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VIDEO: 4 Blinkist Editors Share Their Favorite Books-in-Blinks

Tune in for a behind-the-scenes peek at the people who bring you Blinkist, as they share their favorite titles in the Blinkist library.
by Emily Phillips | Sep 22 2023

We get a lot of email at Blinkist HQ. Happy people, grumpy people, and confused people alike come to us with all kinds of questions and our inboxes runneth over with feedback from our community of lifelong learners. There is one particular question, however, that pops up time and time again:

“Do actual people write the books-in-blinks, or do you have some kind of algorithm?”

So we decided to clear things up today, once and for all and show you that real, warm-blooded humans write our books-in-blinks! In the spirit of full, friendly disclosure, we made this sweet little vid to showcase a few of our favorite titles, presented to you by the very humans who bring you Blinkist (and two special guests: see if you can spot the garden gnome and the purple monkey!).

Spoiler alert: we’re a little nerdy.

For language lovers and budding linguists: Erik’s pick is Through the Language Glass by Guy Deutscher.

Caitlin recommends Nonviolent Communication by Marshall Rosenberg – you can always improve the way you interact with others, even when it comes to dealing with difficult people!

If you’re curious to learn more about the nature of creativity and innovation, Ben H. encourages you to pick up the blinks to Where Good Ideas Come From by Steven Johnson.

What can we learn about longevity from the oldest communities on the planet? If this piques your interest, check out Emily’s suggestion, The Blue Zones by Dan Buettner.


Check out our Blinkist Editor’s favourite books for yourself!

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