The best 100 Personal Finances books

Personal finances play a crucial role in our daily lives, affecting everything from our short-term budgeting to long-term financial security. Our specially curated book list on personal finances offers invaluable insights and tips to navigate the complexities of managing money effectively.

Dive into our selection to gain practical advice, strategies, and wisdom that will empower you to take charge of your financial well-being. Start exploring these titles today and take the first step towards financial empowerment!

The best 100 Personal Finances books
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Personal Finances Books: The Ascent of Money by Niall Ferguson

The Ascent of Money

Niall Ferguson
A Financial History of the World
4.3 (201 ratings)
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What's The Ascent of Money about?

The Ascent of Money is an explanation of how different historical events led to the development of the current financial system.

It aims to show how, despite its proneness to crises and inequality, the financial system and money itself are drivers of human history and progress.

Who should read The Ascent of Money?

  • Anyone who wants to understand the workings of the financial system
  • People who want to understand why financial crises happen
  • Anyone who wants to know why money is so powerful

Personal Finances Books: More Money Than God by Sebastian Mallaby

More Money Than God

Sebastian Mallaby
Hedge Funds and the Making of a New Elite
4.2 (102 ratings)
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What's More Money Than God about?

More Money Than God takes a critical look at hedge funds, the powerful and often mysterious organizations that have a huge impact on global finance and our day-to-day lives. By looking back at the history of this influential investment practice, it reveals how hedge funds developed and how they operate today.

Who should read More Money Than God?

  • Students of economics and history
  • Anyone who’s working in the financial industry
  • Anyone who wants to understand hedge funds and financial markets

Personal Finances Books: Young Money by Kevin Roose

Young Money

Kevin Roose
Inside the Hidden World of Wall Street’s Post-Crash Recruits
3.9 (34 ratings)
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What's Young Money about?

Kevin Roose spent three years following eight young Wall Streeters in an attempt to find how the 2007 crash – and its aftermath – influenced the financial industry. Young Money paints a decidedly grim picture of junior analysts who find themselves on a non-stop rollercoaster of all-nighters and extreme stress, while earning six-figure incomes.

Who should read Young Money?

  • Graduates considering a job on Wall Street
  • People already working as analysts on Wall Street
  • Anyone curious about life in the belly of the financial beast

Personal Finances Books: When Genius Failed by Roger Lowenstein

When Genius Failed

Roger Lowenstein
The Rise and Fall of Long-Term Capital Management
4.1 (116 ratings)
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What's When Genius Failed about?

When Genius Failed (2001) follows the rise and fall of Long-Term Capital Management, the world’s largest ever investment fund. The book reveals uncomfortable truths about the nature of investment and the fragility of the models we use to assess risk.

Who should read When Genius Failed?

  • Anyone interested or working in investment banking
  • Anyone interested in risk calculation
  • Anyone thinking about investing in a hedge fund

Personal Finances Books: Meltdown by Thomas E. Woods, Jr.


Thomas E. Woods, Jr.
A Free-Market Look at Why the Stock Market Collapsed, the Economy Tanked, and Government Bailouts Will Make Things Worse
3.9 (47 ratings)
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What's Meltdown about?

Meltdown (2009) gives you a guide to understanding the government regulations which in effect caused the 2008 global financial crisis. These blinks will explain how government spending has and always will worsen economic recessions, and importantly, what needs to be done to save the world economy.

Who should read Meltdown?

  • Students of economics or finance
  • Anyone interested in the causes of the 2008 financial crisis
  • People sick of the meddling of “big government”

Personal Finances Books: Makers and Takers by Rana Foroohar

Makers and Takers

Rana Foroohar
The Rise of Finance and the Fall of American Business
4.1 (90 ratings)
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What's Makers and Takers about?

Makers and Takers (2016) investigates the role of finance in the 2008 crisis and subsequent recession. From the Great Depression onward, these blinks trace the history of loose regulation and blurred boundaries between commercial and investment banking, while highlighting the role of banks, businesses and politicians in the crisis. They also suggest actions the powerful can take to kickstart reform.

Who should read Makers and Takers?

  • Readers curious about the historical background of the 2008 crisis
  • Students of economics and finance
  • Young couples, families and professionals considering their prospects for mortgages and pensions

Personal Finances Books: Investing With Impact by Jeremy K. Balkin

Investing With Impact

Jeremy K. Balkin
Why Finance is a Force for Good
3.9 (67 ratings)
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What's Investing With Impact about?

Investing With Impact (2015) explores how people have harnessed the power of capitalism to do good and improve society at large. As a number of ethical and philanthropic investors have shown, finance needn’t be a system of pure greed. Find out why the frequently demonized capitalist system may well be the secret to saving the world.

Who should read Investing With Impact?

  • Investors and entrepreneurs seeking to improve the world
  • People looking for answers after the 2008 financial crisis
  • Bankers who want to make money ethically

Personal Finances Books: Other People’s Money by John Kay

Other People’s Money

John Kay
The Real Business of Finance
3.9 (81 ratings)
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What's Other People’s Money about?

Other People’s Money (2015) offers a detailed breakdown of the financial sector: how it functions, the effect it has on economies and what its purpose should ideally be – as opposed to what its current purpose is. Find out why the international financial sector has become a ruthless mechanism made up of rotten parts, and discover how these parts can be eliminated and, eventually, replaced.

Who should read Other People’s Money?

  • Readers who want to know how the global financial system affects their lives
  • Entrepreneurs looking to understand how finance works
  • Students of economics, history, politics or sociology

Personal Finances Books: The Bitcoin Standard by Saifedean Ammous

The Bitcoin Standard

Saifedean Ammous
The Decentralized Alternative to Central Banking
4.5 (575 ratings)
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What's The Bitcoin Standard about?

The Bitcoin Standard (2018) traces the story of money, from the very first rock currencies to the Victorians’ love affair with gold and today’s new kid on the block – digital cryptocurrency. Saifedean Ammous, an economist convinced that we need to embrace the forgotten virtues of sound money, believes Bitcoin might just be the future. Like yesteryear’s gold reserves, it has unique properties that mean it’s ideally placed to act as a medium of exchange that can’t be manipulated by bumbling governments. And that’s great news if we want to return our economies to stability and growth and put the cycle of boom and bust behind us.

Who should read The Bitcoin Standard?

  • People interested in the history of money
  • Economists and business buffs
  • Anyone with an eye on the future

Personal Finances Books: The Breakfast Club for 40-Somethings by Vanessa Stoykov

The Breakfast Club for 40-Somethings

Vanessa Stoykov
A Novel Approach to Unlearning Money and Reinventing Your Life
3.8 (77 ratings)
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What's The Breakfast Club for 40-Somethings about?

The Breakfast Club for 40-Somethings (2018) shines a light on the mistaken beliefs, assumptions, and attitudes about money that are standing between you and financial freedom. Making use of a colorful cast of fictional characters, these blinks present invaluable financial life lessons with a narrative twist.

Who should read The Breakfast Club for 40-Somethings?

  • Anyone struggling with debt
  • Forty-somethings looking for a new direction
  • Self-help enthusiasts seeking fresh insights

Personal Finances Books: Mind Over Money by Claudia Hammond

Mind Over Money

Claudia Hammond
The Psychology of Money and How To Use It Better
4.2 (341 ratings)
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What's Mind Over Money about?

Mind Over Money (2016) reveals just how much our psychological baggage and irrational associations affect the decisions we make about money. From our nostalgic affinity for bank notes to how much we save to what we spend our money on, our behavior is influenced by years of “financial socialization” that we’re often completely unaware of. By acknowledging that this behavior is usually irrational, we can create strategies to help us rewire our brains and make money work for – rather than against – us.

Who should read Mind Over Money?

  • Psychology buffs looking for insights into how our minds rule our wallets
  • Would-be savers who want to get a grip on irrational spending habits
  • Anyone who’s wondered if winning the lottery really would make them happy

Personal Finances Books: Clever Girl Finance by Bola Sokunbi

Clever Girl Finance

Bola Sokunbi
Ditch Debt, Save Money and Build Real Wealth
4.0 (119 ratings)
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What's Clever Girl Finance about?

Clever Girl Finance (2019) aims to help women take charge of their financial well-being without feeling judged or pressured. It shows the best ways to manage your finances, get out of debt, save money, and create wealth while staying true to your values and personality.

Who should read Clever Girl Finance?

  • Successful women who want to learn how to manage their finances
  • Working women who want to reach a state of financial happiness
  • Struggling women looking for concrete steps and tools to deal with financial challenges

Personal Finances Books: The Wisdom of Finance by Mihir A. Desai

The Wisdom of Finance

Mihir A. Desai
How the Humanities Can Illuminate and Improve Finance
4.0 (111 ratings)
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What's The Wisdom of Finance about?

