The best 37 Women's Health & Maternity books

Women's Health & Maternity are crucial topics shaping the well-being of women worldwide, covering everything from physical health to mental wellness during pregnancy and beyond. This book list delves into these intricate matters, offering valuable insights and expert advice for navigating the complexities of women's health.

Discover a collection that empowers you with knowledge to make informed decisions about your well-being and maternal journey. Dive into our selection today and prioritize your health and maternity experiences with confidence!

The best 37 Women's Health & Maternity books
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Women's Health & Maternity Books: Napoleon’s Buttons by Penny LeCouter & Jay Burreson

Napoleon’s Buttons

Penny LeCouter & Jay Burreson
How 17 Molecules Changed History
4.5 (76 ratings)
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What's Napoleon’s Buttons about?

Napoleon’s Buttons (2004) is all about the molecules that have guided the course of human history in the unlikeliest of ways. These blinks explore how major geopolitical and social changes can be traced back to the simple bonding of atoms in a molecule.

Who should read Napoleon’s Buttons?

  • People interested in the history of chemistry
  • Students of history who want a different perspective on world events
  • Anyone who’s intrigued by the ways everyday objects have changed world history

Women's Health & Maternity Books: The Art of Waiting by Belle Boggs

The Art of Waiting

Belle Boggs
On Fertility, Medicine, and Motherhood
3.1 (29 ratings)
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What's The Art of Waiting about?

The Art of Waiting (2016) details the social narratives surrounding birth, pregnancy and parenting. These blinks offer poignant personal anecdotes alongside historical examples to shift the spotlight onto the often unheard stories of adoption, in vitro fertilization and forced sterilization.

Who should read The Art of Waiting?

  • Expectant mothers
  • Couples struggling to conceive
  • Anyone considering adoption or in vitro fertilization

Women's Health & Maternity Books: Moody Bitches by Julie Holland

Moody Bitches

Julie Holland
The Truth About the Drugs You’re Taking, the Sleep You’re Missing, the Sex You’re Not Having, and What’s Really Making You Crazy
4.1 (65 ratings)
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What's Moody Bitches about?

Moody Bitches (2015) is your guide to the female body and brain. These blinks explain some of the reasons behind the emotions and fluctuating moods that women can experience and how they can better tune into themselves, embrace their feelings and their bodies.

Who should read Moody Bitches?

  • Women who are frustrated by their mood swings
  • Young girls who want to know more about their brains and bodies
  • Women who want to have better sex

Women's Health & Maternity Books: Flow by Elissa Stein and Susan Kim


Elissa Stein and Susan Kim
The Cultural Story of Menstruation
4.4 (23 ratings)
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What's Flow about?

Flow (2009) explores the historical and cultural context of menstruation. By doing so, it seeks to debunk the myths that surround periods and address the misperceptions people have of the basic bodily process of menstruation.

Who should read Flow?

  • Those interested in the history and cultural significance of menstruation
  • Women who are afraid to ask their friends and family about periods and sexual health
  • Women experiencing puberty or menopause

Women's Health & Maternity Books: Invisible Women by Caroline Criado Perez

Invisible Women

Caroline Criado Perez
Exposing Data Bias in a World Designed for Men
4.5 (249 ratings)
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What's Invisible Women about?

In Invisible Women (2019), Caroline Criado Perez argues that there is a “gender data gap” – that the bulk of the world’s data is based on male bodies and male behaviors. The result is a world that not only caters to men but often actively disadvantages women. Perez shows how the data underpinning everything from medicine and AI to the size of our smartphones fails to account for women’s needs. She explores the myriad problems this data gap causes and suggests how it might best be addressed.

Who should read Invisible Women?

  • Feminists of all genders
  • People interested in design, public policy, urban planning, AI and tech
  • Data scientists and analysts

Women's Health & Maternity Books: The Vagina Bible by Jennifer Gunter

The Vagina Bible

Jennifer Gunter
The Vulva and the Vagina: Separating the Myth from the Medicine
4.2 (70 ratings)
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What's The Vagina Bible about?

