The best 38 Big Data books

In the world of data, understanding Big Data is crucial for unlocking insights that drive innovation and decision-making. Our selected book list on Big Data offers a comprehensive exploration of this complex subject, providing readers with the tools to navigate and thrive in the data-driven landscape.

Dive into these insightful titles to gain a solid foundation in Big Data and its real-world applications. Ready to enhance your knowledge and harness the power of data? Let's start exploring these enriching reads together!

The best 38 Big Data books
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Big Data Books: Big Data by Viktor Mayer-Schönberger and Kenneth Cukier

Big Data

Viktor Mayer-Schönberger and Kenneth Cukier
A Revolution That Will Transform How We Live, Work and Think
4.3 (129 ratings)
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What's Big Data about?

Big Data provides an insightful look at why a change to “big data” is a major shift in how we collect, use and think about the data around us. It provides great explanations and examples of how individuals and companies already ahead of the curve are using the tools of big data to create value and profit. Casting an eye forward, the book also outlines the future implications for a big-data society in terms of the risks, opportunities and legal implications.

Who should read Big Data?

  • Anyone who is interested in learning more about what “big data” is and what it means for society
  • Anyone who is looking to make a career using big data
  • Anyone from a company who is looking for opportunities to use the data the company collects

Big Data Books: Too Big to Ignore by Phil Simon

Too Big to Ignore

Phil Simon
The Business Case for Big Data
4.1 (15 ratings)
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What's Too Big to Ignore about?

Too Big to Ignore explains why Big Data is tremendously important for your business. It illustrates the ways that Big Data analysis can revolutionize your company, and takes you step by step through the tools you need to harness it. It also looks ahead to our Big Data future.

Who should read Too Big to Ignore?

  • Anyone interested in entrepreneurship or business
  • Anyone interested in technology
  • Anyone looking to use Big Data in their company

Big Data Books: Super Crunchers by Ian Ayres

Super Crunchers

Ian Ayres
Why Thinking-by-Numbers Is the New Way to be Smart
3.6 (26 ratings)
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What's Super Crunchers about?

From building a wine cellar to finding your happily ever after, modern life is increasingly ruled by number crunching and algorithms. Super Crunchers (2007) is about the sheer power of the large data sets that are fed into algorithms and the way they’re revolutionizing our businesses, medical treatment and even our governments.

Who should read Super Crunchers?

  • Anyone interested in the power of statistics
  • Computer and math nerds
  • Business owners, politicians and baseball coaches

Big Data Books: Small Data by Martin Lindstrom

Small Data

Martin Lindstrom
The Tiny Clues That Uncover Huge Trends
3.9 (56 ratings)
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What's Small Data about?

Small Data (2016) is a guide to utilizing minor details about people’s lives to connect with them and sell them on your brand image. These blinks incorporate observations of cultures all over the world to point to the emotions and desires that help brands become household names.

Who should read Small Data?

  • Marketing professionals and students of human behavior.
  • Anyone working to establish a brand.

Big Data Books: It’s Not the Size of the Data by Koen Pauwels

It’s Not the Size of the Data

Koen Pauwels
It’s How You Use It
3.4 (22 ratings)
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What's It’s Not the Size of the Data about?

It’s Not the Size of the Data (2014) is a beginner's guide to designing, creating and adopting your own marketing dashboard, helping you uncover the links between campaigns and performance, and monitor progress with long-term goals in mind.

Who should read It’s Not the Size of the Data?

  • People who believe in the power of numbers and how they can inform logical decision making
  • Marketing innovators confident that they can benefit from data-driven marketing

Big Data Books: The Master Algorithm by Pedro Domingos

The Master Algorithm

Pedro Domingos
How The Quest For The Ultimate Learning Machine Will Remake Our World
4.4 (164 ratings)
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What's The Master Algorithm about?

Though you might not be aware of it, machine learning algorithms are already seeping into every aspect of human life, becoming more and more powerful as they continue to learn from an ever-increasing amount of data. The Master Algorithm (2016) provides a broad overview of what kind of algorithms are already out there, the problems they face, the solutions they can provide and how they’re going to revolutionize the future.

