The best 100 Decision-Making books

Decision-making is a vital aspect of everyday life, influencing our choices and shaping our outcomes. Our curated book list on Decision-Making offers valuable insights into the process, helping unravel the complexities of choices we face daily.

Delve into these enlightening reads to enhance your decision-making skills. Ready to make informed choices and navigate life's crossroads with confidence? Start exploring now!

The best 100 Decision-Making books
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Decision-Making Books: Blink by Malcolm Gladwell


Malcolm Gladwell
The Power of Thinking Without Thinking
4.0 (691 ratings)
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What's Blink about?

Blink examines the phenomenon of snap judgments, meaning the split-second decisions we make unconsciously. These snap judgments are important decision-making tools, but can also lead to bad choices and all manner of problems. Blink explains how we can best make use of them.

Who should read Blink?

  • Anyone interested in intuition and decision-making
  • Anyone interested in ridding themselves of their prejudices and stereotypes
  • Anyone who wants to know when to trust their intuition

Decision-Making Books: Predictably Irrational by Dan Ariely

Predictably Irrational

Dan Ariely
The Hidden Forces That Shape Our Decisions
4.5 (446 ratings)
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What's Predictably Irrational about?

Predictably Irrational (2010) explains the fundamentally irrational ways we behave every day. Why do we decide to diet and then give it up as soon as we see a tasty dessert? Why would your mother be offended if you tried to pay her for a Sunday meal she lovingly prepared? Why is pain medication more effective when the patient thinks it is more expensive? The reasons and remedies for these and other irrationalities are explored and explained with studies and anecdotes.

Who should read Predictably Irrational?

  • Anyone who wants to understand why we indulge in irrational behaviors like procrastination, overeating and overpaying, and how we can avoid this
  • Anyone who wants to learn how to counter their innate irrationality and make better decisions
  • Anyone interested in social psychology and people’s decision-making behavior in general

Decision-Making Books: Nudge by Richard H. Thaler and Cass R. Sunstein


Richard H. Thaler and Cass R. Sunstein
Improving Decisions about Health, Wealth and Happiness
4.1 (559 ratings)
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What's Nudge about?

The message of Nudge is to show us how we can be encouraged, with just a slight nudge or two, to make better decisions. The book starts by explaining the reasons for wrong decisions we make in everyday life.

Who should read Nudge?

  • Anyone who wants to live a healthier, more disciplined life
  • Anyone interested in how countries and companies can influence people’s decisions

Decision-Making Books: Decisive by Chip and Dan Heath


Chip and Dan Heath
How to Make Better Choices in Life and Work
4.4 (295 ratings)
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What's Decisive about?

The book identifies the main issues that typically stand in the way of decision making: a narrow view on our problems, short-term emotions, and overconfidence when it comes to predicting the future. It gives knowledgeable insight into how our decisions are formed and how to avoid making bad ones.

Who should read Decisive?

  • Anyone interested in the process of decision making
  • Anyone that has to make reliable decisions everyday
  • Anyone who is repeatedly revisiting past decisions

Decision-Making Books: The Paradox of Choice by Barry Schwartz

The Paradox of Choice

Barry Schwartz
Why More Is Less
4.6 (439 ratings)
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What's The Paradox of Choice about?

The abundance of choice that modern society presents us with is commonly believed to result in better options and greater satisfaction. However, author Barry Schwartz argues that too many choices can be detrimental to our psychological and emotional well-being. Through arguments based on current research in the social sciences, he demonstrates how more might actually be less.

Who should read The Paradox of Choice?

  • Anyone interested in why making decisions can be so difficult
  • Anyone who wants to learn about the consequences of being faced with many choices



Decision-Making Books: Why We Make Mistakes by Joseph T. Hallinan

Why We Make Mistakes

Joseph T. Hallinan
How We Look Without Seeing, Forget Things in Seconds, and Are All Pretty Sure We Are Way Above Average
4.3 (74 ratings)
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What's Why We Make Mistakes about?

Why We Make Mistakes is about the kinds of mistakes we commonly make, and the reasons behind them. With a broad focus encompassing neuroscience, psychology and economics, the book provides convincing explanations for our often fallible perception, our inability to recall simple data and the many biases that direct our decision making without us being aware.

Who should read Why We Make Mistakes?

  • Anyone eager to understand the mechanisms behind human error
  • Anyone who always wonders why they never find mistakes in their own work
  • Anyone who wants to know why they can’t seem to remember names, PINs or their own password

Decision-Making Books: The Laws of Simplicity by John Maeda

The Laws of Simplicity

John Maeda
Design, Technology, Business, Life
3.8 (69 ratings)
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What's The Laws of Simplicity about?

The Laws of Simplicity consists of a set of “laws” formulated by the author to try to grasp the meaning and essence of simplicity. Along the way, it provides useful advice on how to introduce simplicity to our daily lives, business and product design.

Who should read The Laws of Simplicity?

  • Anyone who wants to design successful products
  • Anyone who wants to bring more simplicity into their lives
  • Anyone in sales or marketing

Decision-Making Books: First Things First by Stephen R. Covey, A. Roger Merrill and Rebecca R. Merrill

First Things First

Stephen R. Covey, A. Roger Merrill and Rebecca R. Merrill
To Live, to Love, to Learn, to Leave a Legacy
4.6 (794 ratings)
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What's First Things First about?

This title provides you with valuable insights and guidelines that will help you focus your life on the things that are truly the most meaningful. You’ll learn how to set your priorities, make the best decisions, and develop a keen vision for the future. If you’re looking to create positive change in your life, this book is a great place to start!

Who should read First Things First?

  • Anyone who feels a lack of inner peace, balance or meaning in life
  • Anyone who wants to use his or her time more effectively
  • Anyone who has a hard time making big decisions
  • Anyone who wants to improve the quality of his or her life

Decision-Making Books: Risk Savvy by Gerd Gigerenzer

Risk Savvy

Gerd Gigerenzer
How To Make Good Decisions
3.7 (71 ratings)
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What's Risk Savvy about?

Risk Savvy is an exploration into the way we misunderstand risk and uncertainty, often at great expense to our health, finances and relationships. However, if we better understand risk, we can develop the tools necessary to navigate this highly complex world without having to become an “expert in everything.”

Who should read Risk Savvy?

  • Anyone whose decisions greatly affect others
  • People involved in the finance industry
  • Anyone who wants to make better decisions in their lives

Decision-Making Books: The Hour Between Dog and Wolf by John Coates

The Hour Between Dog and Wolf

John Coates
How Risk-Taking Transforms Us, Body and Mind
4.2 (92 ratings)
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What's The Hour Between Dog and Wolf about?

The Hour Between Dog and Wolf is an illuminating look at the influence of human physiology on the thinking and behavior of stock market traders. The author, inspired by his experiences on the trading floor, investigates the hormonal basis of financial decision making, and demonstrates the way in which the body’s mechanisms can destabilize our financial markets. The book also explains what can be done to reduce the detrimental effects of our biology on the market, and even how we can use this knowledge to our financial advantage.

Who should read The Hour Between Dog and Wolf?

  • Anyone who is curious about the relationship between biology and stock trading
  • Anyone who is interested in how people think with their bodies
  • Anyone wondering how bubbles can form in the stock market

Decision-Making Books: The Marshmallow Test by Walter Mischel

The Marshmallow Test

Walter Mischel
Mastering Self-Control
4.5 (88 ratings)
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What's The Marshmallow Test about?

The Marshmallow Test explains why being able to delay gratification and exercise our self-control is essential for living a successful life. Using insights gained from several psychological studies, it explains how exactly our self-control skills function, and what we can do to improve them.

Who should read The Marshmallow Test?

  • Anyone who wants to improve his or her self-control
  • Anyone interested in psychology
  • Anyone hoping to help children develop good self-control skills, especially parents

Decision-Making Books: Algorithms to Live By by Brian Christian & Tom Griffiths

Algorithms to Live By

Brian Christian & Tom Griffiths
The Computer Science of Human Decisions
3.9 (190 ratings)
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What's Algorithms to Live By about?

Algorithms to Live By (2016) is a practical and useful guide that shows how algorithms have much more to do with day-to-day life than you might think. And not just that; they can also lead to a better life by helping you solve problems, make decisions and get more things done.

Who should read Algorithms to Live By?

  • Busy people who want to improve their time management
  • Anyone interested in what algorithms do
  • People who want to get more organized

Decision-Making Books: The Leading Brain by Friederike Fabritius & Hans W. Hagemann

The Leading Brain

Friederike Fabritius & Hans W. Hagemann
Powerful Science-Based Strategies for Achieving Peak Performance
4.2 (107 ratings)
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What's The Leading Brain about?

