies succeed while most others fail. 

Great By Choice is the result of exhaustive, in-depth research into the business environment. It argues that success is not the result of a company being more innovative, bold or open to taking risks, nor is it a result of mere luck or chance. Success in fact comes from a mixture of discipline, evidence-based innovation and a fear of failure that borders on paranoia. It is this recipe, rather than luck, which enables certain companies to become great.

Who should read Great by Choice?

  • Anyone looking for the secrets of long-term success in business
  • Anyone wanting to know the role that luck or chance plays in achieving success
  • Anyone wanting to know how great companies thrive even in turbulent environments 

Strategy Books: Winning by Jack Welch with Suzy Welch


Jack Welch with Suzy Welch
4.3 (98 ratings)
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What's Winning about?

Winning (2005) is a collection of no-nonsense advice and original thinking on successfully running a company, managing people and building a career. It answers the toughest questions people face both in and outside their professional lives.

Who should read Winning?

  • CEOs, managers, team leaders, anyone in a leadership position
  • Anyone tired of fluffy, complicated management theories
  • Anyone in need of solid career advice, whether just starting out or switching jobs

Strategy Books: The Pyramid Principle by Barbara Minto

The Pyramid Principle

Barbara Minto
Logic in Writing and Thinking
4.3 (222 ratings)
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What's The Pyramid Principle about?

Never has clear, convincing communication been as important as in today’s information-cluttered environment. The Pyramid Principle (1978) explains in detail how written documents and presentations can be logically structured, and the methods described in the book are used by almost every major management consultancy on the planet.

Who should read The Pyramid Principle?

  • Professionals whose work involves preparing documents, presentations or written communications
  • Anyone who wants to be more persuasive in their written communications
  • Anyone who wants to learn about effective tools for problem-solving and structuring presentations

Strategy Books: The 80/20 Principle by Richard Koch

The 80/20 Principle

Richard Koch
The Secret to Achieving More with Less
4.3 (1,703 ratings)
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What's The 80/20 Principle about?

The 80/20 Principle (1997) was named one of GQ's Top 25 Business Books of the Twentieth Century. It's about the 80/20 principle, which says that 80 percent of results are generated by just 20 percent of effort. This phenomenon has huge implications for every area of life, as it helps single out the most important factors in any situation.

Who should read The 80/20 Principle?

  • Anyone who wants to get better results without expending more time
  • Anyone who wants to free up more of their time and lead a happier life
  • Anyone who wants to increase the profitability of their business

Strategy Books: Hooked by Nir Eyal


Nir Eyal
How to Build Habit-Forming Products
4.6 (566 ratings)
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What's Hooked about?

Hooked (2014) explains, through anecdotes and scientific studies, how and why we integrate certain products into our daily routines, and why such products are the Holy Grail for any consumer-oriented company. Hooked gives concrete advice on how companies can make their products habit-forming, while simultaneously exploring the moral issues that entails.

Who should read Hooked?

  • Anyone who wants to understand how habits are formed
  • Anyone who wants to design a hugely successful product or enhance an existing one
  • Anyone who wants to understand how some products take advantage of our tendency to form habits

Strategy Books: The Advantage by Patrick M. Lencioni

The Advantage

Patrick M. Lencioni
Why Organizational Health Trumps Everything Else in Business
4.5 (178 ratings)
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What's The Advantage about?

These blinks outline the key principles for building a healthy organization where all the employees pull together in the same direction following the same objectives. This enables organizations to achieve their full potential, while unhealthy competitors waste resources in internal squabbles.

Who should read The Advantage?

  • Leadership team members in any type of organization
  • Anyone working in human resources
  • Consultants in the fields of leadership, organizational learning and team building

Strategy Books: Only the Paranoid Survive by Andrew S. Grove

Only the Paranoid Survive

Andrew S. Grove
4.4 (83 ratings)
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What's Only the Paranoid Survive about?

Only The Paranoid Survive (1999) presents the experiences and invaluable advice of one of the most admired and successful CEOs of recent times: Andrew S. Grove. In this book, Grove suggests many strategies that companies can adopt to survive – and even exploit – what he terms Strategic Inflection Points: those sink-or-swim moments in a company’s existence. The book provides the reader with a deeper understanding of the ways in which strategic decisions are made, and, specifically, of what’s involved in directing a leading tech company.


Who should read Only the Paranoid Survive?

  • Anybody who owns or runs a business
  • Anyone interested in the decision-making of a large company
  • People who want to learn how to overcome the critical moments in a company’s life

Strategy Books: The Hard Thing About Hard Things by Ben Horowitz

The Hard Thing About Hard Things

Ben Horowitz
Building A Business When There Are No Easy Answers
4.3 (511 ratings)
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What's The Hard Thing About Hard Things about?

These blinks explain why the job of a CEO is among the toughest and loneliest in the world, and how you can survive all the stress and heartache involved.

Who should read The Hard Thing About Hard Things?

  • Present or future CEOs and founders
  • Anyone who wants to understand how businesses are run successfully
  • Anyone who is ever in a position where they have to hire or fire someone

Strategy Books: Leadership and Self-Deception by The Arbinger Institute

Leadership and Self-Deception

The Arbinger Institute
Getting Out of the Box
4.3 (138 ratings)
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What's Leadership and Self-Deception about?

This book will show you how and why most people are in a state of self-deception where they view their needs as more important than those of people around them. It demonstrates the negative impact this self-deception has on our lives, but also shows a way out of this state, benefiting both our private and professional lives.

Who should read Leadership and Self-Deception?

  • Anyone who wants his or her company to have a more positive and effective working attitude
  • Anyone who wants to learn how to become an inspiring leader
  • Anyone who feels they sometimes mistreat people who are important to them

Strategy Books: Creativity, Inc. by Ed Catmull with Amy Wallace

Creativity, Inc.

Ed Catmull with Amy Wallace
Overcoming the Unseen Forces That Stand in the Way of True Inspiration
4.3 (260 ratings)
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What's Creativity, Inc. about?

Creativity, Inc. explores the peaks and troughs in the history of Pixar and Disney Animation Studios along with Ed Catmull’s personal journey towards becoming the successful manager he is today. In doing so, he explains the management beliefs he has acquired along the way, and offers actionable advice on how to turn your team members into creative superstars.

Who should read Creativity, Inc.?

  • Anyone interested in successful managerial habits and leadership styles
  • Anyone managing a staff whose work requires creativity
  • Anyone truly committed to building a sustainable creative culture

Strategy Books: Good Strategy, Bad Strategy by Richard Rumelt

Good Strategy, Bad Strategy

Richard Rumelt
The Difference and Why It Matters
4.2 (481 ratings)
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What's Good Strategy, Bad Strategy about?

Good Strategy, Bad Strategy dissects good strategies by using historical examples from a variety of fields, and offers insight into developing our own effective strategies through practical advice and a solid blueprint.

This is a Blinkist staff pick

“My boss kept asking me, “Emily, what’s your strategy?” and I kept coming up empty (#truestory). This title is a smart start to wrapping your head around what it means to build an effective strategy and do good work to reach your goals.

– Emily, Community & Engagement Marketing at Blinkist

Who should read Good Strategy, Bad Strategy?

  • Anyone interested in the different ways in which strategy can be applied to different fields
  • Anyone who has to make solid strategic decisions
  • Anyone interested in the history of business strategy

Strategy Books: Insanely Simple by Ken Segall

Insanely Simple

Ken Segall
The Obsession that Drives Apple’s Success
4.3 (158 ratings)
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What's Insanely Simple about?

Insanely Simple talks about the business strategy of keeping things simple. The author hones in on Apple’s inner processes to show us how we can apply simplicity to our work and why complexity can hinder a company’s development. The reader will learn about how Steve Jobs implemented this structure at Apple and upheld it even in the face of critics.

Who should read Insanely Simple?

  • Anyone intrigued by Apple’s success
  • Anyone who wants to make their company more efficient
  • Anyone interested in Steve Jobs and his working attitude

Strategy Books: Tribes by Seth Godin


Seth Godin
We Need You to Lead Us
4.5 (196 ratings)
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What's Tribes about?