Who should read The Master Algorithm?

  • Entrepreneurs who want to connect producers and customers
  • Tech junkies interested in the next big technological evolution
  • Anyone concerned about how their personal data is being used

Big Data Books: Everybody Lies by Seth Stephens-Davidowitz

Everybody Lies

Seth Stephens-Davidowitz
Big Data, New Data and What the Internet Can Tell Us About Who We Really Are
4.1 (134 ratings)
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What's Everybody Lies about?

Everybody Lies (2017) is about the data collected in vast quantities by computers and over the internet. This data can help reveal fascinating information about the human psyche, behavior and quirks, because, as it turns out, people aren’t always so willing to communicate their true hopes and desires to others.

Who should read Everybody Lies?

  • Anyone interested in the complex nature of human behavior
  • Media studies experts and social scientists
  • Anyone concerned about the power of the internet and online privacy

Big Data Books: Weapons of Math Destruction by Cathy O’Neil

Weapons of Math Destruction

Cathy O’Neil
How Big Data Increases Inequality and Threatens Democracy
4.1 (181 ratings)
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What's Weapons of Math Destruction about?

Weapons of Math Destruction (2016) offers a critical look at the growing number of algorithms that could be impacting your day-to-day life in ways you’re not even aware of. As more businesses and services, including schools and police, use algorithms to automate jobs, an increasing number of people are suffering the adverse effects. So don’t leave yourself at the mercy of automation – find out what you can do to protect yourself and your data.

Who should read Weapons of Math Destruction?

  • Students and enthusiasts of computer science and statistics
  • Internet activists
  • Readers worried about their privacy rights

Big Data Books: Sensemaking by Christian Madsbjerg


Christian Madsbjerg
What Makes Human Intelligence Essential in the Age of the Algorithm
4.1 (31 ratings)
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What's Sensemaking about?

In a world where data, numbers and statistics are treated like holy relics, Sensemaking (2017) powerfully advocates a return to humanities-based thinking. These blinks explain the process and principles of sensemaking, a way to make sense of the world through the interpretation of human culture. Being able to look beyond the immediate focus and understand the context surrounding the issues at hand is a critical tool for anyone looking to develop great, one-of-a-kind ideas.

Who should read Sensemaking?

  • Devotees of the human sciences, philosophers, linguists and historians
  • Students of STEM looking to expand their potential
  • Business leaders and entrepreneurs

Big Data Books: Streaming, Sharing, Stealing by Michael D. Smith and Rahul Telang

Streaming, Sharing, Stealing

Michael D. Smith and Rahul Telang
Big Data and the Future of Entertainment
3.5 (37 ratings)
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What's Streaming, Sharing, Stealing about?

Streaming, Sharing, Stealing (2016) is about the ever-changing entertainment industry. Recent years have seen the emergence of new players who continue to utilize technology to transform the landscape. This book assesses how companies like Apple, Netflix and Amazon use data to understand their consumers’ needs.

Who should read Streaming, Sharing, Stealing?

  • Publishers and policy makers
  • Technology enthusiasts interested in big data and analytics
  • Media, film and music students

Big Data Books: Frenemies by Ken Auletta


Ken Auletta
The Epic Disruption of the Advertising Industry (and Everything Else)
4.2 (24 ratings)
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What's Frenemies about?

Frenemies (2018) explores the forces that are currently disrupting the traditional advertising and marketing industries. It looks at how the internet age has forced the advertising industry to change and adapt, specifically how technology, science and customization have revolutionized the role of the traditional advertising agency.

Who should read Frenemies?

  • Advertising and marketing professionals seeking outside perspective on their industry
  • Corporate marketing executives trying to connect with their audience
  • Curious readers interested in the disruptive effect of technology on traditional industries

Big Data Books: AI Superpowers by Kai-Fu Lee

AI Superpowers

Kai-Fu Lee
China, Silicon Valley, and the New World Order
4.3 (469 ratings)
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What's AI Superpowers about?