The Wisdom of Finance (2017) demonstrates that the world of finance has much to teach us, despite its reputation for avarice and irresponsibility. And likewise, there is much that finance can learn from our wider human endeavors, like literature, art, and philosophy.

Who should read The Wisdom of Finance?

  • Investors, bankers and insurance professionals 
  • Those looking for moral goodness in finance
  • Anyone interested in the link between literature and money

Personal Finances Books: The Behavioral Investor by Daniel Crosby

The Behavioral Investor

Daniel Crosby
4.3 (141 ratings)
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What's The Behavioral Investor about?

The Behavioral Investor (2018) explores the subconscious thought patterns and emotions that influence financial investors. Author Daniel Crosby provides insight and guidance that will help you overcome your natural inclinations so that you can make better financial decisions.

Who should read The Behavioral Investor?

  • Financial investors who want to achieve better results
  • Aspiring traders developing financial strategies
  • Anyone with an interest in psychology

Personal Finances Books: How to Make Money in Stocks by William J. O'Neil

How to Make Money in Stocks

William J. O'Neil
A Winning System in Good Times and Bad
4.4 (411 ratings)
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What's How to Make Money in Stocks about?

How to Make Money in Stocks (1988, new edition 2008) is a guide to building wealth in the stock market, with proven tips for finding winning stocks and avoiding losers. By learning from the past, How to Make Money in Stocks shows us how to spot telltale patterns in unpredictable markets and profit from them. 

Who should read How to Make Money in Stocks?

  • Rookies looking to invest for the first time
  • Experienced traders in search of new tips
  • Anyone interested in the mysterious workings of the market

Personal Finances Books: Rich Dad’s Retire Young Retire Rich by Robert T. Kiyosaki

Rich Dad’s Retire Young Retire Rich

Robert T. Kiyosaki
How to Get Rich Quickly and Stay Rich Forever!
4.5 (553 ratings)
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What's Rich Dad’s Retire Young Retire Rich about?

Rich Dad’s Retire Young Retire Rich (2012) unpacks entrepreneur Robert Kiyosaki’s unique approach to personal finance. If you want to get rich, he argues, you need to understand how to leverage your mind, plan, and actions. Whether it’s cultivating simple habits conducive to success or using debt to buy income-generating assets, Kiyosaki demonstrates that making money is easier than you might think.

Who should read Rich Dad’s Retire Young Retire Rich?

  • Self-starters and go-getters
  • Employees fed up with the nine-to-five grind
  • Would-be real estate tycoons

Personal Finances Books: Die with Zero by Bill Perkins

Die with Zero

Bill Perkins
Getting All You Can from Your Money and Your Life
4.4 (593 ratings)
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What's Die with Zero about?

Die with Zero (2020) explores the benefits of spending more and saving less. These blinks bust the myths that surround the concept of delayed gratification and comfortable retirement. They also explain how everyone can squeeze out more enjoyment from their money.

Who should read Die with Zero?

  • Workaholics searching for balance
  • Financial advisors looking for fresh insights
  • Young professionals wanting a new perspective

Personal Finances Books: Know Yourself, Know Your Money by Rachel Cruze

Know Yourself, Know Your Money

Rachel Cruze
Discover WHY you handle money the way you do, and WHAT to do about it!
4.3 (249 ratings)
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What's Know Yourself, Know Your Money about?

Know Yourself, Know Your Money (2021) tackles personal finance from a novel perspective. Rather than simply showing you how to create a budget or telling you to save more each month, it unpacks the psychology behind decision-making. If you want to improve your financial health, you have to understand why you make the mistakes you do. Get a handle on that and you can start changing your money mindset and build a better future.

Who should read Know Yourself, Know Your Money?

  • Big spenders and the overly thrifty
  • Would-be savers in need of some motivation
  • Parents who want to teach their kids about money

Personal Finances Books: Dropshipping by James Moore


James Moore
A Beginner's Guide to Dropshipping – How to Make Money Online and Build Your Own Online Business
4.1 (142 ratings)
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What's Dropshipping about?

Dropshipping (2018) is a handy, straightforward guide to setting up your own e-commerce empire with minimal investment and overhead. This brief manual gives a detailed overview on operating an online retail business and the benefits of doing so.

Who should read Dropshipping?

  • Novice business people interested in getting into online retail 
  • Ambitious entrepreneurs keen to cultivate passive income 
  • Anyone curious about operating an online business

Personal Finances Books: Get Good with Money by Tiffany Aliche

Get Good with Money

Tiffany Aliche
Ten Simple Steps to Becoming Financially Whole
4.3 (385 ratings)
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What's Get Good with Money about?

Get Good With Money (2021) is a ten-step guide to developing a healthy, happy relationship with your money. It focuses on building wealth through the concept of financial wholeness, which embodies constructive spending and saving habits – leading to financial security and peace of mind.

Who should read Get Good with Money?

  • Women who want to take charge of their finances
  • Ambitious earners looking to boost their wealth
  • Anyone who wants to budget better or slash debt

Personal Finances Books: The Price You Pay for College by Ron Lieber

The Price You Pay for College

Ron Lieber
An Entirely New Road Map for the Biggest Financial Decision Your Family Will Ever Make
4.1 (53 ratings)
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What's The Price You Pay for College about?

The Price You Pay for College (2021) is a one-stop shop for everything you need to know about choosing a college and financing your education. Exploring mentorship, financial aid, and graduate salaries, it clarifies an often confusing world, aiming to ensure that students’ momentous decisions are informed ones.

Who should read The Price You Pay for College?

  • Parents with college-bound kids
  • High school students interested in the college-application process
  • Personal-finance buffs looking to brush up on a new niche

Personal Finances Books: The New Retirement Savings Time Bomb by Ed Slott

The New Retirement Savings Time Bomb

Ed Slott
How to Take Financial Control, Avoid Unnecessary Taxes, and Combat the Latest Threats to Your Retirement Savings
3.9 (59 ratings)
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What's The New Retirement Savings Time Bomb about?

The New Retirement Savings Time Bomb (2021) is a practical handbook to achieving your retirement goals. This level-headed guide provides an easy-to-follow plan for cultivating a nest egg even during turbulent times.

Who should read The New Retirement Savings Time Bomb?

  • Careful savers approaching retirement age
  • Young workers getting a head start on a savings plan
  • Anyone wishing for stress-free golden years

Personal Finances Books: Your Money or Your Life by Vicki Robin and Joe Dominguez

Your Money or Your Life

Vicki Robin and Joe Dominguez
9 Steps to Transforming Your Relationship with Money and Achieving Financial Independence
4.2 (342 ratings)
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What's Your Money or Your Life about?

Your Money or Your Life (1992) is a nine-step guide to taking control of your finances – so you can enjoy your life rather than just make a living. You’ll learn how to adjust your attitude toward your money and time, get out of debt, start saving, and ultimately reach Financial Independence. 

Who should read Your Money or Your Life?

  • Anyone who wants to live intentionally
  • College students seeking positive spending habits
  • Furloughed workers

Personal Finances Books: Crypto Wars by Erica Stanford

Crypto Wars

Erica Stanford
Faked Deaths, Missing Billions, and Industry Disruption
4.2 (210 ratings)
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What's Crypto Wars about?

Crypto Wars: Faked Deaths, Missing Billions, and Industry Disruption (2021) lifts the lid on some of the cryptosphere’s most audacious scams and notorious scandals. From the missing cryptoqueen, Dr. Ruja Ignatova, to the tech whiz kid who – according to his creditors, at least – faked his own death, Crypto Wars shares this secretive industry’s most compelling stories.

Who should read Crypto Wars?

  • Crypto enthusiasts after the inside dirt on some of the market’s biggest scams
  • Interested investors who want a rundown of the red flags in the crypto world
  • Anyone who’s ever wondered if they could make a cool million – or billion – in crypto

Personal Finances Books: We Should All Be Millionaires by Rachel Rodgers

We Should All Be Millionaires

Rachel Rodgers
Change Your Thinking, Build Bank, and Claim Your Independence
4.0 (514 ratings)
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What's We Should All Be Millionaires about?

We Should All Be Millionaires (2021) shows how women can attain financial success by casting off impostor syndrome and demanding that they be paid what they’re really worth. Here, you’ll learn how the ability to earn, save, and manage money has been denied to women – and why that’s a bad thing for the world as a whole.

Who should read We Should All Be Millionaires?

