The best 55 US Economics books

Diving into US Economics reveals insights crucial for understanding the country's financial landscape and global impact. Our book list serves as a practical guide, shedding light on complex economic principles and real-world applications.

Explore our collection for a well-rounded grasp of US Economics. Ready to unravel the mysteries behind economic trends and policies? Start exploring now!

The best 55 US Economics books
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US Economics Books: The Origin of Wealth by Eric D. Beinhocker

The Origin of Wealth

Eric D. Beinhocker
The Radical Remaking of Economics and What It Means for Business And Society
3.9 (84 ratings)
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What's The Origin of Wealth about?

The Origin of Wealth shows us the inadequacies of the economic theories that underpin our understanding of economics. The book argues that economic actors shouldn’t be seen as rational consumers that act on their self-interest. Rather, economics is best understood as a complex system of adaptation, similar to evolution, where products, ideas, and ideology compete for survival.

Who should read The Origin of Wealth?

  • Students and scholars of economic science
  • Anyone interested in economics, social sciences or business   
  • Business leaders, economists and politicians

US Economics Books: 23 Things They Don’t Tell You About Capitalism by Ha-Joon Chang

23 Things They Don’t Tell You About Capitalism

Ha-Joon Chang
3.9 (230 ratings)
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What's 23 Things They Don’t Tell You About Capitalism about?

In 23 Things They Don’t Tell You About Capitalism Ha-Joon Chang destroys the biggest myths of our current economic approach. He explains how, despite what most economists believe, there are many things wrong with free market capitalism. As well as explaining the problems, Chang also offers possible solutions which could help us build a better, fairer world.

Who should read 23 Things They Don’t Tell You About Capitalism?

  • Students of economics who are fed up with mainstream teaching
  • Anyone who takes an interest in the financial crisis and why nobody saw it coming
  • Anyone wondering why levels of inequality are so high

US Economics Books: Economics: The User’s Guide by Ha-Joon Chang

Economics: The User’s Guide

Ha-Joon Chang
4.3 (165 ratings)
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What's Economics: The User’s Guide about?

Economics: The User’s Guide lays out the foundational concepts of economics in an easily relatable and compelling way. Examining the history of economics as well as some critical changes to global economic institutions, this book will teach you everything you need to know about how economics works today.

Who should read Economics: The User’s Guide?

  • Anyone interested in the history of economics
  • Anyone interested in the intersection of politics and economics
  • Anyone who dozed through Economics 101 in college

US Economics Books: The Wealth of Nations by Adam Smith

The Wealth of Nations

Adam Smith
4.3 (1,130 ratings)
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What's The Wealth of Nations about?

The Wealth of Nations is a profoundly influential work in the study of economics and examines exactly how nations become wealthy. Adam Smith advocates that by allowing individuals to freely pursue their own self-interest in a free market, without government regulation, nations will prosper.

Who should read The Wealth of Nations?

  • Anyone who wants to understand the foundations of capitalism and the free market
  • Anyone curious about the core tenets of a fundamental work of economic theory

US Economics Books: Don’t Buy It by Anat Shenker-Osorio

Don’t Buy It

Anat Shenker-Osorio
The Trouble with Talking Nonsense About the Economy
4.1 (10 ratings)
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What's Don’t Buy It about?

Don’t Buy It (2012) explores the ways language influences our understanding of complex issues. Anat Shenker-Osorio brings her research and expertise to bear on a question that plagues progressives: why do conservatives always win economic debates in the United States, despite the deep inequality and structural injustice epitomized by the financial crash and the Great Recession? These blinks answer this question by analyzing the language employed on either side of the political spectrum.

Who should read Don’t Buy It?

  • Anyone who identifies as a political progressive
  • Anyone who’s interested in how language affects societies
  • Students of English, economics, sociology and politics

US Economics Books: PostCapitalism by Paul Mason


Paul Mason
A Guide to Our Future
3.9 (120 ratings)
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What's PostCapitalism about?

Postcapitalism (2015) offers a close examination of the failures of current economic systems. The 2008 financial crisis showed us that neoliberal capitalism is falling apart, and these blinks outline the reasons why we’re at the start of capitalism’s downfall, while giving an idea of what our transition into postcapitalism will be like.

Who should read PostCapitalism?

  • Capitalists and anti-capitalists
  • Students of sociology or politics
  • Anyone interested in what the future holds for modern-day societies

US Economics Books: False Economy by Alan Beattie

False Economy

Alan Beattie
A Surprising Economic History of the World
4.2 (168 ratings)
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What's False Economy about?