AI Superpowers (2018) takes a revealing look at the US and China as the world stands at the precipice of the AI economy, a multi-trillion dollar industry of algorithms and automation. As a tech expert and venture capitalist with experience in both China and the US, author Kai-Fu Lee guides us through the past to discover how we got to where we are and what to expect in the future.

Who should read AI Superpowers?

  • Anyone curious about artificial intelligence
  • Executives interested in emerging markets
  • Futurists and technocrats

Big Data Books: The People Vs Tech by Jamie Bartlett

The People Vs Tech

Jamie Bartlett
How the Internet is Killing Democracy (And How We Save It)
4.6 (64 ratings)
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What's The People Vs Tech about?

The People Vs Tech (2018) examines the rise of digital technology. It argues this process is undermining six of the key pillars of democracy: active citizenship, a shared democratic culture, free elections, free association, equality, and governmental authority. Looking to the future and observing how it is already unfolding in the present, it paints a chilling picture of the possible dystopian world to come. However, it also shows the paths that are leading us to that world and suggests that these paths can be redirected, pointing the way to a better future.

Who should read The People Vs Tech?

  • Citizens concerned about how the internet is impacting society 
  • Workers who fear their jobs may be replaced by AI
  • Fans of dystopian science fiction literature, movies, and television series

Big Data Books: The Four by Scott Galloway

The Four

Scott Galloway
The Hidden DNA of Amazon, Apple, Facebook and Google
4.1 (173 ratings)
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What's The Four about?

The Four (2017) examines the great superpowers of our digital age – Apple, Amazon, Facebook and Google – and attempts to answer a few tough questions: How have these companies changed the world we live in and what is their formula for success? How can other companies rise to similar echelons of power? And what does it take to thrive in a world shaped by the Four?

Who should read The Four?

  • Facebook and iPhone users
  • Anyone who regularly performs searches on Google, shops on Amazon, uses an Apple device or spends time on Facebook
  • Business enthusiasts and business analysts

Big Data Books: New Dark Age by James Bridle

New Dark Age

James Bridle
Technology and the End of the Future
4.0 (96 ratings)
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What's New Dark Age about?

New Dark Age (2018) investigates the fundamental paradox of our digital age: as new technologies allow us to gather more and more data on our world, we understand less and less of it. Examining the history, politics and geography of the complex digital network we are enmeshed in, James Bridle sheds new light on the central issues of our time, from climate change to wealth inequality to post-factual politics, and explains how we can live with purpose in an era of uncertainty.

Who should read New Dark Age?

  • Tech skeptics and tech enthusiasts
  • Critical thinkers fascinated by the geopolitics of our networked world
  • Anyone interested in the silly and profound ways technology shapes our lives

Big Data Books: Mindf*ck by Christopher Wylie


Christopher Wylie
Cambridge Analytica and the Plot to Break America
4.5 (140 ratings)
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What's Mindf*ck about?

Mindf*ck (2019), written by a whistleblower, tells the story of the largest data crime in history to date. On the eve of the 2016 United States presidential election, consulting firm Cambridge Analytica harvested the Facebook data from 87 million people and used it to conduct a mass disinformation campaign. Now, the full story has finally come to light.

Who should read Mindf*ck?

  • Americans who want to understand Cambridge Analytica’s role in the Trump election
  • Left- and right-wingers feeling increasingly resentful of the other side
  • Brits interested in why the Brexit referendum turned out the way it did

Big Data Books: Calling Bullshit by Carl T. Bergstrom, Jevin D. West

Calling Bullshit

Carl T. Bergstrom, Jevin D. West
The Art of Skepticism in a Data-Driven World
4.4 (129 ratings)
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What's Calling Bullshit about?

Calling Bullshit (2020) is a guide to navigating the huge amounts of bullshit that surround us. By being alert to the ways in which data and scientific processes get manipulated, we can learn to call out bullshit when we see it.

