The best 20 Codependency books

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Codependency Books: The Enabler by Angelyn Miller

The Enabler

Angelyn Miller

What's The Enabler about?

The Enabler by Angelyn Miller explores the complex dynamics of codependency and enabling within families. Drawing on her own personal experiences and professional expertise, Miller delves into the patterns of behavior that perpetuate these destructive relationships. Through insightful analysis and practical advice, the book offers a path towards healing and breaking free from the cycle of enabling.

Who should read The Enabler?

  • Individuals who struggle with setting boundaries in their relationships

  • People who want to understand and break free from codependent patterns

  • Those who are looking for practical strategies to stop enabling destructive behaviors

Codependency Books: Start Here by Dana Morningstar

Start Here

Dana Morningstar

What's Start Here about?

Start Here by Dana Morningstar is a comprehensive guide for anyone who has experienced or is currently in a relationship with a narcissist. It provides valuable insights, practical advice, and helpful resources to help individuals understand and navigate the complex dynamics of narcissistic relationships. With empathy and expertise, the book offers a roadmap for healing and reclaiming one's life.

Who should read Start Here?

  • Individuals who have experienced or are currently experiencing narcissistic abuse

  • People who want to understand and recognize the signs of narcissistic behavior

  • Those seeking to heal and recover from toxic relationships

Codependency Books: How to Handle a Narcissist by Theresa Jackson

What's How to Handle a Narcissist about?

How to Handle a Narcissist by Theresa Jackson provides practical strategies and insights for dealing with narcissistic individuals in various aspects of life. From understanding their behavior to setting boundaries and practicing self-care, this book offers valuable guidance for anyone navigating relationships with narcissists.

Who should read How to Handle a Narcissist?

  • Individuals who have to deal with narcissistic people in their personal or professional lives

  • Those who want to understand the behavior and mindset of narcissists

  • People who are looking for practical strategies to set boundaries and protect themselves from narcissistic manipulation

Codependency Books: Betrayal Bond by Patrick Carnes PhD

Betrayal Bond

Patrick Carnes PhD

What's Betrayal Bond about?

Betrayal Bond by Patrick Carnes PhD delves into the complex dynamics of unhealthy relationships and the psychological bonds that keep people trapped in them. Through real-life stories and insightful analysis, the book explores the reasons behind our loyalty to those who betray us and offers a path towards healing and breaking free from these destructive connections.

Who should read Betrayal Bond?

  • Individuals who have experienced betrayal in personal or professional relationships

  • Therapists and counselors working with clients dealing with trust and betrayal issues

  • People seeking to understand and break free from patterns of toxic relationships

Codependency Books: Codependency for Dummies by Darlene Lancer

Codependency for Dummies

Darlene Lancer

What's Codependency for Dummies about?

Codependency for Dummies by Darlene Lancer provides a comprehensive guide to understanding and overcoming codependency. It explores the underlying causes of codependent behavior and offers practical strategies for building healthier relationships and reclaiming your sense of self. With insightful advice and real-life examples, this book is a valuable resource for anyone looking to break free from codependency.

Who should read Codependency for Dummies?

  • Individuals who struggle with setting healthy boundaries in relationships

  • People who feel overwhelmed by caring for others and neglecting their own needs

  • Those who want to understand the root causes of codependency and how to break free from it

Codependency Books: Amar o depender by Walter Riso

Amar o depender

Walter Riso

What's Amar o depender about?

Amar o depender es un libro que aborda el tema de las relaciones afectivas desde una perspectiva psicológica. Walter Riso explora la dependencia emocional y ofrece consejos para aprender a amar de manera saludable, sin perder la propia identidad. Es una lectura valiosa para quienes buscan comprender y mejorar sus relaciones personales.

Who should read Amar o depender?

  • Individuals who struggle with emotional dependency in their relationships

  • People who want to break free from unhealthy patterns and build self-reliance

  • Readers interested in psychology and self-improvement

Codependency Books: Psychopath Free by Jackson MacKenzie

Psychopath Free

Jackson MacKenzie

What's Psychopath Free about?

Psychopath Free by Jackson MacKenzie is a compelling book that delves into the world of psychopathy and its impact on relationships. Drawing from personal experiences and extensive research, the author provides valuable insights and practical advice for those who have been involved with a psychopath. It offers a roadmap to healing and reclaiming your life after such a toxic relationship.

Who should read Psychopath Free?

  • Individuals who have experienced toxic and manipulative relationships

  • People who want to understand the traits and behaviors of psychopaths and narcissists

  • Those seeking guidance and support in healing from emotional abuse

What's Codependents' Guide to the Twelve Steps about?