False Economy (2009) offers a fresh perspective on how and why some nations of the world have become economic powerhouses and others have ended up as financial disasters. You’ll see that nations aren’t handcuffed by fate. Rather, their economic success or failure is based on the choices they make.

Who should read False Economy?

  • Anyone interested in economics
  • Readers who want to learn about the politics of money
  • People interested in international business

US Economics Books: Two Nations Indivisible by Shannon K. O’Neil

Two Nations Indivisible

Shannon K. O’Neil
Mexico, the United States and the Road Ahead
4.1 (24 ratings)
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What's Two Nations Indivisible about?

Two Nations Indivisible (2013) tells the story of the United States’ relationship with its neighbor to the south: Mexico. These blinks explain the profound connections between the two countries as well as the misunderstandings that keep them apart, with an emphasis on political and economic relations.

Who should read Two Nations Indivisible?

  • Policy makers who want to understand more about the US-Mexico relationship
  • Educators and students interested in world politics
  • Americans and Mexicans hoping to understand each other better

US Economics Books: The Way Back by F.H. Buckley

The Way Back

F.H. Buckley
Restoring the Promise of America
3.3 (7 ratings)
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What's The Way Back about?

The Way Back (2016) offers an intriguing explanation of why the American dream is a long-lost concept. These blinks take a close look at the fundamental systems of the United States, from education to criminal justice, and reveal exactly how these systems have broken down and why they are in desperate need of repair.

Who should read The Way Back?

  • Public school teachers looking for insight into the school system
  • Entrepreneurs fighting bureaucratic red tape
  • Students of sociology and economics

US Economics Books: Saving Capitalism by Robert B. Reich

Saving Capitalism

Robert B. Reich
For the Many, Not the Few
4.0 (73 ratings)
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What's Saving Capitalism about?

Saving Capitalism (2015) is a biting critique of the world’s economic order but also an optimistic look into how capitalism could support the common good. These blinks will teach you how and why capitalism is failing most people, and where it needs to go to do right by the majority.

Who should read Saving Capitalism?

  • Economists and students of capitalistic systems
  • Anyone living and working in a capitalistic society
  • Activists and people fighting for social justice

US Economics Books: America’s Bank by Roger Lowenstein

America’s Bank

Roger Lowenstein
The Epic Struggle to Create the Federal Reserve Act
4.2 (33 ratings)
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What's America’s Bank about?

In America’s Bank (2015), you’ll discover the gripping story of the US Federal Reserve, or “Fed.” These blinks trace the history behind the development and unification of the American banking system and show the complex web of interests and players that continue to shape the system today.

Who should read America’s Bank?

  • Students interested in economics or politics
  • People interested in American history

US Economics Books: The WikiLeaks Files by Julian Assange (introduction)

The WikiLeaks Files

Julian Assange (introduction)
The World According to US Empire
4.3 (37 ratings)
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What's The WikiLeaks Files about?

The WikiLeaks Files (2015) provides fascinating and digestible insights from WikiLeaks, the organization that came to worldwide prominence with the release of 251,287 US State Department cables in 2010. These blinks paint a bleak picture of an American empire and its machinations.

Who should read The WikiLeaks Files?

  • Global citizens concerned with world affairs
  • Students of political science or international relations
  • Diplomats and others working in civil service

US Economics Books: Dark Money by Jane Mayer

Dark Money

Jane Mayer
The Hidden History of the Billionaires Behind the Rise of the Radical Right
3.9 (162 ratings)
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What's Dark Money about?

Dark Money (2016) is a chilling look behind the scenes of American politics, outlining how a small handful of the country’s richest people have been influencing the country’s political landscape since the 1970s. Far from a conspiracy theory, these are the cold hard facts of the powerful and immensely wealthy individuals behind the rise of today’s radical right-wing conservative movement.

Who should read Dark Money?

  • Students of political science and economics
  • Political junkies and newshounds
  • Readers struggling to grasp the layers and complexities of US politics

US Economics Books: Austerity by Mark Blyth


Mark Blyth
The History of a Dangerous Idea
4.3 (52 ratings)
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What's Austerity about?

Austerity (2013) cuts through the confusion behind our recent financial crises and reveals what really happens when economists call for a policy of austerity to be implemented. This is when budgets are cut, public funding is slashed and working-class families suffer so that banks can be saved and continue to make billions. Find out what’s really going on and who’s really being protected when your country gets pushed into austerity.

Who should read Austerity?

  • Students of political science and economics
  • Readers who want a better understanding of the recent banking crisis
  • Activists fighting against the top 1 percent

US Economics Books: Barbarians at the Gate by Bryan Burrough, John Helyar

Barbarians at the Gate

Bryan Burrough, John Helyar
The Fall of RJR Nabisco
4.1 (56 ratings)
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What's Barbarians at the Gate about?

