Robin Sharma Books

Robin Sharma, a former lawyer, is widely recognized professional speaker in the field of life improvement and leadership. His other books include Megaliving: 30 Days to a Perfect Life and The Saint, the Surfer, and the CEO.

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 Books: The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari by Robin Sharma

The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari

Robin Sharma
A guide to using ancient practices to improve your quality of life and achieve your goals
4.5 (857 ratings)
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What's The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari about?

The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari (1997) offers a remedy to the problems of modern life. A fable, it tells the story of the enlightenment of ex-lawyer Julian Mantle and gives advice on how to live a happier, more rewarding and enlightened existence.

Who should read The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari?

  • Fans of self-help books
  • People interested in Eastern mysticism
  • Workaholics

 Books: The 5 AM Club by Robin Sharma

The 5 AM Club

Robin Sharma
Own Your Morning. Elevate Your Life.
4.5 (11,094 ratings)
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What's The 5 AM Club about?

The 5 AM Club (2018) shows how embracing a revolutionary morning routine can deliver epic results. Through the enchanting story of an entrepreneur, an artist, and their eccentric billionaire mentor, it explains how you can use the first hour of your day to drive personal growth and get the most out of life.

Who should read The 5 AM Club?

  • Those who feel they could try and get more out of the day
  • People who want to achieve great things in life
  • Anyone in need of an energizing and positive morning routine

 Books: Who Will Cry When You Die? by Robin Sharma

Who Will Cry When You Die?

Robin Sharma
Life Lessons from the Monk Who Sold His Ferrari
4.4 (504 ratings)
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What's Who Will Cry When You Die? about?

Who Will Cry When You Die (1999) contains life wisdom that will help you lead a full and generous life. It provides advice and strategies for being the best version of yourself. This means that when you die, your loved ones will cry not simply because they miss you, but also because they are grateful for everything you contributed during your lifetime. 

Who should read Who Will Cry When You Die??

  • Entrepreneurs
  • Coaches and psychologists
  • Slackers wanting to improve their lives and achieve personal success

 Books: The Everyday Hero Manifesto by Robin Sharma

The Everyday Hero Manifesto

Robin Sharma
Activate Your Positivity, Maximize Your Productivity, Serve The World
4.2 (901 ratings)
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What's The Everyday Hero Manifesto about?

The Everyday Hero Manifesto (2021) is a how-to primer for becoming the hero of your own life. It’s full of detailed plans interspersed with short essays, anecdotes, and even poetry to help you become happier, more productive, and more successful.

Who should read The Everyday Hero Manifesto?

  • Anyone stuck in a rut
  • Go-getters looking to improve their career trajectory
  • Self-improvement seekers searching for practical guides and techniques

 Books: The Wealth Money Can't Buy by Robin Sharma

The Wealth Money Can't Buy

Robin Sharma
The 8 Hidden Habits to Live Your Richest Life
4.3 (317 ratings)
Listen to the Intro

What's The Wealth Money Can't Buy about?

The Wealth Money Can't Buy (2024) is a groundbreaking guide that will hardwire in you a completely new way of measuring wealth. With proven tactics and methods, it will help you stop chasing the wrong kinds of riches, so you can get on the right track to making a life you absolutely adore.

Who should read The Wealth Money Can't Buy?

  • Personal growth enthusiasts seeking fulfillment beyond material possessions
  • Overworked professionals looking to redefine success and priorities
  • Spiritual seekers desiring a holistic approach to abundance