The Vagina Bible (2019is your comprehensive guide to everything to do with vaginas, vulvas and women’s health. Navigating the sea of online myths, advertising promises and sexist misinformation, gynecologist Jen Gunter is here to help you separate fact from fiction. From basic anatomy to proper maintenance, pregnancy, menstruation, STIs and more, The Vagina Bible will teach you not only what your vagina can do for you, but also what you can do for your vagina.

Who should read The Vagina Bible?

  • People with a vagina
  • People who spend time with people with vaginas

Women's Health & Maternity Books: Ask Me About My Uterus by Abby Norman

Ask Me About My Uterus

Abby Norman
A Quest to Make Doctors Believe in Women's Pain
4.8 (31 ratings)
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What's Ask Me About My Uterus about?

Ask Me About My Uterus (2018) explores one woman’s struggle with endometriosis. Shining a light on the devastating impact of this little-understood disease, these blinks also explore the sexism of the healthcare industry, which often compounds patients’ suffering. Drawing on personal experience and delving into scientific research, Ask Me About My Uterus explores the painful intersection of sickness and inequality.

Who should read Ask Me About My Uterus?

  • Women suffering from endometriosis
  • Healthcare professionals seeking a fresh perspective
  • Feminists looking for new insights

Women's Health & Maternity Books: Period Power by Maisie Hill

Period Power

Maisie Hill
Harness Your Hormones and Get Your Cycle Working For You
4.4 (100 ratings)
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What's Period Power about?

Period Power (2019) is your ultimate guide to periods, hormones, and reproductive health. Menstrual health practitioner Maisie Hill explains how your menstrual cycle influences your mood, sleep, and energy and shows how you can harness the power of your hormones to get the most out of each stage of your cycle. Drawing on science and personal experience, Hill equips you with the tools and knowledge to turn your “women’s problems” into period power.

Who should read Period Power?

  • People with periods who are ready to take charge of their menstrual health
  • Girls and women going through puberty, pregnancy, menopause, or other big hormonal changes
  • Non-menstruating people who want to understand their menstruating partners better

Women's Health & Maternity Books: HypnoBirthing by Marie F. Mongan


Marie F. Mongan
The breakthrough approach to safer, easier, more comfortable birthing
4.2 (110 ratings)
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What's HypnoBirthing about?

HypnoBirthing (1992) explores how expectant mothers can enjoy a more comfortable, joyful childbirth. These blinks provide simple hypnotherapy techniques that pregnant women can practice at home. They also uncover the guiding philosophy of HypnoBirthing and reveal how it can help women to have a natural, less painful birthing experience.

Who should read HypnoBirthing?

  • Expectant mothers
  • Partners or birth coaches of pregnant women 
  • Health care professionals looking for a fresh perspective

Women's Health & Maternity Books: Why We Can’t Sleep by Ada Calhoun

Why We Can’t Sleep

Ada Calhoun
Women’s New Midlife Crisis
3.7 (63 ratings)
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What's Why We Can’t Sleep about?

Why We Can’t Sleep (2020) explores the question of why American women from Generation X are experiencing a midlife crisis. These women were sold the story that nothing was stopping them from achieving their wildest dreams, when in reality they’ve faced enormous challenges to get ahead. Not only did they graduate into a disastrous job market, they also face gender and age discrimination and all too often end up having to care for young children and elderly parents simultaneously. Everything they’ve achieved has been against enormous odds. 

Who should read Why We Can’t Sleep?

  • Women born between 1965 and 1980 seeking affirmation for their exhaustion
  • People interested in how parenting has changed over generations
  • Economists interested in the human toll of stock market crashes

Women's Health & Maternity Books: Expecting Better by Emily Oster

Expecting Better

Emily Oster
Why the Conventional Pregnancy Wisdom is Wrong and What You Really Need to Know
3.9 (112 ratings)
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What's Expecting Better about?