Barbarians at the Gate (1989) tells the story of one of the largest corporate deals in US history, the leveraged buyout of RJR Nabisco. These blinks provide a gripping portrait of the extreme and extravagant behavior in corporate America during the 1980s.

Who should read Barbarians at the Gate?

  • Anyone working in finance or business who wants to learn about a legendary deal
  • Citizens appalled by the excesses of corporate America
  • Anyone enthralled by hostile takeovers and cutthroat dealings

US Economics Books: Economics for the Common Good by Jean Tirole

Economics for the Common Good

Jean Tirole
4.0 (71 ratings)
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What's Economics for the Common Good about?

Jean Tirole’s Economics for the Common Good (2017) is a wide-ranging look at the contemporary economy, packed with plenty of insights into the theory and practice of modern-day economics. Deconstructing the supposed opposition of state and market, Tirole explores their many interconnections in fields ranging from climate change to property rights and the new digital economy.

Who should read Economics for the Common Good?

  • Anyone interested in the how, what and why of economics
  • Proponents of free markets and advocates of state regulation
  • Anyone who’s ever wondered why climate change is so hard to tackle

US Economics Books: An American Sickness by Elisabeth Rosenthal

An American Sickness

Elisabeth Rosenthal
How Health Became Big Business and How You Can Take It Back
4.3 (55 ratings)
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What's An American Sickness about?

An American Sickness (2017) takes an honest look at the state of the American health-care system and frankly diagnoses its many ailments. When big business started taking over what were once charitable organizations, things began to go truly wrong. Rosenthal presents valuable information on how to reduce health-care bills and not get taken for a ride by greedy hospitals and over-prescribing doctors.

Who should read An American Sickness?

  • Americans, both healthy and sick
  • Workers in the health-care and insurance industry
  • Readers who want to save money

US Economics Books: Glass House by Brian Alexander

Glass House

Brian Alexander
The 1% Economy and the Shattering of the All-American Town
3.7 (26 ratings)
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What's Glass House about?

Glass House (2017) tells the cautionary tale of Lancaster, Ohio, a town that went from boom to bust over the course of the past fifty years. At the heart of this downfall is the Anchor Hocking glass factory, a major source of employment that turned into a bitter disappointment. This story is essential reading for anyone wishing to understand the current state of affairs in American society and politics.

Who should read Glass House?

  • Politicians and policy-makers
  • Students of history and American studies
  • People interested in the current state of American affairs

US Economics Books: Doughnut Economics by Kate Raworth

Doughnut Economics

Kate Raworth
Seven Ways to Think Like a 21st-Century Economist
4.1 (216 ratings)
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What's Doughnut Economics about?

Doughnut Economics (2017) is a call to arms for a fresh approach to economics. As inequality soars and environmental crisis looms, the book’s central question has never seemed more relevant. How can we build a just economic system that allows us to thrive while preserving the planet? A good place to start, Kate Raworth suggests, is to do away with the old myths that have shaped economic thinking for so long. Zeroing in on the doughnut-shaped “sweet spot” in which our needs can be sustainably met, this is a thought-provoking read which might just help save the world.

Who should read Doughnut Economics?

  • Anyone losing sleep over the Earth’s future as climate change kicks in
  • Economic innovators in search of new models for a new century
  • Fans of fresh thinking on big topics

US Economics Books: Edge of Chaos by Dambisa Moyo

Edge of Chaos

Dambisa Moyo
Why Democracy is Failing to Deliver Economic Growth – and How to Fix It
3.8 (63 ratings)
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What's Edge of Chaos about?

Edge of Chaos (2018) examines the key challenges that liberal democracies around the world are facing today. Aging populations, limited resources and increasing debt are all threats to these countries’ economic well-being – but so too are the “remedies” of short-term policies and protectionism. Author Dambisa Moyo examines that misguided agenda and presents a radical blueprint for economic growth in the twenty-first century.

Who should read Edge of Chaos?

  • Citizens concerned about Brexit and Donald Trump
  • Policymakers interested in rebuilding their political systems
  • Curious readers hoping to get a grip on global economic systems

US Economics Books: Capitalism and Freedom by Milton Friedman

Capitalism and Freedom

Milton Friedman
4.4 (604 ratings)
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What's Capitalism and Freedom about?

Capitalism and Freedom (1962) is one of the most influential discussions of the relationship between economic and political freedom to have ever been put to paper. Written at the height of the Cold War between Soviet socialism and Western capitalism, Milton Friedman argues that only free markets can guarantee liberty. His theory remains every bit as relevant and thought-provoking today as when it was first published.