In this book, author Seth Godin reveals the most powerful unit of social organization: the “tribe,” or a group of people connected to a cause, a leader and each other, who together drive change in society. It shows us how we can harness the power of the internet to form and lead our own tribes. Tribes also advocates the universal need for change and leadership, so we can grow as a company or as a society.

Who should read Tribes?

  • Anyone who wants to create a movement to change the status quo
  • Anyone interested in the latest marketing concepts
  • Anyone who wants to learn how to be a great leader

Strategy Books: How the Mighty Fall by Jim Collins

How the Mighty Fall

Jim Collins
And Why Some Companies Never Give In
4.5 (120 ratings)
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What's How the Mighty Fall about?

In How the Mighty Fall, influential business expert Jim Collins explores how even successful companies can suddenly collapse, especially if they make the wrong decisions. He also offers leaders advice to prevent them from making the same mistakes.

Who should read How the Mighty Fall?

  • Students majoring in business
  • Anyone unsure which businesses to invest in
  • Start-up CEOs looking to grow their business long term

Strategy Books: How Google Works by Eric Schmidt and Jonathan Rosenberg

How Google Works

Eric Schmidt and Jonathan Rosenberg
4.4 (120 ratings)
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What's How Google Works about?

How Google Works shares business insights from one of the most successful technology start-ups in history. Written by the former top executives at the company, the book lays out, step by step, Google’s path to success; a roadmap that your company can follow, too.

Who should read How Google Works?

  • CEOs or managers at start-up companies
  • Anyone with a start-up idea looking for the fast path to success
  • Anyone interested in a behind-the-scenes look at Google

Strategy Books: The 4 Disciplines of Execution by Chris McChesney, Sean Covey, Jim Huling

The 4 Disciplines of Execution

Chris McChesney, Sean Covey, Jim Huling
Achieving Your Wildly Important Goals
4.4 (268 ratings)
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What's The 4 Disciplines of Execution about?

The 4 Disciplines of Execution (2012) is a manual for CEOs and managers, showing leaders how to execute their strategic goals by getting their staff to behave differently. By introducing the four disciplines of execution, you’ll help motivate your team to achieve broader company goals.

Who should read The 4 Disciplines of Execution?

  • CEOs, managers and company leaders who want to execute their strategic goals
  • Students of economics and management
  • Anyone who wants to see their organization achieve its goals

Strategy Books: Zillow Talk by Spencer Rascoff and Stan Humphries

Zillow Talk

Spencer Rascoff and Stan Humphries
The New Rules of Real Estate
3.7 (93 ratings)
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What's Zillow Talk about?

Zillow Talk: The New Rules of Real Estate (2015) gives the reader all the tools they need to buy, sell or rent a home. From the conundrum of whether to rent or buy, to when to sell and how to boost the value of your property, these blinks shed light on the perennially important dilemmas of real estate – the biggest investment of your life.

Who should read Zillow Talk?

  • First-time buyers trying to get a handle on the market
  • Seasoned investors who want to learn the new rules of real estate
  • Renters who are unsure if buying a home is right for them

Strategy Books: Strategy Rules by David B. Yoffie and Michael A. Cusumano

Strategy Rules

David B. Yoffie and Michael A. Cusumano
Five Timeless Lessons From Bill Gates, Andy Grove and Steve Jobs
4.1 (138 ratings)
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What's Strategy Rules about?

Strategy Rules (2015) explores the business strategies and leadership styles of three hyper-successful tech CEOs: Bill Gates of Microsoft, Andy Grove of Intel and Steve Jobs of Apple. These blinks break down the strategic expertise necessary to build a competitive business and ensure long-term success.

Who should read Strategy Rules?

  • Businesspeople who want to learn from the success of Microsoft, Intel and Apple
  • CEOs looking for a strategic boost
  • New entrepreneurs looking to develop a vision for their ideas

Strategy Books: Scaling Up by Verne Harnish

Scaling Up

Verne Harnish
How a Few Companies Make It...and Why the Rest Don’t (Mastering the Rockefeller Habits 2.0)
4.4 (152 ratings)
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What's Scaling Up about?

You had the idea, you drafted the business plan, you raised the cash, you launched your new venture and you became a success. But now you need to grow. Scaling Up (2014) reveals the most useful tools for doing just that. Use the Scaling Up system of checklists, levers and priorities to establish a strong company culture as your business expands through the right strategic and financial decisions.

Who should read Scaling Up?

  • Those working in the executive and middle management of expanding firms
  • Managers who want to streamline decision-making in their organization
  • Anyone wondering why some companies grow and others don’t

Strategy Books: Everybody Matters by Bob Chapman & Raj Sisodia

Everybody Matters

Bob Chapman & Raj Sisodia
The Extraordinary Power of Caring for Your People Like Family
4.1 (108 ratings)
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What's Everybody Matters about?

Everybody Matters (2015) chronicles Bob Chapman’s quest to find the best approach to business and leadership style. Traditional approaches to management often treat employees like cogs in the machine. The authors explain that by caring for employees as if they were family, you can not only experience unprecedented success but inspire company loyalty and allow all employees to reach their full potential as well.

Who should read Everybody Matters?

  • Anyone seeking to better their company or business
  • Managers wanting to improve employee relations
  • Small business owners or CEOs looking to inspire their employees

Strategy Books: Social Engineering by Christopher Hadnagy

Social Engineering

Christopher Hadnagy
The Art of Human Hacking
4.2 (104 ratings)
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What's Social Engineering about?

Social Engineering (2011) reveals the secret methods hackers and con artists use to manipulate their targets and scam their victims. The book provides detailed step-by-step depictions of how criminals plan a scheme, and gives you all the tools you need to prevent yourself from being duped.

Who should read Social Engineering?

  • Anyone who wants to know how hackers and scammers plan a heist
  • Anyone interested in how to influence a stranger’s behavior
  • People who watched the BBC series Hustle or The Real Hustle

Strategy Books: Gemba Kaizen by Masaaki Imai

Gemba Kaizen

Masaaki Imai
A Common Sense Approach to a Continuous Improvement Strategy
4.3 (111 ratings)
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What's Gemba Kaizen about?

Gemba Kaizen (1997) is an introduction to the Japanese business philosophy of Kaizen, which revolutionizes working standards to reduce waste and increase efficiency at little cost. Author Masaaki Imai reveals the aspects of Kaizen that are crucial to building lean business strategies.

Who should read Gemba Kaizen?

  • People working in production and managers who supervise standardized processes  
  • Anyone interested in Japanese management philosophies
  • Anyone who wants to improve their overall workflow

Strategy Books: The Strategy and Tactics of Pricing by Thomas Nagle, John Hogan & Joseph Zale

The Strategy and Tactics of Pricing

Thomas Nagle, John Hogan & Joseph Zale
A Guide to Growing More Profitably
4.2 (63 ratings)
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What's The Strategy and Tactics of Pricing about?

The Strategy and Tactics of Pricing (2010) reveals the fundamental importance of how you price your products. By exposing common misconceptions, explaining the three dimensions of effective pricing and the five steps you can take to achieve it, these blinks are an essential guide to maximizing your profits through clever pricing.

Who should read The Strategy and Tactics of Pricing?

  • Business students hoping to understand the underlying principles of pricing
  • Entrepreneurs planning to launch a new product and struggling to find the right price
  • Any shopper curious about how price tags are set

Strategy Books: Business Execution for Results by Stephen Lynch

Business Execution for Results

Stephen Lynch
A Practical Guide for Leaders of Small to Mid-Sized Firms
4.4 (68 ratings)
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What's Business Execution for Results about?

Business Execution for Results (2013) is a guide to building a better business. These blinks offer a practical plan for setting appropriate goals and performing the necessary analyses to create a winning business strategy that will lead your company straight to the top.

Who should read Business Execution for Results?

  • Business owners and new entrepreneurs
  • Leaders and executives in small to mid-sized companies

Strategy Books: Blue Ocean Shift by W. Chan Kim and Renée Mauborgne

Blue Ocean Shift

W. Chan Kim and Renée Mauborgne
Beyond Competing – Proven Steps to Inspire Confidence and Seize New Growth
4.4 (213 ratings)
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What's Blue Ocean Shift about?