  • Women looking to empower themselves with wealth
  • Those looking to found companies of their own
  • Any woman who has been underpaid and overworked

Personal Finances Books: Smart Money Smart Kids by Dave Ramsey & Rachel Cruze

Smart Money Smart Kids

Dave Ramsey & Rachel Cruze
Raising the Next Generation to Win with Money
4.1 (229 ratings)
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What's Smart Money Smart Kids about?

Smart Money Smart Kids (2014) guides parents – or anyone helping raise children – in teaching those kids to become financially smart. Review basics like the relationship between work and money and find actionable advice for instructing toddlers through teens to gain confidence with money.

Who should read Smart Money Smart Kids?

  • Parents or guardians who want to raise money smart kids
  • Anyone teaching young people how to be financially fit
  • Financially wealthy individuals wondering how to build generational success

Personal Finances Books: Million Dollar Habits by Brian Tracy

Million Dollar Habits

Brian Tracy
Proven Power Practices to Double and Triple Your Income
4.4 (1,477 ratings)
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What's Million Dollar Habits about?

Million Dollar Habits (2017) is the manual to your brain and your life that you never got in school. It explains the “secrets” of success and what you need to do to unlock your full potential.

Who should read Million Dollar Habits?

  • Millionaire wannabes
  • Couch potatoes looking to get fit and healthy 
  • People who want to develop great relationships

Personal Finances Books: Good Money Revolution by Derrick Kinney

Good Money Revolution

Derrick Kinney
How to Make More Money to Do More Good
4.4 (333 ratings)
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What's Good Money Revolution about?

Good Money Revolution (2022) is your guide to making more money – so that you can give more away. Earning money with a purpose benefits everyone, including you.

Who should read Good Money Revolution?

  • Workers looking to improve their financial health
  • People keen to do more good in the world
  • Anyone lacking the motivation to get their finances in shape

Personal Finances Books: Tax-Free Wealth by Tom Wheelwright

Tax-Free Wealth

Tom Wheelwright
How to Build Massive Wealth by Permanently Lowering Your Taxes
4.3 (453 ratings)
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What's Tax-Free Wealth about?

Tax-Free Wealth (2012) takes the mystery out of taxes. It offers priceless insights on taxes and tax planning that you can use to ultimately build your wealth. Drawing from professional experience and a deep understanding of tax law, it breaks down the principles and rules underlying the best financial planning, and shows you how the laws are there to help you save your money.

Who should read Tax-Free Wealth?

  • Business owners and investors who are frustrated to see their income lost to taxes
  • Tax haters who find themselves dreading tax season every year
  • The financially ambitious who want to earn a lot – and save a lot more

Personal Finances Books: The NFT Handbook by Matt Fortnow and QuHarrison Terry

The NFT Handbook

Matt Fortnow and QuHarrison Terry
How to Create, Sell and Buy Non-Fungible Tokens
4.5 (677 ratings)
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What's The NFT Handbook about?

The NFT Handbook (2022) is your go-to guide to “non-fungible tokens” – a new kind of digital asset that’s changing the way we think about ownership in the internet age. Written by two leading experts on NFTs, this explainer covers everything from how NFTs work to how you can enter this booming global market.

Who should read The NFT Handbook?

  • Crypto enthusiasts 
  • Self-starters and entrepreneurs 
  • Anyone wondering what the NFT hype is all about

Personal Finances Books: Just Keep Buying by Nick Maggiulli

Just Keep Buying

Nick Maggiulli
Proven ways to save money and build your wealth
4.2 (542 ratings)
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What's Just Keep Buying about?

Just Keep Buying (2022) is a no-nonsense guide to personal finance that delights in busting myths and dispelling old clichés. Tackling all-important questions like saving and investing, it digs into the psychology behind money and provides a realistic guide to making sound financial decisions. 

Who should read Just Keep Buying?

  • Would-be savers 
  • Guilty spenders
  • Future investors

Personal Finances Books: Financial Feminist by Tori Dunlap

Financial Feminist

Tori Dunlap
Overcome the Patriarchy's Bullsh*t to Master Your Money and Build a Life You Love
4.1 (334 ratings)
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What's Financial Feminist about?

Financial Feminism (2022) debunks the money myths and exposes the systemic oppression that keeps many stuck in toxic jobs or cycles of debt. Offering practical solutions that everyone can start today to close the wage gap, ramp up financial fitness, and build the life of their dreams.

Who should read Financial Feminist?

  • Anyone feeling stuck living paycheck to paycheck
  • Those who want to retire someday
  • Anyone frustrated by the sexist wealth gap looking to build a more equal future

Personal Finances Books: Buy This, Not That by Sam Dogen

Buy This, Not That

Sam Dogen
How to Spend Your Way to Wealth and Freedom
4.1 (381 ratings)
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What's Buy This, Not That about?

Buy This, Not That (2022) is your ultimate guide to achieving financial independence and freedom. It tells you what to buy, how much to spend, and how to make the most of your money.

Who should read Buy This, Not That?

  • Financial freedom seekers
  • Recession-wary worriers looking for security
  • Couples craving financial wisdom for a prosperous future

Personal Finances Books: Trade Like a Stock Market Wizard by Mark Minervini

Trade Like a Stock Market Wizard

Mark Minervini
How to Achieve Super Performance in Stocks in Any Market
4.1 (297 ratings)
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What's Trade Like a Stock Market Wizard about?

Trade Like a Stock Market Wizard (2013) is a guide to the SEPA (Specific Entry Point Analysis) investment methodology. It navigates you through managing risk, maximizing profits, and, most importantly, having faith in your own ability. You don’t have to be a professional to get started in the stock market – in fact, your status as a lay investor might actually be your biggest strength. 

Who should read Trade Like a Stock Market Wizard?

  • Anyone curious about how to get started in trading
  • Stock market geeks
  • Seasoned wealth managers 

Personal Finances Books: The Five Core Conversations for Couples by David Bulitt and Julie Bulitt

The Five Core Conversations for Couples

David Bulitt and Julie Bulitt
Expert Advice about How to Develop: Effective Communication, a Long-Term Financial Plan, Cooperative Parenting Strategies, Mutually Satisfying Sex, and Work-Life Balance
4.3 (347 ratings)
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What's The Five Core Conversations for Couples about?

The Five Core Conversations for Couples (2020) examines the five important topics every couple should talk about. It offers expert guidance on the core facets of a relationship that can help you strengthen yours. 

Who should read The Five Core Conversations for Couples?

  • Young couples looking for relationship advice
  • Older couples wanting to fix and strengthen their marriage
  • Anyone in a relationship

Personal Finances Books: Getting Good with Money by Jessi Fearon

Getting Good with Money

Jessi Fearon
Pay Off Your Debt and Find a Life of Freedom-without Losing Your Mind
4.1 (59 ratings)
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What's Getting Good with Money about?

Getting Good With Money (2022) combats common money struggles by demystifying the often complicated world of personal finance. Following one family’s journey to financial freedom, it equips readers with practical strategies and helpful tips to develop better money habits and build their dream life.

Who should read Getting Good with Money?

  • Anyone interested in personal finance
  • People looking to develop better money habits
  • Families who want to live debt-free

Personal Finances Books: Smart Women Finish Rich by David Bach

Smart Women Finish Rich

David Bach
3.6 (92 ratings)
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What's Smart Women Finish Rich about?

Smart Women Finish Rich (1998) is a guide to financial empowerment. The personal finance classic walks readers through everything from saving to investing to – ultimately – building a values-based life and funding your dreams. 

Who should read Smart Women Finish Rich?

  • Anyone intimidated by personal finance
  • Young women starting out in their careers
  • Individuals approaching retirement

Personal Finances Books: The Millionaire Fastlane by MJ DeMarco

The Millionaire Fastlane

MJ DeMarco
Crack the Code to Wealth and Live Rich for a Lifetime!
3.9 (489 ratings)
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What's The Millionaire Fastlane about?

The Millionaire Fastlane (2011) challenges conventional wisdom about accumulating wealth and presents an alternative roadmap to financial independence. As opposed to taking the “Slowlane” approach of saving and investing over decades, it argues that investors should instead seize opportunities in entrepreneurship that can lead to rapid wealth accumulation. It covers key principles such as creating scalable businesses, taking calculated risks, and leveraging time to achieve financial freedom more quickly.

Who should read The Millionaire Fastlane?

  • Aspiring entrepreneurs seeking financial freedom
  • Skeptics of traditional investment advice
  • Individuals interested in the FIRE (Financial Independence Retire Early) methodology


Personal Finances Books: Baby Steps Millionaires by Dave Ramsey

Baby Steps Millionaires

Dave Ramsey
How Ordinary People Built Extraordinary Wealth-and how You Can Too
3.8 (395 ratings)
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What's Baby Steps Millionaires about?