Expecting Better (2013) gives moms-to-be peace of mind by cutting through the haze of pregnancy myths and laying bare the real facts. Author Emily Oster, a leading economist, challenges and reevaluates conventional wisdom so that you can make your own decisions for a happy and healthy pregnancy.

Who should read Expecting Better?

  • Expectant mothers or people planning a pregnancy
  • Anyone looking for concrete facts about pregnancy and childbirth
  • People overwhelmed by all the pregnancy decisions they need to make

Women's Health & Maternity Books: In the FLO by Alisa Vitti

In the FLO

Alisa Vitti
Unlock Your Hormonal Advantage and Revolutionize Your Life
4.4 (82 ratings)
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What's In the FLO about?

In the FLO (2020) outlines a way for women to eat, live, and work in sync with their monthly cycles. Author Alisa Vitti demonstrates how taking charge of your hormonal health can help you unleash your creativity, manage stress, and even improve your sex life.

Who should read In the FLO?

  • People with periods seeking to optimize their health
  • Females of all ages who feel drained or overwhelmed
  • Women who want to reclaim sovereignty over their bodies, relationships, and careers

Women's Health & Maternity Books: The Gynae Geek by Anita Mitra

The Gynae Geek

Anita Mitra
Your No-nonsense Guide to ‘Down There’ Healthcare
3.9 (31 ratings)
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What's The Gynae Geek about?

The Gynae Geek (2019) is a straight-talking guide to women’s health, led by gynecologist Dr. Anita Mitra. You’ll learn the answers to all the questions you never asked about anatomy, periods, sexual health, and fertility.

Who should read The Gynae Geek?

  • People with uteruses looking to understand their bodies better
  • Men who want to educate themselves on female anatomy
  • Shy people looking for answers to questions about the vagina and its functions

Women's Health & Maternity Books: The XX Brain by Lisa Mosconi

The XX Brain

Lisa Mosconi
The Groundbreaking Science Empowering Women to Maximize Cognitive Health and Prevent Alzheimer's Disease
4.6 (369 ratings)
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What's The XX Brain about?

The XX Brain (2020) is a practical guide to improving women’s brain health and preventing Alzheimer’s disease. Women are suffering from an Alzheimer’s epidemic, but so far the medical industry isn’t doing much about it. The XX Brain shows you how to take your health into your own hands, demand the medical treatment you deserve, and take concrete steps to help prevent the onset of Alzheimer’s. 

Who should read The XX Brain?

  • Women looking to proactively protect their brains from disease
  • Women who are forgetful and would like more mental clarity
  • Health professionals wanting to improve their approach to women’s healthcare

Women's Health & Maternity Books: It Starts with the Egg by Rebecca Fett

It Starts with the Egg

Rebecca Fett
How the Science of Egg Quality Can Help You Get Pregnant Naturally, Prevent Miscarriage, and Improve Your Odds in IVF
4.5 (61 ratings)
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What's It Starts with the Egg about?

It Starts with the Egg (2014) demystifies the science behind egg quality and how it impacts outcomes for fertility and pregnancy. In bringing together a range of reputable studies, it offers evidence-based advice on how to make simple lifestyle changes that will improve egg quality and optimize fertility.

Who should read It Starts with the Egg?

  • Prospective parents thinking about trying for a baby
  • Couples who’ve been trying for months without a positive pregnancy test
  • Anyone facing fertility challenges

Women's Health & Maternity Books: The Menopause Manifesto by Jen Gunter

The Menopause Manifesto

Jen Gunter
Own Your Health with Facts and Feminism
4.1 (60 ratings)
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What's The Menopause Manifesto about?

The Menopause Manifesto (2021) is your roadmap to health and happiness before, during, and after menopause. Despite being the most important transition for uterus-owners after puberty, menopause is shrouded in mystery and prejudice. This guide combats ignorance with scientific facts, expert advice, and a healthy dose of feminism. 

Who should read The Menopause Manifesto?

  • Menstruators and ex-menstruators
  • Science communicators and health educators
  • Anyone invested in women’s health

Women's Health & Maternity Books: The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding by La Leche League International

The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding

La Leche League International
3.8 (21 ratings)
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What's The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding about?