Blue Ocean Shift (2017) is a step-by-step guide to moving past competition in an overcrowded industry. These blinks, based on decades of the authors’ practical experience, explain why you should endeavor to make competition obsolete and how you can open up whole new worlds of opportunity.

Who should read Blue Ocean Shift?

  • Entrepreneurs, managers, CEOs and business leaders
  • Small business owners
  • Business scholars and theorists of competition and market strategy

Strategy Books: The Grid by Gretchen Bakke

The Grid

Gretchen Bakke
The Fraying Wires Between Americans and Our Energy Future
4.2 (147 ratings)
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What's The Grid about?

The Grid (2016) is about the enormous infrastructure that keeps the United States powered up. These blinks tell the story of how the electric grid came into being, how it has evolved over centuries and what challenges it poses today.

Who should read The Grid?

  • Students of public policy and environmental law
  • Engineers and tech enthusiasts

Strategy Books: Hacking Growth by Sean Ellis & Morgan Brown

Hacking Growth

Sean Ellis & Morgan Brown
How Today's Fastest-Growing Companies Drive Breakout Success
4.5 (159 ratings)
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What's Hacking Growth about?

Hacking Growth (2017) provides online business owners with a game plan for taking their company to the next level. Sean Ellis and Morgan Brown give readers a step-by-step guide through a dynamic and endlessly repeatable process that will spark growth and transform any sluggish business into a vibrant, growing enterprise teeming with loyal customers.

Who should read Hacking Growth?

  • Entrepreneurs and CEOs
  • Business students
  • Anyone hoping to grow a business

Strategy Books: The 12 Week Year by Brian P. Moran and Michael Lennington

The 12 Week Year

Brian P. Moran and Michael Lennington
Get More Done in 12 Weeks than Others Do in 12 months
4.5 (449 ratings)
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What's The 12 Week Year about?

The 12 Week Year (2013) provides a blueprint for revolutionizing your planning, delivery and productivity. Many individuals, organizations and businesses plan around an annual cycle, but it’s near impossible to make accurate plans for an entire year, and it’s just as hard to muster a year’s worth of focus. This book offers an alternative, explaining how to plan around a 12-week period, execute critical tasks and radically improve results.

Who should read The 12 Week Year?

  • Workers who feel they could be doing more in less time
  • Business leaders striving for higher productivity and faster execution
  • People struggling to put their great ideas into practice

Strategy Books: Building a StoryBrand by Donald Miller

Building a StoryBrand

Donald Miller
Clarify Your Message So Customers Will Listen
4.7 (418 ratings)
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What's Building a StoryBrand about?

Building a StoryBrand (2017) is a practical guide to effectively marketing your company or product. By showing the power of a seven-part story-telling framework, these blinks help you and your company create a clear message that no customer will ignore.

Who should read Building a StoryBrand?

  • Marketing people
  • Storytellers
  • Leaders and executives

Strategy Books: Never Get a “Real” Job by Scott Gerber

Never Get a “Real” Job

Scott Gerber
How to Dump Your Boss, Build a Business and Not Go Broke
3.9 (99 ratings)
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What's Never Get a “Real” Job about?

Never Get a “Real” Job (2011) encourages young entrepreneurs to swear off “real” jobs, foregoing the nine-to-five life in favor of taking control of their own lives. Based on real-world experience and observation, it provides a nuts-and-bolts guide to getting it together and starting up.

Who should read Never Get a “Real” Job?

  • Young entrepreneurs looking to launch a start-up
  • People wondering what to do with a great idea
  • Longtime employees looking for something new

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What's The Five Most Important Questions You Will Ever Ask About Your Organization about?

The Five Most Important Questions You Will Ever Ask About Your Organization (2008) presents readers with five simple yet highly effective questions that any manager, owner or stakeholder should ask in order to increase their organization’s chances of success. While these questions are focused on non-profit organizations, the lessons are applicable to any organization seeking to make a difference.

Who should read The Five Most Important Questions You Will Ever Ask About Your Organization?

  • Business owners, managers and other stakeholders
  • Students of business and management
  • Readers interested in improving leadership skills

Strategy Books: Secrets of Sand Hill Road by Scott Kupor

Secrets of Sand Hill Road

Scott Kupor
Venture Capital and How to Get It
4.4 (215 ratings)
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What's Secrets of Sand Hill Road about?

Secrets of Sand Hill Road (2019) unveils the inner workings of one of Silicon Valley’s most iconic streets. Many of the area’s top venture capital firms are located here and have played a part in funding some of the biggest names in tech today. VC insider Scott Kupor has worked with many of them, and these blinks share their secrets – allowing the rest of us to decipher the mystery of venture capital, how to get it and why it can make or break a company.

Who should read Secrets of Sand Hill Road?

  • Founders and CEOs seeking advice on how to navigate the world of venture capital
  • Beginner venture capitalists looking for wisdom from an industry veteran
  • Tech enthusiasts curious about how their favorite apps came to fruition

Strategy Books: The New Strategist by Günter Müller-Stewens

The New Strategist

Günter Müller-Stewens
Shape Your Organization and Stay Ahead of Change
4.0 (172 ratings)
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What's The New Strategist about?

The New Strategist (2020) is a practical guide on how to do strategy for business leaders. It explains what strategy work looks like in the day-to-day life of a company, shows the competencies that strategic leaders need, and lays out the tools that help strategists in their craft. It also explores the ways that strategists need to adapt to a changing world and provides the principles they can use to be successful leaders.

Who should read The New Strategist?

  • Managers who want to sharpen their strategic skills
  • Anyone who would like to be a strategic leader
  • Everyone curious about how successful businesses are led

Strategy Books: Leadership Strategy and Tactics by Jocko Willink

Leadership Strategy and Tactics

Jocko Willink
Field Manual
4.5 (467 ratings)
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What's Leadership Strategy and Tactics about?

Leadership Strategy and Tactics (2020) teaches you how to take the skills of a high-functioning Navy SEAL team and apply them to your workplace. You’ll learn about practices such as Extreme Ownership, and find out why humility is better than arrogance. These tips will help you to leave your ego at the door and to remember that your team’s success should always come before personal success.

Who should read Leadership Strategy and Tactics?

  • CEOs, managers, and team leaders who need some guidance
  • Employees hoping to get promoted to a supervisor position
  • People who work in human resources

Strategy Books: The Scrum Fieldbook by J.J. Sutherland

The Scrum Fieldbook

J.J. Sutherland
A Master Class on Accelerating Performance, Getting Results, and Defining the Future
4.5 (141 ratings)
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What's The Scrum Fieldbook about?

The Scrum Fieldbook (2019) is a practical, hands-on guide to the scrum organizational framework within the Agile mindset. This concise manual recaps how scrum works to increase work velocity and to ensure any team delivers the right impact for the business. It also explains how to implement Scrum in any organization across all industries from software to home renovation and even to the military.

Who should read The Scrum Fieldbook?

  • Small companies looking for big results
  • Managers aiming to streamline their team
  • Anyone interested in cutting-edge organizational techniques

Strategy Books: Clockwork by Mike Michalowicz


Mike Michalowicz
Design Your Business to Run Itself
4.7 (164 ratings)
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What's Clockwork about?

Clockwork (2018) explains how entrepreneurs can grow their enterprises without sacrificing their sanity. The trick is implementing smart systems and standard operating procedures that allow your business to run like clockwork without your constant input, freeing you up to tackle the challenges or embrace the opportunities that come your way.

Who should read Clockwork?

  • Anyone dreaming of starting a small business
  • Solopreneurs who are ready to scale in an intelligent way
  • Entrepreneurs who can’t exactly remember the last time they took a vacation

Strategy Books: High-Impact Tools for Teams by Stefano Mastrogiacomo and Alexander Osterwalder

High-Impact Tools for Teams

Stefano Mastrogiacomo and Alexander Osterwalder
5 Tools to Align Team Members, Build Trust, and Get Results Fast
4.1 (173 ratings)
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What's High-Impact Tools for Teams about?