Baby Steps Millionaires (2022) is a straightforward, practical guide to how anyone can become a millionaire. It lays out seven simple steps that you can follow to get yourself out of debt, grow your net worth, and improve your life. 

Who should read Baby Steps Millionaires?

  • Anyone who wants to make money
  • People struggling with mounting debts
  • Generous souls who want to be able to give more

Personal Finances Books: My Philosophy for Successful Living by Jim Rohn

My Philosophy for Successful Living

Jim Rohn
4.2 (406 ratings)
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What's My Philosophy for Successful Living about?

My Philosophy for Successful Living (2011) examines the secrets of how to lead a financially successful and personally fulfilling life. Drawing from the author’s experiences, it presents nuggets of wisdom on topics such as finances, personal development, and goal setting.

Who should read My Philosophy for Successful Living?

  • Anyone looking to change the trajectory of their finances
  • People wanting to turn their lives around
  • Finance and personal development enthusiasts

Personal Finances Books: How to Attract Money by Joseph Murphy

How to Attract Money

Joseph Murphy
4.0 (508 ratings)
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What's How to Attract Money about?

How to Attract Money (1959) is a classic handbook on how to grow your wealth and enrichen your life spiritually, mentally and materially. It shows how, by training your mind and your subconscious, you can gear yourself toward a life of abundance and fulfillment.

Who should read How to Attract Money?

  • Anyone who wants to increase their wealth
  • Students of human nature and psychology
  • Fans of self-help books looking to (re-)visit a classic

Personal Finances Books: How to Day Trade for a Living by Andrew Aziz

How to Day Trade for a Living

Andrew Aziz
A Beginner's Guide
4.1 (236 ratings)
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What's How to Day Trade for a Living about?

How to Day Trade for a Living (2015) propels you into the exhilarating world of day trading, equipping you with proven strategies and insights for consistent income. This no-nonsense guide demystifies complex concepts, revealing how you can turn the stock market into your personal ATM.

Who should read How to Day Trade for a Living?

  • Novice traders wanting to start day trading
  • Intermediate traders looking to brush up on their knowledge of the basics
  • Trading enthusiasts

Personal Finances Books: Dave Ramsey's Complete Guide To Money by Dave Ramsey

Dave Ramsey's Complete Guide To Money

Dave Ramsey
3.7 (86 ratings)
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What's Dave Ramsey's Complete Guide To Money about?

Dave Ramsey's Complete Guide To Money (2011) is a hands-on guide to personal finance. It details the best approaches to everything money – including budgeting, saving, investing, and getting insurance.

Who should read Dave Ramsey's Complete Guide To Money?

  • Anyone wanting to manage their finances correctly
  • Individuals struggling with debt
  • Young adults seeking budgeting tips

Personal Finances Books: Reminiscences of a Stock Operator by Edwin Lefèvre

Reminiscences of a Stock Operator

Edwin Lefèvre
3.8 (176 ratings)
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What's Reminiscences of a Stock Operator about?

Reminiscences of a Stock Operator (1923) looks at the life and trading strategies of Jesse Livermore, a professional stock and commodities trader, through the pseudonymous character of Larry Livingston. It explores the psychological challenges and strategic complexities of trading, offering timeless insights into market behavior and the discipline required for success in the financial world.

Who should read Reminiscences of a Stock Operator?

  • Aspiring traders seeking market wisdom
  • Investors interested in trading history
  • Business students applying real-world trading

Personal Finances Books: Trading in the Zone by Mark Douglas

Trading in the Zone

Mark Douglas
Master the Market with Confidence, Discipline, and a Winning Attitude
4.0 (290 ratings)
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What's Trading in the Zone about?

Trading in the Zone (2001) is a deep dive into the psychological aspects of stock trading. It presents a view into a trader's mind, identifying how fear and overconfidence often lead to financial downfall. It also offers a practical framework to manage risk, navigate uncertainties, and develop a winning mindset – enabling anyone to overcome emotional barriers and make more consistent and profitable trades.

Who should read Trading in the Zone?

  • Aspiring traders eager to learn psychological stock market strategies
  • Financial professionals seeking to refine their decision-making skills
  • Psychology enthusiasts curious about the intersection of psychology and finance

Personal Finances Books: The Great Money Reset by Jill Schlesinger

The Great Money Reset

Jill Schlesinger
Change Your Work, Change Your Wealth, Change Your Life
3.9 (217 ratings)
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What's The Great Money Reset about?

The Great Money Reset (2023) is a plain-talking, practically focused handbook aimed at empowering everyday people to take the financial steps necessary to build their dream lives. Simple strategies explain how to bring your financial life into alignment with your values, desires, and dreams, to put a truly fulfilling life within reach.

Who should read The Great Money Reset?

  • Daydreamers who’d love to make a big life move but don’t know how to fund it
  • Office workers who are ready to take bigger professional risks
  • Anyone who feels too financially stuck to try something new or adventurous

Personal Finances Books: Love Your Life, Not Theirs by Rachel Cruze

Love Your Life, Not Theirs

Rachel Cruze
7 Money Habits for Living the Life You Want
4.3 (541 ratings)
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What's Love Your Life, Not Theirs about?

Love Your Life, Not Theirs (2016) looks at the pervasive issue of financial comparison, with a focus on personal values, informed spending and sustainable money habits. It encourages an authentic lifestyle, advocating for financial stability through debt-avoidance and saving for the future, rather than through striving to keep up with others’ expectations.

Who should read Love Your Life, Not Theirs?

  • The financially hopeless looking to get their savings back on track
  • Young couples who want to set a solid foundation for their future
  • Anyone who finds themselves wondering where their paycheck has gone at the end of the month

Personal Finances Books: The Insider's Edge to Real Estate Investing by James P. Nelson with Rachel Hartman

The Insider's Edge to Real Estate Investing

James P. Nelson with Rachel Hartman
Game-Changing Strategies to Outperform the Market
4.2 (99 ratings)
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What's The Insider's Edge to Real Estate Investing about?

The Insider’s Edge to Real Estate Investing (2023) is a wealth of knowledge and insights for beginner and intermediate real estate investors alike. Based on the podcast of the same name, and framed as a 10-step process, it guides you through the many considerations and choices needed to build a successful real estate investment portfolio.

Who should read The Insider's Edge to Real Estate Investing?

  • Beginning and intermediate real estate investors
  • Students of business and real estate
  • Anyone wondering what building a real estate investment portfolio entails

Personal Finances Books: The Business Of The 21st Century by Robert T. Kiyosaki, John Fleming & Kim Kiyosaki

The Business Of The 21st Century

Robert T. Kiyosaki, John Fleming & Kim Kiyosaki
3.2 (29 ratings)
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What's The Business Of The 21st Century about?

The Business Of The 21st Century (2010) focuses on the transformative power of network marketing. It advocates for the creation of personal wealth through entrepreneurship, emphasizing the shift from traditional employment to innovative, individual-driven business models. It provides insights into leveraging networking and direct sales as tools for financial success and personal growth.

Who should read The Business Of The 21st Century?

  • Aspiring entrepreneurs interested in network marketing opportunities
  • Individuals open to non-traditional income streams
  • Employees seeking to control their financial future

Personal Finances Books: You Were Born Rich by Bob Proctor

You Were Born Rich

Bob Proctor
3.9 (71 ratings)
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What's You Were Born Rich about?

You Were Born Rich (2007) delves into the idea that every person is born with the potential and capacity to lead a rich life, not just in terms of financial wealth but in all areas of life. Inner beliefs and mindsets shape external experiences, and by transforming these inner structures, one can truly realize their innate potential. Every person has the innate capability to manifest their desires and create the life they dream of.

Who should read You Were Born Rich?

  • Individuals facing personal challenges who wish to transform their mindset for better outcomes
  • Entrepreneurs wanting to harness the power of mindset to drive business growth
  • Career professionals in finance or business looking to understand the interplay between mindset and monetary success

Personal Finances Books: The Warren Buffett Way by Robert G. Hagstrom

The Warren Buffett Way

Robert G. Hagstrom
Investment Strategies of the World's Greatest Investor
4.5 (356 ratings)
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What's The Warren Buffett Way about?

The Warren Buffett Way (2013) chronicles the unprecedented success of one of the world’s greatest investors. From his first $120 investment to his ultimate $120 billion net worth, it focuses on the history and strategies of the man who seemed to do the impossible: beat the market.

Who should read The Warren Buffett Way?

  • Amateur and advanced economists and investors
  • People interested in success stories
  • Anyone who wants to learn about Warren Buffett’s life

Personal Finances Books: You Will Own Nothing by Carol Roth

You Will Own Nothing

Carol Roth
Your War with a New Financial World Order and How to Fight Back
3.2 (367 ratings)
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What's You Will Own Nothing about?

