Benjamin Hardy is a best-selling author and organizational psychologist with a PhD from Clemson University. His work has been featured in Forbes, Fortune, and Psychology Today. He is also the author of Personality Isn't Permanent.
Willpower Doesn't Work (2018) sets itself firmly against orthodox opinion in the fields of productivity and self-help. Drawing on a wide range of psychological theories, as well as the stories of successful entrepreneurs, these blinks argue that when it comes to changing your life, willpower simply isn’t the answer.
Personality Isn’t Permanent (2020) debunks the myths surrounding personality that get in the way of a life of personal growth, development, and success. The biggest misconception according to psychologist Benjamin Hardy is the notion that our personalities are innate and fixed. Correcting this error isn’t just a scientific advance, though – as we’ll see in these blinks, it also opens up a path to personal reinvention.
The Gap and the Gain (2021) is a guide to finding happiness and fulfillment inside yourself, instead of constantly hunting for external affirmation. By learning to define your own standards of success, and by measuring your achievement backward, you’ll appreciate how much progress you’ve actually made, and experience renewed motivation in every area of your life.
Who Not How (2020) introduces a new way of thinking about entrepreneurship, goal setting, and collaboration. Developed by business coach Dan Sullivan, the Who Not How mindset shows the importance of delegating tasks to others. By inviting them to help you achieve your goals, you’ll gain more free time, increase your income, and develop valuable, lasting professional relationships.
Be Your Future Self Now (2022) is a guide to defining your future self – and making sure you get there. It walks readers through the seven threats to your future self, the seven truths about your future self, and the seven steps you can take to be your future self today.
10x Is Easier Than 2x (2023) is part call to action, part step-by-step guide to a life beyond your wildest dreams. You’ll first be introduced to why 10x is simpler, better, and more fun than 2x, then given a clear road map for immediate implementation.