High Impact Tools for Teams (2021) offers flexible tools for project planning, assessment, and creating an empowering environment for your team members. At the center is the Team Alignment Map, a simple chart that will transform the way you conduct meetings, track progress, and identify problems before they occur.

Who should read High-Impact Tools for Teams?

  • Leaders and project managers looking for better results
  • Anyone trying to get an ambitious project off the ground
  • Team members who long for a better work environment

Strategy Books: Transforming Project Management by Duane Petersen

Transforming Project Management

Duane Petersen
An Essential Paradigm for Turning Your Strategic Planning Into Action
3.9 (120 ratings)
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What's Transforming Project Management about?

Transforming Project Management (2021) sets out to address a number of problems in the world of project management. From strategic planning to scheduling and budgeting, it points in the direction of smoother and more successful projects.

Who should read Transforming Project Management?

  • Experienced project managers looking to up their game
  • Anyone skeptical about the usefulness of project management
  • Executives eager to hire better management consultants

Strategy Books: Beyond Entrepreneurship 2.0 by Jim Collins and Bill Lazier

Beyond Entrepreneurship 2.0

Jim Collins and Bill Lazier
Turning Your Business into an Enduring Great Company
4.5 (145 ratings)
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What's Beyond Entrepreneurship 2.0 about?

Beyond Entrepreneurship 2.0 (2020) updates Jim Collins and Bill Lazier’s essential 1992 business handbook, Beyond Entrepreneurship for the entrepreneurs, visionaries, and innovators of today. This new edition combines the timeless business advice and strategy of the original text, supplemented with cutting-edge insights and case studies pertinent to today’s business world.

Who should read Beyond Entrepreneurship 2.0?

  • Office drones who want to break out of their nine-to-five
  • Fledgling start-up founders wondering where to, well, start
  • Successful entrepreneurs looking to scale up to the big time

Strategy Books: Testing Business Ideas by David J. Bland and Alexander Osterwalder

Testing Business Ideas

David J. Bland and Alexander Osterwalder
A Field Guide for Rapid Experimentation
4.4 (121 ratings)
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What's Testing Business Ideas about?

Testing Business Ideas (2021) explores how entrepreneurs can use experimentation to give their new venture the best chance of success. It outlines the rationale behind testing, and describes a framework for deciding how to proceed. 

Who should read Testing Business Ideas?

  • Anyone working at a small company or start-up
  • Entrepreneurs hoping to turn their big idea into a profitable venture 
  • Business students looking for fresh insights

Strategy Books: Radical Product Thinking by R. Dutt

Radical Product Thinking

R. Dutt
The New Mindset for Innovating Smarter
4.1 (359 ratings)
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What's Radical Product Thinking about?

Radical Product Thinking (2021) lays out a step-by-step approach to developing game-changing products. Taking aim at the iteration-led approaches to product development that have become popular in recent years, it provides an inspiring, vision-driven alternative. 

Who should read Radical Product Thinking?

  • Product developers 
  • Entrepreneurs 
  • Change-makers

Strategy Books: The Phoenix Project by Gene Kim, Kevin Behr and George Spafford

The Phoenix Project

Gene Kim, Kevin Behr and George Spafford
A Novel about IT, DevOps, and Helping Your Business Win
4.5 (232 ratings)
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What's The Phoenix Project about?

The Phoenix Project (2013) explores how integrating the Development and IT Operations teams of a company’s IT department can improve communication, accelerate workflow, and increase value. It uses a fictional lens to unpack a common real-life scenario – demonstrating how the DevOps approach enables organizations to deftly adapt to sudden changes, updates, or market pressures.

Who should read The Phoenix Project?

  • Business leaders looking to increase value through their IT department 
  • IT managers seeking to streamline their teams’ workflow
  • Tech employees wondering how different parts of a business interrelate

Strategy Books: Strategic Kaizen™ by Masaaki Imai

Strategic Kaizen™

Masaaki Imai
Using Flow, Synchronization, and Leveling Assessment to Measure and Strengthen Operational Performance
4.5 (96 ratings)
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What's Strategic Kaizen™ about?

Strategic Kaizen (2021) examines the principles and practices of corporations that have embraced lean thinking – a paired-down, customer-oriented production process pioneered in postwar Japan. Also known as the Toyota Production System, this managerial philosophy is all about maximizing efficiency and reducing waste by making many small changes. 

Who should read Strategic Kaizen™?

  • Managers and leaders
  • Technophiles and car lovers
  • Strategists and planners

Strategy Books: Good to Great by Jim Collins

Good to Great

Jim Collins
Why Some Companies Make the Leap...and Others Don't
4.5 (757 ratings)
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What's Good to Great about?

Good to Great (2011) presents the findings of a five-year study by Jim Collins and his research team. They identified public companies that had achieved enduring success after years of mediocre performance and isolated the factors that differentiated those companies from their lackluster competitors. These factors have been distilled into key concepts regarding leadership, culture, and strategic management.

Who should read Good to Great?

  • Managers, founders, and executives who want to take their business to the next level
  • Leaders seeking to simplify their business strategy 
  • Anyone interested in leading a great corporate culture

Strategy Books: Continuous Discovery Habits  by Teresa Torres

Continuous Discovery Habits

Teresa Torres
Discover Products that Create Customer Value and Business Value
4.2 (305 ratings)
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What's Continuous Discovery Habits about?

Continuous Discovery Habits (2021) explores how product managers and designers can keep making a positive impact on their customers’ lives. It explores an optimal decision-making process for product teams, so that they can continue to improve their offerings. 

Who should read Continuous Discovery Habits ?

  • Product managers looking for a new way of working
  • Entrepreneurs seeking a fresh perspective on creativity
  • Product designers

Strategy Books: Start With Why by Simon Sinek

Start With Why

Simon Sinek
How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action
4.6 (1,277 ratings)
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What's Start With Why about?

Start With Why (2009) tackles a fundamental question: What makes some organizations and people more innovative, influential, and profitable than others? Based on best-selling author Simon Sinek’s hugely influential lecture of the same name, the third most-watched TED talk of all time, these blinks unpack the answer to that conundrum. As Sinek’s examples show, it’s all about asking why rather than what.

Who should read Start With Why?

  • Managers and team leaders 
  • Entrepreneurs building their brand 
  • Self-starters in need of a bit of inspiration

Strategy Books: Our Iceberg Is Melting by John Kotter & Holger Rathgeber

Our Iceberg Is Melting

John Kotter & Holger Rathgeber
Changing and Succeeding Under Any Conditions
4.4 (417 ratings)
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What's Our Iceberg Is Melting about?

Our Iceberg is Melting  (2005) explores how to effectively lead others through change. Using a fable about a colony of penguins, it identifies a framework leaders can use not only to survive change but to ultimately thrive.

Who should read Our Iceberg Is Melting?

  • Leaders wanting to build resilient teams
  • Business owners looking to future-proof their companies
  • Employees interested in change management

Strategy Books: Leadership by Henry Kissinger


Henry Kissinger
Six Studies in World Strategy
4.3 (405 ratings)
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What's Leadership about?

Leadership (2022) is a detailed analysis of six monumental twentieth-century leaders. By examining both the circumstances that formed these leaders and the strategies they used to shepherd their respective nations through periods of turmoil, it presents invaluable lessons for anyone working to shape the world’s future. From Charles de Gaulle’s strategy of will to Anwar Sadat’s strategy of transcendence and beyond, it serves as a historical debriefing on some of the defining leadership strategies of the last century.

Who should read Leadership?

  • History and politics geeks
  • Aspiring politicians
  • Biography lovers

Strategy Books: The Innovator’s Dilemma by Clayton Christensen

The Innovator’s Dilemma

Clayton Christensen
When New Technologies Cause Great Firms to Fail
4.4 (575 ratings)
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What's The Innovator’s Dilemma about?

The Innovator’s Dilemma explains why so many well-established companies fail dismally when faced with the emerging markets they create. This Blink focuses on one of the book’s central themes: disruptive innovation.

Who should read The Innovator’s Dilemma?

  • Anyone interested in why big companies are so vulnerable to disruptive technologies
  • Business executives
  • Anyone who wants to take advantage of technological innovations

Strategy Books: On War by Carl von Clausewitz

On War

Carl von Clausewitz
4.3 (392 ratings)
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What's On War about?