The Leading Brain (2017) dismisses the trends and gimmicks surrounding productivity in favor of hard science about how the brain really works in the everyday stress of a nine-to-five job. There is plenty of research and scientific data on how to create productive habits, build the perfect team and keep staff working at their best.

Who should read The Leading Brain?

  • Psychology students
  • Managers and supervisors looking to improve their leadership skills
  • Readers interested in self-improvement

Decision-Making Books: The Influential Mind by Tali Sharot

The Influential Mind

Tali Sharot
What the Brain Reveals About Our Power To Change Others
4.2 (244 ratings)
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What's The Influential Mind about?

The Influential Mind (2017) is about the often surprising and sometimes inflexible ways in which the human brain operates. As the esteemed neuroscientist and author Tali Sharot points out, having a better understanding of how the brain works can provide us with better control over our day-to-day lives and a deeper appreciation of the human experience.

Who should read The Influential Mind?

  • Students of neuroscience and psychology
  • Managers and HR personnel
  • Those who want more control over their lives

Decision-Making Books: The Next Right Thing by Emily P. Freeman

The Next Right Thing

Emily P. Freeman
A Simple, Soulful Practice for Making Life Decisions
4.1 (137 ratings)
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What's The Next Right Thing about?

The Next Right Thing (2019) takes a fresh look at common decision-making wisdom. Drawing upon personal anecdotes as well as stories from the Bible, these blinks offer soulful advice to guide you through decision fatigue or chronic hesitation so that you can find your next right thing.

Who should read The Next Right Thing?

  • Christians interested in finding spiritual guidance
  • Recent graduates or people going through a time of transition
  • Ditherers looking to become more decisive

Decision-Making Books: The Great Mental Models by Shane Parrish and Rhiannon Beaubien

The Great Mental Models

Shane Parrish and Rhiannon Beaubien
General Thinking Concepts
4.4 (483 ratings)
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What's The Great Mental Models about?

The Great Mental Models (2019) provides a crash course on how to upgrade your thinking and decision making. Drawing from a wide variety of disciplines, it will equip you with nine of the most essential tools for understanding and navigating the complicated world around you.

Who should read The Great Mental Models?

  • Decision makers
  • Analysts
  • Anyone who wants to give their thinking an edge

Decision-Making Books: How to Decide by Annie Duke

How to Decide

Annie Duke
Simple Tools for Making Better Choices
4.4 (349 ratings)
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What's How to Decide about?

How to Decide (2020) investigates the way we make decisions, as well as common types of bias and faulty techniques that afflict them. It teaches you how to identify different types of decisions, and then design practical processes to help slow down or speed up the deliberation process accordingly.

Who should read How to Decide?

  • Anyone interested in decision-making strategies
  • People who like psychology
  • Business managers who make big decisions regularly

Decision-Making Books: It's the Manager by Jim Clifton, Jim Harter

It's the Manager

Jim Clifton, Jim Harter
Gallup Finds the Quality of Managers and Team Leaders is the Single Biggest Factor in Your Organization's Long-term Success
4.2 (146 ratings)
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What's It's the Manager about?

It’s the Manager (2019) outlines the latest workplace research from Gallup. It explores what good leadership looks like in the modern age, and how managers can get the best out of the people they lead.

Who should read It's the Manager?

  • Human Resources professionals seeking a fresh perspective
  • Managers looking to the future
  • Team leaders wanting to know what makes people tick

Decision-Making Books: The Self-Driven Child by William Stixrud and Ned Johnson

The Self-Driven Child

William Stixrud and Ned Johnson
The Science and Sense of Giving Your Kids More Control Over Their Lives
4.4 (297 ratings)
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What's The Self-Driven Child about?

The Self-Driven Child (2018) shows us how our instinct to control our children’s lives can result in stressed-out, uncooperative, and poorly motivated kids. Instead, the book argues, we should try to help our children come to informed decisions themselves – and trust them to make the big calls. 

Who should read The Self-Driven Child?

  • Parents of stressed, overworked kids
  • Child psychologists and pediatricians
  • Anyone interested in the complex dynamics between parent and child

Decision-Making Books: No Rules Rules by Reed Hastings and Erin Meyer

No Rules Rules

Reed Hastings and Erin Meyer
Netflix and the Culture of Reinvention
4.6 (487 ratings)
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What's No Rules Rules about?

No Rules Rules (2020) sets out the principles of Netflix’s unique company culture, based on employee freedom and responsibility, and optimized for maximum innovation. In doing so, it charts the incredible journey of Netflix, a start-up fairytale.

Who should read No Rules Rules?

  • Anyone who works at a start-up
  • Fans of the film The Social Network
  • Those who are wary of Silicon Valley’s increasing dominance


Decision-Making Books: One Decision by Mike Bayer

One Decision

Mike Bayer
The First Step to a Better Life
4.4 (257 ratings)
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What's One Decision about?

One Decision (2020) is a guide to understanding the various thinking patterns that determine whether we see obstacles or opportunities. It breaks down why we often base decisions on the bleak outlook created by rigidity and confusion and provides practical tools for fostering an opportunity mindset and making life-changing decisions.

Who should read One Decision?

  • People who feel overwhelmed by obstacles
  • Those who are stuck in a cycle of bad decisions
  • Anyone who wants to create a better life

Decision-Making Books: The Slight Edge by Jeff Olson

The Slight Edge

Jeff Olson
Turning Simple Disciplines into Massive Success and Happiness
4.6 (377 ratings)
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What's The Slight Edge about?

What’s it about?

The Slight Edge (2005) explores the power of all the small choices we make every day. Far from being insignificant, they are a step in our journey toward success or failure.

Who should read The Slight Edge?

Who’s it for?

  • Individuals wanting to achieve success in life
  • People trying to develop new habits or stop bad ones
  • Entrepreneurs who want to build successful businesses

Decision-Making Books: Noise by Daniel Kahneman, Olivier Sibony and Cass R. Sunstein


Daniel Kahneman, Olivier Sibony and Cass R. Sunstein
A Flaw in Human Judgment
4.4 (834 ratings)
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What's Noise about?

Noise (2021) is an exploration into the chaotic and costly role that randomness plays in human judgment. By uncovering the mechanisms behind how our minds and societies work, the authors show how noise – unwanted variability in decisions – is both inescapable and elusive. We can, however, with a few solid strategies, make our judgments less noisy and our world fairer.

Who should read Noise?

  • Behavioral economists, psychologists, CEOs, and students
  • Anyone interested in how we make judgments and how those judgments shape society
  • Anyone who cares about accuracy and fairness

Decision-Making Books: The Scout Mindset by Julia Galef

The Scout Mindset

Julia Galef
Why Some People See Things Clearly and Others Don't
4.6 (625 ratings)
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What's The Scout Mindset about?

The Scout Mindset (2021) explores two very different mindsets: that of the soldier and that of the scout. It explains that most of us have a soldier mindset – we cling to our beliefs and often ignore evidence that might prove us wrong. But we can all learn to be scouts, seeking out truth and improving our “map” of the world.

Who should read The Scout Mindset?

  • Anyone who wants to overcome their inherent biases
  • People who want to learn how to be wrong
  • Truth seekers

Decision-Making Books: Rationality by Steven Pinker


Steven Pinker
What It Is, Why It's Scarce, and How to Get More
4.2 (422 ratings)
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What's Rationality about?

Rationality (2021) explores the faculty that sets us apart from other species: reason. The ability to think rationally drives individual and social progress. It allows us to attain our goals and create a fairer world. But rationality isn’t just something we do as individuals – it also sustains our best institutions.

Who should read Rationality?

  • Would-be rationalists
  • Philosophical thinkers
  • Anyone who loves big ideas

Decision-Making Books: Strategic Kaizen™ by Masaaki Imai

Strategic Kaizen™

Masaaki Imai
Using Flow, Synchronization, and Leveling Assessment to Measure and Strengthen Operational Performance
4.5 (98 ratings)
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What's Strategic Kaizen™ about?

Strategic Kaizen (2021) examines the principles and practices of corporations that have embraced lean thinking – a paired-down, customer-oriented production process pioneered in postwar Japan. Also known as the Toyota Production System, this managerial philosophy is all about maximizing efficiency and reducing waste by making many small changes. 

Who should read Strategic Kaizen™?