Who should read Capitalism and Freedom?

  • Economics buffs fascinated by the intellectual history of the last century
  • Free-marketeers, classical liberals and libertarians
  • Opponents of free-market capitalism interested in the other side of the argument

US Economics Books: Utopia for Realists by Rutger Bregman

Utopia for Realists

Rutger Bregman
And How We Can Get There
4.4 (289 ratings)
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What's Utopia for Realists about?

Utopia for Realists (2016) is a call to arms for a radical rethinking of life, work and how society functions. It argues that the world enjoys unprecedented wealth and material comfort but is still full of problems, from soul-destroying jobs to inequality and poverty. We have the power to solve these problems and build a better future if we embrace utopian thinking.

Who should read Utopia for Realists?

  • Blue-sky thinkers
  • Socially engaged people who want to eradicate poverty 
  • Frustrated citizens who feel there must be a better way to organize our society and economy

US Economics Books: The Third Pillar by Raghuram Rajan

The Third Pillar

Raghuram Rajan
The Revival of Community in a Polarized World
4.5 (42 ratings)
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What's The Third Pillar about?

The Third Pillar (2019) traces the evolving relationship between the three “pillars” of human life – the state, markets and communities – from the medieval period to our own age. Economist Raghuram Rajan argues that, throughout history, societies have struggled to find a sustainable balance between these pillars. Today is no different: caught between uncontrolled markets and a discredited state, communities everywhere are in decline. That, Rajan concludes, is jet fuel for populist movements. But a more balanced kind of social order is possible.

Who should read The Third Pillar?

  • Anyone apprehensive about the rise of intolerant political movements
  • Historians and economists
  • Community organizers and neighborhood activists

US Economics Books: The Future of Capitalism by Paul Collier

The Future of Capitalism

Paul Collier
Facing the New Anxieties
3.9 (201 ratings)
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What's The Future of Capitalism about?

The Future of Capitalism (2018) offers a candid analysis of capitalism that calls for a return to communitarian ethics to mend rifts between families, communities and nations. Diagnosing the failings of modern liberalism, Paul Collier proposes the reintroduction into economic thinking of ethical concerns. He also suggests pragmatic policies that might forge a capitalism that works for everyone.

Who should read The Future of Capitalism?

  • Students of political science and economics
  • Policy makers interested in cultivating a new center left
  • Skeptics of capitalism’s potential

US Economics Books: The War on Normal People by Andrew Yang

The War on Normal People

Andrew Yang
The Truth About America's Disappearing Jobs and Why Universal Basic Income Is Our Future
4.5 (147 ratings)
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What's The War on Normal People about?

The War on Normal People (2018) reveals how America is on the brink of economic and social collapse due to technological advances such as automation and artificial intelligence. Painting a portrait of the reality that average Americans will increasingly face if mass unemployment is left unaddressed, author Andrew Yang proposes a vision to transform the economy by adopting a human-centered form of capitalism that begins with a universal basic income.

Who should read The War on Normal People?

  • Voters interested in learning about Andrew Yang’s ideas for America
  • Educated Americans who want to take on income inequality
  • Working-age people curious about the benefits of a universal basic income

US Economics Books: Good Economics for Hard Times by Abhijit V. Banerjee and Esther Duflo

Good Economics for Hard Times

Abhijit V. Banerjee and Esther Duflo
Better Answers to Our Biggest Problems
4.0 (238 ratings)
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What's Good Economics for Hard Times about?

Good Economics for Hard Times (2019) unflinchingly examines some of the most seemingly intractable problems we’re confronting today. Abhijit V. Banerjee and Esther Duflo argue that economics can provide new perspectives on how to solve climate change without hurting the poor, and also tackle social problems caused by rising inequality, global trade, and fear of immigration. 

Who should read Good Economics for Hard Times?

  • People who want to regain their faith in the usefulness of economics
  • Environmentalists who want a new perspective on how to save the planet
  • Workers who are worried about how immigration and trade will affect their jobs

US Economics Books: Hawai'i by Sumner La Croix


Sumner La Croix
Eight Hundred Years of Political and Economic Change
4.3 (41 ratings)
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What's Hawai'i about?

Hawai’i (2019) is a detailed history of the economic forces that have shaped Hawaiian society. Author Sumner La Croix traces the arc of commerce, from traditions first established in the twelfth century by Polynesian colonists to the modern Hawaiian state. Along the way, he examines what has changed and what has stayed the same.

Who should read Hawai'i?

