Kindness is the New Smart

Cover Image for the collection 'Kindness is the New Smart'
EQ is a superpower—here's how to cultivate it
By The Blinkist Curators

What's it about?

Kindness is truly magical. By being kind you spread goodness in your wake, and in turn, it brings you happiness. But in our fast-paced and dog-eat-dog world, kindness is not always seen for what it is—some even believe that showing kindness makes you weak. Rather, kindness is a strength that can get you a long way with your conscience still intact. This collection of Blinks and Shortcast episodes will help you explore why and how to be kind in all aspects of life, and imbue kindness in interactions with those around you!

Kindness is the New Smart

EQ is a superpower—here's how to cultivate it
Screenshots of selected Blinks, Shortcasts and collections — available on Blinkist.
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