  • Managers and leaders
  • Technophiles and car lovers
  • Strategists and planners

Decision-Making Books: Know Thyself by Stephen M. Fleming

Know Thyself

Stephen M. Fleming
The Science of Self-Awareness
4.4 (430 ratings)
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What's Know Thyself about?

In Know Thyself (2021) cognitive neuroscientist Stephen M. Fleming lays out the basic principles of metacognition – the way we think about what we think. This revealing book shows by understanding of our metacognitive processes, we can turn them to our advantage, to make accurate, informed judgments.

Who should read Know Thyself?

  • Psychology buffs 
  • People grappling with difficult decisions
  • Anyone who wants to know more about why they think what they think

Decision-Making Books: The Power of Regret by Daniel Pink

The Power of Regret

Daniel Pink
How Looking Backward Moves us Forward
4.6 (786 ratings)
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What's The Power of Regret about?

The Power of Regret (2022) is a rebuttal of the “no regrets” worldview. Drawing from human psychology, it shares actionable steps for transforming emotion into action and using past disappointments to shape purposeful futures. 

Who should read The Power of Regret?

  • Anyone who’s ever had a regret, no matter how big or small
  • Followers of the “no regrets” lifestyle who are ready to hear a new perspective 
  • Psychology fans who want to explore the underpinnings of a popular phenomenon

Decision-Making Books: The Great Mental Models Volume 3 by Rhiannon Beaubien and Rosie Leizrowice

The Great Mental Models Volume 3

Rhiannon Beaubien and Rosie Leizrowice
Systems and Mathematics
4.3 (312 ratings)
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What's The Great Mental Models Volume 3 about?

The Great Mental Models Volume 3 (2021) is the third book in a series that shows how mental models from various disciplines can be applied to make positive changes to your life. This volume focuses on mental models from systems and mathematics. It demonstrates how you can use cognitive tools to improve everything from decision-making and relationships to healthy eating and personal productivity.

Who should read The Great Mental Models Volume 3?

  • Decision-makers
  • Problem-solvers
  • The intellectually curious

Decision-Making Books: Start, Stay, or Leave by Trey Gowdy

Start, Stay, or Leave

Trey Gowdy
The Art of Decision Making
4.2 (85 ratings)
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What's Start, Stay, or Leave about?

Start, Stay, or Leave (2023) provides practical advice for individuals at any stage of their career who are seeking guidance on how to make informed and fulfilling career decisions. Doing so relies on the importance of self-awareness, defining one's purpose and values, and creating a clear plan for achieving one's goals. 

Who should read Start, Stay, or Leave?

  • People looking to start a new career
  • Workaholics trying to adjust their priorities
  • Anyone looking for advice on how to make life’s big decisions

Decision-Making Books: Decision Making and Problem Solving by John Adair

Decision Making and Problem Solving

John Adair
Break Through Barriers and Banish Uncertainty at Work
4.0 (102 ratings)
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What's Decision Making and Problem Solving about?

Decision Making and Problem Solving (2019) explains decision-making, problem-solving, and creative thinking. It provides instructions for building and improving these skills and explores the importance of these abilities enabling you to expand your practical thinking capacity.

Who should read Decision Making and Problem Solving?

  • Business leaders who want to improve their teams’ decision-making and problem-solving.
  • Employees seeking to polish their practical thinking skills
  • Anyone interested in elevating their capacity for creative and critical thinking

Decision-Making Books: Power vs. Force by David R. Hawkins

Power vs. Force

David R. Hawkins
The Hidden Determinants of Human Behaviour
4.2 (454 ratings)
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What's Power vs. Force about?

Power vs. Force (2014) explains how anyone can tap into their inner power to change their lives and the lives of those around them. It demonstrates that with consciousness, intention and discernment, anyone can find their truth and follow it toward a more fulfilled and impactful life. 

Who should read Power vs. Force?

  • People interested in alternative theories about science and humanity
  • Anyone who faces major doubts in their lives
  • Humanity nerds

Decision-Making Books: Basic Economics by Thomas Sowell

Basic Economics

Thomas Sowell
A Common Sense Guide to the Economy
4.4 (664 ratings)
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What's Basic Economics about?

Basic Economics (2000) provides a broad yet comprehensive introduction to economic principles, without requiring a background in the subject. Avoiding complicated jargon, it explains core economic concepts in plain English, with the help of real-life examples. 

Who should read Basic Economics?

  • Those looking for an introduction to key economic topics
  • Savers wondering what banks do with their money
  • Anyone who’s asked themselves how dams and highways get built

Decision-Making Books: I Could Do Anything If I Only Knew What It Was by Barbara Sher with Barbara Smith

I Could Do Anything If I Only Knew What It Was

Barbara Sher with Barbara Smith
How to Discover What You Really Want and How to Get It
4.4 (448 ratings)
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What's I Could Do Anything If I Only Knew What It Was about?

I Could Do Anything If I Only Knew What It Was (1994) offers practical guidance to help people figure out what they want in life and how to use that knowledge to go after it. It tackles the most common obstacles to goal-setting with exercises and tactics that help people customize an approach that works best for them.

Who should read I Could Do Anything If I Only Knew What It Was?

  • People who do not know what they want in life
  • High achievers who feel like something is missing
  • Anyone struggling with figuring out their next steps

Decision-Making Books: The JOLT Effect by Matthew Dixon and Ted McKenna

The JOLT Effect

Matthew Dixon and Ted McKenna
How High Performers Overcome Customer Indecision
4.5 (70 ratings)
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What's The JOLT Effect about?

The JOLT Effect (2022) promises to shatter your understanding of sales techniques. Grounded in decades of research, this enlightening guide reveals how tackling customer indecision, not status quo bias, holds the key to sales success.

Who should read The JOLT Effect?

  • Anyone working in sales
  • Small business owners or entrepreneurs
  • Consumers interested in sales techniques

Decision-Making Books: Smart Leadership by Mark Miller

Smart Leadership

Mark Miller
Four Simple Choices to Scale Your Impact
4.3 (286 ratings)
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What's Smart Leadership about?

Smart Leadership (2022) is your guide to making informed decisions that will shape your journey as a high-impact effective leader. It introduces the concept of "Smart Choices," which emphasizes how your decision-making abilities can boost your potential to lead. It provides insights that will not only improve your strategic thinking, but also enable you to create a positive influence, enhance the health of your organization, and contribute to shaping a remarkable personal legacy.

Who should read Smart Leadership?

  • Rookie leaders looking for guidance on how to boost effectiveness and impact
  • Established leaders who want to breathe new life into their leadership approach 
  • Leadership development professionals seeking ideas to help improve their clients’ leadership skills

Decision-Making Books: How to Measure Anything by Douglas W. Hubbard

How to Measure Anything

Douglas W. Hubbard
Finding the Value of "Intangibles" in Business
4.1 (50 ratings)
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What's How to Measure Anything about?

How to Measure Anything (2007) challenges the notion that certain things can’t be measured, arguing instead that with the right tools and perspectives, everything is quantifiable. It provides insightful methodologies and real-world examples to guide readers on how to turn seemingly immeasurable concepts into tangible data, ultimately helping to make more informed decisions.

Who should read How to Measure Anything?

  • Business executives and entrepreneurs looking to better quantify their company’s intangibles
  • Students studying business or economics
  • Anyone searching for insights on how to enhance their risk assessment techniques

Decision-Making Books: Trading in the Zone by Mark Douglas

Trading in the Zone

Mark Douglas
Master the Market with Confidence, Discipline, and a Winning Attitude
4.0 (266 ratings)
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What's Trading in the Zone about?

Trading in the Zone (2001) is a deep dive into the psychological aspects of stock trading. It presents a view into a trader's mind, identifying how fear and overconfidence often lead to financial downfall. It also offers a practical framework to manage risk, navigate uncertainties, and develop a winning mindset – enabling anyone to overcome emotional barriers and make more consistent and profitable trades.

Who should read Trading in the Zone?

  • Aspiring traders eager to learn psychological stock market strategies
  • Financial professionals seeking to refine their decision-making skills
  • Psychology enthusiasts curious about the intersection of psychology and finance

Decision-Making Books: The Undoing Project by Michael Lewis

The Undoing Project

Michael Lewis
A Friendship That Changed Our Minds
4.0 (234 ratings)
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What's The Undoing Project about?

The Undoing Project (2016) transports you into the intriguing minds of two revolutionary psychologists: Daniel Kahneman and Amos Tversky. This gripping narrative reveals their journey to reshape our understanding of human decision-making and how unseen biases are influencing us at every turn.

Who should read The Undoing Project?