  • Anyone interested in the dark side of paradise
  • Students of colonialism
  • Labor historians

US Economics Books: Americana by Bhu Srinivasan


Bhu Srinivasan
A 400-Year History of American Capitalism
4.4 (82 ratings)
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What's Americana about?

Americana (2017) traces the history of the USA from one key perspective: capitalism. Bhu Srinivasan shows how the development of the country has been closely bound up with the development of capitalism, from the New England colonies’ earliest days to the most recent innovations of Silicon Valley or Wall Street.

Named by The Economist as one of the best books of 2017

Who should read Americana?

  • American history enthusiasts
  • People interested in the economy past and present
  • Fans – or enemies – of capitalism

US Economics Books: One Billion Americans by Matthew Yglesias

One Billion Americans

Matthew Yglesias
The Case for Thinking Bigger
4.3 (37 ratings)
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What's One Billion Americans about?

One Billion Americans (2020) poses a provocative solution to America’s diminishing prosperity. Author Matthew Yglesias believes that by increasing its population to one billion, the nation could retain its position as the world’s top economic power. Yglesias puts forward a strategy to achieve this, while exploring the surprising benefits more people would bring.

Who should read One Billion Americans?

  • Voters concerned about America’s future
  • The economically curious
  • Americans seeking solutions to social challenges

US Economics Books: Talking to My Daughter About the Economy by Yanis Varoufakis

Talking to My Daughter About the Economy

Yanis Varoufakis
A Brief History of Capitalism
4.4 (195 ratings)
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What's Talking to My Daughter About the Economy about?

Talking to My Daughter About the Economy (2018) is a lucid and accessible account of our current economic system. This engaging primer explains what economics is, what it does, and why it became such a force in our everyday lives.

Who should read Talking to My Daughter About the Economy?

  • Political junkies hungry for accessible economic theory
  • Everyday citizens seeking to engage with politics
  • Anyone interested in understanding our current economic system

US Economics Books: Austerity by Alberto Alesina, Carlo Favero and Francesco Giavazzi


Alberto Alesina, Carlo Favero and Francesco Giavazzi
When It Works and When It Doesn't
3.9 (40 ratings)
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What's Austerity about?

Austerity (2019) uses data analysis to look at one of the most controversial topics in economics today. An analysis of several countries’ austerity policies over the past several decades reveals that cutting spending can actually help the economy expand.

Who should read Austerity?

  • Economists keen to learn more about austerity
  • Politicians looking to brush up on their economics
  • Anyone who wants to understand the numbers behind government policy

US Economics Books: Angrynomics by Eric Lonergan and Mark Blyth


Eric Lonergan and Mark Blyth
4.1 (112 ratings)
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What's Angrynomics about?

Angrynomics (2020) examines the growing atmosphere of anger around the globe. Part political theory, part social science, this approachable text diagnoses the cause of the rising resentment and proposes a few popular solutions.

Who should read Angrynomics?

  • News junkies seeking fresh takes on the current political climate
  • Activists wishing to understand popular movements
  • Anyone with an interest in where the world is headed

US Economics Books: American Crisis by Andrew M. Cuomo

American Crisis

Andrew M. Cuomo
Leadership Lessons from the COVID-19 Pandemic
3.6 (26 ratings)
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What's American Crisis about?

American Crisis (2020) is a candid retelling of how Governor Andrew Cuomo managed the COVID-19 crisis in one of the worst affected states in America: New York. It reveals the steps Cuomo took to steer New York through the early days of the pandemic in a country run by a president Cuomo sees as incapable of leadership. It also shows how real leadership requires honesty and transparency, clear communication, and compassion for others.

Who should read American Crisis?

  • Anyone interested in American politics 
  • Leaders of organizations who want to learn about crisis management
  • Those curious about how New York has fared throughout the crisis

US Economics Books: The Value of Everything by Mariana Mazzucato

The Value of Everything

Mariana Mazzucato
Making and Taking in the Global Economy
4.4 (159 ratings)
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What's The Value of Everything about?

The Value of Everything (2018) presents an argument for redefining value in the economy so that we can better understand who really creates value, and who extracts it.

Who should read The Value of Everything?

  • Economists eager for new ideas
  • Fans of politics in search of change
  • Lovers of radical ideas and ambitious visions

US Economics Books: The Economists’ Hour by Binyamin Appelbaum

The Economists’ Hour

Binyamin Appelbaum
False Prophets, Free Markets, and the Fracture of Society
4.3 (70 ratings)
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What's The Economists’ Hour about?

The Economists’ Hour (2019) is a compact history of how economists came to dominate our political discourse. This work traces the rise of neoliberal ideology from the 1960s to today.

Who should read The Economists’ Hour?