The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding (2010) is an updated version of the classic, definitive guide on breastfeeding. Based on the premise that breastfeeding should be the baseline standard of baby feeding, the book offers answers and techniques to both common and obscure breastfeeding challenges.

Who should read The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding?

  • First-time breastfeeders
  • Anyone pregnant and considering breastfeeding
  • Partner of a breastfeeding (or soon-to-be) mother

Women's Health & Maternity Books: Love Yourself Well by Lo Bosworth

Love Yourself Well

Lo Bosworth
An Empowering Wellness Guide to Supporting Your Gut, Brain, and Vagina
3.5 (21 ratings)
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What's Love Yourself Well about?

As a guide to optimizing female wellness, Love Yourself Well (2022) empowers women to take their health into their own hands. The book presents honest insights into the connection between the gut, brain, and vagina and promotes natural remedies for intimate problems.

Who should read Love Yourself Well?

  • Female health advocates
  • Women experiencing health problems they find difficult to talk about
  • Anyone curious about the connection between the gut, brain, and vagina

Women's Health & Maternity Books: The Fourth Trimester by Kimberly Ann Johnson

The Fourth Trimester

Kimberly Ann Johnson
A Postpartum Guide to Healing Your Body, Balancing Your Emotions, and Restoring Your Vitality
4.3 (22 ratings)
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What's The Fourth Trimester about?

The Fourth Trimester: A Postpartum Guide to Healing Your Body, Balancing Your Emotions, and Restoring Your Vitality (2017) is the ultimate resource for postpartum women who are navigating life with a newborn and want to discover how to reclaim their health, their bodies, and their spirits.

Who should read The Fourth Trimester?

  • New and expectant mothers
  • Women seeking to reclaim their bodies following a traumatic birth
  • Women suffering from postpartum depression

Women's Health & Maternity Books: The Galveston Diet by Mary Claire Haver, MD

The Galveston Diet

Mary Claire Haver, MD
The Doctor-Developed, Patient-Proven Plan to Burn Fat and Tame Your Hormonal Symptoms
4.3 (188 ratings)
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What's The Galveston Diet about?

The Galveston Diet (2023) is a science-backed diet program for women experiencing perimenopause or menopause symptoms. With a focus on science-backed approaches, this diet program includes a special meal plan designed for six weeks and a variety of healthy, delicious recipes. It is designed to help women in midlife improve their overall health and wellness while managing the challenges that come with this stage of life.

Who should read The Galveston Diet?

  • Women in their mid-30s and up
  • People who want to shed some pounds
  • Fitness enthusiasts looking to maintain their weight

Women's Health & Maternity Books: We're Pregnant! by Adrian Kulp

We're Pregnant!

Adrian Kulp
The First-time Dad's Pregnancy Handbook
4.1 (26 ratings)
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What's We're Pregnant! about?

We’re Pregnant! (2018) answers all those questions first-time dads scratch their heads over. It shows you how to tackle daily, weekly, and monthly tasks to provide strategic support to your partner throughout pregnancy and childbirth.

Who should read We're Pregnant!?

  • First-time dads seeking practical advice on how to support their partners during pregnancy and childbirth
  • Dads keen on acing the next pregnancy
  • Anyone trying to understand the challenges women experience during pregnancy

Women's Health & Maternity Books: Fast Like a Girl by Mindy Pelz

Fast Like a Girl

Mindy Pelz
A Woman's Guide to Using the Healing Power of Fasting to Burn Fat, Boost Energy, and Balance Hormones
4.5 (221 ratings)
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What's Fast Like a Girl about?

Fast Like a Girl (2022) empowers women to craft a fasting lifestyle based on their own personal hormone cycle. Learn how to harness your natural power by making fasting work with your body rather than against it.

Who should read Fast Like a Girl?