  • Psychology enthusiasts fascinated by human decision-making
  • Fans of biographies that explore notable collaborations
  • Students of behavioral economics and cognitive sciences

Decision-Making Books: It Takes What It Takes by Trevor Moawad with Andy Staples

It Takes What It Takes

Trevor Moawad with Andy Staples
How to Think Neutrally and Gain Control of Your Life
4.2 (294 ratings)
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What's It Takes What It Takes about?

It Takes What It Takes (2020) unveils the transformative power of neutral thinking. Dive into real-world examples and practical strategies that teach you to navigate life’s challenges with clarity. Gain control, harness your mindset – and watch your world shift.

Who should read It Takes What It Takes?

  • Elite athletes seeking mental resilience and performance enhancement
  • Professionals pursuing clarity, focus, and decision-making skills
  • Self-help enthusiasts exploring transformative mindset shifts

Decision-Making Books: Analysis Without Paralysis by Babette E. Bensoussan

Analysis Without Paralysis

Babette E. Bensoussan
10 Tools to Make Better Strategic Decisions
4.1 (199 ratings)
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What's Analysis Without Paralysis about?

Analysis Without Paralysis is a practical guide to the ten most powerful strategic analysis tools that will help you make better and faster business decisions. It is a simple and straightforward tour through models such as Porter’s Five Forces, PEST, and SWOT, teaching you when and how to utilize these powerful techniques.

Who should read Analysis Without Paralysis?

  • Managers who want to build a competitive strategy
  • All types of entrepreneurs
  • Business Owners wanting to turn data into information

Decision-Making Books: Financial Intelligence for Entrepreneurs by Karen Berman & Joe Knight with John Case

Financial Intelligence for Entrepreneurs

Karen Berman & Joe Knight with John Case
What You Really Need to Know about the Numbers
3.1 (307 ratings)
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What's Financial Intelligence for Entrepreneurs about?

Financial Intelligence for Entrepreneurs (2008) provides a comprehensive guide to understanding and utilizing financial information effectively, specifically tailored for entrepreneurs, business owners, and managers without a financial background. Through practical insights and real-world examples, it demystifies complex financial terms and empowers nonfinancial professionals to leverage financial intelligence for business success.

Who should read Financial Intelligence for Entrepreneurs?

  • Entrepreneurs seeking to navigate the financial landscape of business 
  • Small business owners looking to optimize financial performance and management
  • Investors wanting to understand the ins and outs of financial health

Decision-Making Books: Ideaflow by Jeremy Utley & Perry Klebahn


Jeremy Utley & Perry Klebahn
The Only Business Metric That Matters
4.1 (72 ratings)
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What's Ideaflow about?

Ideaflow (2022) introduces the concept of ideaflow – the rate at which original ideas can be generated – as a key business metric. It also shares practical strategies for optimizing ideaflow at the personal and professional level.

Who should read Ideaflow?

  • Frustrated creatives who can’t seem to get their ideas flowing
  • Busy professionals who just don’t have time to be creative
  • Founders and CEOs seeking tools to drive corporate innovation

Decision-Making Books: Clear Thinking by Shane Parrish

Clear Thinking

Shane Parrish
Turning Ordinary Moments into Extraordinary Results
4.0 (323 ratings)
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What's Clear Thinking about?

Clear Thinking (2023) presents a strategy and tactics to improve your quality of reasoning using a concise synthesis of the insights from thought leaders in business, psychology, neuroscience, and philosophy. It begins with teaching how to discern when critical thought is most important and then to manage the factors that most commonly obscure real problems. It then shares tactics to optimally develop and evaluate possible solutions, choose the best one, and take action.

Who should read Clear Thinking?

  • Anyone who wants to improve their quality of thinking for better outcomes in life
  • Business leaders seeking effective decision-making strategies
  • People who want to establish better habits

Decision-Making Books: The Outsiders by William Thorndike

The Outsiders

William Thorndike
Eight Unconventional CEOs and Their Radically Rational Blueprint for Success
3.5 (85 ratings)
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What's The Outsiders about?

The Outsiders (2012) upends conventional notions of what makes a successful CEO. It offers detailed profiles of eight out-of-left-field business leaders and shares key learnings from their groundbreaking, original, and surprising strategies.

Who should read The Outsiders?

  • Managers and executives looking beyond conventional business wisdom
  • Early career employees with CEO-sized ambitions
  • Anyone looking to inject creativity into their leadership style

Decision-Making Books: Superforecasting by Philip E. Tetlock & Dan Gardner


Philip E. Tetlock & Dan Gardner
The Art and Science of Prediction
3.8 (124 ratings)
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What's Superforecasting about?

Superforecasting (2015) delves into the art and science of predicting the future, highlighting how most individuals, even experts, often falter in their forecasting abilities. Through captivating stories of successes and failures, as well as interviews with high-profile decision-makers, it unveils the secrets behind effective forecasting: a combination of evidence-based thinking, probabilistic reasoning, accountability, and adaptability.

Who should read Superforecasting?

  • Aspiring decision-makers seeking insight into forecasting techniques
  • Science enthusiasts interested in probability and prediction
  • Amateur forecasters and wannabe superforecasters looking to hone their skills

Decision-Making Books: Don't Overthink It by Anne Bogel

Don't Overthink It

Anne Bogel
Make Easier Decisions, Stop Second-Guessing, and Bring More Joy to Your Life
4.4 (962 ratings)
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What's Don't Overthink It about?

Don't Overthink It (2020) unveils the mental entanglements that come with constant rumination, highlighting how overthinking can rob us of time and precious moments. Drawing on her own experience as an overthinker, Anne Bogel provides readers with tangible solutions to break free from the chains of repetitive, negative thought patterns. 

Who should read Don't Overthink It?

  • Individuals seeking personal growth
  • Avid readers of self-help and personal development
  • Admirers of Anne Bogel's work

Decision-Making Books: Transitions by William Bridges


William Bridges
Making Sense of Life's Changes
4.3 (75 ratings)
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What's Transitions about?

Transitions (1980) serves as a comprehensive roadmap for managing life's changes, breaking down the process into three pivotal phases: the ending, the neutral zone, and the new beginning. It offers simple yet impactful strategies for navigating each phase effectively.

Who should read Transitions?

  • Anyone who’s about to initiate a major change in their life
  • Anyone who’s been shaken by a change they didn’t see coming
  • Anyone who wants to support a friend going through major life changes

Decision-Making Books: Playing to Win by A.G. Lafley & Roger L. Martin

Playing to Win

A.G. Lafley & Roger L. Martin
How Strategy Really Works
3.6 (362 ratings)
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What's Playing to Win about?

Playing to Win (2013) introduces a strategic framework that illustrates how companies can achieve success by making deliberate and well-considered choices. It delves into the "Five Choices Framework," detailing essential decisions that leaders must make to develop winning strategies. Using real-world examples, it emphasizes that a disciplined approach to strategy can create sustainable competitive advantage and turn companies into industry leaders.

Who should read Playing to Win?

  • Entrepreneurs looking to refine their business strategy for market dominance
  • Business students curious about practical strategic frameworks used by leading corporations
  • Start-up founders looking to position their ventures for success in competitive markets

Decision-Making Books: Leadership on the Line by Ronald A. Heifetz & Marty Linsky

Leadership on the Line

Ronald A. Heifetz & Marty Linsky
Staying Alive Through the Dangers of Change
3.5 (29 ratings)
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What's Leadership on the Line about?

Leadership on the Line (2002) explores the challenges and risks inherent in leadership roles, with a focus on leading through significant and often contentious change. Through numerous examples and metaphors, it offers strategies for leaders to enact meaningful change, practice adaptive leadership, and maintain resilience in any scenario.

Who should read Leadership on the Line?

  • Managers seeking to implement transformative change within their teams 
  • Emerging leaders looking to develop strategic insights into handling new leadership roles
  • Educators aspiring to instill leadership principles and adaptive problem-solving skills in their students

Decision-Making Books: Financial Intelligence by Karen Berman & Joe Knigh with John Case

Financial Intelligence

Karen Berman & Joe Knigh with John Case
A Manager's Guide to Knowing What the Numbers Really Mean
3.7 (261 ratings)
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What's Financial Intelligence about?

Financial Intelligence (2006) is an indispensable guide for managers seeking to interpret financial data. It’s known to be one of the clearest and most practical resources for decision makers without a background in finance.

Who should read Financial Intelligence?