You Will Own Nothing (2023) challenges you to confront a possible future where global elites dictate what you do and don’t have. Dive into an investigation of the forces striving to reshape our very notions of ownership, and discover strategies to ensure your autonomy and assets aren't just safe but thriving. Brace yourself: it's time to redefine your future.

Who should read You Will Own Nothing?

  • Financial enthusiasts exploring global economic shifts.
  • Technological futurists keen on societal implications.
  • Advocates for personal rights and wealth autonomy.

Personal Finances Books: The Simple Path to Wealth by J L Collins

The Simple Path to Wealth

J L Collins
Your Road Map to Financial Independence and a Rich, Free Life
3.8 (305 ratings)
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What's The Simple Path to Wealth about?

The Simple Path to Wealth (2016) navigates the intricate world of investing, presenting clear and direct strategies for financial success. By demystifying money's role it reveals the authentic mechanics of the stock market, and offers a straightforward method to avoid financial snares, all while emphasizing the power of simplicity in wealth building.

Who should read The Simple Path to Wealth?

  • Beginners to personal finance looking for a foundational understanding of investing and wealth-building.
  • Parents or caregivers wanting to impart sound financial advice and habits to their children.
  • Young professionals aiming to establish a solid financial footing for their future.

Personal Finances Books: Passive Income, Aggressive Retirement by Rachel Richards

Passive Income, Aggressive Retirement

Rachel Richards
The Secret to Freedom, Flexibility, and Financial Independence (& How to Get Started!)
3.7 (446 ratings)
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What's Passive Income, Aggressive Retirement about?

Passive Income, Aggressive Retirement (2019) is a roadmap to financial freedom through diversified income streams like real estate, stocks, and other forms of passive income. As traditional retirement plans become outdated, financial independence emerges as the new goal. Discover the tools to craft your prosperous financial narrative.

Who should read Passive Income, Aggressive Retirement?

  • Aspiring entrepreneurs seeking guidance on diversifying their income streams
  • Millennial professionals aiming to achieve financial independence before traditional retirement age
  • Personal finance enthusiasts eager to explore various avenues of wealth generation

Personal Finances Books: Financial Intelligence for Entrepreneurs by Karen Berman & Joe Knight with John Case

Financial Intelligence for Entrepreneurs

Karen Berman & Joe Knight with John Case
What You Really Need to Know about the Numbers
3.1 (308 ratings)
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What's Financial Intelligence for Entrepreneurs about?

Financial Intelligence for Entrepreneurs (2008) provides a comprehensive guide to understanding and utilizing financial information effectively, specifically tailored for entrepreneurs, business owners, and managers without a financial background. Through practical insights and real-world examples, it demystifies complex financial terms and empowers nonfinancial professionals to leverage financial intelligence for business success.

Who should read Financial Intelligence for Entrepreneurs?

  • Entrepreneurs seeking to navigate the financial landscape of business 
  • Small business owners looking to optimize financial performance and management
  • Investors wanting to understand the ins and outs of financial health

Personal Finances Books: Unscripted by MJ DeMarco


MJ DeMarco
Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Entrepreneurship
4.1 (65 ratings)
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What's Unscripted about?

Unscripted (2017) exposes societal norms and stories that often trap individuals in unfulfilling lives, mediocrity, and financial dependency. It emphasizes entrepreneurship as a vehicle for breaking free from these constraints, and provides principles for creating a business that generates explosive wealth and life-changing outcomes.

Who should read Unscripted?

  • Aspiring entrepreneurs seeking guidance on how to quickly achieve financial freedom
  • Anyone feeling trapped in the 9-to-5 grind
  • Individuals interested in pursuing an early retirement strategy

Personal Finances Books: The Little Book of Market Wizards by Jack D. Schwager

The Little Book of Market Wizards

Jack D. Schwager
Lessons from the Greatest Traders
4.4 (72 ratings)
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What's The Little Book of Market Wizards about?

The Little Book of Market Wizards (2014) distills decades of wisdom from iconic traders, sharing key insights on strategy, risk management, and mindset. Based on interviews with hedge fund managers and commodity traders who've generated huge returns, this book is packed with engaging anecdotes to teach you how persistence, flexibility, and emotional discipline will let you excel like the pros. 

Who should read The Little Book of Market Wizards?

  • Aspiring or experienced traders
  • Finance professionals
  • Individuals trading on their own and looking to improve results

Personal Finances Books: Finance for the People by Paco de Leon

Finance for the People

Paco de Leon
Getting a Grip on Your Finances
4.0 (233 ratings)
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What's Finance for the People about?

Finance for the People (2022) takes a novel approach to personal finance by focusing on the psychological aspects of money management. Encouraging readers to examine and reshape their beliefs about money, this guide offers strategies for debt management, mindful spending, and wealth building.

Who should read Finance for the People?

  • Financial fledglings
  • Wealth strategy savants
  • Finance historians

Personal Finances Books: Pillars of Wealth by David M. Greene

Pillars of Wealth

David M. Greene
How to Make, Save, and Invest Your Way to Financial Freedom
4.0 (179 ratings)
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What's Pillars of Wealth about?

Pillars of Wealth (2023) outlines a proven strategy for accumulating wealth through real estate. With the right mindset and the strategies included in the three pillars of wealth – defense, offense, and investing – anyone can build a multi-million-dollar net worth. 

Who should read Pillars of Wealth?

  • Anyone who’s struggled to generate wealth
  • People looking to build their wealth through real estate
  • Those interested in realistic ways to think about property and personal finances

Personal Finances Books: A Random Walk Down Wall Street by Burton G. Malkiel

A Random Walk Down Wall Street

Burton G. Malkiel
The Time-Tested Strategy for Successful Investing
3.9 (116 ratings)
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What's A Random Walk Down Wall Street about?

A Random Walk Down Wall Street (1973) looks at the unpredictability of stock market prices, linking their movements to a “random walk.” It dispels the generally accepted belief in discernible market patterns, suggesting that consistent gains are not a product of easily-chartered trends.

Who should read A Random Walk Down Wall Street?

  • Aspiring investors
  • Stock market analysts
  • Economists interested in financial market patterns

Personal Finances Books: A Beginner's Guide to the Stock Market by Matthew R Kratter

A Beginner's Guide to the Stock Market

Matthew R Kratter
Everything You Need to Start Making Money Today
4.3 (49 ratings)
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What's A Beginner's Guide to the Stock Market about?

A Beginner's Guide to the Stock Market (2019) provides a clear and comprehensive introduction to investing, making it accessible for those new to the stock market. It breaks down essential concepts such as stock ownership, trading strategies, and market analysis, offering practical guidance to help readers develop a personalized investment approach while steering clear of common mistakes.

Who should read A Beginner's Guide to the Stock Market?

  • New investors seeking foundational stock market knowledge
  • Individuals exploring diverse trading strategies and methods
  • Those wanting to build long-term wealth through investing

Personal Finances Books: The Book on Rental Property Investing by Brandon Turner

The Book on Rental Property Investing

Brandon Turner
How to Create Wealth and Passive Income Through Smart Buy & Hold Real Estate Investing
4.2 (85 ratings)
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What's The Book on Rental Property Investing about?

The Book on Rental Property Investing (2015) shows you how to build lasting wealth through smart real estate investments. With proven strategies for finding profitable deals, maximizing cash flow, and leveraging tax benefits, you’ll gain the insights needed to turn rental properties into reliable financial assets. Whether you’re a beginner or seasoned investor, this guide will help you make informed decisions and achieve financial independence.

Who should read The Book on Rental Property Investing?

  • Real estate investors seeking long-term wealth through rental properties
  • Aspiring landlords wanting to maximize cash flow and tax benefits
  • Entrepreneurs exploring creative financing and property management strategies

Personal Finances Books: Rich Dad's Increase Your Financial IQ by Robert T. Kiyosaki

Rich Dad's Increase Your Financial IQ

Robert T. Kiyosaki
Get Smarter with Your Money
4.0 (146 ratings)
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What's Rich Dad's Increase Your Financial IQ about?

Increase Your Financial IQ (2011) is a guide to building financial intelligence and taking control of your financial future. It lays out key principles for protecting your money, budgeting, leveraging your assets, and continuously improving your financial knowledge.

Who should read Rich Dad's Increase Your Financial IQ?

  • Individuals and families striving to build long-term wealth
  • Small investors seeking to make smarter, more informed decisions
  • Anyone feeling overwhelmed or confused by personal finance

Personal Finances Books: Same as Ever by Morgan Housel

Same as Ever

Morgan Housel
A Guide to What Never Changes
4.3 (283 ratings)
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What's Same as Ever about?