Who should read Calling Bullshit?

  • Popular science fans who want to see behind the curtain
  • Data nerds who want to learn more
  • Concerned citizens eager to fight misinformation

Big Data Books: The Data Detective by Tim Harford

The Data Detective

Tim Harford
Ten Easy Rules to Make Sense of Statistics
4.4 (264 ratings)
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What's The Data Detective about?

The Data Detective (2021) is a smart, practical guide to understanding the ways in which statistics –⁠ and our reactions to them –⁠ distort and obscure reality. Using psychological research and illuminating examples, it reveals some of the ways our brains influence how we see data and statistics and how we draw incorrect conclusions as a result. By picking apart our cognitive biases and misconceptions, we gain the ability to see data, and in turn, the world, for what it really is.

Who should read The Data Detective?

  • News and social media addicts
  • Avid consumers of scientific articles and research
  • Anyone who regularly comes into contact with data or statistics

Big Data Books: Privacy Is Power by Carissa Véliz

Privacy Is Power

Carissa Véliz
Why and How You Should Take Back Control of Your Data
4.5 (228 ratings)
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What's Privacy Is Power about?

Privacy is Power (2020) is a shocking exposé of the inner workings of surveillance capitalism. It reveals how, every day, hundreds of interested parties are violating your privacy and capitalizing on your personal data. Corporations, governments, and criminals alike are all busy collecting and exploiting your data in an effort to influence the way you think and behave. In these blinks, you’ll learn why your privacy is so important and what you can do to protect it.

Who should read Privacy Is Power?

  • Those perturbed by governments and corporations snooping on our private lives
  • People untroubled by digital surveillance because they believe they have nothing to hide
  • Anyone looking for actionable ways to protect their privacy now

Big Data Books: Pegasus by Laurent Richard and Sandrine Rigaud


Laurent Richard and Sandrine Rigaud
How a Spy in Our Pocket Threatens the End of Privacy, Dignity, and Democracy
4.3 (296 ratings)
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What's Pegasus about?

Pegasus (2023) follows the thrilling, worldwide investigation into one of the most powerful and insidious pieces of cyber surveillance software known to date. Beginning with a massive data leak to a small, independent news outlet, it tells the story of how Pegasus came to be, the hundreds of innocent individuals who have had their privacy taken away by it, and the global team of reporters and editors who risked everything to bring the story to light.

Who should read Pegasus?

  • Followers of the Pegasus Project and other cyber security international bombshells like the Panama Papers, or Wikileaks.
  • Fans of investigative journalism who want to know the stories behind the reports that shake the world.
  • Anyone who owns a phone and wants to know just how fragile their privacy really is.

Big Data Books: Cloudmoney by Brett Scott


Brett Scott
Cash, Cards, Crypto, and the War for Our Wallets
4.1 (531 ratings)
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What's Cloudmoney about?

Cloudmoney (2022) provides an overview of our present payment landscape. As it turns out, the age-old question of “cash or card” is not as simple as it seems. Underneath the push toward cashless is a murky world of powerful interests trying to extract profit and data from people’s purchases. And the disappearance of cash has more disadvantages than you might think. 

Who should read Cloudmoney?

  • Literally everyone – we all use money
  • Anyone considering getting rid of cash altogether
  • Students of finance, economics, or politics

Big Data Books: The Alignment Problem by Brian Christian

The Alignment Problem

Brian Christian
Machine Learning and Human Values
2.8 (77 ratings)
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What's The Alignment Problem about?

The Alignment Problem (2021) is both a history of the development of AI as well as a prophetic warning about what is to come. From the inherent bias in training data to the extreme speed of progress, Brian Christian details the potential dangers of and solutions to the AI problem.

Who should read The Alignment Problem?

  • Science and tech enthusiasts
  • Those interested in AI
  • Students of history and technology

Big Data Books: Marketing 5.0 by Philip Kotler & Hermawan Kartajaya & Iwan Setiawan

Marketing 5.0

Philip Kotler & Hermawan Kartajaya & Iwan Setiawan
Technology for Humanity
4.1 (108 ratings)
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What's Marketing 5.0 about?