Codependents' Guide to the Twelve Steps by Melody Beattie is a comprehensive and insightful book that takes a deep dive into the Twelve Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous and applies them to the unique challenges faced by codependents. Through personal stories, practical exercises, and expert guidance, Beattie offers a path to healing and recovery for those struggling with codependency.

Who should read Codependents' Guide to the Twelve Steps?

  • Individuals struggling with codependency and looking for a step-by-step guide to recovery

  • People who want to understand and break free from unhealthy relationship patterns

  • Those seeking practical tools and exercises to cultivate self-awareness and self-care

What's How Al-Anon Works for Families & Friends of Alcoholics about?

How Al-Anon Works for Families & Friends of Alcoholics by Al-Anon Family Groups provides a comprehensive guide for those affected by someone else's drinking. It offers insight into the nature of alcoholism, the impact it has on loved ones, and practical steps for finding support and creating positive change.

Who should read How Al-Anon Works for Families & Friends of Alcoholics?

  • Individuals who have a loved one struggling with alcoholism

  • People who want to understand the impact of alcoholism on family and friends

  • Those seeking guidance on how to cope with the effects of someone else's drinking

What's Cure Codependency and Conquer as an Empath about?

Cure Codependency and Conquer as an Empath by Leanne Walters is a comprehensive guide that offers practical strategies and insights for individuals struggling with codependency and empathic abilities. Drawing from personal experiences and professional expertise, the book explores the root causes of codependency, the impact of empathic traits, and provides step-by-step techniques to break free from unhealthy patterns and reclaim personal power. It is a must-read for anyone seeking to create healthier relationships and cultivate self-awareness.

Who should read Cure Codependency and Conquer as an Empath?

  • Individuals who struggle with codependency and want to break free from toxic relationships

  • Empaths who want to understand and manage their heightened sensitivity

  • People who want to learn healthy boundaries and improve their self-esteem

Codependency Books: The Gaslight Effect by Dr. Robin Stern

The Gaslight Effect

Dr. Robin Stern

What's The Gaslight Effect about?

The Gaslight Effect by Dr. Robin Stern explores the manipulative tactic of gaslighting and its damaging effects on relationships. Drawing on real-life stories and psychological insights, the book offers practical strategies to recognize and confront gaslighting behavior, empowering readers to reclaim their sense of reality and regain control of their lives.

Who should read The Gaslight Effect?

  • Individuals who feel manipulated or controlled in their relationships

  • People who want to understand and recognize gaslighting behavior

  • Those who are looking for strategies to regain their sense of self and confidence

Codependency Books: Out of the Fog by Dana Morningstar

Out of the Fog

Dana Morningstar

What's Out of the Fog about?

Out of the Fog by Dana Morningstar is a compelling guide for anyone who has experienced manipulation or emotional abuse. Drawing from her own personal experiences, Morningstar provides practical advice and strategies to help readers break free from the fog of confusion and regain control of their lives. With empathy and insight, this book offers a path to healing and empowerment.

Who should read Out of the Fog?

  • Individuals who feel confused or manipulated in their relationships

  • People who want to understand and recognize emotional manipulation

  • Those seeking to break free from toxic and abusive dynamics

What's Conquering Shame and Codependency about?

Conquering Shame and Codependency by Darlene Lancer explores the deep-rooted issues of shame and codependency and offers practical strategies for overcoming them. Through insightful analysis and real-life examples, the book provides a roadmap for healing and reclaiming your sense of self-worth. It is a valuable resource for anyone seeking to break free from destructive patterns and build healthier, more fulfilling relationships.

Who should read Conquering Shame and Codependency?

  • Individuals struggling with feelings of shame and low self-worth

  • People in codependent relationships looking to break free and establish healthier boundaries

  • Therapists and counselors seeking a comprehensive understanding of shame and codependency to better help their clients

Codependency Books: Inner Bonding by Margaret Paul

Inner Bonding

Margaret Paul

What's Inner Bonding about?

Inner Bonding by Margaret Paul delves into the concept of connecting with your inner self in order to create a sense of wholeness and self-love. Through a six-step process, the book offers guidance on how to develop a loving inner adult that can take care of the wounded inner child, leading to healthier relationships and personal growth.

Who should read Inner Bonding?

  • Individuals seeking to develop a deeper understanding of themselves and their relationships

  • People who want to overcome emotional barriers and achieve inner peace

  • Those looking to improve their communication and connection with others

Codependency Books: Beyond Codependency by Melody Beattie

Beyond Codependency

Melody Beattie

What's Beyond Codependency about?

Beyond Codependency by Melody Beattie explores the concept of codependency and offers a guide for those seeking to break free from unhealthy relationships and behaviors. Through personal anecdotes and practical advice, the book delves into the root causes of codependency and provides tools for self-discovery and healing. It offers a path towards establishing healthier boundaries and finding independence and self-love.

