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Prepare Your Ears for Season 4 of Simplify

Did you miss us?
by Carrie M. King | Aug 16 2018

Sound the podcast klaxons because Simplify is back with season 4 on August 23!

Caitlin and Ben will see you through the dog days of summer and help you kick into gear this fall by asking life advice from Cheryl Strayed, giving zero f*cks with Sarah Knight, and making your mornings matter with Benjamin Spall.

Listen to Simplify

If you’ve heard the podcast before, then you know the drill: 6 authors, 6 episodes, 6 ways to make life simpler. If you haven’t, please listen to the trailer above for an audio sneak peak of what’s coming down the line.

Simplify is getting bigger, better, and bolder and it’s all thanks to you! The first three seasons have clocked up over one million listens and we would be so grateful if you’d help our audience grow even more.

If you haven’t subscribed, make sure to do so before the first new episode drops on August 23. If you’re already a subscriber and like the show, then please spread the word and tell your friends. It really does help!

We love feedback so please feel free to drop us a line about anything you’ve heard or would like to hear at [email protected]. And if you just want to say hi, we’re 100% here for that, too. Of course, if the Twitter-machine is more your bag, you can get in touch with Caitlin @caitlinschiller and Ben @bsto.

Here are the important details in a blink:

  • New Simplify episode drops on August 23.
  • Please subscribe!
  • Tell your friends
  • Say hi via email or Tweet

See you on August 23. We’re looking forward to having you.

And, as always, remember that life is complicated but living it better doesn’t have to be. Simplify.

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