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Simplify Reading: Abby Marks Beale Says You Can’t Read ‘Em All

Surprise! Here’s one last bonus episode to round off the season where Ben talks to speed-reading expert, Abby Marks Beale.
by Carrie M. King | Aug 24 2017

We couldn’t just leave you hanging! Here’s a final bonus episode of Simplify to help you fill the void while we work on season 2. In this super special secret episode, Ben Schuman-Stoler talks to speed-reading expert, Abby Marks Beale, about what mastering this art can bring to your life, and yes — what speed-reading actually is. Spoiler alert: Superman got it all wrong.

“Some people think speed-reading is reading War and Peace in five minutes and knowing it’s a book about Russia.”

— Abby Marks Beale

At Blinkist, we love books, but we know it’s impossible to get to every single title on your reading list. Marks Beale says that with a few simple techniques, you can read much, much faster, while still getting the most out of the book in question. By the end of this episode, you should be able to figure out how you can become a speedier reader, and an all-round smarter individual.

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Who’s Abby Marks Beale?

Abby Marks Beale is America’s #1 speed-reading expert. She is a published author of 10 Days to Faster Reading, The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Speed Reading, and Success Skills: Strategies for Study and Lifelong Learning. She also writes articles and blog posts for a wide variety of learning websites.

What’s Simplify?

Simplify is a podcast for anybody who’s taken a close look at their habits, their happiness, their relationships, or their health and thought “There’s got to be a better way to do this.” We talk to bestselling writers, productivity wizards, sex geniuses, and happiness experts to find it for you. Life is complicated, but living it better doesn’t have to be. Simplify.

Simplify is made with love by Blinkist. Click here to try Blinkist free for 14 days with the voucher code: monofocus

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Who made this?

Your hosts are Caitlin Schiller and Ben Schuman-Stoler.

Stellar research and production assistance by the outstanding Nika Mavrody.

Thanks to Nico Guiang for our awesome intro and outro music. Listen to more on Soundcloud or check him out on Facebook.

Sound and editing by Ody Constantinou who once won the mid-Atlantic regional text message debate tournament, which serves as a handy reminder to all you out there: never try to win an argument with the audio engineers.

Got links?

Abby Marks Beale’s website, Rev It Up Reading

Extra credit reading:

The Elements of Style by William Strunk and EB White
How Fiction Works by James Wood

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