Marketing 5.0 (2021) introduces the concept of a new era in marketing focused on leveraging technology to improve human lives. It provides strategies and examples demonstrating how the synthesis of advanced data-driven capabilities with human creativity, ethics, and empathy will allow companies to deliver tailored customer experiences amidst a complex, rapidly evolving marketplace.

Who should read Marketing 5.0?

  • Marketing professionals
  • Brand managers
  • Business leaders

Big Data Books: Prediction Machines by Ajay Agrawal, Joshua Gans & Avi Goldfarb

Prediction Machines

Ajay Agrawal, Joshua Gans & Avi Goldfarb
The Simple Economics of Artificial Intelligence
4.0 (376 ratings)
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What's Prediction Machines about?

Prediction Machines (2018) delves into the transformative impact of artificial intelligence on the economics of decision-making. It highlights how AI reduces the cost of predictions, reshapes business problems, and influences decision-making amid uncertainty. The work further explores the value of data in today’s AI-driven economy and the changing dynamics between human labor and automation.

Who should read Prediction Machines?

  • Entrepreneurs looking to leverage AI in their startups
  • Business students looking at the future of industries influenced by AI
  • Tech enthusiasts curious about the intersection of AI and economics

Big Data Books: Tokens by Rachel O'Dwyer


Rachel O'Dwyer
The Future of Money in the Age of the Platform
3.8 (49 ratings)
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What's Tokens about?

Tokens (2023) looks at the transformation of traditional monetary systems in the digital era, highlighting how various forms of digital tokens are increasingly replacing conventional currency. It explores the implications of this shift, particularly focusing on the role of digital platforms in creating new types of economic exchange, ownership, and governance models.

Who should read Tokens?

  • Financial technology professionals and cryptocurrency enthusiasts
  • Tech entrepreneurs exploring new payment systems
  • Anyone interested in the future of digital currency

Big Data Books: Power And Prediction by Ajay Agrawal, Joshua Gans & Avi Goldfarb

Power And Prediction

Ajay Agrawal, Joshua Gans & Avi Goldfarb
The Disruptive Economics of Artificial Intelligence
3.2 (77 ratings)
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What's Power And Prediction about?

Power And Prediction (2018) explores the impact of AI's advancements in prediction on decision-making processes, where AI handles the predictive elements and human judgment is important in their interpretation and application.

Who should read Power And Prediction?

  • AI enthusiasts
  • Business leaders
  • Career strategists

Big Data Books: A History of Fake Things on the Internet by Walter Scheirer

A History of Fake Things on the Internet

Walter Scheirer
2.7 (36 ratings)
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What's A History of Fake Things on the Internet about?

A History of Fake Things on the Internet (2023) explores the origins and evolution of digitally fabricated content, from early photo manipulation to today’s AI-generated deep fakes, analyzing key technological advances that made new forms of deception possible, and tracing their real-world impact back to fundamental aspects of human behavior. It argues that problems stemming from fake online content relate more to creativity and destruction inherent in human nature, rather than the nature of the faked content itself.

Who should read A History of Fake Things on the Internet?

  • Technology historians
  • Media literacy advocates
  • Anyone interested in information security

Big Data Books: SEO 2024 by Adam Clarke

SEO 2024

Adam Clarke
Learn search engine optimization with smart internet marketing strategies
3.9 (23 ratings)
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What's SEO 2024 about?

SEO 2024 (2024) is an indispensable resource for anyone looking to improve their online visibility and drive more traffic to their site. It breaks down the complexities of search engine optimization (SEO) into easy-to-understand concepts and actionable strategies, providing the tools to outrank competitors and attract customers.

Who should read SEO 2024?