  • Women looking to get in touch with their hormones and cycle
  • Anyone who wants to harness their body’s natural power
  • People searching for a healthier way of eating

Women's Health & Maternity Books: Meals She Eats by Tom and Rachael Sullivan

Meals She Eats

Tom and Rachael Sullivan
Empowering Advice, Relatable Stories, and 25+ Recipes to Take Control of Your PCOS
3.8 (11 ratings)
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What's Meals She Eats about?

Meals She Eats (2023) combines practical advice on PCOS with easy-to-follow recipes to manage the disorder’s symptoms. Drawn from the authors’ own experiences, it shares lifestyle changes and strategies that have proven effective for them. 

Who should read Meals She Eats?

  • Women with PCOS
  • Women suffering from period-related issues 
  • Anyone who wants to eat healthier

Women's Health & Maternity Books: Divergent Mind by Jenara Nerenberg

Divergent Mind

Jenara Nerenberg
Thriving in a World That Wasn't Designed for You
3.9 (254 ratings)
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What's Divergent Mind about?

Divergent Mind (2020) is a groundbreaking look at neurodiversity in women and girls, with a particular focus on the impacts of late diagnosis and the overall lack of clinical research.

Who should read Divergent Mind?

  • Those seeking more information on neurodiversity and the ways it can manifest 
  • Anyone who gets overwhelmed by external stimuli from smells to sounds to surroundings – and wonders why
  • Synesthetes and sensitives looking for practical ways to make their world more accommodating

Women's Health & Maternity Books: The Handmaid's Tale by Margaret Atwood

The Handmaid's Tale

Margaret Atwood
4.5 (121 ratings)
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What's The Handmaid's Tale about?

The Handmaid’s Tale (1985) is a contemporary classic – the story of a patriarchal dystopia that inspired the hit television series of the same name and remains as relevant today as it did when it was first published.

Who should read The Handmaid's Tale?

  • Literature lovers who want to brush up on a modern classic
  • Feminists seeking an introduction to this iconic critique of the patriarchy
  • Speculative fiction fans who want to learn more about a notable literary dystopia

Women's Health & Maternity Books: Blue Hour by Tiffany Clarke Harrison

Blue Hour

Tiffany Clarke Harrison
A Novel
3.3 (9 ratings)
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What's Blue Hour about?

Blue Hour (2023) is a novel that explores motherhood, identity, and hope in an unraveling America. The story centers around an unnamed multiracial woman in New York, who’s struggling with personal loss and ubiquitous racial violence. When she unexpectedly becomes pregnant, she must decide what shape her future will take. 

Who should read Blue Hour?

  • Mothers and mothers-to-be
  • People who enjoy stories of love, loss, and hope
  • Those interested in themes of family, grief, and redemption

Women's Health & Maternity Books: Moms on Call by Laura Hunter & Jennifer Walker

Moms on Call

Laura Hunter & Jennifer Walker
Basic Baby Care 0-6 Months
4.3 (11 ratings)
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What's Moms on Call about?

Moms on Call (2012) offers invaluable insights from experienced nurses into the multifaceted world of parenthood. Dive deep into expert advice on sleep routines, feeding regimens, health challenges, and child safety. Empower yourself with tried-and-true strategies, ensuring confidence and calm on your parenting journey.

Who should read Moms on Call?

  • New parents seeking sleep and feeding routines
  • Caregivers wanting infant health tips
  • Pediatric nursing and childcare students

Women's Health & Maternity Books: The Hormone Shift by Tasneem Bhatia

The Hormone Shift

Tasneem Bhatia
Balance Your Body and Thrive Through Midlife and Menopause
4.3 (50 ratings)
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What's The Hormone Shift about?

The Hormone Shift (2023) is an empowering roadmap to managing hormone changes through all stages of life – especially menopause. With an East-meets-West perspective, it combines scientific knowledge and compassionate advice to help women understand and navigate the big hormonal transitions in their lives.

Who should read The Hormone Shift?

  • Women approaching or going through menopause who want to understand the changes in their bodies
  • Women of any age seeking natural solutions for hormone-related issues like PMS, irregular periods, and infertility
  • Anyone interested in integrative medicine and combining Eastern and Western medical approaches

Women's Health & Maternity Books: Eve by Cat Bohannon


Cat Bohannon
How the Female Body Drove 200 Million Years of Human Evolution
4.5 (121 ratings)
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What's Eve about?