  • Managers who need to make numbers-based decisions
  • Entrepreneurs who want to make the numbers work for them
  • Anyone who’s ever stared in confusion at an income statement

Decision-Making Books: 10 Leadership Virtues for Disruptive Times by Tom Ziglar

10 Leadership Virtues for Disruptive Times

Tom Ziglar
Coaching Your Team Through Immense Change and Challenge
4.5 (15 ratings)
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What's 10 Leadership Virtues for Disruptive Times about?

10 Leadership Virtues for Disruptive Times (2021) provides a framework for leaders navigating major change, concentrating on core virtues such as kindness, humility, and respect. Ziglar’s insights advocate for a Coach Leadership style that cultivates each team member’s unique dreams and abilities, ensuring that businesses thrive even in difficult times.

Who should read 10 Leadership Virtues for Disruptive Times?

  • Modern motivators
  • Team-centric visionaries
  • Digital desk directors

Decision-Making Books: Think Twice by Michael J. Mauboussin

Think Twice

Michael J. Mauboussin
Harnessing the Power of Counterintuition
3.8 (200 ratings)
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What's Think Twice about?

Think Twice (2012) examines the hidden cognitive biases and mental shortcuts that routinely impair our judgment. It also provides concrete steps to counteract ingrained thinking and adopt a clear-eyed approach to making choices.

Who should read Think Twice?

  • Investors looking to avoid costly cognitive biases
  • Professionals who want to improve their decision-making
  • Students of psychology, economics, and human behavior

Decision-Making Books: Relational Intelligence by Dharius Daniels

Relational Intelligence

Dharius Daniels
The People Skills You Need for the Life of Purpose You Want
3.5 (115 ratings)
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What's Relational Intelligence about?

Relational Intelligence (2020) is a roadmap to help you navigate the intricacies of human relationships with wisdom. It delves into the art of categorizing, evaluating, and realigning relationships, offering tools and insights for fostering connections that are both meaningful and beneficial. With a touch of humor and a plethora of practical advice, it turns the often daunting task of relationship management into an achievable and even enjoyable endeavor.

Who should read Relational Intelligence?

  • Individuals who desire deeper relationships
  • Spiritual seekers looking for social harmony
  • Leaders navigating team dynamics

Decision-Making Books: The Art of Clear Thinking by Hasard Lee

The Art of Clear Thinking

Hasard Lee
A Stealth Fighter Pilot's Timeless Rules for Making Tough Decisions
3.7 (587 ratings)
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What's The Art of Clear Thinking about?

The Art of Clear Thinking (2023) is a practical guide to decision-making as seen through the lens of a US fighter pilot. It introduces readers to the ACE Helix framework employed by those engaged in air combat while prompting you to consider how the underlying principles could be of benefit in your own life. 

Who should read The Art of Clear Thinking?

  • Key decision-makers in any field
  • Individuals keen to improve their ability to think clearly and critically 
  • People interested in military operations

Decision-Making Books: Narrative and Numbers by Aswath Damodaran

Narrative and Numbers

Aswath Damodaran
The Value of Stories in Business
3.7 (28 ratings)
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What's Narrative and Numbers about?

Narrative and Numbers (2017) explores the role of storytelling and quantitative analysis in determining corporate valuations. It reveals how narratives may greatly influence financial models and projections, using real-world examples ranging from Uber to Vale, and including Twitter and Facebook's diverging paths.

Who should read Narrative and Numbers?

  • Savvy market strategists
  • Story-driven executives
  • Pragmatic finance scholars

Decision-Making Books: The Upside of Uncertainty by Nathan Furr & Susannah Harmon Furr

The Upside of Uncertainty

Nathan Furr & Susannah Harmon Furr
A Guide to Finding Possibility in the Unknown
3.7 (131 ratings)
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What's The Upside of Uncertainty about?

The Upside of Uncertainty (2022) challenges you to transform your approach to the unknown. You're invited to shift from dread to discovery, learning to harness the potential within uncertainty to forge a path rich with innovation and personal growth. You'll emerge more resilient, creative, and ready to turn the unforeseen into opportunity.

Who should read The Upside of Uncertainty?

  • Entrepreneurs facing the challenges of new ventures
  • Corporate leaders seeking innovative approaches to change management
  • Personal development enthusiasts embracing growth through life transitions

Decision-Making Books: Leadership Two Words at a Time by Bill Treasurer

Leadership Two Words at a Time

Bill Treasurer
Simple Truths for Leading Complicated People
4.1 (235 ratings)
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What's Leadership Two Words at a Time about?

Leadership Two Words at a Time (2022) is a simple, practical guide to leadership. Following two-word instructions such as “create trust,” you can become a better leader – inspiring others and improving your work environment.

Who should read Leadership Two Words at a Time?

  • New leaders
  • Experienced leaders who want to learn something new
  • Anyone who wants to make their workplace a better place

Decision-Making Books: Decisions about Decisions by Cass R. Sunstein

Decisions about Decisions

Cass R. Sunstein
Practical Reason in Ordinary Life
4.0 (296 ratings)
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What's Decisions about Decisions about?

Decisions About Decisions (2023) digs into the delicate process of how people make decisions big and small. It reveals the emotional and cognitive mechanisms hidden beneath decision-making methods and the effects of various strategies, showing how our judgments impact our ideas, values, and behaviors.

Who should read Decisions about Decisions?

  • Strategic leaders
  • Curious self-improvers
  • People interested in behavioral economics

Decision-Making Books: How to Win at Chess by Levy Rozman

How to Win at Chess

Levy Rozman
The Ultimate Guide for Beginners and Beyond
3.6 (60 ratings)
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What's How to Win at Chess about?

How to Win at Chess (2021) is a comprehensive beginner-oriented guide to the ancient game of chess. Packed with insights into openings, endings, tactics, and strategy, it provides a clear, structured path for players to get to grips with the fundamentals of the game, and build on their skills.

Who should read How to Win at Chess?

  • Beginners wanting to learn fundamental chess strategies
  • Chess players aiming to improve their tactics and gameplay
  • Fans of GothamChess’s YouTube channel

Decision-Making Books: The Trusted Advisor Fieldbook by Charles H. Green & Andrea P. Howe

The Trusted Advisor Fieldbook

Charles H. Green & Andrea P. Howe
A Comprehensive Toolkit for Leading with Trust
4.1 (31 ratings)
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What's The Trusted Advisor Fieldbook about?

The Trusted Advisor Fieldbook (2011) is a guide to building and maintaining robust professional relationships. Filled with actionable insights and real-world examples, it equips you with strategies to enhance your credibility, deepen trust with clients and colleagues, and master the art of empathetic communication. Whether you're navigating complex partnerships or seeking to build rapport quickly, this resource is your roadmap to becoming an indispensable advisor in your field.

Who should read The Trusted Advisor Fieldbook?

  • Business consultants seeking enhanced client relationship strategies
  • Sales professionals aiming to build deeper trust with clients
  • Corporate leaders focused on fostering a culture of trust

Decision-Making Books: Managing Transitions by William Bridges & Susan Bridges

Managing Transitions

William Bridges & Susan Bridges
Making the Most of Change
3.8 (119 ratings)
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What's Managing Transitions about?

Managing Transitions (1991) delves into the critical difference between change and transition, emphasizing that successful change hinges on managing the psychological transitions of those involved. It offers practical strategies for helping people adapt to change, underscoring the importance of understanding and addressing the human side of transition to ensure organizational success.

Who should read Managing Transitions?

  • Business owners and managers preparing for a change
  • Business leaders with a big plan for the future 
  • Anyone facing resistance to organizational change

Decision-Making Books: Your Next Five Moves by Patrick Bet-David

Your Next Five Moves

Patrick Bet-David
Master the Art of Business Strategy
3.9 (25 ratings)
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What's Your Next Five Moves about?

Your Next Five Moves (2020) focuses on strategic thinking and how to master the art of anticipating future challenges and opportunities. It provides guidance on clarifying goals, understanding oneself and others, and developing a step-by-step plan to achieve success in business and life.  Through practical insights and actionable strategies, it empowers individuals to think multiple steps ahead and make informed decisions that drive long-term success.

Who should read Your Next Five Moves?

  • Aspiring entrepreneurs seeking strategic guidance and business success
  • Business leaders looking to refine their decision-making skills
  • Anyone interested in mastering long-term planning and foresight

Decision-Making Books: Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Defoe

Robinson Crusoe

Daniel Defoe
3.9 (47 ratings)
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What's Robinson Crusoe about?

Robinson Crusoe (1719) is a tale of a man who spends 28 years on a remote tropical island near Trinidad. He faces solitude, crafting his survival from his shipwreck’s remains, and encounters cannibals, captives, and mutineers before he is finally rescued.