  • Political wonks wanting to parse the current climate
  • Citizens concerned about America’s rightward shift
  • Anyone asking, “how did things get so bad?”

US Economics Books: Wildland by Evan Osnos


Evan Osnos
The Making of America's Fury
3.3 (37 ratings)
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What's Wildland about?

Wildland (2021) recounts the story of how America became unraveled throughout the first two decades of the twenty-first century. Drawing on stories from residents of three US cities –⁠ Greenwich, Connecticut; Clarksburg, West Virginia; and Chicago, Illinois –⁠ it examines the undercurrents of change that tie together the fates of these varied landscapes. Finally, it describes how the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 laid the foundation for the violent insurrection on January 6, 2021. 

Who should read Wildland?

  • Americans trying to make sense of the changes in their country
  • Students of American politics and culture
  • Activists looking for a holistic picture of the grievances of average Americans

US Economics Books: The Dying Citizen by Victor Davis Hanson

The Dying Citizen

Victor Davis Hanson
How Progressive Elites, Tribalism, and Globalization Are Destroying the Idea of America
2.8 (681 ratings)
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What's The Dying Citizen about?

The Dying Citizen (2021) explores the ways in which modern American democracy is being weakened. Touching on issues like globalization and identity politics, it discusses how left-wing progressives are damaging the foundations of the United States. 

Who should read The Dying Citizen?

  • Conservatives looking for fresh insights
  • Fans of Donald Trump 
  • Anyone interested in politics and current affairs

US Economics Books: Lessons from the Titans by Scott Davis

Lessons from the Titans

Scott Davis
What Companies in the New Economy Can Learn from the Great Industrial Giants to Drive Sustainable Success
4.2 (49 ratings)
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What's Lessons from the Titans about?

Lessons from the Titans (2020) tells the stories of ten industrial companies in the United States. From General Electric to Boeing, Honeywell to United Rentals, it looks at which strategic decisions led to success and which disastrous missteps created new obstacles. By analyzing the past performance of such legendary businesses, it offers greater insight into which companies today will stick around – and which won’t. 

Who should read Lessons from the Titans?

  • Business gurus fascinated by economic shifts
  • Entrepreneurs looking to future-proof their companies
  • Economists curious about market shifts

US Economics Books: The Raging 2020s by Alec Ross

The Raging 2020s

Alec Ross
Companies, Countries, People – and the Fight for Our Future
3.8 (95 ratings)
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What's The Raging 2020s about?

The Raging 2020s (2021) is an autopsy of the American social contract, which once kept companies, governments, and individuals in stable harmony but has since broken down. In particular, it describes how the power of corporations has expanded in recent years while federal might has waned –⁠ and how the result is that companies have more control over people’s lives than ever before. We must work to restore the balance and write a new social contract for the modern age.

Who should read The Raging 2020s?

  • Citizens concerned about the increasing power of corporations
  • Current or aspiring politicians and activists
  • Anyone who sees the value in capitalism but thinks it can be improved

US Economics Books: Adrift by Scott Galloway


Scott Galloway
America in 100 Charts
4.3 (318 ratings)
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What's Adrift about?

Adrift (2022) argues that the United States is flailing, despite all its success and global dominance since World War II. It’s a country struggling to adapt to revolutionary changes in technology, facing deep economic and political divisions and threats of extremism, and quickly losing ground to rivals like China. Despite all of this, Scott Galloway still sees reason for hope, but first lays out what he sees as the biggest challenges facing the nation. 

Who should read Adrift?

  • Those who feel overwhelmed by the anger and divisiveness on social media
  • Investors who want to understand an evolving market
  • People wondering if higher education is worth their time

US Economics Books: It’s OK to Be Angry About Capitalism by Bernie Sanders

It’s OK to Be Angry About Capitalism

Bernie Sanders
3.9 (293 ratings)
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What's It’s OK to Be Angry About Capitalism about?

It’s OK to be Angry About Capitalism (2023) is a critique of the economic and political system in the US. It offers a blueprint on how to move past unbridled capitalism onto a fairer and freer future.

Who should read It’s OK to Be Angry About Capitalism?

  • Everyone interested in the idea of democratic socialism
  • Those who’d like to understand Bernie Sanders’s political agenda
  • Anyone concerned about inequality

US Economics Books: The Myth of American Inequality by Phil Gramm, Robert Ekelund & John Early

The Myth of American Inequality

Phil Gramm, Robert Ekelund & John Early
How Government Biases Policy Debate
3.9 (99 ratings)
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What's The Myth of American Inequality about?