On War (1832) is widely considered to be a landmark book on the subject of war. In its serious and thoughtful consideration of why and how states engage in warfare, it continues to be an influential piece of writing centuries later.

Who should read On War?

  • History buffs
  • Those interested in the politics and morality of war
  • Anyone curious about military strategy

Strategy Books: The Art of War (new version) by Sun Tzu

The Art of War (new version)

Sun Tzu
4.1 (1,405 ratings)
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What's The Art of War (new version) about?

The Art of War (fifth century BCE) is a Chinese military treatise that many global figures, including Mao Zedong and Douglas MacArthur, have used to inform their leadership strategies. Along with military tactics that can be applied to culture, politics, business, and sports, it highlights the skills good leaders need to have. 

Who should read The Art of War (new version)?

  • Anyone interested in the foundations of good leadership
  • Those who want to gain a competitive advantage 
  • People who find themselves in confrontational situations

Strategy Books: The First 90 Days by Michael D. Watkins

The First 90 Days

Michael D. Watkins
Proven Strategies for Getting Up to Speed Faster and Smarter
2.9 (490 ratings)
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What's The First 90 Days about?

The First 90 Days (2006) maps out the critical transition period for any business leader taking on a new role. It offers comprehensive and practical strategies for surviving – and thriving – past the first three months.

Who should read The First 90 Days?

  • Business leaders tackling a new role
  • Aspiring leaders preparing for their next move
  • Anyone looking to reduce their vulnerabilities as a leader

Strategy Books: Blue Ocean Strategy by W. Chan Kim, Renée Mauborgne

Blue Ocean Strategy

W. Chan Kim, Renée Mauborgne
How to Create Uncontested Market Space and Make the Competition Irrelevant
4.1 (569 ratings)
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What's Blue Ocean Strategy about?

Blue Ocean Strategy (2004) is a business classic that revolutionized the way companies think about market competition. It explains why some businesses can grow uncontested, while the rest tear each other to bits in a hypercompetitive environment.

Who should read Blue Ocean Strategy?

  • entrepreneurs eager to get ahead of their competition
  • investors deciding which companies to back
  • business students who want to better understand market forces

Strategy Books: The Book of Five Rings by Miyamoto Musashi

The Book of Five Rings

Miyamoto Musashi
A Classic Text on the Japanese Way of the Sword
4.6 (424 ratings)
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What's The Book of Five Rings about?

The Book of Five Rings (1643) is one of the most insightful texts to have ever been written about the nature of confrontation. Penned by a wandering samurai in seventeenth-century Japan, it’s a timeless study of the mindset of the warrior – literal and figurative.

Who should read The Book of Five Rings?

  • Martial artists
  • Strategists  
  • Leaders

Strategy Books: The 33 Strategies of War by Robert Greene

The 33 Strategies of War

Robert Greene
4.1 (344 ratings)
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What's The 33 Strategies of War about?

The 33 Strategies of War (2006) distills the essential lessons of military strategy into a series of memorable vignettes. Drawing on ancient and modern sources, this wide-ranging study of tactical masterstrokes and follies offers fascinating insights into human psychology and motivation.

Who should read The 33 Strategies of War?

  • Thinkers and doers
  • History buffs
  • Psychologists

Strategy Books: Empowered by Marty Cagan with Chris Jones


Marty Cagan with Chris Jones
Ordinary People, Extraordinary Products
4.1 (102 ratings)
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What's Empowered about?

Empowered (2020) is a written master class that guides ordinary people to create extraordinary products. Discover how to create profitable products that consumers love!

Who should read Empowered?

  • Tech product owners looking to lead with purpose
  • Lovers of influential product designs
  • Anyone curious about how great tech gets made

Strategy Books: The 1-Page Marketing Plan by Allan Dib

The 1-Page Marketing Plan

Allan Dib
Get New Customers, Make More Money, And Stand Out From The Crowd
4.4 (274 ratings)
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What's The 1-Page Marketing Plan about?

The 1-Page Marketing Plan (2018) is a streamlined, step-by-step framework for developing your own customized marketing strategy. With only one page, businesses can build and implement a marketing plan that attracts new customers and drives growth.

Who should read The 1-Page Marketing Plan?

  • Online marketing newbies
  • Entrepreneurs
  • Disorganized business owners

Strategy Books: How Big Things Get Done by Bent Flyvbjerg and Dan Gardner

How Big Things Get Done

Bent Flyvbjerg and Dan Gardner
The Surprising Factors Behind Every Successful Project, from Home Renovations to Space Exploration
4.0 (279 ratings)
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What's How Big Things Get Done about?

How Big Things Get Done (2023) explores what it takes to make large-scale projects work. It tackles tough questions like why so many big projects fail, and what makes the ones that succeed stand out from the rest. With real-life success stories as well as cautionary tales, its lessons can be applied to projects of any size, shape, or form. 

Who should read How Big Things Get Done?

  • Project managers looking to hone in their skills
  • Anyone about to embark on a new project or start a new business
  • Fans of Elon Musk wanting to learn how he works his magic

Strategy Books: Unreasonable Hospitality by Will Guidara

Unreasonable Hospitality

Will Guidara
The Remarkable Power of Giving People More Than They Expect
4.4 (399 ratings)
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What's Unreasonable Hospitality about?

Unreasonable Hospitality (2022) illustrates how surpassing expectations can take your service-based business to the next level. Through a collection of anecdotes and firsthand experiences, it imparts valuable insights into customer service, as well as employee management.

Who should read Unreasonable Hospitality?

  • Hospitality professionals
  • Anyone in the service industry
  • Business owners and leaders

Strategy Books: The Goal by Eliyahu M. Goldratt and Jeff Cox

The Goal

Eliyahu M. Goldratt and Jeff Cox
A Process of Ongoing Improvement
3.6 (253 ratings)
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What's The Goal about?

The Goal (1984) is a trailblazing example of the “business novel” genre, seamlessly blending fictional storytelling with practical business advice in a revolutionary manner. Experience the corporate journey of Alex Rogo as he endeavors to rescue his struggling company from going bust. Through Alex’s perspective, uncover valuable insights into topics like streamlining manufacturing operations and enhancing team productivity.

Who should read The Goal?

  • The ‘newbie’ manager
  • The experienced pro seeking a new perspective
  • General learners curious about the manufacturing world

Strategy Books: $100M Offers by Alex Hormozi

$100M Offers

Alex Hormozi
How To Make Offers So Good People Feel Stupid Saying No
4.2 (351 ratings)
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What's $100M Offers about?

$100M Offers (2021) is a guide to creating Grand Slam Offers – big-ticket products or services that sell themselves. By breaking down the psychology of pricing and perceived value, Alex Hormozi teaches readers how to differentiate and optimize their offer until it’s irresistible. 

Who should read $100M Offers?

  • Those launching their first business
  • Serial entrepreneurs
  • People working in sales or marketing. B

Strategy Books: Myths of Strategy by Jérôme Barthélemy

Myths of Strategy

Jérôme Barthélemy
Dispel the Misconceptions and Deliver a Winning Strategy
4.6 (94 ratings)
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What's Myths of Strategy about?

Myths of Strategy (2022) responds to the oversimplified generalizations of modern business gurus and consultants by debunking assertions about strategy. Using peer-reviewed research, the book holds advice on business strategy to the same stringent standards as other scientific and sociological fields of study.

Who should read Myths of Strategy?

  • Entrepreneurs and business leaders
  • C-Suite executives
  • Business students

Strategy Books: 7 Powers by Hamilton Helmer

7 Powers

Hamilton Helmer
The Foundations of Business Strategy
4.5 (201 ratings)
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What's 7 Powers about?

The 7 Powers (2016) is about the strategic positions that have won great success for many companies and brought great failure to others. It gives case studies for each power as well as insights into why these powers did or didn’t work.

Who should read 7 Powers?

  • Entrepreneurs
  • The Executive Suite
  • Business Students

Strategy Books: Strategy Sprints by Simon Severino

Strategy Sprints

Simon Severino
12 Ways to Accelerate Growth for an Agile Business
4.2 (34 ratings)
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What's Strategy Sprints about?