Same as Ever (2023) invites you to identify the things that stay the same so you can successfully navigate this ever-changing world. Engaging stories, witty examples, and a whole lot of practical advice combine into a master class on assessing risk, seizing opportunity, and living your best life – and not just financially.

Who should read Same as Ever?

  • Investors looking to understand risk and optimize investment strategies
  • Entrepreneurs seeking guidance on opportunities and challenges
  • Those Striving for more fulfillment, meaning, and purpose in their financial lives and beyond

Personal Finances Books: Accounting for Non-Accountants by Wayne A. Label

Accounting for Non-Accountants

Wayne A. Label
The Fast and Easy Way to Learn the Basics
4.0 (40 ratings)
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What's Accounting for Non-Accountants about?

Accounting for Non-Accountants (2006) is a guide that provides a comprehensive, accessible introduction to key accounting principles and concepts, empowering readers with essential financial knowledge to confidently manage budgets, cash flows, financial statements, and more in their personal and professional lives. This valuable resource serves as an approachable reference for small business owners, entrepreneurs, and any individual seeking to enhance their financial literacy and unlock opportunities for success.

Who should read Accounting for Non-Accountants?

  • Small business owners
  • Aspiring entrepreneurs
  • Anyone looking to enhance their financial literacy

Personal Finances Books: Rich AF by Vivian Tu

Rich AF

Vivian Tu
The Winning Money Mindset That Will Change Your Life
4.2 (339 ratings)
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What's Rich AF about?

Rich AF debunks myths and imparts strategies for maximizing earnings, investing, and saving, all aimed at securing long-lasting wealth. Starting with the author’s mentorship on the trading floor, the narrative offers a wealth of practical advice for financial empowerment to the new generation.

Who should read Rich AF?

  • Recent college grads eager to learn about personal finance and investment
  • Young professionals seeking to navigate the world of finance
  • Aspiring entrepreneurs looking for practical advice on wealth building

Personal Finances Books: Your Journey to Financial Freedom by Jamila Souffrant

Your Journey to Financial Freedom

Jamila Souffrant
A Step-By-Step Guide to Achieving Wealth and Happiness
4.3 (197 ratings)
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What's Your Journey to Financial Freedom about?

Your Journey to Financial Freedom (2023) is a comprehensive guide designed to help you achieve financial independence through smart money management and investment strategies. It delves into the importance of budgeting, saving, and investing, providing practical tools and advice to create a solid financial foundation. 

Who should read Your Journey to Financial Freedom?

  • Those seeking financial
  • Professionals looking to quit their nine-to-five
  • Beginners in personal finance and investment education

Personal Finances Books: Breaking Free From Broke by George Kamel

Breaking Free From Broke

George Kamel
The Ultimate Guide to More Money and Less Stress
3.7 (53 ratings)
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What's Breaking Free From Broke about?

Breaking Free from Broke (2024) details the financial philosophies author George Kamel used to move from $40,000 in debt to being a debt-free millionaire. Discover how, with a paradigm shift and the right financial practices, you can achieve your financial goals and start living the life you want.

Who should read Breaking Free From Broke?

  • Anyone who wants to take control of their finances
  • People looking for a modern, no-nonsense approach to becoming a millionaire
  • Those curious about a millennial take on Dave Ramsey’s financial philosophy

Personal Finances Books: Set for Life by Scott Trench

Set for Life

Scott Trench
Dominate Life, Money, and the American Dream
4.2 (209 ratings)
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What's Set for Life about?

Set for Life (2017) offers a strategic roadmap for achieving financial independence, emphasizing the importance of frugality, saving, and smart investment. It guides you through the process of accumulating wealth by spending less, earning more, and investing in income-generating assets, particularly real estate. Ultimately, it offers practical advice for creating a long-term financial plan that enables early retirement and financial freedom.

Who should read Set for Life?

  • Young professionals and recent graduates just starting their careers
  • Middle-class earners with little savings
  • Anyone seeking financial independence

Personal Finances Books: Your Best Financial Life by Anne Lester

Your Best Financial Life

Anne Lester
Save Smart Now for the Future You Want
4.0 (41 ratings)
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What's Your Best Financial Life about?

Your Best Financial Life (2024) charts a course through the complex landscape of personal finance, offering a map to navigate the twists and turns of saving, investing, and planning for the future. It unfolds the secrets of compound interest, the perils of financial pitfalls, and the art of adapting to life’s surprises, all while keeping your eyes on the prize: a secure and prosperous retirement.

Who should read Your Best Financial Life?

  • Early-career savers seeking direction
  • Compulsive spenders craving financial freedom
  • Retirement dreamers in need of a roadmap

Personal Finances Books: Your First Million by Arlan Hamilton

Your First Million

Arlan Hamilton
Why You Don't Have to Be Born Into a Legacy of Wealth to Leave One Behind
3.2 (346 ratings)
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What's Your First Million about?

Your First Million (2020) shines a light on the imperative of establishing multiple revenue streams to cultivate financial resilience. No matter the circumstances, it insists that wealth is accessible to everyone.

Who should read Your First Million?

  • Aspiring entrepreneurs
  • Economic equality advocates
  • Personal finance enthusiasts

Personal Finances Books: The Next Millionaire Next Door by Thomas J. Stanley & Sarah Stanley Fallaw

The Next Millionaire Next Door

Thomas J. Stanley & Sarah Stanley Fallaw
Enduring Strategies for Building Wealth
4.3 (201 ratings)
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What's The Next Millionaire Next Door about?

The Next Millionaire Next Door (2018) inspires readers of all backgrounds and income levels to build substantial wealth through frugal living and smart investing. Clear, simple strategies for living within your means and patiently growing assets show that economic success is truly accessible for all.

Who should read The Next Millionaire Next Door?

  • Average earners who feel like lasting wealth is out of their reach
  • Above average earners who struggle to grow their wealth, rather than spend it
  • Anyone who longs for the flexibility and financial freedom that comes with true wealth

Personal Finances Books: You Need a Budget by Jesse Mecham

You Need a Budget

Jesse Mecham
The Proven System for Breaking the Paycheck-to-Paycheck Cycle, Getting Out of Debt, and Living the Life You Want
4.4 (187 ratings)
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What's You Need a Budget about?

You Need a Budget (2017) is a practical guide to managing personal finances through a unique, four-rule method. It will teach you how to break the paycheck-to-paycheck cycle, gain control over your money, and achieve your financial goals by giving every dollar a job. It emphasizes proactive budgeting, adjusting to financial changes, and building a healthier relationship with money to enhance your overall life satisfaction.

Who should read You Need a Budget?

  • Students or young professionals building their first budget 
  • Professionals who want to demystify their finances
  • Anyone sick of living paycheck-to-paycheck

Personal Finances Books: The Bogleheads' Guide to Investing by Mel Lindauer, Taylor Larimore & Michael LeBoeuf

The Bogleheads' Guide to Investing

Mel Lindauer, Taylor Larimore & Michael LeBoeuf
4.2 (48 ratings)
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What's The Bogleheads' Guide to Investing about?

The Bogleheads’ Guide to Investing (2014) lays out time-tested strategies for securing financial independence. You’ll learn how to navigate various financial behaviors, optimize investment strategies, and understand the critical role of emotional management in investing. This guide equips you to make informed decisions that align with your long-term financial goals.

Who should read The Bogleheads' Guide to Investing?

  • Aspiring investors seeking financial independence
  • Individuals interested in behavioral finance
  • Long-term financial planners

Personal Finances Books: The Wealth Money Can't Buy by Robin Sharma

The Wealth Money Can't Buy

Robin Sharma
The 8 Hidden Habits to Live Your Richest Life
4.3 (320 ratings)
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What's The Wealth Money Can't Buy about?

The Wealth Money Can't Buy (2024) is a groundbreaking guide that will hardwire in you a completely new way of measuring wealth. With proven tactics and methods, it will help you stop chasing the wrong kinds of riches, so you can get on the right track to making a life you absolutely adore.

Who should read The Wealth Money Can't Buy?

  • Personal growth enthusiasts seeking fulfillment beyond material possessions
  • Overworked professionals looking to redefine success and priorities
  • Spiritual seekers desiring a holistic approach to abundance

Personal Finances Books: Financial Literacy for All by John Hope Bryant

Financial Literacy for All

John Hope Bryant
Disrupting Struggle, Advancing Financial Freedom, and Building a New American Middle Class
3.2 (41 ratings)
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What's Financial Literacy for All about?

Financial Literacy for All (2024) equips you to navigate the complexities of personal and community finances with greater proficiency and understanding. It reveals how financial education can transform your economic stability and unlock opportunities by managing credit more effectively. This guide is essential for anyone looking to enhance their financial literacy and make informed decisions that pave the way to personal and communal prosperity.