Who should read Robinson Crusoe?

  • Adventure literature lovers
  • Students of English literature
  • Fans of survival stories

Decision-Making Books: Don't Believe Everything You Think by Joseph Nguyen

Don't Believe Everything You Think

Joseph Nguyen
Why Your Thinking is the Beginning & End of Suffering
4.5 (359 ratings)
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What's Don't Believe Everything You Think about?

Don’t Believe Everything You Think (2022) is a guide to overcoming anxiety, self-doubt, and self-sabotage. Rejecting feel-good clichés about motivation and willpower, it draws on timeless Buddhist wisdom to demonstrate how thinking entangles us in a life of suffering – and how we can free ourselves from that trap. 

Who should read Don't Believe Everything You Think?

  • Overthinkers and self-sabotagers
  • Anyone interested in Buddhist perspectives on pain and suffering
  • Spiritual seekers and explorers  

Decision-Making Books: The Intelligence Trap by David Robson

The Intelligence Trap

David Robson
Why Smart People Make Dumb Mistakes
3.7 (231 ratings)
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What's The Intelligence Trap about?

The Intelligence Trap (2019) presents a compelling argument that high intelligence does not always equate to good thinking. In fact, intelligence can lead to significant mistakes, and intelligent people can fall into the trap of simplistic reasoning. As a solution, it offers strategies to cultivate wisdom and make better decisions, stressing the importance of intellectual humility, critical thinking, and the ability to learn from mistakes. 

Who should read The Intelligence Trap?

  • Educators and academics
  • Students and lifelong learners
  • Anyone interested in self-improvement

Decision-Making Books: The Leader's Guide to Managing Risk by K. Scott Griffith

The Leader's Guide to Managing Risk

K. Scott Griffith
A Proven Method to Build Resilience and Reliability
4.7 (7 ratings)
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What's The Leader's Guide to Managing Risk about?

The Leader’s Guide to Managing Risk (2023) explores the unpredictable risks threatening businesses and provides strategies for navigating uncertainty successfully. It teaches you to build resilience and reliability into organizational culture, focusing on how people and systems interact and how to collaboratively manage risks for sustainable results. It offers a multidisciplinary approach to improving everyday life and business operations through the sequence of reliability.

Who should read The Leader's Guide to Managing Risk?

  • Business leaders seeking sustainable operational excellence
  • Risk management consultants and strategists
  • Organizational development and culture-change advocates

Decision-Making Books: Positive Chaos by Dan Thurmon

Positive Chaos

Dan Thurmon
Transform Crisis Into Clarity and Advantage
3.9 (80 ratings)
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What's Positive Chaos about?

Positive Chaos (2023) delves into the complexities and paradoxical benefits of chaos. Drawing on groundbreaking research, it shows how to transform chaos from a disruptive force into a catalyst for personal development.

Who should read Positive Chaos?

  • Individuals seeking strategies to thrive in chaotic environments
  • Leaders aiming to enhance their skills in unpredictable times
  • Professionals interested in personal and workplace growth

Decision-Making Books: A New Way To Think by Roger L. Martin

A New Way To Think

Roger L. Martin
Your Guide to Superior Management Effectiveness
3.3 (51 ratings)
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What's A New Way To Think about?

A New Way To Think (2011) presents a paradigm shift, arguing that companies could achieve sustainable success and shareholder returns by prioritizing customer satisfaction over the traditional focus on maximizing shareholder value.

Who should read A New Way To Think?

  • Business leaders
  • Shareholders
  • Customer experience advocates

Decision-Making Books: Real-Time Leadership by David Noble & Carol Kauffman

Real-Time Leadership

David Noble & Carol Kauffman
Find Your Winning Moves When the Stakes Are High
3.7 (30 ratings)
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What's Real-Time Leadership about?

Real-Time Leadership (2021) dives into how leaders can make quick and strategic decisions during high stakes situations using the practical M-O-V-E framework.

Who should read Real-Time Leadership?

  • Emerging leaders
  • Experienced decision-makers
  • Individuals in high-stakes roles

Decision-Making Books: Effective Decision-Making by Edoardo Binda Zane

Effective Decision-Making

Edoardo Binda Zane
How to Make Better Decisions Under Uncertainty and Pressure
3.5 (59 ratings)
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What's Effective Decision-Making about?

Effective Decision-Making (2016) explores the art and science of making better decisions amidst the challenges of uncertainty and pressure. It provides you with a comprehensive toolkit for improving decision-making processes, focusing on techniques that foster critical thinking, strategic analysis, and collaborative problem-solving.

Who should read Effective Decision-Making?

  • Managers and executives who need to make the big calls
  • Entrepreneurs who want to make quick and effective decisions 
  • Brainstormers looking to up their game

Decision-Making Books: How to Walk into a Room by Emily P. Freeman

How to Walk into a Room

Emily P. Freeman
The Art of Knowing When to Stay and When to Walk Away
3.8 (261 ratings)
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What's How to Walk into a Room about?

How to Walk Into a Room (2024) talks about the big decisions in life and how to make them. Learn how to assess your life, make a plan on how to change things that aren’t working for you, and put that plan into action. 

Who should read How to Walk into a Room?

  • Anyone facing a pivotal moment in their life
  • Procrastinators looking to make a big move
  • People looking for a push forward in life

Decision-Making Books: Move by Move by Maurice Ashley

Move by Move

Maurice Ashley
Life Lessons on and Off the Chessboard
4.6 (202 ratings)
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What's Move by Move about?

Move by Move (2024) explores the profound lessons learned from over four decades playing chess, illustrating how the game fosters critical thinking, resilience, and strategic acumen. It reveals how chess transcends mere gameplay, offering invaluable wisdom applicable to navigating life's challenges and pursuing success.

Who should read Move by Move?

  • Chess aficionados
  • Sports fanatics
  • People eager to raise their game in life

Decision-Making Books: 101 Questions to Ask Before You Get Engaged by H. Norman Wright

101 Questions to Ask Before You Get Engaged

H. Norman Wright
4.0 (105 ratings)
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What's 101 Questions to Ask Before You Get Engaged about?

101 Questions to Ask Before You Get Engaged (2004) aims to deepen the understanding between partners contemplating marriage through a series of insightful questions. It covers a wide range of topics, from personal values and life goals to opinions on finance, parenting, and handling conflicts, encouraging couples to explore their compatibility and future expectations together.

Who should read 101 Questions to Ask Before You Get Engaged?

  • Couples who wish to become engaged
  • Marriage counselors and relationship therapists
  • Individuals interested in personal growth and communication

Decision-Making Books: You Need a Budget by Jesse Mecham

You Need a Budget

Jesse Mecham
The Proven System for Breaking the Paycheck-to-Paycheck Cycle, Getting Out of Debt, and Living the Life You Want
4.3 (179 ratings)
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What's You Need a Budget about?

You Need a Budget (2017) is a practical guide to managing personal finances through a unique, four-rule method. It will teach you how to break the paycheck-to-paycheck cycle, gain control over your money, and achieve your financial goals by giving every dollar a job. It emphasizes proactive budgeting, adjusting to financial changes, and building a healthier relationship with money to enhance your overall life satisfaction.

Who should read You Need a Budget?

  • Students or young professionals building their first budget 
  • Professionals who want to demystify their finances
  • Anyone sick of living paycheck-to-paycheck

Decision-Making Books: Stop Checking Your Likes by Susie Moore

Stop Checking Your Likes

Susie Moore
Shake Off the Need for Approval and Live an Incredible Life
4.4 (123 ratings)
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What's Stop Checking Your Likes about?

Stop Checking Your Likes (2020) is a practical guidebook focused on liberating individuals from the constraints of external approval. It offers actionable advice and mindset shifts to foster a life filled with confidence, joy, and ease, encouraging readers to pursue their desires without hesitation, regardless of their current struggles with self-doubt.

Who should read Stop Checking Your Likes?

  • Individuals seeking freedom from external validation and approval
  • Anyone wanting practical advice on boosting self-confidence
  • Readers looking for actionable personal and professional growth strategies

Decision-Making Books: The Problem with Change by Ashley Goodall

The Problem with Change

Ashley Goodall
And the Essential Nature of Human Performance
4.1 (14 ratings)
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What's The Problem with Change about?

The Problem With Change (2024) argues that the constant disruption pursued by corporate leaders isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. It reveals how perpetual upheaval exerts a psychological toll that undermines motivation, productivity, and performance, offering strategies that you can use to create the stability needed to thrive.

Who should read The Problem with Change?