Strategy Sprints (2022) is a deep-dive into the world of strategic innovation and accelerated business growth. The focus is on out-of-the-box methods for making your business stand out, mastering your time, nurturing customer relationships, and ensuring steady growth. It’s an inspiring journey that empowers you to break free from the ordinary and make your mark in the business realm.

Who should read Strategy Sprints?

  • Forward-thinking entrepreneurs seeking rapid business growth
  • Aspiring strategists looking for modern, effective methodologies
  • CEOs desiring to innovate and streamline their business operations

Strategy Books: Marketing Strategy by Jenna Tiffany

Marketing Strategy

Jenna Tiffany
Overcome Common Pitfalls and Create Effective Marketing
4.1 (148 ratings)
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What's Marketing Strategy about?

Marketing Strategy (2021) is a comprehensive guide that decodes the intricacies of crafting and implementing effective marketing strategies. It introduces the reader to a practical framework known as STRATEGY, exploring each component through real-world examples and actionable insights. From setting smart objectives and understanding target audiences, to measuring performance and conducting post-mortem analyses, it provides a roadmap to marketing success. 

Who should read Marketing Strategy?

  • Marketing professionals and students
  • Entrepreneurs and owners of small businesses or nonprofits
  • Career switchers considering marketing

Strategy Books: Strategic Project Management Made Simple by Terry Dean Schmidt

Strategic Project Management Made Simple

Terry Dean Schmidt
Solution Tools for Leaders and Teams
4.1 (155 ratings)
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What's Strategic Project Management Made Simple about?

Strategic Project Management Made Simple (2009) is a guide outlining how to develop clear and impactful strategies for projects of all sizes. It offers a practical framework for managing stakeholders, reducing risk, and building in learning cycles so you can adapt plans amid changing conditions.

Who should read Strategic Project Management Made Simple?

  • Executives and strategic planners
  • Project managers
  • Business owners and entrepreneurs

Strategy Books: The Toyota Way by Jeffrey K. Liker

The Toyota Way

Jeffrey K. Liker
14 Management Principles from the World's Greatest Manufacturer
4.4 (201 ratings)
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What's The Toyota Way about?

The Toyota Way (2003) delves into Toyota's unique approach to lean manufacturing and continuous improvement. It shares the foundational principles that drive Toyota's exceptional operational and organizational culture, emphasizing long-term thinking, respect for people, and problem-solving. These principles have revolutionized business, and have been adapted and applied beyond manufacturing to various sectors and industries.

Who should read The Toyota Way?

  • Anyone curious about Lean Manufacturing 
  • Business leaders seeking process improvement strategies
  • Management students and professionals studying best practices

Strategy Books: Rewired by Eric Lamarre & Kate Smaje & Rodney Zemmel


Eric Lamarre & Kate Smaje & Rodney Zemmel
The McKinsey Guide to Outcompeting in the Age of Digital and AI
3.7 (192 ratings)
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What's Rewired about?

Rewired (2023) presents a transformative roadmap crafted by the world's foremost management consultancy. It guides businesses on enhancing customer experiences, streamlining costs, and harnessing the immense potential of digital and AI. Dive in, and position your company for unparalleled long-term success.

Who should read Rewired?

  • Business leaders navigating digital transformation
  • Teams spearheading AI-driven enterprise initiatives
  • Consultants seeking proven digital strategy blueprints

Strategy Books: Sell Like Crazy by Sabri Suby

Sell Like Crazy

Sabri Suby
How to Get As Many Clients, Customers and Sales As You Can Possibly Handle
4.1 (78 ratings)
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What's Sell Like Crazy about?

Sell Like Crazy ( 2019 ) is a comprehensive guide that unveils step-by-step strategies for attracting your ideal customers and converting them into loyal, high-paying clients. It presents a proven blueprint for escalating your customer acquisition efforts and outlines a consultative approach to significantly enhance conversion rates.

Who should read Sell Like Crazy?

  • Entrepreneurs seeking sales growth
  • Marketers seeking conversions
  • Business owners looking for new customers

Strategy Books: 80/20 Sales and Marketing by Perry Marshall

80/20 Sales and Marketing

Perry Marshall
The Definitive Guide to Working Less and Making More
4.2 (168 ratings)
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What's 80/20 Sales and Marketing about?

80/20 Sales and Marketing (2013) hands you a magic lens so you can zoom in on what truly matters in your business. Uncover how to focus just 20 percent of your efforts to unlock 80 percent of your profit. Get ready to amplify your impact and ditch the grind.

Who should read 80/20 Sales and Marketing?

  • Entrepreneurs seeking efficient growth strategies
  • Salespeople optimizing client outreach
  • Marketers refining campaign effectiveness

Strategy Books: Negotiation Genius by Deepak Malhotra & Max H. Bazerman

Negotiation Genius

Deepak Malhotra & Max H. Bazerman
How to Overcome Obstacles and Achieve Brilliant Results at the Bargaining Table and Beyond
4.1 (204 ratings)
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What's Negotiation Genius about?

Negotiation Genius (2007) equips you with the tools to master the art of negotiation in any scenario. Discover how to decode your counterpart's motives, debunk common negotiation myths, and pivot around obstacles like a pro. Your deal-making skills will never be the same.

Who should read Negotiation Genius?

  • Business leaders seeking strategic negotiation skills
  • Law professionals in arbitration and mediation
  • Sales teams aiming for win-win outcomes

Strategy Books: The Outsiders by William Thorndike

The Outsiders

William Thorndike
Eight Unconventional CEOs and Their Radically Rational Blueprint for Success
3.5 (79 ratings)
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What's The Outsiders about?

The Outsiders (2012) upends conventional notions of what makes a successful CEO. It offers detailed profiles of eight out-of-left-field business leaders and shares key learnings from their groundbreaking, original, and surprising strategies.

Who should read The Outsiders?

  • Managers and executives looking beyond conventional business wisdom
  • Early career employees with CEO-sized ambitions
  • Anyone looking to inject creativity into their leadership style

Strategy Books: Playing to Win by A.G. Lafley & Roger L. Martin

Playing to Win

A.G. Lafley & Roger L. Martin
How Strategy Really Works
3.6 (354 ratings)
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What's Playing to Win about?

Playing to Win (2013) introduces a strategic framework that illustrates how companies can achieve success by making deliberate and well-considered choices. It delves into the "Five Choices Framework," detailing essential decisions that leaders must make to develop winning strategies. Using real-world examples, it emphasizes that a disciplined approach to strategy can create sustainable competitive advantage and turn companies into industry leaders.

Who should read Playing to Win?

  • Entrepreneurs looking to refine their business strategy for market dominance
  • Business students curious about practical strategic frameworks used by leading corporations
  • Start-up founders looking to position their ventures for success in competitive markets

Strategy Books: Elite Sales Strategies by Anthony Iannarino

Elite Sales Strategies

Anthony Iannarino
A Guide to Being One-Up, Creating Value, and Becoming Truly Consultative
3.5 (73 ratings)
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What's Elite Sales Strategies about?

Elite Sales Strategies (2022) is a guide designed to catapult you from being a typical salesperson to a trusted consultant. It dives into the One-Up strategy that not only sells but also connects and provides value to clients.

Who should read Elite Sales Strategies?

  • Salespeople seeking to progress from average to elite through new strategies
  • Seasoned sales pros wanting to sharpen their skills and learn modern tactics
  • Anyone into sales

Strategy Books: Competing in the Age of AI by Marco Iansiti & Karim R. Lakhani

Competing in the Age of AI

Marco Iansiti & Karim R. Lakhani
Strategy and Leadership When Algorithms and Networks Run the World
3.5 (192 ratings)
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What's Competing in the Age of AI about?

Competing in the Age of AI (2020) unveils a future where AI is the cornerstone of business. It reveals how AI removes age-old business constraints, enabling a quantum leap in scale, scope, and learning. Step into a realm where strategy is reinvented and the economy is reimagined, offering both unprecedented opportunities and profound challenges for leaders in the digital epoch.

Who should read Competing in the Age of AI?