Who should read Financial Literacy for All?

  • Young adults entering the workforce
  • Educators and financial advisors
  • Policymakers in education and finance

Personal Finances Books: The Algebra of Wealth by Scott Galloway

The Algebra of Wealth

Scott Galloway
A Simple Formula for Financial Security
3.9 (250 ratings)
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What's The Algebra of Wealth about?

The Algebra of Wealth (2024) provides a guide to optimizing financial success in today’s economy. It emphasizes focusing on talent over passion for career decisions, leveraging economic trends, and making small financial moves with significant long-term returns. It also incorporates stoic principles to encourage better financial habits and reduced spending.

Who should read The Algebra of Wealth?

  • Young professionals seeking financial success strategies
  • Career changers aiming to optimize their talent
  • Students studying personal finance and economic trends

Personal Finances Books: Beyond Getting By by Holly Trantham

Beyond Getting By

Holly Trantham
The Financial Diet's Guide to Abundant and Intentional Living
3.4 (34 ratings)
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What's Beyond Getting By about?

Beyond Getting By (2024) is a guide for those looking to integrate financial management with personal fulfillment, emphasizing the use of money as a tool to enhance life quality. It offers practical advice and exercises to help readers define their budget philosophy, negotiate for raises, and balance their personal and professional lives to avoid burnout​.

Who should read Beyond Getting By?

  • Women seeking to improve financial literacy and independence
  • Individuals interested in holistic financial and life planning
  • Professionals aiming to balance career and personal life

Personal Finances Books: The Stoic Path to Wealth by Darius Foroux

The Stoic Path to Wealth

Darius Foroux
Ancient Wisdom for Enduring Prosperity
4.4 (244 ratings)
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What's The Stoic Path to Wealth about?

The Stoic Path to Wealth (2024) applies ancient Stoic philosophy to modern investing. It shows how cultivating emotional control and personal growth can help lead to better financial decisions – and provides techniques on building lasting wealth while maintaining a balanced perspective on life and money.

Who should read The Stoic Path to Wealth?

  • Novice investors looking for a solid foundation
  • Experienced traders seeking emotional balance in volatile times
  • Personal finance enthusiasts interested in merging philosophy with wealth-building

Personal Finances Books: Principles by Ray Dalio


Ray Dalio
Life and Work
3.8 (84 ratings)
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What's Principles about?

Principles (2017) is a comprehensive guide on personal and professional development, based on the author's own experiences as the founder of Bridgewater Associates. Focusing on radical truth and transparency, the book emphasizes how having a set of core principles guiding every action can make decision-making an easy process, no matter what situation you’re in. 

Who should read Principles?

  • Managers who want to become better leaders
  • Entrepreneurs interested in starting their own business 
  • Readers curious about personal growth and improvement

Personal Finances Books: You Weren’t Supposed To See That by Joshua Brown

You Weren’t Supposed To See That

Joshua Brown
Secrets Every Investor Should Know
3.7 (113 ratings)
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What's You Weren’t Supposed To See That about?

You Weren't Supposed to See That (2024) draws on fifteen years of insights from The Reformed Broker, the most-read financial blog in the world. An essential compilation of financial wisdom, it reveals crucial, sometimes startling truths about finance, investing, and Wall Street that are vital for today’s investors. 

Who should read You Weren’t Supposed To See That?

  • Aspiring investors seeking practical financial insights
  • Finance professionals looking for industry wisdom
  • Readers interested in behind-the-scenes Wall Street dynamics

Personal Finances Books: Millionaire Mission by Brian Preston

Millionaire Mission

Brian Preston
A 9-Step System to Level Up Your Finances and Build Wealth
4.1 (36 ratings)
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What's Millionaire Mission about?

Millionaire Mission (2024) offers a clear, straightforward method for building wealth with the resources you already have. It assists in identifying and tackling financial vulnerabilities, alleviates the anxiety linked to making financial decisions, and provides practical strategies for effective money management.

Who should read Millionaire Mission?

  • Forward-thinkers wanting to achieve sustainable financial security
  • Aspiring investors seeking clear, actionable wealth-building strategies
  • Individuals overcoming financial decision-making anxiety

Personal Finances Books: How to Retire by Christine Benz

How to Retire

Christine Benz
20 lessons for a happy, successful, and wealthy retirement
3.5 (22 ratings)
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What's How to Retire about?

How to Retire (2024) offers a detailed guide to building a financially secure and fulfilling retirement. It covers essential strategies like managing investments, maximizing Social Security benefits, and preparing for long-term care. Alongside financial advice, it emphasizes the importance of maintaining health, nurturing relationships, and finding purpose, helping you approach retirement with confidence and balance.

Who should read How to Retire?

  • Retirees seeking financial stability and fulfilling life choices
  • Pre-retirees preparing for long-term financial and lifestyle planning
  • Women planning for retirement and long-term care needs

Personal Finances Books: Security Analysis by Benjamin Graham, David Dodd, Seth A. Klarman

Security Analysis

Benjamin Graham, David Dodd, Seth A. Klarman
Principles and Techniques
4.3 (30 ratings)
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What's Security Analysis about?

Security Analysis (1934) reveals the timeless principles that separate successful investors from market speculators, showing you how to analyze any investment through the lens of fundamental value. Through real examples from the Great Depression era that remain startlingly relevant today, you’ll master the analytical tools needed to build lasting wealth while protecting your capital during market downturns.

Who should read Security Analysis?

  • Aspiring investors looking to understand true value beyond market swings
  • Investment professionals seeking timeless principles to guide their decisions
  • Market analysts hoping to develop a systematic approach to valuation

Personal Finances Books: 7 Rules of Self-Reliance by Maha Abouelenein

7 Rules of Self-Reliance

Maha Abouelenein
How to Stay Low, Keep Moving, Invest in Yourself, and Own Your Future
3.9 (7 ratings)
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What's 7 Rules of Self-Reliance about?

7 Rules of Self-Reliance (2024) reveals how ordinary moments can become extraordinary turning points when you know what to look for. Drawing from high-stakes decisions during the Arab Spring and intimate family challenges alike, these principles show you how to create opportunities instead of waiting for them. You’ll learn to transform your distinctive experiences – even the difficult ones – into capabilities that no one else can match.

Who should read 7 Rules of Self-Reliance?

  • Professionals seeking to create opportunities rather than wait for them
  • Career changers ready to transform personal challenges into strengths
  • Technology leaders who want to balance automation with human connection

Personal Finances Books: You Don't Need a Budget by Dana Miranda

You Don't Need a Budget

Dana Miranda
Spend Without Shame, and Manage Money with Ease
4.2 (5 ratings)
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What's You Don't Need a Budget about?

You Don’t Need a Budget (2024) challenges conventional personal finance advice by rejecting rigid budgeting rules and shame-based money management. It presents a liberating alternative that acknowledges systemic inequalities and makes financial planning accessible to everyone, particularly those left behind by traditional capitalist structures.

Who should read You Don't Need a Budget?

  • People feeling trapped or guilty about their current budgeting approach
  • Young professionals questioning traditional financial advice
  • Social justice-minded individuals wanting to align money choices with their values

Personal Finances Books: Continuous-Time Finance by Robert C. Merton

Continuous-Time Finance

Robert C. Merton
Mastering Financial Strategies with Math, Models, and Insights
5.0 (1 ratings)
Listen to the Intro

What's Continuous-Time Finance about?

Continuous-Time Finance (1990) looks at the mathematical foundations of financial markets, focusing on the use of continuous-time models to analyze pricing, risk management, and investment strategies. Combining theory with practical applications, it has become a cornerstone in quantitative finance.

Who should read Continuous-Time Finance?

  • Aspiring financial analysts looking to deepen quantitative modeling skills
  • Seasoned investment professionals aiming to enhance risk management strategies
  • Ambitious graduate students studying advanced finance and economics concepts

Personal Finances Books: The World for Sale by Javier Blas, Jack Farchy

The World for Sale

Javier Blas, Jack Farchy
Money, Power, and the Traders Who Barter the Earth's Resources
5.0 (1 ratings)
Listen to the Intro

What's The World for Sale about?

The World for Sale (2021) examines the shadowy world of commodity traders who quietly control the global supply of vital resources like oil, metals, and food. It uncovers how these risk-taking traders wield enormous influence by striking high-stakes deals in politically unstable regions. Through vivid stories, it reveals the immense power and ethical complexities of an industry that operates largely outside public scrutiny.

Who should read The World for Sale?