  • Employees who’ve been through the wringer of reorgs, layoffs, and strategic shifts
  • HR professionals seeking to advocate for the human side of change initiatives
  • Managers seeking to keep their teams engaged and motivated

Decision-Making Books: High Road Leadership by John C. Maxwell

High Road Leadership

John C. Maxwell
Bringing People Together in a World That Divides
4.7 (105 ratings)
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What's High Road Leadership about?

High Road Leadership (2024) is a guide for leaders who want to make a positive, lasting impact through integrity and generosity. It has insights and advice for anyone interested in becoming a successful leader who makes a meaningful difference.

Who should read High Road Leadership?

  • Managers and executives looking for inspiration
  • Anyone in a leadership position
  • People looking to have an impact on others

Decision-Making Books: When Panic Attacks by David D. Burns

When Panic Attacks

David D. Burns
The New, Drug-Free Anxiety Therapy That Can Change Your Life
4.2 (6 ratings)
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What's When Panic Attacks about?

When Panic Attacks (2006) provides insights and techniques for managing anxiety and panic attacks using cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). It offers a drug-free approach to treating anxiety disorders by identifying and challenging distorted thoughts, conducting behavioral experiments, and utilizing mindfulness and relaxation techniques.

Who should read When Panic Attacks?

  • Mental health professionals and therapists
  • Caregivers supporting someone with anxiety disorders
  • Individuals experiencing anxiety and panic attacks

Decision-Making Books: Beyond Getting By by Holly Trantham

Beyond Getting By

Holly Trantham
The Financial Diet's Guide to Abundant and Intentional Living
3.4 (21 ratings)
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What's Beyond Getting By about?

Beyond Getting By (2024) is a guide for those looking to integrate financial management with personal fulfillment, emphasizing the use of money as a tool to enhance life quality. It offers practical advice and exercises to help readers define their budget philosophy, negotiate for raises, and balance their personal and professional lives to avoid burnout​.

Who should read Beyond Getting By?

  • Women seeking to improve financial literacy and independence
  • Individuals interested in holistic financial and life planning
  • Professionals aiming to balance career and personal life

Decision-Making Books: The Art of Reading Minds by Henrik Fexeus

The Art of Reading Minds

Henrik Fexeus
Understand Others to Get What You Want
3.9 (148 ratings)
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What's The Art of Reading Minds about?

The Art of Reading Minds (2019) explains how we unconsciously reveal our thoughts and emotions through nonverbal cues, and provides practical tips rooted in cognitive psychology to decipher those cues and influence others’ thoughts and beliefs. By mastering the techniques outlined, we can heighten self-awareness, improve persuasion skills, and gain insights into what others are truly thinking and feeling.

Who should read The Art of Reading Minds?

  • Connection-seekers wishing to gain a deeper insight into other people’s thoughts and emotions
  • Communicators who want to use psychology and mentalism to improve their persuasive skills
  • Anyone who’s always wondered how mentalists “read minds”

Decision-Making Books: Ask by Jeff Wetzler


Jeff Wetzler
Tap Into the Hidden Wisdom of People Around You for Unexpected Breakthroughs in Leadership and Life
4.1 (84 ratings)
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What's Ask about?

Ask (2024) equips you with a practical method for uncovering others’ genuine thoughts and emotions, fostering smarter decisions and deeper connections. By addressing common communication barriers and providing essential questioning techniques, it empowers you to tap into people’s authentic perspectives effectively.

Who should read Ask?

  • Professionals who want to hone their communication skills
  • Individuals craving deeper interpersonal connection
  • Those intrigued by communication psychology

Decision-Making Books: Difficult Conversations Don't Have to Be Difficult by Jon Gordon & Amy P. Kelly

Difficult Conversations Don't Have to Be Difficult

Jon Gordon & Amy P. Kelly
A Simple, Smart Way to Make Your Relationships and Team Better
3.9 (141 ratings)
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What's Difficult Conversations Don't Have to Be Difficult about?

Difficult Conversations Don’t Have to Be Difficult (2024) is a practical guide to navigating challenging discussions. With a focus on work relationships, it provides a step-by-step method to approach difficult conversations with confidence, empathy, and skill. In doing so, it helps transform potential conflicts into opportunities for growth and positive change.

Who should read Difficult Conversations Don't Have to Be Difficult?

  • Anyone looking to improve their communication skills
  • Business leaders wanting to strengthen their interpersonal skills and build strong teams
  • HR professionals looking for additional strategies for handling conflict

Decision-Making Books: Practical Ethics by Peter Singer

Practical Ethics

Peter Singer
Uncover Key Ethical Questions Shaping Our Actions and Choices
4.2 (129 ratings)
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What's Practical Ethics about?

Practical Ethics (1979) explores how ethical reasoning can be applied to real-world issues and everyday decisions. It challenges readers to critically examine their moral assumptions, offering thought-provoking arguments on topics ranging from animal rights and abortion to global poverty and environmental responsibility.

Who should read Practical Ethics?

  • Philosophy lovers with an interest in ethics and society
  • Those interested in the ethical and moral implications of contemporary political rhetoric and governmental policies
  • Anyone interested in exploring their personal values and worldviews

Decision-Making Books: Anatomy of a Breakthrough by Adam Alter

Anatomy of a Breakthrough

Adam Alter
How to Get Unstuck When It Matters Most
4.2 (61 ratings)
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What's Anatomy of a Breakthrough about?

Anatomy of a Breakthrough (2024) uncovers the secrets to overcoming obstacles and creative blocks by looking at human nature and the habits of successful performers, thinkers, and creatives. It offers practical strategies that will break through barriers and transform your own habits by mastering the balance between experimentation and action.

Who should read Anatomy of a Breakthrough?

  • Anyone suffering from a creative block
  • Individuals seeking practical strategies to overcome career obstacles
  • Those interested in developing resilience and finding innovative solutions to life's greatest challenges

Decision-Making Books: Nobody Cares About Your Career by Erika Ayers Badan

Nobody Cares About Your Career

Erika Ayers Badan
Why Failure Is Good and Other Hard Truths
4.1 (129 ratings)
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What's Nobody Cares About Your Career about?

Nobody Cares About Your Career 2024) is a no-nonsense guide to taking control of your professional life. It challenges you to shift your mindset from expecting others to advance your career to actively creating value, following your vision, and embracing change as your opportunity for growth.

Who should read Nobody Cares About Your Career?

  • Recent graduates entering the workforce, or mid-career professionals looking to advance or change careers
  • Those in fast-paced, changing industries looking to be proactive
  • Anyone interested in personal development and professional growth

Decision-Making Books: Good Judgment by Richard Davis

Good Judgment

Richard Davis
Better Business Decisions with Human Personality Science
4.3 (40 ratings)
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What's Good Judgment about?

Good Judgment (2024) explores the science of personality within the context of organizational psychology to enhance decision-making in business environments. It offers strategies for accurately reading and understanding people, which helps companies hire suitable employees, improve workplace relationships, and resolve conflicts effectively.

Who should read Good Judgment?

  • Business leaders seeking to enhance decision-making skills
  • HR professionals focused on improving recruitment and team dynamics
  • Anyone interested in leadership

Decision-Making Books: Red Flags, Green Flags by Ali Fenwick

Red Flags, Green Flags

Ali Fenwick
Modern Psychology for Everyday Drama
4.3 (29 ratings)
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What's Red Flags, Green Flags about?

Red Flags, Green Flags (2024) is a guide for tackling tough relationship situations while keeping your sanity intact. Full of encouraging wisdom and actionable advice, it dives deep into the signs of good and bad behavior in interpersonal relationships, and how to handle both. 

Who should read Red Flags, Green Flags?

  • Anyone looking for healthier relationships at home, work, and play
  • Those on a journey of self discovery, ready to clarify their values and needs
  • Employees looking to create healthier office dynamics, and navigate tricky situations at work

Decision-Making Books: Leadership Strategy by Powerful Business Solutions

Leadership Strategy

Powerful Business Solutions
The Art & Science of Decision-Making
4.3 (28 ratings)
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What's Leadership Strategy about?

Leadership Strategy (2023) explores the mindsets and strategies of today’s boldest innovators, teaching you how to challenge assumptions and unlock creative breakthroughs. It offers actionable advice and real-world leadership examples to help you think exponentially, foster an entrepreneurial culture, and turn your transformational ideas into revolutionary realities.

Who should read Leadership Strategy?