Eve (2023) is a witty corrective to human evolution, spanning 200 million years of biology. Asking why science overlooked key questions about female bodies, it upends male-centric assumptions about how our species evolved. Ranging from wet nurses to C-sections, these musings will change what you think you know about evolution.

Who should read Eve?

  • Readers interested in evolutionary biology and the history of the female body
  • Feminists seeking greater scientific understanding of human evolution
  • Students and academics studying gender, reproduction, and human development

Women's Health & Maternity Books: Beyond the Pill by Jolene Brighten

Beyond the Pill

Jolene Brighten
A 30 Day Program to Balance Your Hormones, Reclaim Your Body, and Reverse the Dangerous Side Effects of the Birth Control Pill
4.0 (37 ratings)
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What's Beyond the Pill about?

Beyond the Pill (2019) is a guide to navigating the variety of health issues caused by the birth control pill. Whether or not women continue to take the pill, they can gain insight into their mental and physical health, and take active steps to feel better.

Who should read Beyond the Pill?

  • Women currently taking the birth control pill
  • Women who have recently stopped taking the pill, or who are thinking of stopping
  • Anyone interested in the effects of hormonal contraception

Women's Health & Maternity Books: A Radical Guide for Women with ADHD by Sari Solden, Michelle Frank

A Radical Guide for Women with ADHD

Sari Solden, Michelle Frank
Embrace Neurodiversity, Live Boldy, and Break Through Barriers
4.1 (35 ratings)
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What's A Radical Guide for Women with ADHD about?

A Radical Guide for Women with ADHD (2019) offers practical tools and insights for women navigating the challenges of ADHD while embracing their unique strengths. It explores how ADHD impacts various aspects of life, such as self-esteem, relationships, and personal growth, while providing strategies to help women manage their symptoms, build confidence, and live authentically with ADHD. Through self-acceptance and practical strategies, women with ADHD can live more fulfilling lives.

Who should read A Radical Guide for Women with ADHD?

  • Women looking for ADHD support and self-care tips
  • Anyone curious about ADHD's impact on women’s lives
  • Anyone who wants a better understanding of ADHD

Women's Health & Maternity Books: Women, Food, and Hormones by Sara Gottfried

Women, Food, and Hormones

Sara Gottfried
A 4-Week Plan to Achieve Hormonal Balance, Lose Weight, and Feel Like Yourself Again
3.5 (68 ratings)
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What's Women, Food, and Hormones about?

Women, Food, and Hormones (2021) explores the intricate relationship among diet, hormonal balance, and women’s health. It delves into how specific foods can influence hormone levels, providing a science-backed protocol for hormonal balance, losing weight, and feeling more energetic. 

Who should read Women, Food, and Hormones?

  • Women experiencing hormonal imbalances or menopausal symptoms
  • Health professionals specializing in women’s health and nutrition
  • Anyone interested in holistic approaches to diet and health

Women's Health & Maternity Books: It's Not Hysteria by Karen Tang

It's Not Hysteria

Karen Tang
Everything You Need to Know About Your Gynecologic Health (but Were Never Told)
4.0 (14 ratings)
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What's It's Not Hysteria about?

It's Not Hysteria (2024) sheds light on the most common issues and concerns around reproductive health. Even though these issues affect almost all people with a uterus throughout their lifetime, they’re still often misunderstood, misdiagnosed, or dismissed. This comprehensive guide empowers you to take control of your gynecologic health by providing information on common conditions and potential treatment options and giving practical tips.

Who should read It's Not Hysteria?

  • women and those assigned female at birth seeking to understand their reproductive health better
  • people experiencing menstrual abnormalities, pelvic issues, or other gynecological concerns
  • health-care providers looking to expand their knowledge of reproductive health conditions and treatment options

Women's Health & Maternity Books: The New Menopause by Mary Claire Haver

The New Menopause

Mary Claire Haver
Navigating Your Path Through Hormonal Change with Purpose, Power, and Facts
3.9 (62 ratings)
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What's The New Menopause about?