The Myth of American Inequality (2022) corrects widespread misconceptions about inequality in the United States. Taking aim at misleading official statistics, it shows that poverty has all but disappeared in today’s America and that the gap between rich and “poor” isn’t nearly as large as many people assume. 

Who should read The Myth of American Inequality?

  • Politicos and policymakers
  • Historians and economists
  • Anyone interested in contemporary debates about economic justice

US Economics Books: Power Failure by William D. Cohan

Power Failure

William D. Cohan
The Rise and Fall of an American Icon
4.4 (233 ratings)
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What's Power Failure about?

Power Failure (2022) details the rise and fall of General Electric – once a great success story of international business.  But its legacy went badly awry, as even casual consumers of business news will remember. Power Failure: The Rise and Fall of an American Icon (2022) gives a startlingly detailed account inside the behemoth corporation, examining what went right – and then wrong.

Who should read Power Failure?

  • Anyone interested in the inside workings of business
  • Leaders who want to learn from the experience of CEOs going through difficult times 
  • Employees who want to better understand the forces at play inside the companies that dictate their future

US Economics Books: Profit Over People by Noam Chomsky

Profit Over People

Noam Chomsky
Neoliberalism and Global Order
4.4 (436 ratings)
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What's Profit Over People about?

Profit Over People (1999) is a deep dive into the often hidden world of neoliberalism, revealing how global power structures and US policies are influenced by corporate interests. You’ll be taken on a journey that uncovers an economic system geared toward the affluent, often to the detriment of the many.

Who should read Profit Over People?

  • Students of economics or international relations 
  • Policymakers and businesspeople
  • Curious minds interested in the way our world works

US Economics Books: Flash Boys by Michael Lewis

Flash Boys

Michael Lewis
A Wall Street Revolt
4.0 (226 ratings)
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What's Flash Boys about?

Flash Boys (2014) is an investigation into the dark underbelly of the US financial markets. It also chronicles the birth of a new stock exchange, the IEX, created to counteract a rigged system that was facilitated by technological loopholes and a lack of transparency.

Who should read Flash Boys?

  • Anyone who’s ever invested in the stock market
  • People interested in stories of financial corruption
  • Fans of underdogs who fight the system

US Economics Books: Innovation in Real Places by Dan Breznitz

Innovation in Real Places

Dan Breznitz
Strategies for Prosperity in an Unforgiving World
4.4 (30 ratings)
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What's Innovation in Real Places about?

Innovation in Real Places (2021) argues that the prevailing Silicon Valley model of growth creation has failed most cities and regions. Rather than chasing the chimera of becoming the next tech hub, communities should focus on identifying their niche in the global production process and fostering innovation based on their existing strengths. 

Who should read Innovation in Real Places?

  • Anyone interested in learning more about innovation and sources
  • People interested in economic development and entrepreneurship
  • Citizens and policy makers wishing to advance policies promoting growth and prosperity in their region

US Economics Books: Too Big to Fail by Andrew Ross Sorkin

Too Big to Fail

Andrew Ross Sorkin
The Inside Story of how Wall Street and Washington Fought to Save the Financial System - and Themselves
4.0 (108 ratings)
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What's Too Big to Fail about?

Too Big to Fail (2009) draws you into the heart of the 2008 financial crisis, revealing the high-stakes decisions and power struggles that shaped the world's economic landscape at that time. This gripping narrative untangles a complex web of financial intrigue, and will help you understand the forces that drove one of the most tumultuous periods in financial history.


Who should read Too Big to Fail?

  • Finance professionals interested in economic crisis insights
  • History buffs exploring twenty-first-century financial events
  • Business students studying real-world corporate strategy

US Economics Books: Milton Friedman by Jennifer Burns

Milton Friedman

Jennifer Burns
The Last Conservative
4.2 (152 ratings)
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What's Milton Friedman about?

Milton Friedman (2023) provides a nuanced biography of the influential free-market economist. Tracing Friedman's groundbreaking work across diverse policy areas, it explores his instrumental role in the rise of modern American conservatism and free market ideology. 

Who should read Milton Friedman?

  • Those looking to understand the roots of modern neoliberalism
  • Students of public policy and political history
  • Anyone interested in impactful, paradigm-shifting thinkers

US Economics Books: Leading Through Inflation by Ram Charan & Geri Willigan

Leading Through Inflation

Ram Charan & Geri Willigan
And Recession and Stagflation
3.9 (99 ratings)
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What's Leading Through Inflation about?

Leading Through Inflation (2022) explores the significant impact of inflation on businesses, emphasizing its role in consuming cash, squeezing margins, and disrupting forecasts and plans. It provides practical guidance and strategies for CEOs and executives to navigate these challenges, offering advice on how to thrive in an inflationary business environment.