  • Tech entrepreneurs seeking to disrupt traditional business models
  • Executives exploring the impact of AI on operational and strategic decisions
  • Business strategists interested in digital transformation and innovation

Strategy Books: Ready, Fire, Aim by Michael Masterson

Ready, Fire, Aim

Michael Masterson
Zero to $100 Million in No Time Flat
3.7 (200 ratings)
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What's Ready, Fire, Aim about?

Ready, Fire, Aim (2007) reveals proven business-building methods for achieving success fast. It also shows how you can duplicate winning strategies across multiple lucrative ventures so you never have to rely on just one. Learn essential entrepreneurial skills and strategies to vastly improve any business endeavor while positioning yourself to enjoy financial freedom.

Who should read Ready, Fire, Aim?

  • Experienced and aspiring entrepreneurs
  • Career professionals
  • People working in sales or marketing

Strategy Books: Choose Your Enemies Wisely by Patrick Bet-David

Choose Your Enemies Wisely

Patrick Bet-David
Business Planning for the Audacious Few
4.2 (63 ratings)
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What's Choose Your Enemies Wisely about?

Choose Your Enemies Wisely (2023) presents a system for creating a practical yet emotional business plan that goes beyond tactics to explore the deeper motivations and vision that drive exponential success. It demonstrates how to harness negative emotions about “enemies” to fuel entrepreneurial fire and achieve ambitious goals.

Who should read Choose Your Enemies Wisely?

  • Entrepreneurs looking to start or rapidly grow a business
  • Business leaders aiming to build a motivated, high-performance company culture
  • Anyone who feels held back by naysayers and wants to prove them wrong

Strategy Books: The Leader In You by Dale Carnegie

The Leader In You

Dale Carnegie
How to Win Friends, Influence People & Succeed in a Changing World
4.4 (28 ratings)
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What's The Leader In You about?

The Leader in You (1993) reveals how tapping into your enthusiasm and creativity can help you connect more effectively and work more productivelyDrawing on insights from leaders across a wide range of fields, this practical guide includes strategies to hone your leadership strengths, boost your self-confidence, and achieve your personal and professional goals.

Who should read The Leader In You?

  • Managers or employees striving to become effective leaders
  • People craving better relationships with friends and colleagues
  • Perennial worriers who want to reenergize their outlook on life

Strategy Books: The ChatGPT Millionaire by Neil Dagger

The ChatGPT Millionaire

Neil Dagger
Making Money Online Has Never Been this EASY
3.1 (138 ratings)
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What's The ChatGPT Millionaire about?

The ChatGPT Millionaire (2024) explores the many ways ChatGPT can help people in the working world. It first explores techniques and tips for using the platform, before detailing a range of ways the AI technology can be useful not only to small business owners, entrepreneurs, and freelancers across industries, but also to those looking to set up passive income streams and gain financial freedom. 

Who should read The ChatGPT Millionaire?

  • Anyone interested in making money using ChatGPT
  • Freelancers curious about how ChatGPT can improve productivity
  • Business owners looking to streamline their processes

Strategy Books: Uncommon Service by Frances Frei & Anne Morriss

Uncommon Service

Frances Frei & Anne Morriss
How to Win by Putting Customers at the Core of Your Business
4.1 (57 ratings)
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What's Uncommon Service about?

Uncommon Service (2012) unveils an innovative approach to conquering the business world. It emphasizes excellence in customer service by making strategic trade-offs and focussing on what the customers value most.

Who should read Uncommon Service?

  • Startup founders
  • Customer relationship managers
  • Strategy consultants

Strategy Books: The Six Disciplines of Strategic Thinking by Michael D. Watkins

The Six Disciplines of Strategic Thinking

Michael D. Watkins
Leading Your Organization Into the Future
4.1 (261 ratings)
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What's The Six Disciplines of Strategic Thinking about?

The Six Disciplines of Strategic Thinking (2024) is a comprehensive guide designed to enhance your leadership skills by focusing on strategic thinking. It identifies six key components of strategic thought: mental agility, pattern recognition, political savvy, problem-solving, systems analysis, and visioning, each essential for recognizing threats and opportunities, establishing priorities, and driving organizational success. Offering a blend of academic insights and practical tools, it aims to develop and nurture your strategic thinking, making it an invaluable resource.

Who should read The Six Disciplines of Strategic Thinking?

  • Aspiring business leaders seeking strategic skills
  • Executives facing complex organizational challenges
  • Professionals interested in leadership and organizational change

Strategy Books: Real-Time Leadership by David Noble & Carol Kauffman

Real-Time Leadership

David Noble & Carol Kauffman
Find Your Winning Moves When the Stakes Are High
3.7 (29 ratings)
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What's Real-Time Leadership about?

Real-Time Leadership (2021) dives into how leaders can make quick and strategic decisions during high stakes situations using the practical M-O-V-E framework.

Who should read Real-Time Leadership?

  • Emerging leaders
  • Experienced decision-makers
  • Individuals in high-stakes roles

Strategy Books: Simple Truths of Leadership Playbook by Ken Blanchard & Randy Conley

Simple Truths of Leadership Playbook

Ken Blanchard & Randy Conley
A 52-Week Game Plan for Becoming a Trusted Servant Leader
3.8 (33 ratings)
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What's Simple Truths of Leadership Playbook about?

Simple Truths of Leadership Playbook (2023) highlights how adopting servant leadership, a balanced approach focusing on serving others and achieving outcomes, can cultivate strong relationships and superior results in the workplace.

Who should read Simple Truths of Leadership Playbook?

  • Aspiring servant leaders
  • Corporate managers
  • Team-building professionals

Strategy Books: The 12-Week MBA by Nathan Kracklauer & Bjorn Billhardt

The 12-Week MBA

Nathan Kracklauer & Bjorn Billhardt
Learn the Skills You Need to Lead in Business Today
4.1 (105 ratings)
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What's The 12-Week MBA about?

The 12-Week MBA (2024) offers an accelerated path to mastering essential business administration skills and knowledge, traditionally taught in MBA programs, in just three months. It distills critical insights and practical advice for managers and aspiring leaders, aiming to equip them with the tools needed to succeed in the fast-paced business world.

Who should read The 12-Week MBA?

  • Aspiring entrepreneurs seeking foundational business knowledge
  • Professionals contemplating an MBA for career advancement
  • Small business owners focusing on growth strategies

Strategy Books: Better Brand Health by Jenni Romaniuk

Better Brand Health

Jenni Romaniuk
Measures and Metrics for a How Brands Grow World
4.0 (4 ratings)
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What's Better Brand Health about?

Better Brand Health (2023) draws on decades of extensive academic research on brand management to offer practical insights and strategies for assessing and improving brand health.

Who should read Better Brand Health?

  • Marketing managers and executives looking to improve their brand performance
  • Business owners and entrepreneurs seeking to build and maintain strong, healthy brands
  • Consultants and agency professionals who advise clients on brand strategy

Strategy Books: SYSTEMology by David Jenyns


David Jenyns
Create Time, Reduce Errors and Scale Your Profits with Proven Business Systems
4.2 (96 ratings)
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What's SYSTEMology about?

SYSTEMology (2020) explores the critical importance of creating and implementing efficient systems in businesses to improve productivity and ensure consistency. It provides a step-by-step guide for business owners and managers to design processes that automate and streamline operations to reduce reliance on individual team members and enhance overall performance.

Who should read SYSTEMology?

  • Entrepreneurs looking to reduce hands-on involvement
  • Small business owners seeking to scale or sell
  • Business consultants specializing in systems improvement

Strategy Books: Moving to Outcomes by Robert Glazer & Matthew Wool

Moving to Outcomes

Robert Glazer & Matthew Wool
Why Partnerships Are the Future of Marketing
4.3 (56 ratings)
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What's Moving to Outcomes about?

Moving to Outcomes (2021) explores the evolution of partnership marketing from its traditional roots to its current automated and scalable form, a transformation driven by technological advancements and shifts in supply and demand. Packed with insights into leveraging this model to its fullest, it enables companies to navigate and thrive in the digital marketplace.

Who should read Moving to Outcomes?