The New Menopause (2024) is a guide that empowers everyone to navigate the challenges and opportunities of menopause with confidence and grace. Through a combination of myth-busting, practical advice, and personal insights, it provides a comprehensive roadmap for optimizing physical, emotional, and mental well-being during this pivotal phase of life. 

Who should read The New Menopause?

  • Those going through menopause – or who anticipate doing so
  • Family and friends of someone going through menopause who want to provide support
  • Anyone seeking to better understand and empathize with the experiences of menopause

Women's Health & Maternity Books: Pixel Flesh by Ellen Atlanta

Pixel Flesh

Ellen Atlanta
How Toxic Beauty Culture Harms Women
4.2 (99 ratings)
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What's Pixel Flesh about?

Pixel Flesh (2024) examines the profound impact of modern beauty culture in the digital age, exploring how technological advancements have reshaped our relationship with appearance. It delves into the complexities of crafting online personas and the pressures of presenting idealized versions of ourselves, questioning whether this new paradigm truly empowers women or further entraps them in unrealistic standards.

Who should read Pixel Flesh?

  • Young women navigating the pressures of online self-presentation and beauty standards
  • Media and cultural studies scholars examining the impact of digital technology on self-image
  • Beauty industry professionals seeking to understand changing consumer attitudes and behaviors

Women's Health & Maternity Books: Abortion by Jessica Valenti


Jessica Valenti
Our Bodies, Their Lies, and the Truths We Use to Win
3.0 (15 ratings)
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What's Abortion about?

Abortion (2024) exposes the relentless conservative efforts to restrict women’s freedom, especially through anti-abortion legislation, offering a clear view of both overt and covert attacks on reproductive rights. It serves as a vital resource for both new and seasoned abortion advocates.

Who should read Abortion?

  • Activists seeking essential knowledge on the current reproductive-rights landscape
  • Health-care providers learning how legislation affects patients’ reproductive choices
  • Voters trying to stay informed on reproductive rights

Women's Health & Maternity Books: The Queen V by Dr. Jackie Walters

The Queen V

Dr. Jackie Walters

What's The Queen V about?

The Queen V by Dr. Jackie Walters is a groundbreaking book that delves into the often-taboo topic of women's reproductive health. With a blend of medical expertise and personal anecdotes, Dr. Walters empowers women to take control of their own bodies and destigmatize conversations about their reproductive health. From discussing common gynecological issues to providing practical advice, this book is a must-read for women of all ages.

Who should read The Queen V?

  • Women who want to understand and take control of their reproductive health

  • Those looking for practical and empowering advice on topics like sexual wellness, menstruation, and fertility

  • People who appreciate a candid and humorous approach to sensitive subjects

Related Topics

Women's Health & Maternity Books

What's the best Women's Health & Maternity book to read?

While choosing just one book about a topic is always tough, many people regard Napoleon’s Buttons as the ultimate read on Women's Health & Maternity.

What are the Top 10 Women's Health & Maternity books?

Blinkist curators have picked the following:
  • Napoleon’s Buttons by Penny LeCouter & Jay Burreson
  • The Art of Waiting by Belle Boggs
  • Moody Bitches by Julie Holland
  • Flow by Elissa Stein and Susan Kim
  • Invisible Women by Caroline Criado Perez
  • The Vagina Bible by Jennifer Gunter
  • Ask Me About My Uterus by Abby Norman
  • Period Power by Maisie Hill
  • HypnoBirthing by Marie F. Mongan
  • Why We Can’t Sleep by Ada Calhoun

Who are the top Women's Health & Maternity book authors?

When it comes to Women's Health & Maternity, these are the authors who stand out as some of the most influential:
  • Penny LeCouter & Jay Burreson
  • Belle Boggs
  • Julie Holland
  • Elissa Stein and Susan Kim
  • Caroline Criado Perez