Who should read Leading Through Inflation?

  • CEOs and senior business executives
  • Small business owners and entrepreneurs
  • Business School Students and Professors

US Economics Books: How to Listen When Markets Speak by Lawrence G. McDonald

How to Listen When Markets Speak

Lawrence G. McDonald
Risks, Myths, and Investment Opportunities in a Radically Reshaped Economy
3.8 (45 ratings)
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What's How to Listen When Markets Speak about?

How to Listen When Markets Speak (2024) explores strategies for interpreting the complex signals of financial markets to make informed investment decisions. It offers insights into the correlation between historical market events and current market behaviors, providing readers with the tools to predict and respond to market trends effectively. The guidance within emphasizes the importance of listening to and understanding the nuances of market data and economic indicators.

Who should read How to Listen When Markets Speak?

  • Financial analysts seeking market behavior insights
  • Investors interested in risk management strategies
  • Business students studying financial markets

US Economics Books: Free and Equal by Daniel Chandler

Free and Equal

Daniel Chandler
A Manifesto for a Just Society
3.7 (108 ratings)
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What's Free and Equal about?

Free and Equal (2024) offers a progressive roadmap for building a fair society by reviving the compassionate ideas of philosopher John Rawls. It makes a compelling case for a society reimagined to safeguard free expression, eliminate the influence of money in politics, and build an economy where everyone can thrive.

Who should read Free and Equal?

  • Progressives seeking a fresh perspective on addressing societal issues
  • Political philosophers interested in the contemporary relevance of John Rawls’s ideas
  • Policymakers searching for a framework to guide decision-making in the face of current crises

US Economics Books: Grow the Pie by Alex Edmans

Grow the Pie

Alex Edmans
How Great Companies Deliver Both Purpose and Profit
4.4 (78 ratings)
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What's Grow the Pie about?

Grow the Pie (2020) shows how businesses can thrive by creating value for society while also achieving sustainable profits. It reveals that companies prioritizing the well-being of all stakeholders often outperform those focused solely on shareholder returns. By presenting extensive research and real-world examples, it makes a compelling case that long-term success comes from growing the pie for everyone.

Who should read Grow the Pie?

  • Business leaders seeking sustainable growth strategies
  • Investors interested in long-term corporate performance
  • Academics studying corporate governance and responsibility

US Economics Books: The Shortest History of Economics by Andrew Leigh

The Shortest History of Economics

Andrew Leigh
Explore Key Economic Moments and Their Impact on Today’s World
4.1 (177 ratings)
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What's The Shortest History of Economics about?

The Shortest History of Economics (2024) explores the hidden economic forces that have shaped human history. It examines how capitalism and market systems emerged, linking economic developments to major historical events from the rise of agriculture to modern conflicts. 

Who should read The Shortest History of Economics?

  • Students seeking context for modern economic theories
  • Curious general readers interested in how economies evolve
  • Anyone who wants a new lens on human history

US Economics Books: Samuel by Robert J. Hastings


Robert J. Hastings
The Inspiring Story of How an Amish Boy's Tragedy Brought Two Worlds Together

What's Samuel about?

"Samuel" is a heartwarming novel that follows the life of a young boy named Samuel as he navigates the challenges and triumphs of growing up in a small town. Set in the 1950s, the book explores themes of family, friendship, and the power of community. Through Samuel's journey, the author beautifully captures the innocence and wonder of childhood, making it a captivating read for all ages.

Who should read Samuel?

  • Anyone seeking inspiration and motivation
  • People interested in personal development and self-discovery
  • Readers who enjoy introspective and reflective narratives

US Economics Books: War is a Racket by Smedley D. Butler

War is a Racket

Smedley D. Butler

What's War is a Racket about?

In "War is a Racket," Smedley D. Butler, a retired United States Marine Corps Major General, exposes the true motives behind war and the military-industrial complex. He argues that war is often driven by profit and serves the interests of a small group of wealthy individuals and corporations. Butler's book sheds light on the hidden realities of war and calls for a reevaluation of our approach to conflict.

Who should read War is a Racket?

  • Individuals interested in understanding the true costs and consequences of war
  • People who want to challenge the status quo and question the motives behind military actions
  • Those looking to broaden their perspective on the military-industrial complex and its impact on society

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US Economics Books

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What are the Top 10 US Economics books?

Blinkist curators have picked the following:
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Who are the top US Economics book authors?

When it comes to US Economics, these are the authors who stand out as some of the most influential:
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  • Ha-Joon Chang
  • Ha-Joon Chang
  • Adam Smith
  • Anat Shenker-Osorio