Tiago Forte is one of the world's foremost experts on productivity and the author of "Building a Second Brain." Based on his Second Brain system that helps you increase productivity, he'll provide practical advice and techniques to help you get your ideas from inception to fruition.
It’s a common misconception that great works come together whole, but in fact most great work is created piecemeal. This means instead of relying on your brain to dump out everything you’ve learned in a coherent way, you should build a system that lets you do a bit at a time.
We tend to overestimate the accuracy and retrievability of our memories. Because of this, we think “oh I don’t need to write it down, I’ll remember this”, but the chances are you won’t.
Your second brain is your best friend, because it’s you. By using your second brain to create the infrastructure to use your ideas more effectively, you’ll make better work, easier.
Tiago Forte
The second brain system largely comes down to the four steps of C.O.D.E. We’ve spoken about capture a but already, so next we’re going to talk about how to Organize.
Knowing where to look for the ideas you’ve captured is already half the battle because these ideas already have some importance and relevance to your work but you have so many notes. That’s why the next thing you need to do is distill them into their most impactful version.
Daily Stoic
For most people, the point of creating any great work is to share it. All of those ideas you’ve captured, organized and distilled, are useful only to you, if you don’t communicate them effectively.
David Lewis and G. Riley Mills
I hope this Guide has been a useful starting point for you to create your own Second Brain. Start by setting up a capturing and the organizing method P.A.R.A. Soon enough you will have built and infrastructure that allows you to get your best work done more reliably.