  • Aspiring business leaders seeking visionary leadership strategies
  • Entrepreneurs aiming to innovate and disrupt their industries
  • Business professionals striving for transformative organizational change

Decision-Making Books: How to Stop Breaking Your Own Heart by Meggan Roxanne

How to Stop Breaking Your Own Heart

Meggan Roxanne
Stop People-Pleasing, Set Boundaries, and Heal from Self-Sabotage
4.3 (124 ratings)
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What's How to Stop Breaking Your Own Heart about?

How to Stop Breaking Your Own Heart (2024) guides you to rediscover yourself and grow. You'll learn how childhood shapes adult relationships, face fears holding you back, and set healthy limits. By trusting your gut and living purposefully, you'll create real connections and align your life with what matters most to you.

Who should read How to Stop Breaking Your Own Heart?

  • Self-improvement seekers
  • Anyone struggling with boundaries
  • Personal growth enthusiasts

Decision-Making Books: Start Now. Get Perfect Later. by Rob Moore

Start Now. Get Perfect Later.

Rob Moore
Make Quick, Smart Decisions, and Overcome Procrastination
4.3 (40 ratings)
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What's Start Now. Get Perfect Later. about?

Start Now. Get Perfect Later. (2018) offers a kick in the butt to anyone coping with procrastination and perfectionism. With actionable advice on decision-making, time management, and leveraging intuition, it empowers readers to start taking steps toward their goals today, rather than waiting for an ideal moment that may never come.

Who should read Start Now. Get Perfect Later.?

  • Anyone in need of motivation
  • People struggling with a fear of failure
  • Entrepreneurs with a good idea but little confidence

Decision-Making Books: The Ethical Imperative by Andrew Cooper

The Ethical Imperative

Andrew Cooper
Leading with Conscience to Shape the Future of Business
5.0 (1 ratings)
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What's The Ethical Imperative about?

The Ethical Imperative (2024) explores the role of ethics in modern business. It offers a treasure trove of narratives, strategies, and tools for leaders aiming to embed ethical decision-making within their organizations.

Who should read The Ethical Imperative?

  • Business leaders seeking to integrate ethics into their company culture
  • Entrepreneurs interested in sustainable, responsible business practices
  • Executives aiming to enhance organizational trust and integrity

Decision-Making Books: Principles by Ray Dalio


Ray Dalio
Life and Work
3.8 (30 ratings)
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What's Principles about?

Principles (2017) is a comprehensive guide on personal and professional development, based on the author's own experiences as the founder of Bridgewater Associates. Focusing on radical truth and transparency, the book emphasizes how having a set of core principles guiding every action can make decision-making an easy process, no matter what situation you’re in. 

Who should read Principles?

  • Managers who want to become better leaders
  • Entrepreneurs interested in starting their own business 
  • Readers curious about personal growth and improvement

Decision-Making Books: Ambition by Gilbert Brim


Gilbert Brim
How We Manage Success and Failure Throughout Our Lives
4.4 (14 ratings)
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What's Ambition about?

Ambition (1992) explores the psychology of striving, drawing on both research and real-life examples. It reveals how we constantly adjust our expectations after achieving success, quickly moving on to new goals without lingering on our accomplishments.

Who should read Ambition?

  • Personal and professional growth seekers
  • People struggling to balance their goals and fulfillment
  • Curious minds interested in motivational psychology

Decision-Making Books: On the Edge by Nate Silver

On the Edge

Nate Silver
The Art of Risking Everything
4.2 (23 ratings)
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What's On the Edge about?

On the Edge (2024) explores the world of risk-takers who shape modern life, from poker players and hedge fund managers to venture capitalists and crypto enthusiasts. It delves into the strategies and mindsets of those who thrive in high-stakes environments, offering insights into how they navigate uncertainty and use risk to their advantage. Through a blend of storytelling and analysis, it sheds light on the art of risk and its pivotal role in today's rapidly changing world.

Who should read On the Edge?

  • Entrepreneurs and business leaders facing strategic decisions
  • Investors looking to systematize their thinking
  • Anyone interested in understanding risk and uncertainty

Decision-Making Books: The Power of Not Thinking by Simon Roberts

The Power of Not Thinking

Simon Roberts
How Our Bodies Learn and Why We Should Trust Them
4.1 (113 ratings)
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What's The Power of Not Thinking about?

The Power of Not Thinking (2020) explores the concept of embodied knowledge – information unconsciously stored by our bodies. It explains how this tacit knowledge influences our decision-making and actions across various aspects of life, challenging readers to trust their instincts and physical intelligence.

Who should read The Power of Not Thinking?

  • Business leaders navigating complex industries
  • Those who marvel at artists’ and performers’ ability to improvise
  • Anyone interested in the body’s role in cognition

Decision-Making Books: Critical Thinking by Richard Paul, Linda Elder

Critical Thinking

Richard Paul, Linda Elder
Tools for Taking Charge of Your Learning and Your Life
4.2 (63 ratings)
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What's Critical Thinking about?

Critical Thinking (2013) explores how to enhance cognitive skills and decision-making abilities using basic principles of thinking. It offers guidance on overcoming cognitive biases, developing more logical reasoning, and applying these skills to all aspects of life, from careers to personal relationships.

Who should read Critical Thinking?

  • Professionals looking to improve their analytical and critical thinking skills
  • People wishing to release themselves from conditioned thought patterns and assumptions
  • Anyone seeking to open their mind and broaden their mental horizons

Decision-Making Books: Four Ways of Thinking by David Sumpter

Four Ways of Thinking

David Sumpter
A Journey Into Human Complexity
3.9 (34 ratings)
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What's Four Ways of Thinking about?

Four Ways of Thinking (2023) explores how mathematical concepts shape the way we approach problems and make decisions in everyday life. It delves into four distinct modes of thinking – statistical, interactive, chaotic, and complex – revealing how each perspective offers uniquely valuable insights. Through practical examples, it demonstrates how combining these methods can deepen our understanding of the world.

Who should read Four Ways of Thinking?

  • Mathematicians interested in practical applications of math 
  • Analysts and scientists seeking diverse problem-solving approaches 
  • Anyone looking to enhance their critical thinking and decision-making skills

Decision-Making Books: The Ten Commandments for Business Failure by Donald R. Keough

The Ten Commandments for Business Failure

Donald R. Keough
Avoid the Mistakes That Can Ruin Your Business
4.4 (66 ratings)
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What's The Ten Commandments for Business Failure about?

The Ten Commandments for Business Failure (2011) is a light-hearted “how-not-to” business guide that illustrates how companies prosper – or falter. Packed with insights into the pitfalls even seasoned executives overlook, it offers a unique perspective on the art of business. 

Who should read The Ten Commandments for Business Failure?

  • Business leaders seeking insights on avoiding common pitfalls
  • Entrepreneurs interested in learning from past corporate failures
  • Executives aiming to improve decision-making and leadership skills

Decision-Making Books: Negotiation Made Simple by John Lowry

Negotiation Made Simple

John Lowry
A Practical Guide for Making Strategic Decisions, Finding Solutions, and Delivering the Best Deal
4.7 (3 ratings)
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What's Negotiation Made Simple about?

Negotiation Made Simple (2024) is a practical guide to mastering the art of negotiation in both professional and personal contexts. The book outlines five essential skills that anyone can develop to become a more effective negotiator, transforming everyday interactions into opportunities for mutual benefit and long-term success.. 

Who should read Negotiation Made Simple?

  • Business professionals negotiating deals, contracts, and partnerships
  • Parents and partners dealing with conflict-resolution and decision-making
  • Anyone navigating complex stakeholder interests and building consensus

Related Topics

Decision-Making Books

What's the best Decision-Making book to read?

While choosing just one book about a topic is always tough, many people regard Blink as the ultimate read on Decision-Making.

What are the Top 10 Decision-Making books?

Blinkist curators have picked the following:
  • Blink by Malcolm Gladwell
  • Predictably Irrational by Dan Ariely
  • Nudge by Richard H. Thaler and Cass R. Sunstein
  • Decisive by Chip and Dan Heath
  • The Paradox of Choice by Barry Schwartz
  • Why We Make Mistakes by Joseph T. Hallinan
  • The Laws of Simplicity by John Maeda
  • First Things First by Stephen R. Covey, A. Roger Merrill and Rebecca R. Merrill
  • Risk Savvy by Gerd Gigerenzer
  • The Hour Between Dog and Wolf by John Coates

Who are the top Decision-Making book authors?

When it comes to Decision-Making, these are the authors who stand out as some of the most influential:
  • Malcolm Gladwell
  • Dan Ariely
  • Richard H. Thaler and Cass R. Sunstein
  • Chip and Dan Heath
  • Barry Schwartz