  • Startups seeking cost-effective ways to grow their online presence
  • Small business owners looking to improve their online visibility and attract more customers
  • Website owners and bloggers aiming to increase their organic traffic and search engine rankings

Big Data Books: Quantum Marketing by Raja Rajamannar

Quantum Marketing

Raja Rajamannar
Mastering the New Marketing Mindset for Tomorrow's Consumers
4.0 (56 ratings)
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What's Quantum Marketing about?

Quantum Marketing (2021) explains the revolutionary marketing strategies necessary for businesses to remain relevant in today’s rapidly evolving technological landscape. From managing the explosion of data to forging strategic partnerships, it offers a thought-provoking guide to navigating the challenges and opportunities presented by this new era of business.

Who should read Quantum Marketing?

  • Marketing professionals seeking to stay ahead of the curve in an ever-changing industry
  • Entrepreneurs aiming to understand and leverage cutting-edge marketing strategies
  • Consumers curious about how marketing will shape their interactions with brands in the coming years

Big Data Books: Proximity by Robert C. Wolcott & Kaihan Krippendorff


Robert C. Wolcott & Kaihan Krippendorff
Just-In-Time Breakthroughs to Transform Business and Life
4.0 (75 ratings)
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What's Proximity about?

Proximity (2024) explores how digital technologies are revolutionizing production and service delivery, enabling on-demand fulfillment with minimal environmental impact. It examines the implications of this trend across industries and how it will transform business strategies, supply chains, and sustainability efforts.

Who should read Proximity?

  • Business leaders and entrepreneurs looking to innovate their business models
  • Tech-savvy consumers excited about personalization and on-demand services
  • Anyone frustrated by the waste and inefficiency of the current mass-production paradigm

Big Data Books: The Formula by Joshua Robinson, Jonathan Clegg

The Formula

Joshua Robinson, Jonathan Clegg
How Geniuses and Speed Freaks Made F1 the Fastest-Growing Sport
4.2 (87 ratings)
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What's The Formula about?

The Formula (2024) chronicles the evolution of Formula 1 from its post-World War II origins to its current status as a global entertainment powerhouse. It follows the larger-than-life personalities that have shaped the sport through technological innovations and business strategies, and their attempt to balance the pursuit of engineering excellence with the demands of commercial success.

Who should read The Formula?

  • Formula 1 enthusiasts seeking deeper insights
  • Sports business aficionados interested in high-stakes drama and growth strategy
  • Readers captivated by stories of innovation and success

Big Data Books: The Mind's Mirror by Gregory Mone, Daniela Rus

The Mind's Mirror

Gregory Mone, Daniela Rus
Risk and Reward in the Age of AI
4.3 (169 ratings)
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What's The Mind's Mirror about?

The Mind's Mirror (2024) explores the possibilities and risks of artificial intelligence. Aiming to provide readers with an understanding of AI's workings, it explores how AI can enhance human capabilities across various fields, while also addressing the societal challenges it presents. 

Who should read The Mind's Mirror?

  • Tech enthusiasts interested in the latest AI developments
  • Curious people who want to understand how neural networks function
  • Anyone who want to understand how AI is shaping our world

Big Data Books: Making Sense of Chaos by J Doyne Farmer

Making Sense of Chaos

J Doyne Farmer
A Better Economics for a Better World
3.8 (13 ratings)
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What's Making Sense of Chaos about?

Making Sense of Chaos (2024) offers a fresh take on our complex economic world through the lens of complexity economics. It explores new computational tools and models that address issues like inflation, inequality, and financial crises – and shows how we can make better predictions and craft smarter policies in an increasingly interconnected and turbulent global economy.

Who should read Making Sense of Chaos?

  • Economics enthusiasts
  • Tech and data science buffs
  • Policymakers and analysts

Big Data Books: Nexus by Yuval Noah Harari


Yuval Noah Harari
A Brief History of Information Networks from the Stone Age to AI
4.3 (328 ratings)
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What's Nexus about?

Nexus (2024) explores how information networks, from storytelling and books to the internet and AI, have shaped human history. It lays bare the risks technology currently poses to these networks and defines the critical decisions humanity must make to safeguard information, power, order, and truth.