  • Curious investors interested in global commodity markets
  • Aspiring traders seeking insights into high-stakes deals
  • Journalists covering finance, energy, and geopolitical issues

What's The Little Book That Beats the Market about?

In this book, Joel Greenblatt shares a simple yet effective investment strategy that aims to outperform the market. He introduces the concept of "magic formula investing" which focuses on buying good companies at bargain prices. Through clear explanations and real-life examples, Greenblatt provides valuable insights for both novice and experienced investors. Whether you're interested in stock market investing or simply want to understand how to make better financial decisions, this book offers practical advice and a unique perspective.

Who should read The Little Book That Beats the Market?

  • Individuals looking for a practical guide to investing in the stock market
  • Those who want to learn a simple, yet effective strategy for selecting profitable stocks
  • Beginner investors who are interested in learning from a successful investor with a proven track record

Personal Finances Books: Women & Money by Suze Orman

Women & Money

Suze Orman

What's Women & Money about?

Women & Money by Suze Orman offers practical financial advice tailored specifically for women. The book addresses the unique challenges and opportunities women face when it comes to managing their money, providing valuable insights and tips for achieving financial independence and security. Orman advocates for women to take control of their finances and make empowered decisions to secure their future.

Who should read Women & Money?

  • Women who want to take control of their financial future
  • Those looking to gain a better understanding of money management and investing
  • People who want practical advice on building wealth and securing their financial independence

Personal Finances Books: Magic of Thinking Big by David J. Schwartz

Magic of Thinking Big

David J. Schwartz

What's Magic of Thinking Big about?

The Magic of Thinking Big by David J. Schwartz is a motivational book that challenges the reader to think bigger and aim higher in life. Through real-life examples and practical advice, the author shows how changing your mindset and believing in yourself can lead to greater success and fulfillment in both personal and professional endeavors.

Who should read Magic of Thinking Big?

  • Individuals who want to overcome self-limiting beliefs and achieve their goals
  • Professionals looking to improve their mindset and maximize their potential
  • Entrepreneurs and business leaders who want to increase their success and impact

What's The Only Investment Guide You'll Ever Need about?

The Only Investment Guide You'll Ever Need (1978) by Andrew Tobias offers practical advice on how to make smart investment decisions. Written in an engaging and easy-to-understand style, the book covers a wide range of topics including stocks, bonds, real estate, and retirement planning. It aims to empower readers to take control of their finances and build a secure financial future.

Who should read The Only Investment Guide You'll Ever Need?

  • Individuals who want to learn how to manage their money effectively
  • People who are eager to understand the basics of investing and building wealth
  • Readers who prefer a practical and straightforward approach to finance

Personal Finances Books: Start Late, Finish Rich by David Bach, David Bach

Start Late, Finish Rich

David Bach, David Bach

What's Start Late, Finish Rich about?

Start Late, Finish Rich by David Bach offers practical advice for those who may feel behind in their financial goals. The book provides strategies for saving, investing, and building wealth later in life, showing that it's never too late to take control of your financial future.

Who should read Start Late, Finish Rich?

  • Individuals who want to take control of their finances and achieve financial security
  • People who are starting to plan for retirement later in life
  • Those who want practical and actionable advice on money management

Personal Finances Books: Beating the Street by Peter Lynch, John Rothchild

Beating the Street

Peter Lynch, John Rothchild

What's Beating the Street about?

Beating the Street by Peter Lynch and John Rothchild is a comprehensive guide to successful stock market investing. Drawing from his own experiences as a renowned fund manager, Lynch shares valuable insights and practical advice on how to identify lucrative investment opportunities, analyze financial statements, and navigate the complexities of the market. Whether you're a novice or seasoned investor, this book offers valuable strategies for beating the odds and achieving financial success.

Who should read Beating the Street?

  • Individuals who want to learn how to successfully invest in the stock market
  • Beginner and intermediate investors looking for practical advice and strategies
  • People who are interested in understanding how to analyze and pick stocks

Personal Finances Books: The Year of Less by Cait Flanders

The Year of Less

Cait Flanders

What's The Year of Less about?

The Year of Less by Cait Flanders is a memoir and self-help book that chronicles the author's journey towards minimalism. Flanders documents her decision to go on a year-long shopping ban and declutter her life, as she explores the deeper reasons behind her excessive consumption and seeks a more meaningful and fulfilling lifestyle. Through personal anecdotes and practical tips, the book encourages readers to reconsider their own relationship with material possessions and embrace a simpler way of living.

Who should read The Year of Less?

  • Individuals who want to declutter and simplify their lives
  • People looking for inspiration to break free from consumerism and materialism
  • Readers who are open to exploring the connection between their spending habits and their overall happiness

Personal Finances Books: Fail-Safe Investing by Harry Browne

Fail-Safe Investing

Harry Browne

What's Fail-Safe Investing about?

Fail-Safe Investing by Harry Browne provides a straightforward and practical approach to investing. It emphasizes the importance of minimizing risk and focusing on long-term strategies rather than trying to beat the market. Browne offers valuable insights and actionable advice for both novice and experienced investors.

Who should read Fail-Safe Investing?

  • Individuals who want to learn a simple and effective investing approach
  • Those who are looking to minimize risk and achieve long-term financial security
  • People who are tired of complicated and risky investment strategies

Personal Finances Books: The Wealthy Barber by David Chilton

The Wealthy Barber

David Chilton

What's The Wealthy Barber about?

The Wealthy Barber by David Chilton is a personal finance book that offers practical advice on how to build wealth and secure your financial future. Through a fictional story about a barber who shares his financial wisdom with his clients, Chilton presents key principles such as saving, investing, and planning for retirement in an easy-to-understand and relatable way.

Who should read The Wealthy Barber?

  • Individuals who want to improve their financial literacy
  • People who are looking for practical advice on saving and investing
  • Anyone interested in building long-term wealth and financial security

What's The 9 Steps to Financial Freedom about?

The 9 Steps to Financial Freedom by Suze Orman provides a comprehensive guide to taking control of your finances and achieving long-term security. Orman outlines nine practical steps that cover everything from creating a realistic budget to investing wisely and planning for retirement. With real-life examples and actionable advice, this book empowers readers to make positive changes and build a solid financial foundation.

Who should read The 9 Steps to Financial Freedom?

  • Individuals looking to gain control over their finances and build wealth
  • People who want to create a solid financial plan for their future
  • Those who seek practical and actionable steps to improve their financial situation

What's Common Sense on Mutual Funds about?

Common Sense on Mutual Funds by John C. Bogle provides valuable insights into the world of mutual funds and offers practical advice for investors. Through this book, Bogle challenges the prevailing investment practices and introduces his concept of low-cost index fund investing. It presents a compelling case for passive investing and empowers readers to make informed decisions about their investments.

Who should read Common Sense on Mutual Funds?

  • Individuals who want to understand the basics of mutual fund investing
  • Beginner and intermediate investors looking for practical advice and insights
  • Those who prefer a conservative, long-term approach to wealth building

Personal Finances Books: Financial Peace Revisited by Dave Ramsey, Sharon Ramsey

Financial Peace Revisited

Dave Ramsey, Sharon Ramsey

What's Financial Peace Revisited about?

Financial Peace Revisited, by Dave Ramsey and Sharon Ramsey, is a comprehensive guide to achieving financial stability and freedom. It offers practical advice on budgeting, saving, and investing, as well as tips for getting out of debt. Through real-life examples and relatable anecdotes, the book provides a step-by-step plan for taking control of your finances and building a secure future.

Who should read Financial Peace Revisited?

  • Individuals who want to take control of their finances and achieve financial freedom
  • People who are struggling with debt and want to learn how to get out of it
  • Those who are looking for practical and actionable advice on budgeting, saving, and investing

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Personal Finances Books

What's the best Personal Finances book to read?

While choosing just one book about a topic is always tough, many people regard The Ascent of Money as the ultimate read on Personal Finances.

What are the Top 10 Personal Finances books?

Blinkist curators have picked the following:
  • The Ascent of Money by Niall Ferguson
  • More Money Than God by Sebastian Mallaby
  • Young Money by Kevin Roose
  • When Genius Failed by Roger Lowenstein
  • Meltdown by Thomas E. Woods, Jr.
  • Makers and Takers by Rana Foroohar
  • Investing With Impact by Jeremy K. Balkin
  • Other People’s Money by John Kay
  • The Bitcoin Standard by Saifedean Ammous
  • The Breakfast Club for 40-Somethings by Vanessa Stoykov

Who are the top Personal Finances book authors?

When it comes to Personal Finances, these are the authors who stand out as some of the most influential:
  • Niall Ferguson
  • Sebastian Mallaby
  • Kevin Roose
  • Roger Lowenstein
  • Thomas E. Woods, Jr.