Who should read Beyond Codependency?

  • Individuals who feel trapped in unhealthy relationships

  • People who struggle with setting boundaries and saying no

  • Those who want to break free from codependent patterns and find true independence


What's Difficult Mothers, Adult Daughters about?

Difficult Mothers, Adult Daughters by Karen C.L. Anderson explores the complex and often challenging relationships between mothers and their adult daughters. Drawing on personal stories and interviews, the book delves into the dynamics of these relationships and offers insights and strategies for healing and creating healthier connections. It provides a compassionate and empowering perspective for women navigating this significant bond.

Who should read Difficult Mothers, Adult Daughters?

  • Adult daughters who have difficult relationships with their mothers

  • Those seeking to understand and heal from the impact of a narcissistic or emotionally abusive mother

  • Women who want to set boundaries and create a healthier dynamic with their mothers

What's Codependency Recovery: Wounded Souls Dancing in the Light: Book 1 about?

Codependency Recovery: Wounded Souls Dancing in the Light: Book 1 by Robert Burney is a comprehensive guide to overcoming codependency and reclaiming your life. Drawing from his own personal experiences and professional expertise, Burney offers practical advice, insightful reflections, and empowering exercises to help readers break free from unhealthy patterns and develop healthier relationships. This book provides a roadmap for healing and transformation, inspiring readers to embrace their true selves and live authentically.

Who should read Codependency Recovery: Wounded Souls Dancing in the Light: Book 1?

  • Individuals who struggle with codependency and want to break free from unhealthy relationship patterns

  • People who are seeking practical tools and techniques for healing their inner child and developing self-love

  • Those who are open to exploring spiritual and psychological approaches to personal growth and transformation

What's Codependent No More & Beyond Codependency about?

Codependent No More and Beyond Codependency by Melody Beattie are essential reads for anyone looking to break free from unhealthy relationship patterns. Beattie explores the concept of codependency and offers practical advice and exercises to help readers regain their independence and reclaim their lives. These books provide a roadmap for healing and creating healthier connections with others.

Who should read Codependent No More & Beyond Codependency?

  • Individuals who feel trapped in unhealthy relationships

  • People who struggle with setting boundaries and saying no

  • Those who want to break free from codependent patterns and find their own identity

Codependency Books: Finding Love After Heartbreak by Stephan Labossiere

Finding Love After Heartbreak

Stephan Labossiere

What's Finding Love After Heartbreak about?

Finding Love After Heartbreak by Stephan Labossiere provides a guide to healing and finding love again after experiencing heartbreak. With practical advice and personal anecdotes, the book offers insights into understanding past relationships, building self-love, and creating healthy connections in the future. It aims to empower readers to move forward and open their hearts to new possibilities.

Who should read Finding Love After Heartbreak?

  • Individuals who have experienced heartbreak and are struggling to move on

  • People who want to heal from past relationships and find love again

  • Those who are open to self-reflection and personal growth

What's The Journey from Abandonment to Healing about?

The Journey from Abandonment to Healing by Susan Anderson is a compassionate guide for anyone dealing with the pain of abandonment. Drawing on her own personal experience and professional expertise, Anderson offers practical advice and exercises to help readers understand their feelings, work through their grief, and ultimately find healing and self-empowerment. This book provides a roadmap for navigating the challenging journey from abandonment to a place of strength and inner peace.

Who should read The Journey from Abandonment to Healing?

  • Individuals experiencing the pain of a breakup or abandonment

  • Therapists and counselors seeking to better understand and support their clients

  • People who want to heal from past emotional wounds and build healthier relationships in the future

Related Topics

Codependency Books

What's the best Codependency book to read?

While choosing just one book about a topic is always tough, many people regard The Enabler as the ultimate read on Codependency.

What are the Top 10 Codependency books?

Blinkist curators have picked the following:
  • The Enabler by Angelyn Miller
  • Start Here by Dana Morningstar
  • How to Handle a Narcissist by Theresa Jackson
  • Betrayal Bond by Patrick Carnes PhD
  • Codependency for Dummies by Darlene Lancer
  • Amar o depender by Walter Riso
  • Psychopath Free by Jackson MacKenzie
  • Codependents' Guide to the Twelve Steps by Melody Beattie
  • How Al-Anon Works for Families & Friends of Alcoholics by Al-Anon Family Groups
  • Cure Codependency and Conquer as an Empath by Leanne Walters

Who are the top Codependency book authors?

When it comes to Codependency, these are the authors who stand out as some of the most influential:
  • Angelyn Miller
  • Dana Morningstar
  • Theresa Jackson
  • Patrick Carnes PhD
  • Darlene Lancer