  • Forward-thinking marketers seeking innovative strategies
  • Business leaders aiming for growth through diversification
  • Investors interested in marketing trends and future potentials

Strategy Books: Red helicopter by James Rhee

Red helicopter

James Rhee
Lead Change with Kindness (Plus a Little Math)
4.3 (85 ratings)
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What's Red helicopter about?

Red Helicopter (2024) explores the transformative power of kindness, vulnerability, and generosity in both personal and professional life, and how these qualities can lead to a more fulfilling and impactful definition of success. Through engaging anecdotes and practical insights, it offers a roadmap for cultivating resilience, gratitude, and a sense of purpose in an increasingly complex world.

Who should read Red helicopter?

  • Business leaders looking to create more positive and impactful organizations
  • Philanthropists and social entrepreneurs interested in building more connected, compassionate communities
  • Anyone wanting to align their values with their career aspirations

Strategy Books: Optimal by Daniel Goleman & Cary Cherniss


Daniel Goleman & Cary Cherniss
How to Sustain Personal and Organizational Excellence Every Day
3.5 (96 ratings)
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What's Optimal about?

Optimal (2024) looks at how enhanced emotional intelligence can significantly boost engagement, productivity, and satisfaction in both personal and organizational contexts. It outlines practical strategies for leaders and individuals wishing to apply emotional intelligence effectively, aiming to sustain high performance and create a supportive work environment. Through stories and scientific research, it illustrates the profound impact emotional intelligence has on managing stress and improving team dynamics.

Who should read Optimal?

  • HR professionals and organizational development specialists
  • Leaders and managers at all levels
  • Entrepreneurs and start-up team members

Strategy Books: Rocket Fuel by Gino Wickman

Rocket Fuel

Gino Wickman
The One Essential Combination That Will Get You More of What You Want from Your Business
4.3 (12 ratings)
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What's Rocket Fuel about?

Rocket Fuel (2015) explores the powerful dynamic between two critical roles in successful businesses: the Visionary and the Integrator. It delves into how these roles complement each other, ensuring that innovation and inspiration receive the proper structure and follow-through to drive business growth. The guide provides actionable insights for identifying the role into which individuals best fit, and how to harness this relationship to propel a company forward. 

Who should read Rocket Fuel?

  • Entrepreneurs seeking effective business partnership strategies
  • Business leaders aiming for organizational growth
  • Business consultants focusing on leadership development

Strategy Books: The Yankee Way by Andy Martino

The Yankee Way

Andy Martino
The Untold Inside Story of the Brian Cashman Era
3.5 (6 ratings)
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What's The Yankee Way about?

The Yankee Way (2024) offers a fascinating glimpse into the New York Yankees during Brian Cashman’s transformative tenure as general manager. Chronicling Cashman’s journey from a young intern to a pioneering GM, it looks at the dramatic internal dynamics, from high-profile player conflicts to the revolutionary shift toward analytics. This insider’s perspective shows the intense complexities and relentless pressures of steering one of baseball’s most legendary franchises through both triumphs and controversies.

Who should read The Yankee Way?

  • Baseball enthusiasts interested in team management strategies
  • New York Yankees fans seeking insider perspectives
  • Anyone intrigued by behind-the-scenes sports stories

Strategy Books: Beyond Eureka! by Marylene Delbourg-Delphis

Beyond Eureka!

Marylene Delbourg-Delphis
The Rocky Roads to Innovating
4.2 (6 ratings)
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What's Beyond Eureka! about?

Beyond Eureka (2024) guides you through the essential differences between inventors and innovators, helping you leverage your strengths to bring ideas to market. It reveals how to balance technical expertise with market insight for impactful innovations, and how to transform your approach and achieve lasting success with your groundbreaking ideas.

Who should read Beyond Eureka!?

  • Aspiring entrepreneurs and startup founders
  • Technology enthusiasts and innovators
  • Business strategists and market analysts

Strategy Books: Leadership Strategy by Powerful Business Solutions

Leadership Strategy

Powerful Business Solutions
The Art & Science of Decision-Making
4.6 (13 ratings)
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What's Leadership Strategy about?

Leadership Strategy (2023) explores the mindsets and strategies of today’s boldest innovators, teaching you how to challenge assumptions and unlock creative breakthroughs. It offers actionable advice and real-world leadership examples to help you think exponentially, foster an entrepreneurial culture, and turn your transformational ideas into revolutionary realities.

Who should read Leadership Strategy?

  • Aspiring business leaders seeking visionary leadership strategies
  • Entrepreneurs aiming to innovate and disrupt their industries
  • Business professionals striving for transformative organizational change

Strategy Books: The Formula by Joshua Robinson, Jonathan Clegg

The Formula

Joshua Robinson, Jonathan Clegg
How Geniuses and Speed Freaks Made F1 the Fastest-Growing Sport
4.2 (77 ratings)
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What's The Formula about?

The Formula (2024) chronicles the evolution of Formula 1 from its post-World War II origins to its current status as a global entertainment powerhouse. It follows the larger-than-life personalities that have shaped the sport through technological innovations and business strategies, and their attempt to balance the pursuit of engineering excellence with the demands of commercial success.

Who should read The Formula?

  • Formula 1 enthusiasts seeking deeper insights
  • Sports business aficionados interested in high-stakes drama and growth strategy
  • Readers captivated by stories of innovation and success

Strategy Books: Becoming a Changemaker by Alex Budak

Becoming a Changemaker

Alex Budak
An Actionable, Inclusive Guide to Leading Positive Change at Any Level
4.6 (5 ratings)
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What's Becoming a Changemaker about?

Becoming a Changemaker (2022) is a practical guide for individuals who aspire to create positive social change, regardless of their background or position. It emphasizes the importance of developing a changemaker mindset, cultivating leadership skills, and building a network of support. 

Who should read Becoming a Changemaker?

  • Aspiring social entrepreneurs 
  • Business leaders and managers 
  • Nonprofit and NGO workers 

Strategy Books: Do Bigger Things by Dan McClure, Jennifer Wilde

Do Bigger Things

Dan McClure, Jennifer Wilde
A Practical Guide to Powerful Innovation in a Changing World
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What's Do Bigger Things about?

Do Bigger Things (2024) explores the concept of ecosystem innovation, emphasizing the need to rethink entire systems and processes to address complex challenges in a rapidly evolving world. It provides a structured approach to achieving large-scale innovation by combining ambitious thinking with actionable strategies, helping individuals and organizations make a significant impact through systematic, disciplined efforts.

Who should read Do Bigger Things?

  • Entrepreneurs looking to scale and innovate their businesses
  • Business leaders navigating complex industry disruptions
  • Change-makers tackling global challenges like climate change

Strategy Books: Principles by Ray Dalio


Ray Dalio
Life and Work
3.5 (2 ratings)
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What's Principles about?

Principles (2017) is a comprehensive guide on personal and professional development, based on the author's own experiences as the founder of Bridgewater Associates. Focusing on radical truth and transparency, the book emphasizes how having a set of core principles guiding every action can make decision-making an easy process, no matter what situation you’re in. 

Who should read Principles?

  • Managers who want to become better leaders
  • Entrepreneurs interested in starting their own business 
  • Readers curious about personal growth and improvement

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Strategy Books

What's the best Strategy book to read?

While choosing just one book about a topic is always tough, many people regard Crossing the Chasm as the ultimate read on Strategy.

What are the Top 10 Strategy books?

Blinkist curators have picked the following:
  • Crossing the Chasm by Geoffrey A. Moore
  • Built to Last by Jim Collins
  • Start-up of You by Reid Hoffman and Ben Casnocha
  • Great by Choice by Jim Collins and Morten T. Hansen
  • Winning by Jack Welch with Suzy Welch
  • The Pyramid Principle by Barbara Minto
  • The 80/20 Principle by Richard Koch
  • Hooked by Nir Eyal
  • The Advantage by Patrick M. Lencioni
  • Only the Paranoid Survive by Andrew S. Grove

Who are the top Strategy book authors?

When it comes to Strategy, these are the authors who stand out as some of the most influential:
  • Geoffrey A. Moore
  • Jim Collins
  • Reid Hoffman and Ben Casnocha
  • Jim Collins and Morten T. Hansen
  • Jack Welch with Suzy Welch