Who should read Nexus?

  • History lovers who want to uncover the fascinating history of information
  • Futurists wondering what’s next for information technology
  • Ethicists invested in the moral implications of the digital revolution

Big Data Books: Too Smart by Jathan Sadowski

Too Smart

Jathan Sadowski
How Digital Capitalism Is Taking Over the World
3.9 (122 ratings)
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What's Too Smart about?

Too Smart (2020) examines the hidden costs and societal impacts of our increasingly connected digital world. It reveals how smart technologies, while promising convenience and efficiency, are fundamentally altering power dynamics, economies, and personal freedoms by extracting and commodifying our data.

Who should read Too Smart?

  • Tech enthusiasts curious about the broader implications of smart devices
  • Privacy advocates concerned about data collection and surveillance
  • Anyone looking to make more informed decisions about their digital habits

Big Data Books: The Art of SEO by Eric Enge, Stephan Spencer, Jessie Stricchiola

The Art of SEO

Eric Enge, Stephan Spencer, Jessie Stricchiola
Mastering Search Engine Optimization
3.7 (16 ratings)
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What's The Art of SEO about?

The Art of SEO (2023) offers a comprehensive guide to search engine optimization, covering everything from basic methods to advanced tactics. It provides insights into the complexities of internet search, the inner workings of search engines, and the latest SEO tools and methods, including generative AI. 

Who should read The Art of SEO?

  • Digital marketers looking to refine their SEO strategies
  • Entrepreneurs aiming to increase their online visibility
  • Web developers seeking to optimize website performance

Big Data Books: Storytelling with Data by Cole Nussbaumer Knaflic

Storytelling with Data

Cole Nussbaumer Knaflic
A Data Visualization Guide for Business Professionals
4.4 (5 ratings)
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What's Storytelling with Data about?

Storytelling with Data (2015) is your guide to transforming data into clear and compelling visual narratives. Through actionable tips and examples, it shows how to simplify complex information, select the right visual elements, and design with intent so you can effectively communicate your insights. 

Who should read Storytelling with Data?

  • Data-driven professionals crafting impactful business presentations
  • Aspiring storytellers improving data communication
  • Anyone interested in data visualization principles

Big Data Books: Data as a Service by Pushpak Sarkar

Data as a Service

Pushpak Sarkar

What's Data as a Service about?

Data as a Service by Pushpak Sarkar explores the concept of providing data on-demand to users, applications, and other systems. It delves into the technical and business aspects of DaaS, discussing its benefits, challenges, and best practices. The book offers practical guidance for organizations looking to adopt DaaS and leverage their data assets effectively.

Who should read Data as a Service?

  • Business leaders and decision-makers looking to leverage data for strategic advantage

  • IT professionals and data architects seeking to implement data as a service solutions

  • Entrepreneurs and startups aiming to build innovative data-driven products and services

Related Topics

Big Data Books

What's the best Big Data book to read?

While choosing just one book about a topic is always tough, many people regard Big Data as the ultimate read on Big Data.

What are the Top 10 Big Data books?

Blinkist curators have picked the following:
  • Big Data by Viktor Mayer-Schönberger and Kenneth Cukier
  • Too Big to Ignore by Phil Simon
  • Super Crunchers by Ian Ayres
  • Small Data by Martin Lindstrom
  • It’s Not the Size of the Data by Koen Pauwels
  • The Master Algorithm by Pedro Domingos
  • Everybody Lies by Seth Stephens-Davidowitz
  • Weapons of Math Destruction by Cathy O’Neil
  • Sensemaking by Christian Madsbjerg
  • Streaming, Sharing, Stealing by Michael D. Smith and Rahul Telang

Who are the top Big Data book authors?

When it comes to Big Data, these are the authors who stand out as some of the most influential:
  • Viktor Mayer-Schönberger and Kenneth Cukier
  • Phil Simon
  • Ian Ayres
  • Martin Lindstrom
  • Koen Pauwels