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The Reading List Every Inclusive Leader Needs To Read

Diversity and inclusion are important all year round, but they’re especially crucial during Black History Month. Check out these essential reading tips for anyone who wants to create a safer workspace.
by Vanessa Gibbs | Feb 1 2023

None of us want to admit we have prejudices. But even if we try our best to be inclusive, unconscious bias affects us all. The good news is, we can learn to unlearn these biases, and make our companies — and everywhere else — fairer, more equal places.

Not only is this the right thing to do, but it can also help businesses succeed. A survey by the Boston Consulting Group found companies with above-average diversity had 19% higher innovation revenues. And research from McKinsey found companies with the most ethnically diverse executive teams were 33% more likely to be more profitable than their competition.

But how exactly do we break our own biases? Pamela Fuller has the answer. Fuller is the chief thought leader on inclusion and bias at FranklinCovey, a leadership coaching company. She’s also a former diversity analyst at the US Department of Defense, and she literally wrote the book on unconscious bias in the workplace, The Leader’s Guide to Unconscious Bias.

“The insidious nature of bias is that it inhibits how we define our own possibilities and the possibilities of others.”
–Pamela Fuller.

Learn How to Break Your Bias Fast

To get a crash course on unconscious bias and what to do about it, Fuller has recommended books by experts on the topic. Need to get this knowledge fast? That’s where Blinkist can help.

Blinkist is an app that gathers key insights from non-fiction books and shares them as bite-sized explainers you can read or listen to in 15 minutes. There are 5,500 titles to choose from across 27 categories like psychology, leadership, and personal development.

Blinkist has pulled together Fuller’s recommendations into one handy collection. Here’s a glimpse of what you can learn from the titles.

1. The Person You Mean to Be by Dolly Chugh

Dr. Dolly Chugh is a psychologist and an expert in unconscious bias. In her book, The Person You Mean to Be, Chugh explains how we all form assumptions about other races, genders, and sexual orientations. But, most importantly, the book covers how we can work to unlearn these biases and shed our prejudices.

“Equality says we treat everyone the same, regardless of headwinds or tailwinds. Equity says we give people what they need to have the same access and opportunities as others, taking into account the headwinds they face, which may mean differential treatment for some groups.”
Dolly Chugh.

2. You’re About to Make a Terrible Mistake! by Olivier Sibony

If you’re making high-stakes business decisions, the last thing you want is bias clouding your judgment. But that happens all too often. Oxford University and HEC Paris professor Olivier Sibony explains how we can stop this from happening.

In his book, You’re About to Make a Terrible Mistake!, Sibony dives into how we support our biases by looking for information to back them up, how intuition is powerful but shouldn’t be relied on for business decisions, and how diversifying who’s involved in decision-making processes can benefit a company.

3. Think Again by Adam Grant

Organizational psychologist Adam Grant argues that being smart isn’t the key to winning arguments, changing your mind is. His book, Think Again, covers why we should all examine our opinions, consider our blind spots, and adopt a growth mindset.

“If knowledge is power, knowing what we don’t know is wisdom.”
Adam Grant

As well as examining our own beliefs, Grant covers how we can work — kindly — on changing the opinions of others.

4. Beat Gender Bias by Karen Morley

The glass ceiling is still a problem in the workplace. In Beat Gender Bias, psychologist and executive coach Dr. Laren Morley explains what it is, how it affects companies as a whole — not just the women working in them — and what leaders and organizations can do to overcome it.

One actionable piece of advice from the book? Get to the root of gender bias in your company by listening to how women are affected by it. Then, take steps to solve those problems.

5. Equity by Minal Bopaiah

ou’ve may have heard the acronym DEI, or Diversity Equity and Inclusion, when it comes to making a company a fairer place. But speaker and author Minal Bopaiah argues that while some leaders do a good job of hiring diversely and including women and people of color, the “Equity” part of the equation is often forgotten.

In Equity, Bopaiah covers how leaders can ensure everyone can not only be hired and included but thrive at a company.

A Library of Must-Know Info in Your Pocket

Beyond these five books, Blinkists has other titles Fuller believes everyone should read, like Difference Makers, as well as Fuller’s own bestselling book, The Leader’s Guide to Unconscious Bias.

To really dive into the topic, you can check out Blinkist’s Guide “Eliminate Unconscious Bias at Work,” which is narrated by Fuller herself and takes you through key explainers and short exercises to help you build a fairer workplace.

Blinkist’s library has more than 5,500 books — and counting!

Learn from Strong Voices of Color

Branch out and start learning what other powerful people of color have to say. Blinkist shares the recommended reading lists of the likes of Barack Obama and Oprah Winfrey and collections of thought-provoking books.

One collection you might find particularly inspiring is Black Cultural Icons & Activists. It features titles from Michelle Obama and Chris Bosh, as well as books on topics like Black women and feminism, and being Black in America.

So, whether you’re looking for inspiration from success stories in the Black community or insights on how you can create opportunities for those around you, you’ll find a story that will speak to you.

Understand Important Ideas in Just 15 Minutes

Books on equity and inclusion often contain big, complicated ideas, especially when we’re learning to question and dismantle our own biases. Blinkist’s explainers help you get to grips with these big ideas in just 15 minutes.

The Blinkist team pulls together the most important information, insightful case studies, and actionable advice from books and shares it all in one bite-sized explainer.

Learn and Grow on the Go with Blinkist’s Audio Function

No time to sit down to read? No problem. Blinkist’s explainers are available in audio form so you can listen on the go.

Learn how to be a more inclusive leader while traveling to work, dismantle your bias while running errands, or learn how companies can become more diverse while walking the dog.


And the Blinkist team adds 70 new books each month, so you can easily stay up to date on the latest titles, bestsellers, and best practices in topics that are important to you.

25 Million Users Already Trust Blinkist With Their Self-Growth Journey

Breaking down your biases is hard work, and you need to make sure you’re getting guidance from the right people. All the information on Blinkist comes from top books and expert thought leaders.

In fact, 25 million users already trust Blinkist with their personal development, and they’ve given the app 94,000 5-star ratings.

“What an excellent way to get the best information from books without taking up the time to read the whole thing. Love it!”
– 5-star review
“Get to the core understanding of ideas and concepts a lot quicker in an enjoyable and fast, expertly laid out app that saves a lot of time.”
– 5-star review

One of the World’s Best Apps for Becoming A Better Person

Whether you want to shed your prejudices, build a better workplace, or level up your leadership skills, Blinkist is the app to help.

Blinkist users don’t just read about big ideas, they apply them to their lives. We found 91% of users create better habits and 87% make positive changes to their lives thanks to what they learn on Blinkist.

“With Blinkist you can boost your knowledge and gain new perspectives so that you can be a better professional, a better partner, or a better you.”
– The United Nations

The app has been praised by The New York Times and Forbes, it’s won awards from Google and the United Nations, and even Apple is a fan, naming it one of the top 20 apps for lifelong learners.

Want to learn more about how you can break the bias and start building a more inclusive environment at work? Download the Blinkist app to get started.

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